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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6918595 No.6918595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mathematics beyond adding with natural numbers involves the concept of zero, which is an imaginary concept. There is no such thing as nothing. The pursuit of mathematics is therefore a spiritual study, which relies on faith in imaginary concepts.

>> No.6918601

Zero is a very real number. For example it is the number of OP's sexual partners.

>> No.6918604


>> No.6918608

Zero was only considered a real number after the concept of debt (an unjust claim on the future) was invented by schemers and liars. The reality of observed phenomena proves that things exist, which, by implication, means nonexistence is a fallacy. Furthermore, my lack of sexual partners is key to my success in logical deductions, for I expend no mental resources on frivolous activities of the flesh. Q.E.D.

>> No.6918627

>The reality of observed phenomena proves that things exist, which, by implication, means nonexistence is a fallacy.
Therefore zero exists, for its nonexistence is a fallacy.


>> No.6918632
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>my lack of sexual partners is key to my success in logical deductions

>> No.6918634

That's illogical because it is circular and also a double negative. To say nonexistence (zero) does not exist, is really to simply say that things exist. As a concept, nonexistence (zero) is appropriately filed under logical inconsistency or falsehood.

>> No.6918636

nice troll

>> No.6918638

>That's illogical because it is circular and also a double negative.
But it's a direct consequence of your claim. So you are saying that your claim is contradictory. Nonexistence must be true, otherwise everything exists, including nonexistence.

>> No.6918642

>I have one apple
>I shove one in your mum's cunt
>she enjoys it
>I now have zero apples
>zero is a real number

>> No.6918647

Nonexistence is not a thing. It is a concept that is false, for it suggests that there is such a situation where there is not a thing. This situation is impossible, because to even imagine such a situation implies not only a being which can imagine and process information, but all of the necessary cause and effect that leads to the generation of such a consciousness. That is, unless, one believes in a deity consciousness which exists a priori to all creation - the prime mover.

>> No.6918651

If nonexistence is not a thing, then you can't say it is a concept. You can't describe it with "is". Further if nonexistence is not a thing, then you are saying nonexistence is nonexistent, meaning that a nonexistence is an existent truth.

Therefore the fact that some things are nonexistent must be accepted, and zero must be accepted as the numerical description of those things.

>> No.6918654

>blah blah blah tipping intensifies

Your pseudo-intellectualism is offensive.

>> No.6918655

It is a concept with validity insofar as you believe, blindly, the superstition and logical falsehood of debt, which opens you up to the possibility of being in debt such that your future value as a free human being is spoken for by another. This too is a falsehood, for no one has rightful claim or knowledge on/of the future. The apple in your example exists independently of your logically inconsistent claim that it is mine (due to it being in my hand) or your mother's (due to it being in her cunt). Ultimately, the apple exists and that which constitutes the apple exists, and in no way can that which exists not exist. If you lay claim to the idea of an apple, you do yourself no favor by creating a phantom world inside your brain which is founded on logical inconsistencies.

>> No.6918658

So how many apples are in your pockets right now?

>> No.6918661
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hey sport, you go ahead and take that into a corporations R&D section and see how much money they pay you.

you can circle jerk over semantics all day, but its still not going to change a damn thing.

>> No.6918664

Dude, don't be so mean. He needs this philosophy circlejerking. It's the only way he can delude himself into believing that his lack of sexual partners makes him a "logical thinker".

>> No.6918665

Things (the extant world composed of particles) are different from concepts (ideas which may be fundamentally false and incompatible with the world of particles, which follows an arbitrary set of physical rules and laws.) While conceptually accurate to say there is no situation in which nothing exists, it does not justify or create a situation in which there is nothing in existence. Fundamentally, things exist. The concept of nothing only exists in a positive way, as an assertion that there is in fact not nothing, but something. In no case is nothingness validated in such a way that the definition of nothing is proven true. To be able to conceive of anything at all, is to first logically step upon the foundation of one's own existence, and thus lack of non-existence.

>> No.6918671

I don't know where you get your definition of "things", but I consider concepts things. There are things which exist and things which don't exist.

>> No.6918673

>0 isn't a "real number"
ok, so prove it, we're talking about math after all. You should be able to quickly prove the non existence of a number zero.

>> No.6918676

The lack of hypothetical apples in my hypothetical pocket does not indicate literal nothingness but only hypothetical nothingness. Also, it is an operation within the limits of personal property, which is itself a lie. Furthermore, the example, as well as the apple, are fictional. Q.E.D.

>> No.6918679

Meanwhile le science is le right because muh arbitrary experiments.

0 is a very real number

>> No.6918680

0 isn't an imaginary concept.

learn about linear algebra, the zero and the neutral are very fundamental and can be expanded to any thing.

in addition laws, 0 is the neutral (x+0=x) and there is no "zero", if there was a zero (lets name it y) so for any x we would have x+y=y which is not the case

in multiplication law, 1 is the neutral (x*1=x) and there is a zero, (x*0=0)

those also intoduce the notion of opposite, the ^-1 for additon law x^-1=-x, so we have x+x^-1=0 (equal to the neutral)

in multiplication law, we have x^-1=1/x so x*x^-1=1

with those knos concepts from multiplication and addition laws, we can expand it for example to matrices space (which is the more used)

>> No.6918681

I'm not talking about hypotheticals, I'm talking about real apples in your real pocket. Just admit there are 0 apples in your pocket and delete this thread you fag.

>> No.6918683

A concept which describes a falsehood is a lie.
Zero has been proven many times not to be true. Whenever anyone has attempted to say there is nothing there, it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that indeed there is something there, but the viewer was operating on too limited a range of potential values.

>> No.6918686

The nonexistence of a nonexistent thing is a truth.

>> No.6918689

>being an edgy sperglord faggot
>going on /lit/
bro how fucking many literal apples do you have in your literal pockets you literal faggot

>> No.6918704

Please faggot, arbitrary experiments does not imply arbitrary results, I agree with the existence of zero though.

>> No.6918712

can i say nothingness is nothingness and 0 is just the absence of something(ie empty space)? or am i being retarded?

>> No.6918713

no experiment is arbitrary. if you weren't looking for something, you wouldn't be doing something.

>> No.6918716

>scientific results
>not awful

>> No.6918718

I'd like you to prove it using math. I'm waiting.

>> No.6918726

>the concept of debt (an unjust claim on the future) was invented by schemers and liars
You're thinking of usury. Debt's probably existed since we had a concept of tomorrow and quid pro quo.

>> No.6918728

Thank you for this enlightenment, anon.

>> No.6918736

Then why can mathematics involving zero be used to approximate or predict reality? If zero didn't exist, wouldn't there be a way to simulate results using pure arithmetic using natural numbers?

>> No.6918751

I just wanted to cover all possibilities of the faggotry, imagine we want to know something, there's a wide range of different experiments we could do, we can then make an "arbitrary" choice of one between them, but they will probably give us the same final result(?). Arbitrary choice of experiment, objective result... But I agree with you that at a more fundamental level, none of them are arbitrary.

>> No.6918758

no the choice of experiment will yield a difference in precision of the result, and will have different implications into different aspects of industry/research depending on the experiment. the choice is never arbitrary. it depends on what you're looking for, what reason you're looking for it, and what implications its discovery will have on your work and work in your field. as well as budget restrictions, the quality of your equipment and staff, and your personal level of competence.

>> No.6918770

You're inserting irrelevant points into the discussion. The precision will always be limited either way, and no one is talking about applications. My goal is to argue against this:
>Meanwhile le science is le right because muh arbitrary experiments.
>implying experimental results can lead to arbitrary conclusions (assuming done right)

>> No.6918774

I don't speak maymay so I'm not sure wtf that means.

>> No.6918784
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Neither do I, but he was probably ironically implying that scientific experiments could lead to random results. Or maybe he just misused the word arbitrary. Either way that's why I'm here for. >>6918679

>> No.6918899

ITT: OP abuses equivocation to play semantic games and other anons get baited into replying to it.

Stop abusing the english language OP, she's not perfect, but please do not torture her so

>> No.6919074

Dinosaurs no longer exist, there are no dinosaurs.

We record the number of living dinosaurs on earth with the number 0.

Op is the greatest faggot. There are no other faggots that can compete with op.

We record the number of faggots that can compete with Op with the number 0.

>> No.6919080

Tyrannosaurus REKT

>> No.6919102

>logical fallacies
>pulling a Wildberger
please become an hero you faggot

>> No.6919106

fucking lol'd

do you even chicken shark