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6916994 No.6916994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>being trapped inside a gigantic unescapable suburbia, surrounding by the cold hard vacuum of deep space
I think I'd open every airlock after 5 minutes

>> No.6916997
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Nowhere to hide

>> No.6917006
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>> No.6917020
File: 381 KB, 990x681, earth_messenger_2005214_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being trapped inside a gigantic unescapable suburbia, surrounding by the cold hard vacuum of deep space
with an incredible view, a nice climate, and an out of this world nightlife.The rednecks can have the Earth, us city folk will take to orbit.

It's better than being trapped on a big lump of rock. With a space colony it's not too hard to go to another space colony, asteroids, the Moon, and beyond. It's not that hard to get back to Earth, but getting back to the space colony from Earth is much more difficult

>> No.6917027


What's the matter poorfag? Can't afford a land on Mars?

>get on my lvl

>> No.6917029
File: 33 KB, 652x284, muh mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related

>> No.6917036

Edgy pseudo-misanthropic teenager detected

>> No.6917039
File: 320 KB, 890x890, deus_ex__human_costanza_by_cakebandit-d499l6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>living on a dead, cold, dry desert, deep in a gravity well with an atmosphere that doesn't even have the right gravity, instead of a space colony designed to support human life

>> No.6917043

>no ionosphere
Good luck with radiation

>> No.6917069
File: 258 KB, 351x364, 1408114762614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not care about the view
>not getting annoyed by any other human beings
>not posting on 4chin
>smoking weed, eating healthy and self-grown stuff erryday
>being able to spend my time however I please without wasting any in contributing to pleb tier society

I don't see the problem

>> No.6917123

hopefully it would have several layers around the outside of the loop

>> No.6917125


Going to orbit may be expensive, but getting back from orbit is not exactly difficult.

>> No.6917131

Read 2312 or Shipstar. There are many choices available.
Some of these colonies could be wildlife parks, some of them recreating extinct eco systems.

>> No.6917149


>> No.6917198

>there are not several layers of doors to prevent crazies like OP to kill everyone

>> No.6917202

More important question is, would we ever be able to construct a thing that big in space? Because of economical reasons, I doubt there will be any.

>> No.6917205

>being trapped in an organic body that require expensive upkeep only to acquire defects and eventually break down.

>> No.6917209
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if you design a space colony with airlocks that can be opened simultaneously, you deserve to have them opened on you. That being said, for large space colonies, the leakage rate can be rather manageable.

yeah, you just can't use materials launched from Earth. Most space colonies call for building a mass driver on the moon to shoot dirt up to a Lagrange point that you process into your space colony using judicious amounts of solar power

>> No.6917242

When will this happen?

>> No.6917283

>would we ever be able to construct a thing that big in space?
Find a large asteroid or two and rebuild them.

>> No.6917287

long after you turn into a spooky skeleton.