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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6909867 No.6909867 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider psychology a science? I think it is. An important one, too.
Just want to know your opinion and why.

>> No.6911901

>Just want to know your opinion

>> No.6911905

It's defined as a social science, so yes.

>> No.6911909
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>> No.6911970

this is bait please leave

>> No.6912000

It's defined as a social science, so no.

>> No.6912038

I think it's a science. I'm a neuroscience major and although the psych classes I've taken were easier, they weren't pointless. The way I see it is psychiatric disease is so complicated that if we can't understand it all biologically, we might as well gather behavioral data on it. If I can't understand a gasoline powered engine yet, is it not worthwhile to figure out that putting gasoline in it keeps it from shutting Down?

>> No.6912041

>he actually saved it in a jpg because he got too lazy to type it


>> No.6912122

They only psychology I would trust would be neuropsychology. Modern psychology is fair game for any quack. People can literally justify and make sense of insanity

>> No.6912211

it's the best we've got on the subject. neuroscience isn't even close to explaining simple behaviors yet, so black-box theories are all we've got. push a button and something happens - never really know how or why. not yet, at least.

its criticisms do a very good job of outlining its very same challenges.

the clinical field is indeed full of quackery, see Baumeister et al., 2010. and its bachelor's programs are a joke. its students mostly destined to become kindergarten teachers or glorified paper-pushers in HR. it is definitely limited by ethical and legal concerns. people who are convincing enough have actually managed to get admitted to mental hospice, see Rosenbaum. and more often than not it is manipulated as a political or ideological tool. but at its best it is the only thing that attempts to explain the mind and behavior.

freud is dead. the dreamers all gone. curiosity is here still

>> No.6912458
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You need real intelligence to understand the need, background and field of psychology. The fact that psychology isn't considered a science or useful at least at 4chan is a prove of that.Or it could just be wanna be scientists, like a lot of /sci/ are to narrow minded.

At the other hand, psychology proves us that things that can not be defeated become hated by those who see no other way to protect them self from the influence of which they become afraid of.
Tohe most people the brain is a superstructure that they can not understand but somehow they know it workings resembles what they now of a computer.
You got your cooling system, which is the blood, the lungs, the skin the heart and of course the veins. You got the loading bay, which are the senses. You got the CPU which are the neurons. And you got the HD, which are the axons.
And although you might not get it, empirical data has shown in great lines it works like that.

We can predict feelings, moods and even personality changes, commercial success products, relationship games and military training all prove that.

So go ahead, get you calculator, install you telescope and dig your whole, psychology is for real, smart people, to understand the essence of your soul.

You want prove, so you can use words to make yourself look smart, retard. Let the supreme intelligent people rule over you, for you are just average, with a narrow view of the most important thing in human history, your own control center.

>> No.6912464

Cognitive psychology and neuropsychology are both empirical and have close connections to biology and shit. Then there's shit like social psychology which I get the impression only exist to sell headlines to tabloids and women's magazines.

>> No.6912505


The problem with the field of psychology in the world of science, is that it is often hobbled by human feeling. Feeling/emotion as far as I know, is not a quantifiable or measurable entity. Feeling is extremely subjective and people can change their minds about how they 'felt' at any point. Emotions and feelings, which have a huge impact on behavior, are highly subjective, and the reason it is often dismissed.

I agree with >>6912122, though. With neurology side, you're dealing with the biology and chemistry behind neurons in the brain and body. For the most part you're dealing with objective measurable events, rather then relying on interpreting subjective emotions.

>> No.6912508

Cognitive science (a branch of psychology) gave us the scientific approach to understanding and quantifying intelligence (IQ). Tell me how this isn't rigorous science.

>> No.6912526

That counting is trivial, so say Mr Stephen Hawking.
Intelligence, we need to change what it means, we need new terms for it.
Considering a mathematician and a musical prodigee.
One cant do what the other can, at least not as good, who is smarter? The Mathematician can be more useful, but maybe he is good at math and not so much as a social person, he cant talk, he cant impose his ideas, he cant have his way into society, while the musician has friends, connections, ecc, and will go on.

A Biologist and a Physician, what if the latter got an IQ of 180 but
The Physician found a new way to draw the atom structure
The Biologist found how to recreate photosyntesis in a way that it can be used to build new kinds of solar panels?

Naa this is too far fetched of an example, but my point is that you cant just quantify intelligence like that.

>> No.6912529

Why would a physician care about atoms? He has patients to cure.

>> No.6912533

>Let's compare Stephen Hawking to a crack whore.
>The latter is surely more talented at shaking her ass.
>Therefore we cannot say that one is more intelligent than the other.
>cognitive science disproved, QED

Seriously? Don't you get tired of pretending to be retarded? Think of a new bait, moron.

>> No.6912550

No it isn't. Not that it can be, but now it isn't.

Want explication ? Go to a psychologie course and say to the students that you want to close 100 of babis in a box to see how they build their relationships.

>> No.6912552

music is math

>> No.6912557

You're not even sufficiently intelligent to speak English. Opinion discarded.

>> No.6912563

haha, if you cant speak english you're a retard? :D
if YOU cant speak swahili or chinese you're a retard too?

>> No.6912567

You don't speak the language of this board and you know nothing about the topic of this thread. Why are you here?

>> No.6912572


>> No.6912574

If I dont speak the language of this board how did you understand my last post? Just askin'

>> No.6912578

oh, and what do you know about the topic of this thread? psychology is just mostly some stuff Freud made up from his childhood

>> No.6912580
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>psychology is just mostly some stuff Freud made up from his childhood

>> No.6912711
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I don't know where this is from, but what's amusing is that understanding analogical reasoning requires psychological science. Relational learning is the foundation of human cognition. Most ignorant blowhards on this board bashing psych resort to psychological terms and concepts. Interesting, isn't it?

>> No.6912724

Your English is so horrible that your whole post doesn't even make any sense. Telling people that you want to see how babies can build relationships in some sort of room isn't even a proper explication.
Your argument fails to prove or show us anything, therefore it's totally irrelevant to this thread.

>> No.6912741

You get to understand why some persons are so fucking retarded