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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 109 KB, 768x432, 1000509261001_1873427123001_Einstein-Nazi-Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6909592 No.6909592 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think einstein in his prime could accomplish with 2014 technology and discoveries?

>> No.6909602

Nothing. Eistein didn't discovered anything except quanta.

>> No.6909605

sage goes in all fields

>> No.6909606

He would discover the aether

>> No.6909612

"That fucker just assumed what we were all trying to prove to be true."

>> No.6909622

biggest b8 I have ever seen

>> No.6909627

He wasn't that smart. He failed babby's first differential geometry in high school.

>> No.6909630

If he was so smart, why didn't he discover the Barnett identities?

Checkmate Einsteinfags.

>> No.6909650

he wasn't the greastest genius of humanity

and Maxwell is for me the real father of modern physics since everything come from the fact his equation worked fine with electromagnetism but not with the rest of past physics' theories

still einstein was a genius, maybe not a mathematical freak, but a genius by the real definition of genius

he also had the awesome luck to be at the center of a lot of movement in physics field due to maxwell equation, and working to the brevet office he had acces to a lot of information

HE was a the center point of timje and space, where physics changed radically and in less than 1 year, he publicated 4 papers that are the base of quantum physics, relativity, brownien movement.

that's why he is a fucking rockstar, cause he fucked the mind of all the physicist of his time by those 4 papers in less than 1 year

>> No.6909664

who WAS the greatest genius in humanity then

>> No.6909686

>implying this isn't a pointless and stupid debate

>> No.6909687

Richard Dawkins

>> No.6909692

>Luminiferous aether
Get out.

>> No.6909698

>Greatest genius
>His most notable work recently has been yelling at Christians that what they believe is wrong.
Top kek

>> No.6909704

I'll respect Dawkins when he takes his theories to Mecca

>> No.6909709

>implying what he did

>> No.6909712

Muslim mathematicians and scientists face done more for humanity than dawkins ever will

>> No.6909714

>missing my point

>> No.6909715


he was 15 for his first scientific pulication, beame a professor of cambridge universty at 25

he wasn't even 30 when he changed the world with his equation on electromagnetics

>> No.6909717

>comparing an entire thousand year old culture that currently includes a billion people to one person

Yeah, that seems fair.

>> No.6909729

>wasting this much time on obvious b8

>> No.6909732

If Einstein was such a genius, why didn't he stop Hitler?

>> No.6909734
File: 529 KB, 2213x3230, 1311169080523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choosing newton over Leibniz
People like this actually exist?

>> No.6909751

He does get props for being involved in war and politics unlike other pansy-arsed intellectuals.

>> No.6909767

ahh you guys are stupid. Einstein would just be an average physics research in 2014. Having major discoveries is based on luck similar to how people get rich.

>> No.6909773

daily reminder that leibniz invented computer science

>> No.6909775
File: 3.32 MB, 640x360, Z7FpC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I usually don't respond to idiots/bait. but being the first of mankind to grasp the theory of relativity is in no way based upon luck, mein neger.

Unless you say he was lucky has chalk didnt break on the chalkboard while he was writing down equations, or that he was lucky his fart was dry and not wet as he released it while having an epiphany.

>> No.6909776

he would probably fail school, be diagnosed with ADHD and labeled stupid for his question about the bicycle.

>> No.6909781

he will also commit suicide.

>> No.6909782
File: 2.82 MB, 170x144, nicholas-cage-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or that he was lucky his fart was dry and not wet as he released it while having an epiphany.

>> No.6909785

>fail differential geometry
>in high school

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6909802

Excellent taste
I seriously doubt that.

>> No.6909816

Leibniz and Galois > all

I wish I could have Leibniz here today to talk to him about all the crap he anticipated. If it weren't for that faggot Voltaire...

>> No.6909822

They have should have artificially inseminated several thousand women with einstein's sperm. We'd be living on mars by now if they did.

>> No.6909835

Unrelated note;

How much of a genius does /sci think Richard Feynman was?

>> No.6909839

I am honestly shocked that there was no mention of Gödel, way to disappoint me. inb4 you inform yourself of Gödel metric

>> No.6909845

125 iq, so he was obviously a retarded pleb who couldn't even get into mensa

>> No.6909847

An unofficial test he sat in highschool at the age of 15. . .


You telling me that someone with an IQ possibly lower than mine achieved all he did in the field of quantum electro-mechanics? Don't think soooo

>> No.6909851

There's so much low quality threads today. I had to hide to many. I think the thread about computer science or software engineer had more profound discussions than some of these shit tier threads even though computer science/software engineer is off-topic.

>> No.6909852

You're so close to a revelation and you don't even know it.

>> No.6909854

>implying that proper, rigorous computer science isn't math

>> No.6909855

>that IQ alone isn't indicative of someones potential or future success

I know what you're saying

>> No.6910978

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.6911046

quantum internet

>> No.6911084

>What do you think Einstein in his prime could accomplish with 2014 technology and discoveries
Nothing. The kind of environment in which a physicist like Einstein could be successful is nothing like the state of physics today. He would be expected to work on string theory just like Hawking, and he would be getting nowhere just like Hawking. Meanwhile the experimentalists in condensed matter will continue to make breakthroughs, even though they're not "fundamental physics."

>> No.6911094


>> No.6911183

I published a paper at 15, I'm definitely not a genius.
Or an I?
I have no fucking clue...

>> No.6911188

>Or an I?

I think that sentence answers the question that it's supposed to be...

>> No.6911195



>> No.6911272


Einstein wasn't a genius of the caliber of Gauss, Euler, Riemann, von Neumann, etc. He just stumbled across a theory which turned out a great success. There were thousands of others who had the same ability, but not the same luck as Einstein.

I hate it when people extrapolate that only because someone did something in some time period, he would do the same today (times the ratio of technological progress).

Few people in science&math had such vast mental abilities, that they couldn't help but revolutionize everything they touched. Most just got lucky.

>> No.6911345
File: 40 KB, 403x403, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barnett Identities

>> No.6911353


>> No.6911357

>ripping up the contract
definitely not the smartest move

>> No.6911359

age doesn't have anything to do with that

>> No.6911365

Well if he were born in 2014 he would've never met Minkowski and he'd never have had the maths tools to elaborate his theories

>> No.6911371

You telling me that you have over 125 IQ and that you're wasting your time bragging about it on an image board ? Don't think soooo

>> No.6911402

Definitely Gauß.

>> No.6911428

mr. Tesla of course

>> No.6911433

neil "the grass" tyson

>> No.6911458

Not him but, being unsure if your post was stated ironically I'll answer:
Yes, my IQ is higher than 125 and I'm shitposting on an online korean comic book chat room.

>> No.6911459

>Neil smoke the grass Tyson

>> No.6911511

>Not a single mention of that kid that gets shitposted on /sci/

>> No.6911516


>> No.6911535

A Dead White Guy

>> No.6911567

>"was" in all capital letters
Top kek

Gauss, no contest.

>> No.6911580

Lol gtfo. He's not even the greatest philosopher in history, let alone the greatest genius. Wittgenstein and Kant have done way more than he has, and you certainly can't compare him to someone like Gauss or Leibniz. Nietzsche is just philosophy for art school students.

>> No.6911589

he probably wouldn't. Modern technology is too distracting.

>> No.6911592

You are painfully wrong.

>> No.6911594
File: 201 KB, 755x1543, einstein thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think einstein in his prime could accomplish with 2014 technology and discoveries?

Einstein was a thief. He didn't invent shit. He stole it all from others. Pic related.

>> No.6911597


>ittgenstein and Kant have done way more than he has

>endless austitic reductionism to language and ivory tower speculation about the mind
>"done more"

Those two have effectively taken the philosophizing out off philosophy. They're half-ass, pseudo-scientist. Nietzsche is an actual philosopher.

>> No.6911598


This is quite true, he'd probably be shitposting on /sci/

>> No.6911605

Heard of Asia Carrera?

IQ of 150+ according to an official Mensa test and she sucks Dicks for a living.

125-130 IQ on a message board isn't that far fetched.

>> No.6911606

So this board is more about history than science&math itself

>> No.6911620


>> No.6911623

that has nothing to do with /pol/ you dense idiot.

>> No.6911626

You're saying that as if it was a bad thing. There is nothing unintelligent about sucking dicks.

>> No.6911635


Just wiki'd her and she sounds like a total loser:

"Carrera is an avid player of Unreal Tournament. She designed her own game skins and was featured in the show Players on the G4 games cable channel, where she revealed that her screen name is "Megabitchgoddess.""

"wore a colander on her head for her Utah driver's license photograph in honor of the Flying Spaghetti Monster."

No wonder she gave up that >150 IQ to fuck guys for money

>> No.6911831


Must everything be "go back to /pol/" these days?

>> No.6911865
File: 20 KB, 293x219, 1397440022171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6911874

>could spend all your time inventing shit or discovering shit
>or you could spend all your time sucking dicks

It doesn't take a genius to know which one would be more fun.

>> No.6911893
File: 77 KB, 960x384, Einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Concrete Refrigerator Anon.

A Concrete Refrigerator.

>> No.6911899

You can thank Einstein for your GPS

>> No.6911908

i had no idea Asia Carrera was an engineer.

>> No.6911918


>> No.6911935

She's also an atheist! Euphoria!!

>> No.6911943




>massive leaps forward in theory in the span of a few years by a single man

Einstein knew how easy and uninteresting getting shitloads of patents was.

>> No.6912006

> feminist detected

>> No.6912400

I think it's harder to be an Einstein today than it was in his day. I think he would have been a good physicist, but not a solo world changer.

Who knows though.

>> No.6912417

Look at me, I'm the modern scientist of today, and I'm trying to conflate the moot proposition whether God is real or not using Meta-physics or Quantum-physics. I am trapped inside a non-physical mind game that is not generative of actual physics or technology. I cannot realize that the only thing that we can do is enjoy this existence and work towards enriching it with fancier tech, food and medicine n shit.

If you commit to meta-physics or quantum physics, stay put on your armchair(s) and stay out of the fuckin' lab.

>> No.6912460

ITT: Physicists casually overlooking socio-economic backgrounds and praising scientists who have other people's papers published under their names in a field that wouldn't read said papers if they weren't published under said names.

>> No.6912476

Maybe he would have proven that OP is a faggot. I mean, it is something we all already know, but a distinctive proof is still missing.

>> No.6912493


>> No.6912507

so fucking true i could cry.
>Einstein wouldn't get published in todays environment, his ass would still be filing other peoples patents, he would be a blogger.

>> No.6912522

What do you think einstein in his prime could accomplish with 1900's technology and discoveries if he were German instead of Jewish?