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6906365 No.6906365 [Reply] [Original]

Is a master's degree closer to "a bachelors plus" or "a mini-PhD"? I am talking about academic achievment/rigor, not jobs. Or does it vary strongly by field?

>> No.6906372

>hi, I have no interest whatsoever in my field. And I am driven by social dogma as opposed to an inherent curiosity to learn and understand. I evaluate myself around an arbitrary title given to me by arbitrary, and relatively, insignificant people.

>> No.6906374

min-phd in principle but it really REALLY depends on the study.

>anything relating to pharmaceutical chemistry
You failed to get your PhD.

>anything related to engineering
You were smart enough to not get a PhD.

>anything related to mathematics
You want to teach.

>anything related to biology
Biology is not a science.

>> No.6906376

>>anything related to engineering
>You were smart enough to not get a PhD.
I know of no jobs that expect a PhD for engineering.
Lots of the fun stuff wants a Masters degree.

>> No.6906380

Is posting against someone you agree with a new kind of shitposting?

>> No.6906382

I misread it... my bad
it's late and I'm waiting for my movie to finish to go to bed.

>> No.6906384

oh man that delicious first post #rekt

>> No.6906387

t. Starbucks barista and community college dropout

>> No.6906390

actually a renowned physicist at a top university.
I eat people like you for lunch.

>> No.6906805

There is big difference between masters in European countries and masters in USA or Asia.

In my Slavic country it's exactly bachelor plus but that is because our Bc study is shorter. You also have to get masters first before you can apply for PhD. Some fields also just skip bachelor and the first title you can get is masters (in 5 years).

>> No.6906831

In the basic sciences (physics, chemistry, biology), you failed out of the PhD program. Whether it is bachelor's+ or mini-PhD then depends on whether is was a course-only or a thesis master's I suppose.

>> No.6906899


When will this stupid "masters is a PhD washout" meme end?

Lots of people do masters without even entering a PhD program because they want to work in a setting besides academia

>> No.6906916


Could you be more vague please?

>> No.6906918


>> No.6906920
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>> No.6906949

I don't know about physics but it is pretty much the case for pharmaceuticals. Bachelor's or PhD.

>> No.6907015

Also, I think in the UK you have to do a master's before a PhD, or at least it helps.

>> No.6907041

pretty sure that is everywhere bro

>> No.6907078

You actually don't. Anyone I know pursuing a PhD entered the program right after getting their Bachelor's. I'm sure getting a Master's beforehand would help though.

>> No.6907088

I can imagine you frothing at the mouth and cackling with glee as you typed those words.

>> No.6907593

If you are going to get a phd is there a point to getting a masters too? I know you generally have to do a masters before you get your phd but I've been seeing lots of options where you can transfer from a masters to a phd after doing your masters program for 1 year.

>> No.6907631

Want to be an industry slave doing boring work for above average wages? Stay with your Masters Degree.
Want to work for a research institute? Good look without a Ph.D.

>> No.6907635

>good luck


>> No.6907688


I'll translate this into reality.

>Want to make a living you can survive on? Stay with your master's degree
>Want to suck your grant commitee's dick for the rest of your life? Good luck without a PhD

>> No.6907703

I mean... Sucking dick isn't so bad, r-right?

I heard some /g/ swede got a mac and an iphone doing that...

>> No.6909079


>> No.6909152

For most non-science fields, like Engineering, Business, Arts, Technology, ect; getting a PhD is only useful if you want to teach it, or be a manager on big projects-which people who do that rarely get their PhD after Undergrad studies, but instead get it after working in the industry for a while. So getting a Masters in the fields above is basically getting more specialized experience than a Bachelors, but not doing the unnecessary research and study which isn't needed for the type of positions most people go after in said fields.
In most natural and physical scientific fields, however, a PhD is more valued for most workers, as Masters programs mostly just cover more specialized courses while PhD programs cover research, which most Scientific jobs centered around. But Masters do have some value for people working in the Private industry who are needed to have some specialized experience and education, but not at the extent length of getting PhD and wanting researching skills from the worker. I've know a few Nuclear and Chemical Engineers who were getting paid to go back to school to get their Masters in Chemistry or Physics to 'understand the work more clearly' by their employers.
Also, I'm not sure most people in PhD programs who drop out before submitting their thesis and getting their doctorate are often able to get their Masters before doing so. It's kind of like it is for Associate Degrees for most people dropping out of a Bachelors program in their 3rd or 4th year, for which I mean to be able to get the Associate Degrees you still need to meet said programs requirements which someone enroute in a bachelors, even in their 3rd or final year, might not have finished, or their university might not offer it for people that late in the process, or that they might be too grief stricken and depressed from dropping out that they don't care and miss the deadlines to request the change.

>> No.6909171

>Biology is not a science

>> No.6909194
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lol no one cares you faggot, enjoy being a virgin

>> No.6909199


I don't know about the us, and this has always confused me, but you need a 5 year education where I come from to begin with your phd in engineering fields like computer science, physics, etc.

historically we had "Diplomized Engineers" that absolved a 5 year degree which is now equivalent to a master's, after which they could begin their phd.

how can you start your phd without your masters'?

maybe that's why you make such shit cars.

>> No.6909270

>Biology is not a science.
ayy lmao

>> No.6909285

All of these bad answers. I'm disappointed.

A master's can go either way:

If you do any research for it, like writing a culminating paper, then it's a mini-PhD.

If you just took some classes and passed quals, then it's a bachelor+.

>> No.6909296

what if you do both?

>> No.6909301

There's usually a thesis track and a course track.
The thesis track usually includes some courses and a couple of my courses were basically mini-research projects

>> No.6909335

in engineering Master's degree + basic people skills gets you into management.

>> No.6909343


>> No.6909386

Because in the US, at least, there is no market for people with a degree in a pure science holding a Master's degree and everyone I know that went the Master's route failed their qualifying exam to many times. The exceptions are programs which require you get a Master's along the way, but those are increasingly less common.

In the engineering fields, I know that there exists a job market for people holding a Master's; this just isn't the case with the pure sciences.

>> No.6909412

>>anything related to biology
>Biology is not a science.



>> No.6909470

Is it worth getting a Masters degree at all even? Above bachelors and no hires give a shit anymore. In fact, it'll kill your chances because they'll think you were some elitist academic blabbermouth.

>> No.6909478

It's impossible to just take some classes / pass quals, and do research / write a culminating paper. They're necessarily mutually exclusive. Baby research for a class doesn't count as research at all, sociology scum.

>> No.6909498


>> No.6909635
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Depends on track, I'll speak from experience

Mathfag here, in a masters program at shittier east coast small uni cause I did not get into any math phd programs when I applied, I didnt even take math subject gre at that time.

There are two tracks at my school, thesis and non-thesis, but the fucks who do the thesis are usually too chickenshit to take comps and how our gay system is set up, if you do a thesis, you take a few less classes and no comps. What's even gayer is that thesis fags usually shit out the same ODE systems analysis where they take a stupid predator-prey model, add some bullshit tweak, then write 100 pages on how that changes the dynamics and interpretation of it.

I know, I know. I'm mad, and to tell you the truth, I am, because the point of doing a thesis is to do original research and gain that skillset, not shit out some cookie cutter lotka-volterra dribble.

Anyways, it is not as easy as thesis = miniPh, non-thesis = bachelor+, it is dependent on career goals and work experience, if you are a kickass teacher with experience, you can get a job as an instructor at any major university, though you can bet you won't teach anything over calc 2.

Sad fact of life :(

>> No.6909879

opinion discarded b/c you can't even type a fucking paragraph.

>> No.6909885
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>> No.6909932

In engineering, yes.
only allows you to be a professor

>> No.6910602

In Europe Master's is seen as equivalent to the Diplom we had before Bologna introduced the undergraduate/graduate degree system.

>> No.6910611

In my University you NEED a masters degree (and with a good enough grade) before you can apply for a PhD.

>> No.6910619

Ph.D EE will lock you out of most positions. They only areas that really want a Ph.D are antennas/E&M, plasma and controls. Thoses jobs are few and far between.

>> No.6910628

In the Netherlands, it's like this:

-Bsc in three years;
-Msc in one or two years: one year = for getting jobs outside of research; two years = research/engineering.
-PhD in four years (usually only people who have a research master's degree do this).

Apply for a PhD without a master's and you will be laughed at.

>> No.6910639

Also depends on your country.
In the USA, you go right from a bachelors to a phd typically - a lot of schools either do not offer a masters degree or give you a masters on the way to the PHD after a couple years.

Here in Canada, the master degree is essentially a mandatory requirement to be eligible for acceptance into a PHD program.
In order to apply to a PHD program, you must first complete a master's degree. Exceptional people can apply to a master and then transfer after some time directly into a PHD program.

>> No.6910710

Most Ph.D at a research institute are program managers and slave drivers for post docs and post masters.

You can work at research lab with a trade certificate.