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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6904645 No.6904645 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never utilize your brain solely for mathematics and be able to solve problems as naturally as you recognize faces or shapes

>> No.6904655

>being this pleb

>> No.6904658

>not being able to utilize your brain solely for mathematics and be able to solve problems as naturally as you recognize faces or shapes.

It's like you don't even study science and mathematics

>> No.6904660
File: 165 KB, 300x411, 2961015[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but pic related

>> No.6904662

You can study all you want but you can never intuitively solve problems as quickly as you could recognize a face

>> No.6904673

I know mathematicians and engineers who have trouble recognizing faces

Joke's on you

>> No.6904675

>>tfw you will never utilize your brain solely for mathematics and be able to solve problems as naturally as you recognize faces or shapes

>tfw people complain that instead of simple calculators and PDE engines, they have neural hardware that is optimized for solving generally-applicable very high difficulty problems that the Machine Vision people would fucking kill to own.

>> No.6904676

let's theorize a bit on this, I am spectacular at recognizing faces, to an autistic extent, what can we surmise from this?

>> No.6904680

that recognizing faces is not the most instictive thing in the world.
Especially for someone of another race.

>> No.6904749

but you do!
the brain is calculatin all the time when you catch a ball or walk towards a door

>> No.6904773

Actually you can.

>Carl Sagan was often known to smoke cannabis which he claimed in Marihuana Reconsidered “helped him intellectually.” Richard Feynman set up deprivation tanks and experimented with pot to “explore human consciousness”. Edison fueled his life by Vin Mariani, a cocaine infused wine that allowed him to sleep only 4 hours a night. Steve Jobs recounts his LSD experience as the “single most important event of my life.” But enough about those who found their way artificially. Far more interesting are the tales of natural experiences of this sort. Those that touch us to believe there is another abstract Platonic realm.

>As it happens accomplished Physicist and Mathematician Roger Penrose has spoken often of “breaking through to the Platonic Realm.” Godel as well talked of experience with a realm where he could perceive mathematical objects. Of course this theme is not new to mysticism.

>> No.6904776

>Others tell of an almost sixth sense from which they receive revelation. Einstein would talk of the "old one" and his religious feelings quite often. Both David Bohm and Brian Josephson, another nobel prize winner, are known to meditate to gain mystical insights to guide their creation of theory.

>David Peat talks of his experiences

>A remarkable feeling of intensity that seems to flood the whole world around us with meaning … we sense that we are touching something universal and perhaps eternal so that the particular moment in time takes on a numinous character and seems to expand in time without limit. We sense that all boundaries between ourselves and the outer world vanish, for what we are experiencing lies beyond all categories and all attempts to be captured in logical thought

This doesn't have much to do with being clever. It's more a kind of mysticism. Do you think Ramanujan would have been such a maths wizard if he wasn't praying to the Hindu gods constantly for help with his maths?
I don't think you should mess around with this stuff though. You might not believe me but I think it's often demonic in nature. Certainly there are spirits involved, and I doubt that they are always benevolent.

>> No.6904780

the use of drugs has always been associated with witchcraft/occultism. The shamans to this day use them to contact spirits.


this girl took a drug that these shamans use and describes her experience
I doubt that the things that she saw were benevolent.