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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 102 KB, 722x432, CommonCoreLogo-color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6895465 No.6895465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Common Core is an over complicated, beyond redemption attempt to teach niggers and illiterate spics.

It is so over convoluted because people who don't actually have to teach niglets and spiclets are attempting to bridge a basic intelligence gap they've never encountered in their safe heavens of higher education.

It will be replaced by something just as bad in about seven years.

We need to simply only care about the Test scores of Whites,Indians,and Asians.

>> No.6895469

Inb4 thread delete

>> No.6895470

get fucked, moron

>> No.6895473
File: 232 KB, 610x455, 1416675321912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895489


... This is true though. There's long-established legal principles that convicted criminals have a lower legal status that citizens, dating back well before the foundation of the US, and indeed felons can't own guns in the US for that very reason..

>> No.6895495


Doesn't say that in the amendment bro, which is what the CC dogma is claiming.

>> No.6895497
File: 13 KB, 403x302, common core math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895503


Thee first amendment also doesn't include provisions angainsdt slander and libel, but they're still crimes. You need to consider the amendment +case law +interpretations + relevant statues. Much constitution just doesn't cut it. That image is correct in that it describes the legal regieme surrounding guns as it stands today.

>> No.6895504
File: 57 KB, 600x450, 1416676062068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have the right to certain guns,providing that they register them.

>> No.6895506


Legality != actuality

>> No.6895507

>"wahhhh kids aren't learning the same way I did"

that's a good thing, maybe they won't end up as stupid as you

>> No.6895508

What happened to:
>draw 15 tickmarks
>draw 7 more underneath
>ask how many you'd need to go from 7 up to 15

>> No.6895516


What the fuck.

Silent Spring/Feminine Mystique/Greenpeace but no fucking Korean or Vietnam war?

>> No.6895519


>numbers not divisible by 5 are too hard for nigs
>lets dumb everyone down

ok bud

>> No.6895524

it's an AMERICAN history book

you think those guys are going to include wars they lost?

>> No.6895526

Don't use fallacies when you debate.

>> No.6895527

Spic here. I'm 26 years old and taking Calculus I at a CC because the white man Math is too hard for me.

>> No.6895528

The problem isn't that it's different. The problem is that it's extremely difficult and inefficient.

>> No.6895529

Feminine mystique is obviously much more important than the Vietnam war, you reactionary shitlord.

>> No.6895532

Base 10 is too hard for white boys to understand too

I study math and you want to know how many whiteys are in my class on average? Like 3

Wanna know how many chinks and foreigners are in there? The rest of the room

>> No.6895536


Are you Canadian?

>> No.6895538

With this new subtraction, you take the first number and minus either 10/5, and then use that to subtract the other number from, right?

So what would happen if that was 9-7?

You'd end up with 9-5 = 4; 4-7 = -3

>> No.6895540

the OP post isn't a debate it's a shitpost

His argument is "they had to change the way we teach kids the number system because they need to teach minorities" then goes on to say how they had to dumb it down, then goes even further to say "It's too difficult for kids to learn"

How is common core supposed to be the easy way out if it's more difficult than the "traditional way"???

>> No.6895541


>> No.6895552

this has nothing to do with math he's talking about teaching kids how to read?


I don't see why /sci/ cares this much, most of you won't be given the opportunity to reproduce

>> No.6895563

Why are we changing the system in the first place? Who's having the most difficult time in school?

>> No.6895567

>With this new subtraction, you take the first number and minus either 10/5, and then use that to subtract the other number from, right?

No. It motivates and illustrates the process of carrying place values during subtraction. First you empty the ones' place by subtracting the min(ones', subtrahend) then you move on to subtracting the remainder of the subtrahend from the tens' place. It's done in 2 steps to show why/how you're carrying.

The should be obvious to anyone mathematically trained.

>> No.6895568

>Why are we changing the system in the first place?
because Americans spend the most $$$ per student yet they get the shittiest scores compared to the other 1st world countries, and even some of the under-developed ones??

>Who's having the most difficult time in school?
Americans, that's why they are changing their education system.

You can put the blame on any group of people but when it comes down to they are ALL doing bad compared to other countries.

Why do you care so much? You aren't learning the common core way and you don't have kids learning it so why give a shit? On the off-chance you do have kids who are learning it this way then maybe instead of going on 4chan you can use your 1337 engineer skillz to teach him the """right way"""

>> No.6895573
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>Americans spend the most $$$ per student yet they get the shittiest scores compared to the other 1st world countries

Pic related.

>> No.6895576

>all of this wrong

Americans are actually doing quite well in school. We're well within the top 10. It's only the niggers and spics that are doing poorly.

A good reason to care is that my money is being stolen to do it, and people are going to be even stupider.

>> No.6895578
File: 71 KB, 547x507, 4th-grade-dcps-white-black-hispanic-math-gaps-2003-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are we changing the system in the first place? Who's having the most difficult time in school?

Blacks & hispanics... aka the only demographic segments that are growing.

U.S. Department of Education calls this "achievement gap".


US is fucked anyway because there's no fucking way to increase the IQ of these groups in only a generation or two.

Idiocracy, here we come!

>> No.6895580

I've been saying it for a while... start learning russian and chinese.

>> No.6895584

White americans actually score the same as other european countries. Asian americans score the same as other asian countries.

When you take out the low IQ element (blacks and hispanics), American scores are much better

sauce : steve sailer's blog

>> No.6895585
File: 22 KB, 195x195, spiderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people has been getting it wrong for centuries
>mfw nobody understands that the 2nd amendment talks about amputees

>> No.6895589

The fuck is a PISA?

>> No.6895591
File: 161 KB, 898x1346, 6346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I break the test scores down by race .

>> No.6895594


This is what the country comparisons for test scores come from.

>> No.6895596

>CC Dogma


Sorry, ok, it's just... You guys. There's been like a thousand threads on this, and yet everyone is still convinced that the common core means you have to teach things a certain way. It's not. New math is not common core, it's new math. That social studies worksheet is not common core, it's just the worksheet that school decided to give its students.

Common core is just a set of standards. You must be able to do X by grade Y. That's all. It's an attempt to make a United Stated education be just as valuable no matter what state your in, so that moving out of the south doesn't put you 2 grades behind. All these new teaching methods are the latest in a constantly changing set of methods that nobody gives a shit about until the news media tells them to. For christ sake read something other than a blog about it and educate yourselves

>> No.6895598

"without due process"

>> No.6895601


(thats why I posted it)

>> No.6895629

>/pol/ kid has to rage about race for no reason
I would agree with you if you didn't turn this into race wars BS.

>> No.6895630
File: 1.88 MB, 216x144, 1414461804149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A blog

>> No.6895648

It's not wrong though.

White/Asian kids do fine, this is tailored for blacks/hispanics to do well in school among other bullshit

>> No.6895659

Well this isn't something all people are required to do. If it is proven that this works in less educated areas (We will have to see) then it can be adopted as a form of special education. This isn't being forced on everyone so there is no reason to get upset about race and try to turn it into a race war thread.

>> No.6895661


>Well this isn't something all people are required to do.

Most states have adopted and are transferring to CC curriculum.

>If it is proven that this works in less educated areas

It will raise test scores in "less educated areas" by lowering standards, that doesn't mean kids are receiving a better education, they do better because the content is retarded.

>> No.6895662

>there's no fucking way to increase the IQ of these groups in only a generation or two.
Except that's false and black IQ is growing faster than other races comparatively.

>> No.6895664

See >>6895596

>> No.6895667


It's being implemented in my state, new books and everything has already cost the state millions.

>> No.6895668


indians are actually rlly dumb
its just that only the smart ones come to the usa

ya common core if stupid

>> No.6895672

Then give a list of which states are using it.

>> No.6895675

>they do better because the content is retarded.

Except most of /sci/ can't even comprehend CC

>> No.6895679

I hear states are getting fined if they don't adopt the program.\\

CC was created because of white privilege.



>> No.6895680


46 states

My state is only listed as "incremental" and has already spent 14 million dollars implementing it.

>> No.6895684

ok, again >>6895596
Common core refers to state education standards, not ways of teaching.

>> No.6895687

>/pol/ complaining about muh race wars
>Doesn't know that common core was first adopted in hill billy states to help poor white kids
>Doesn't realize the "muh" white privilege guy was for reading

>> No.6895692
File: 163 KB, 950x766, blackpop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hill billy states to help poor white kids

The poorest states in the US have the highest black population

>> No.6895695

They're likely buying new books because the ones they have are woefully inadequate tho bring kids up to the current standards. Which material they choose is up to them, so long as kids don't get a high school degree without ever drawing a parabola etc.

he meant the textbook, not common core. Which again, and please pay close attention here, IS NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING.

>It's all an SJW plot
Or, or..... SJW's are the type of people who will shoehorn that into everything they've done even if it's totally irrelevant and could not have have had any effect, because they want pats on the back for being progressive. "I decided to change my car's oil before the maintenance schedule requires it, because I think that all people of all races are beautiful and I should only share the road with them in a top shape car." Sure, whatever. Next.

>> No.6895699

Good job ignoring my point /pol/. It started in kentucky.

>> No.6895713
File: 371 KB, 2550x810, Black-and-White-P-Rates-and-Gaps-in-top-Gap-Schools-in-Louisville-Table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats cool.

Doesn't change my point though.

This is from a majority black county and also one of the poorest in kentucky

>> No.6895718

>Doesn't change my point
Why did you even bring it up? It literally had nothing to do with what I was talking about, you just wanted to bring up race war bullshit.

>> No.6895724
File: 50 KB, 478x325, Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 4.03.18 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but someone's butthurt. don't like the FACTS I see...

>> No.6895726

Ok but we weren-

>> No.6895727
File: 355 KB, 2550x1020, JeffCo-and-KY-Grad-Rates-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You brought it up m8

I just provided you with some insight on the education system in Kentucky

Those kids are in the same schools receiving the same education.

>> No.6895745

The most important component of learning is having a healthy learning environment. Without a place to learn, it's near impossible to succeed. Any who do succeed do so by the skin of their teeth.

>> No.6895750

>having skin
Is this what CC is teaching?

Thanks obama.

>> No.6895757

It is kind of an important point to be made. Whether the problem is across the entire spectrum of the US population or in many ways isolated to certain communities should affect the way it is addressed.

>> No.6895780

That post doesn't have anything to do with common core.

>> No.6895792

>The most important component of learning is having a healthy learning environment.

is this why the poor kids in India, that shit in fields and have no running water and have intermittent diets, outperform kids in ghettos in US that have everything that these other kids lack?

Only stupid shitheads like you think that way. You and your ilk are the reason why this country's so fucking delusional and why we're gonna go down harder than Roman Empire did.

>> No.6895797

people who blame "muh common core" for increased liberalism in textbooks are fucking clueless

it would have happened whether common core was rejected or not

>> No.6895802

Hindu privilege :^)

>> No.6895809

>MUH BLACKS is always an important point to make no matter what it has to do with the topic

>> No.6895823
File: 26 KB, 553x238, india-china-iq-sailer1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's false.

>> No.6895830
File: 583 KB, 608x562, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since this is somewhat related. I'm doing washers and disks, and I'm kind of confused with the area. I'm talking about the inside between y=4k and y=x^2. Does that area signify a hole? So when I revolve it around the x-axis, it makes a giant hole?

>> No.6895835
File: 10 KB, 597x365, untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. And we are trying to find a piece of that hole that will give us the whole area?

>> No.6895847

>Well since this is somewhat related
It's not

>we are trying to find a piece of that hole that will give us the whole area?

Take your homework elsewhere.

>> No.6895850

>chinese vs indians
now compare indians to basketball americans and see it's true.

>> No.6895858

It is. I thought a /pol/ kid like you would memorize the current black american IQ.

>> No.6895881

You can imagine it as a whole, but since you're working with volume I would prefer to picture it as a solid with a center of symmetry that runs through the x-axis. The volume of the solid is the area of one slice (like the slice you have drawn in the (x,y) plane times Pi to account for 360 degree rotation.

>> No.6895904

IQ is affected by nutrition and access to education. The IQ studies which Lynn based his results on were conducted on rural communities in the 1960s, when illiteracy was high and nutrition very lacking.

A similar jump can be seen between africans in africa, which have a very low IQ, and basketball americans, who have an avergage IQ a standard of deviation above african blacks.

The indian diaspora in Africa has historically been much more successful and richer than the native africans, thus suggesting a higher IQ for indians than for africans.

>> No.6895932

>IQ tests don't matter because some indians in africa have more money
You can't be this stupid can you? Indians in other countries tend to be more wealthy than the norm.

>> No.6895940

I did >>>/hm/1018558 they aren't answering.

>> No.6895945

>IQ is affected by nutrition and access to education

LMAO.. is that why ethnic groups in US, one of the richest countries in the world, don't perform any better than ethnic groups in their native countries?

You're so damn delusional and brainwashed. Go look the graphs that people have posted in this thread for evidence of how idiotic you sound.

>> No.6895948

Not have more money, are more successful in general i.e. better educated too.

It's interesting because unlike indians who immigrated in western countries post 1960s, who are usually from the "elite", the indians who immigrated to africa did so during the 19th century as indentured laborers, so they're more representative of the "average indian".

>> No.6895951
File: 72 KB, 550x412, ganges-poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The indian diaspora in Africa has historically been much more successful and richer than the native africans, thus suggesting a higher IQ for indians than for africans.

Evidence suggests otherwise.

>> No.6895954

Are you dumb? I obviously believe that ethnic groups differ in average intelligence. I'm just pointing out that niggers in Africa are way way dumber than niggers in america due to bad nutrition and such.

I'm just saying that indian IQ is depressed because of malnutrition, which is visible in the fact that the 19th century indian diaspora (in africa, guyana, trinidad,...) is much more successfull than the nigger diaspora.

tldr : learn to read faggot

>> No.6895955

>Not every indian is able to get an education
>Wonder why the ones who do tend to have better test scores

>> No.6895957

>talking about indians in africa
>posts picture of the ganges
It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.6895958


>LMAO.. is that why ethnic groups in US, one of the richest countries in the world, don't perform any better than ethnic groups in their native countries?

Not that guy but they do.

IQ is affected by nutrition and environment, blacks in the US have a higher IQ than blacks in Africa. Poor rural whites have a lower IQ than wealthy whites.

That doesn't mean it's not genetic, intelligence is hereditary there's no doubt. Somehow it's accepted that intelligence is inherited in every single species, except humans, cuz das raciss. So while blacks in America have a higher IQ than those in Africa, it's still significantly lower than white IQ.

>> No.6895961

ok, because i laffed

Yeah it's the difference between the volumes of the solid you get from rotating your higher function around the x axis, and the solid you get from rotating your lower function around the x axis. If you take the area between the functions and rotate that, it looks like a bowl.

It's called "washers" because if you take a line segment from g(a) to f(a) and then rotated that around the x axis, it looks like a washer. And you're adding up the combined volume of all those washers.

>> No.6895966

Wait... it's scientifically accepted that intelligence is inherited in other species? REALLY?

>> No.6895969

Except people generally see a species IQ as around the same unlike /pol/ who devices every single genetic group.

>> No.6895971


So would you say intelligence is not inherited at all in humans?

>> No.6895973

>strawmanning his argument

>being this fucking dumb in an IQ thread

please die

>> No.6895980

>Strawmanning his argument
But that was his argument.
See, this is a strawman.

>> No.6895981

>Are you implying that rich countries (the only metric for that being GDP) necessarily must have the best education systems?

Are you retarded? Those metrics are irrelevant to one another.

>> No.6895983


It's a question, not a strawman.

>> No.6895986

Do you even know what a strawman is?

>> No.6895987

He's retarded, fellow /sci/on.

It's not his fault.

>> No.6895988


Just to be clear it is a serious question, I'm yet to see anything to the contrary, I'm new to hurrdurrniggers thought took 2 years of /pol/ to start coming around to it.

>> No.6895994

>/pol/ calling /pol/ /sci/

>> No.6895996

It's reducing someone's nuanced point of view to something that seems similar, but is in fact completely different, a specious comparison that leads ignorant listeners to agree with you, but only because you created a strawman argument to burn rather than engaging with the actual argument posited by the person on the other side.

Which is exactly what happened there. So please die, or at least stop posting. You are the cancer here.

>> No.6896001

But his argument was
>indians are more intelligent than blacks in america
And I showed that he was wrong. Where is the strawman?

>> No.6896010

>It's like you're not even trying.

>The indian diaspora in Africa has historically been much more successful and richer than the native africans, thus suggesting a higher IQ for indians than for africans.

If Indians are so smart, then why is India such a mess?

>> No.6896013


>The indian diaspora in Africa has historically been much more successful and richer than the native africans, thus suggesting a higher IQ for indians than for africans.

He was talking about African Africans

>> No.6896019

>He was talking about african americans
No he wasn't see >>6895823

>> No.6896020
File: 229 KB, 869x1313, 1415986976719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't know what diaspora means

>> No.6896025

>India such a mess

>country with a nuclear umbrella

>landed a probe on Mars

>second largest Internet user-base after the U.S.

Have you ever been there, anon? I have, and it works pretty well considering they were dealing with British Colonialism until a half century ago. Talking about shitty countries...

>> No.6896026

>IQ thread
IQ threads shouldn't even exist on /sci/. Only idiots from /pol/ bring it up because it is the only thing to make them feel good about their sad life.

>> No.6896027

>But that was his argument.
No it wasn't, you idiot. I'll try to explain it bit by bit because you are evidently on the left side of the bell curve.

I was originally responding to this guy >>6895858
who claimed that basketball americans and indians had the same average IQ.

I never said that IQ tests didn't matter. I just said that the Indian IQ which was measured by Lynn (82, iirc) was probably depressed due to the fact that it was administered on a bunch of peasants in the 1960s. I'm not saying that IQ tests are worthless, just that bad nutrition and illiteracy will result in lower scores.

I also said that this was also visible among niggers : niggers in America score in the mid 80s, while niggers in Africa score in the low 70s. So we could expect a similar "jump" in indian IQ if it was administered on well fed indians who had access to western standards of education.

I then supported my idea of indians having a higher average IQ than blacks by mentionning the history of indians in africa : you probably wouldn't know it, since you're a fucking moron, but hundreds of thousands of indians immigrated to East and South africa during the 19th century and early 20th century, to either work as laborers (usually on railroads), or to do clerical work/merchants. This indian immigration is more representative of the general indian population, as compared to the indian immigration to the USA today, which is mostly college educated upper class people.

These indian immigrants were rather successful, much more successful than the local niggers, despite facing the same "discrimination". This could be explained by the fact that indians have a higher average IQ than blacks.

I'm not saying that indians have an average IQ that is higher than whites. But it's certainly higher than the average IQ of niggers. Personally, I'd peg it somewhere in the mid 90s.

Do you understand now or do I have to explain even more?

>> No.6896029

50 years of a planned economy. Nehru was a huge commie.

>> No.6896034

>who claimed that basketball americans and indians had the same average IQ.
But he never said that. Now you are strawmaning.

>> No.6896036

No, you're full of shit and need to stop posting your retarded racist diatribes.

>> No.6896038


This was a serious question.

Pls respond

>> No.6896040

No one implied otherwise.

>> No.6896041

O rly????

What about :

>now compare indians to basketball americans and see it's true.
>It is. I thought a /pol/ kid like you would memorize the current black american IQ.

Tell me how you interpret that exchange.

>> No.6896042

the black population is decreasing
hispanics will eventually slow down too, and mix with whites more improving their genes

>> No.6896043

Yet they can't stop shitting on the streets.


>> No.6896044

What's false in what I posted?

>> No.6896046

He showed that Indians in fact have lower IQs than African americans.
Why are you still responding after being proven wrong?

>> No.6896047


So if it's heritable how is it impossible that certain population groups with differing phenotypes have different IQs.

>> No.6896048

>the black population is decreasing

>hispanics will eventually slow down too, and mix with whites more improving their genes
yeah right. mixed are still dumber than non-mixed.

and by the time they blend in, US will be finished.

>> No.6896049

Europeans did it too 500 years ago.

India in some ways is stuck in medieval times, but it's a more promising place intellectually speaking than, say, subsaharan africa.

>> No.6896051


>> No.6896056

I can't tell if you're trolling or not.

Read my fucking post >>6896027

>> No.6896058

>They have IQs
>But it doesn't count because low literacy!
You really are stupid aren't you?

>> No.6896060


This, too, is a serious question.

I'm not setting you up, I just don't see any strong arguments against racial differences in intelligence. All I get is shit like >>6896036 for asking questions.

>> No.6896063

Ok Einstein, how do you explain the 15 point jump between africans in africa and blacks in america?

>> No.6896066

Notice how he said generally? Most people don't care about the small IQ differences between slightly different genetic groups of the same species and even if you did it would be nearly impossible to map since for example West African blacks and African americans are about as far apart genetically as you are to a black guy.