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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6893825 No.6893825 [Reply] [Original]

How do you derive f(x) = (10x^2)/5 ??!?!??

>> No.6893831

Just take x and multiply it by 10x and divide by 5

>> No.6893832

By derivating it, nigga.

>> No.6893833

It's already derived.

>> No.6893839

What the actual fuck? Are you retarded?

>> No.6893840


wait then how does integralation factor into this???!?!?
seriously guys i have my fourth calc exam tomorrow and i have a 67.6 in the class I NEED HELP NOW TO PASS

>> No.6893843

f(x) = (10x^2)/5 = 2x^2
f'(x) = 4x
Also, your image represents an integral, not a derivative.
What was the point of this?

>> No.6893844

WTF did you get that using the fundamental theorem of calculus thing or whatever? What exactly is that?

>> No.6893848

f(x) = (10/5) * x^2
f'(x) = (10/5)(2) * x^(2-1) = 4 * x^1 = 4x

>> No.6893850


>> No.6893856

jesus fucking christ man wtf this is my second time retaking the class i cant do it over again if i fail then ill get dropped out of the engineering department

>> No.6893857

That makes two of us. :^)
I'm going to bed. Good luck with your exam.

>> No.6893860

On the offchance you're not a troll and you're actually brain damaged then that anon is doing it using a bunch of theorems that you prove. Using the formal definition of the derivative is a little more involved. Read your textbook, anon. You'll get a lot more out of your book than you will out of us. At least come back when you know precisely what to ask us.

>> No.6893869


im in a school in mexico city and spanish is my second language so its hard for me to understand what the textbook is telling me

>> No.6893879


>> No.6893881

lol, you're gonna fail

>> No.6893884

thanks for the self-esteem boost, anon.

>> No.6893908

Do you need antiderivatives too or just derivatives?
Check your book, look at the practice problems, what kinds of equations do you need to know derivatives for?

Derivatives of some x^n are simple, it just becomes n * x^(n-1), so x^3 will become 3x^2, and if you take the derivative again it will become 6x (and if you do it again it becomes 6, then 0, then 0, then 0.. but this isn't important). You'll probably need to know a handful of derivatives too, like what is the derivative of log(x), or e^x or sin(x). Check your book nigger, you can use www.wolframalpha.com, just type your shitty equation in and it usually tells you the antiderivative and derivative somewhere. If you need more shit like how to derive derivatives and antiderivatives manually you're shit out of luck, that's pragmatic as fuck and I don't feel like typing for hours to explain how to derive two multiplied equations if you know the derivatives of each individual equation and splitting up antiderivatives and so on

>> No.6893910

I hope you do, if you can't do calculus I don't want you building shit.

>> No.6893920

jokes on you faggot my uncle already said hes getting me an internship with intel, then i also just applied for a research position with nasa over this coming winter break which im confident ill get

>> No.6893924

plus, ive been volunteering with habitat for humanity so thaats where ive been getting most of my practical hands on skills

>> No.6893928

nobody takes a fucking derivative or whatever when their in the fucking field so get yiour facts straight before you talk shit faggot. destroyed.

>> No.6893936

Lmao. You won't take a derivative in engineering? Holy fuck balls you have no clue. I hope your internship with your fucking mechanic uncle goes well, this way in deep Utah some truck driving faggot won't get his car fixed well.

If you can't take a derivative and failed calc ONE, calc fucking OOOOONNNNNEEEE once already how the fuck do you think nasa is going to have any use for you?

Read your textbook you goddamn retard.

>> No.6893945

lol your argument techniques are laughable pleb. i bet the highest level of engineering youve dont is building fucking legos lolo0lolol

>> No.6893975

wtf faggot reply if your so tough ;)

>> No.6893987

You're not going to make it in engineering if cal 1 is this much of an ordeal for you.

You might as well change to a business major, it seems like the only thing you are doing right is networking.

>> No.6894011

LoL, you're gonna fail, faggot

>> No.6894018

prove it faggot ;) id love to know what scores you got on your calc one xams haha probably like 37 percent pleb

>> No.6894025
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>this thread

>> No.6894038


>> No.6894046

How are people falling for obvious b8? OP is an attention-hungry try hard whore.

>> No.6894055

bro it's just f'(x) = 4x

you multiply the whole shebang by the power of the exponent, then take the exponent down by one power and

>> No.6894056

Not as much of a whore as your mom faggot how do you think you were born

>> No.6894061

Triple integrate it. All you need to do is apply barnett's theorem.

>> No.6894063
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>can't into power rule derivatives
>confident he's getting a research position at nasa

>> No.6894066

Well at least I'm trying and that's what employers look for most, not who can get the best integral or derivation or whatever so stfu you don't have practical knowledge

>> No.6894072

>engineering department

>> No.6894073

if you cant do a simple integral like that you might as well kill yourself

>> No.6894081

>doesnt take the time to learn simple differentiation

jokes on you, youll be bored out your ass

>> No.6894087

The only thing coming out of your ass is everything you say

>> No.6894088

Everyone who applies for an intern position at nasa is trying you fucking retard.
The people who are going to get the position are those who are at the top. Those who have experience, who have fantastic grades, those who actually care enough to open their fucking text book and learn what you should've learned in the first few weeks of your high school calc class.
You will never make it. You will never be a part of nasa. You think that because you are "trying" then the job offers are gonna start flying in your face. Rofl have a good life nigga
8/8 fell for the b8

>> No.6894090

The head of the department said I could start taking graduate courses my junior yeat

>> No.6894096
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>> No.6894097

>falling for obvious b8

>> No.6894132

>not knowing that the majority of boards on 4chan are dedicated to trolls trolling trolls

>> No.6894152

I swear to god Sci is the easiest board to troll... Earlier there was that archangel infinity guy a baiting it out into 100+ thread and now this. Jesus Christ its like you guys are new to 4chan or what.