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File: 59 KB, 320x282, Boyle'sSelfFlowingFlask[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6892207 No.6892207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could perpetual energy be possible someday and if so, how?

And what effect might such a discovery have on society?

>> No.6892213

Well we can't rule anything out with total assuredness, but I can't conceive of any way to achieve perpetual energy.

If it were ever achieved it would affect society drastically. With a source of infinite free energy, you could accomplish so many things that now are impossible. Use your imagination, man.

>> No.6892220

In theory you can harvest free vacuum energy.
However, we've not yet devised a practical means of doing so. If such a device were contrived it would revolutionize power generation, and if the so-called EM drive really works, then you've got free transportation.

>> No.6892228

Can you change a cisgendered male into a cisgendered female?

>> No.6892231

you can't (reasonably) expect to create such a device because of muh conservation of energy
but you could cheat and extract energy from things with nearly infinite amounts of the stuff relative to our own energy consumption
suck it out of empty space, or out of a rotating black hole
hell even fusion would do the trick once they nail cheap ignition

>> No.6892235


From my understanding of what is politically correct, gender is chosen by the gendee. Therefore, if the subject claimed to be a cisgendered male, and then claimed to be a cisgendered female, what you have described would have taken place.

Pretty stupid, huh?

>> No.6892241

That doesn't answer the question, you little twerp.

>> No.6892248


Can you?

>> No.6892310

I know nothing about biology, neurology, and chromosomes so no.

>> No.6892382

Wtf, is that latest /sjw/ newspeak?

>> No.6892490

This is the closest we could get to it


>> No.6892505

i like you

>> No.6892673
File: 2.54 MB, 1280x720, perpetual motion engine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6892700

>free transportation. The alleged EM drive doesn't produce energy, it's just doesn't need a reaction mass. It still needs to get all the energy it's outputting as thrust from electricity.

>> No.6892707

you can create a "perpetual" motion machine (which will eventually fail) but you can't extract energy from it

>> No.6892749

lol what s that from

>> No.6892767

We already have the sun as an infinite energy source. A ring of solar panels around the equator could power the world easily. Oil companies don't want cheap energy, though.

>> No.6892776
File: 50 KB, 600x480, heavyrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can avert heat death with such technology.

If anything like that bullshit was possible...

>> No.6892777

The sun is not infinite and solar panels around the equator can only provide power to areas close to the equator and only while the sun is shining on them. But I guess conspiracy theories are easier than actually creating solutions.

>> No.6892781

no really the EM drive is a perpetual motion device if it works.

Let k be the force per watt

since power is force*speed:

P_out = P_in * K * speed

For speed > 1/K,

P_out > P_in

And you are getting more power out than you are putting in and you have a perpetual motion device.

>> No.6892782

You can't get something for nothing. Not above the sub atomic level, anyway. Quarks and shit appear into and out of existence all the time with no net energy expenditure. The universe itself was once the size of a quark and it too came from nothing, only it decided to stick around, creating an energy debt that it still hasn't repaid. A vast amount of "negative energy" is spread throughout the whole universe.

>> No.6892791

It's infinite as far as the concept of a free lunch is concerned. You're completely wrong about how much power it would generate, too. It's enough for the whole world a few times over.

>> No.6892798

>It's infinite as far as the concept of a free lunch is concerned.
So it's not infinite.

>You're completely wrong about how much power it would generate, too. It's enough for the whole world a few times over.
I never stated anything about how much power it would generate. Nice reading comprehension.

It doesn't matter how much energy you can produce if you can't store it and/or transport it without losing it. How are you going to get that electricity to North America?

>> No.6892821
File: 31 KB, 208x214, 208px-HV_Solar_Array.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar isn't all you people make it out to be.
It's expensive to manufacture, being silicon based, however new technologies are emerging in an effort to make it cheaper and more efficient.
They've yet to deliver. Not as if they won't... But their time has not come.
Building and maintaining such a vast solar array would be a pretty big feat of engineering, especially to meet growth.
We're talking space elevator type tech for that to be possible.
Just go online and buy up some solar shit to power your own home. It's expensive and barely scrapes by acceptable returns, under various nonoptimal circumstances.

Energy companies want to produce more energy, in effect making it cheaper.
The demand is so high and universal for cheap energy that you can make many times more money by selling more energy than to simply keep prices high and new technologies down.
It would be stupid to do so.
The truth is there is no easy way of getting it done.

>Pic related
It is how solar does not work.

>> No.6892830

Powerlines, or wireless transfer. Enough energy could be made to account for losses.

>> No.6892835

>you people

Am I detecting some oil company bias there?

>> No.6892843
File: 104 KB, 1200x627, Weird-Al-Foil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm talking about you as a tinfoil.