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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6890990 No.6890990 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the pumping Lemma To me?

>> No.6891044

You have it on a page in front of you, at least explain what you're confused about.

>> No.6891425
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>an integer <span class="math">n \in \mathbb{N}[/spoiler]
>an integer
><span class="math">\mathbb{N}[/spoiler]

>> No.6891733

I'm not OP, but:
>All finite languages are regular; in particular the empty string language {ε} = O* is regular.

How does the pumping lemma apply to this empty string language? I don't see how it would work, yet it is supposed to work for all regular langauges, so I am missing something. Or someone is trolling wikipedia in a strange way.

>> No.6891741

not technically wrong.
>A human h our of {x| x is american}
works too

>> No.6891744

>americans insist on calling natural numbers integers

>> No.6891775

what's the difference?

>> No.6891786

Let's say I fucked your mom. You can assume that there some some foreplay and/or conversation in the beginning, and some goodbyes at the end, and that I thrusted at least once. But I would still have fucked her if I thrusted an arbitrary number of times.

PS your mom's a whore

>> No.6891793

Europeans also call natural numbers integers because they are.

>> No.6893891


>> No.6894889
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Not even OP, but...

Please be a teacher or a professor or something. Preferably in the deep south or somewhere where people are generally pretty retarded.

I almost never come to this board unless I need tro be brought down a peg and reminded how dumb I really am compared to other people. I'm a total idiot when it comes to science and math and only recently have I tried to remedy this because my best friend has decided to be a physics major and I'm becoming literally too stupid to hang out with him and his friends. I'm close to losing his friendship because of it.

I'm supposed to be lightyears away from getting shit like this, or even getting a firm grasp of high-school algebra, yet you took a concept I had no hope of grasping and made it lowbrow enough for me to begin to comprehend.

Mostly I'm just going to lurk this board instead of adding dim-witted comments, but that was pretty amazing. /sci/ is like my high school chemistry teacher that stapled McDonald's applications to failing tests, yet was forced to join the army out of high school and discourages kids from joining the military because he almost died in the Gulf War. You can try to be dicks all you want, but no matter what, you'll always be knowledgeable and helpful just by being you.

I guess a good way to remember your description is by picturing OP's mom as a woman named Lemma and envisioning you pumping her.

>> No.6894897

>coming to 4chan to be brought down a peg on the intellectual totem pole

nigger you have a long way up if coming on fucking 4chan makes you feel like an idiot

>> No.6894898

Natural numbers are a subset of integers. A set does not equal the elements or subsets within the set. {The set of all integers} != {The set of all natural numbers}

>> No.6894900



>> No.6894901

Just draw a simple automata that satisfies those requirements. Once you see it it's actually really obvious. The hard thing is understanding the negation of the pumping lemma (what you prove in order to show that a language is not regular).

It's vacuously true for the empty language. Vacuous truth is a strange and counter-intuitive beast if you've never seen it before. I highly recommend any comp-sci or math major take a formal logic class early in their university careers. It will explain the reasoning for a lot of things.

>> No.6894903

>Europoors also call all apples fruits, because they are.
>Apples are a subset of fruits. A set does not equal the elements or subset within the set. {The set of apples} != {The set of all fruits}

>> No.6894906

>there are no integers in the set of natural numbers

>> No.6894919

The whole point is that there are just as many integers that aren't natural numbers as ones that are. It's shitty proofreading on the part of the CS professor who wrote it.

>> No.6894923

>/sci/ porn title: Pumping Lemma
I like it. But, sorry, I am not a teacher, though I do daydream about it often. It seems like a pretty comfy job compared to my real one.

>> No.6894950
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