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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6858839 No.6858839 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/ How does it feel to know you'll never be able to approach this level of mathematical skill? I apologise for the blurry quality, the majority of you wouldn't even be able to follow along with the first few steps anyway so it hardly matters.

>> No.6858844

dude, did you just fucking solve a triple integral/

>> No.6858845
File: 497 KB, 400x225, 1374029562691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really came here just to brag about your Ph.D?

>> No.6858847

Yup. I'm not going to lie, it took me a while, but I expect my Fields medal to arrive soon.

>> No.6858848

If you're so smart, tell me what is dy/dx if y/x is some other variable, like z?

You should be able to solve this.

>> No.6858849

with non-rectangular coordinates no less! impressive...

>> No.6858850

So, are you going to accept the Fields Medal?

>> No.6858855

At least i don't use a potato as a camera

>> No.6858860

OP will soon be able to afford a better camera than you ever will.

>> No.6858861

I think I might, it depends though. I don't want to seem pretentious like Grigori Perelfag but I don't have much interest in materialism.

>> No.6858865
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Guys how can you fall for such a simple bait?

He converts to cylindrical coordinates. so it's r, theta, and z, not x, y, and z.

Theta has no dimensions so it doesn't count, this is really only a double integral.

>> No.6858868
File: 723 KB, 1508x2048, aint no triple integral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck. I thought I was cool with my problem solving skills but a triple integral would eat me for breakfast. How much brain training did it take to increase your IQ to such superhuman levels

>> No.6858872

The majority of it came naturally, although I also engage in a daily regime of polishing my katana and brushing any errant flecks of detritus from my fedora,

>> No.6858879

after a triple integral a dumb question maybe but here goes:
the domain of sqrt(a) is R+ u (0)
f(x) = x^2 f>R->R+u(0)
inverse f^(-1)(x) is R+ u (0) -> R
am i wrong?

>> No.6858884

>>6858879 fug
>f(x) = x^2 f:R->R+u(0)
>inverse f^(-1)(x) is R+ u (0) -> R
>am i wrong?

>> No.6858885

Oh yeah? I can do the Gram Schmidt process. I've got you all beat for breakfast.

>> No.6859006

Didn't Grigori Perelman solve the hardest double integral of all time?

>> No.6859038

What if you triple integrate a triple integral?

>> No.6859044

Then you obtain the Millenium Prize.

>> No.6859261

but can you do a quadruple integral

>> No.6859263


>> No.6859273
File: 1.22 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your face when you can't fit one lecture on two pages of A4 paper

>> No.6859282

>yfw my professor gives us another 20 pages of lecture notes every 2 or 3 lectures

>> No.6859287

That feel when I'm struggling with Calculus I at a CC, and I have a test tomorrow.

>> No.6859289

>tfw I take 0 notes and instead actually spend my energy listening and watching the teacher when they're teaching and get As
You guys seriously suck at learning when like 50% of the class copies notes perfectly and can hardly pull Bs

>> No.6859297

People learn by different ways. Maybe they have to do the exercise of writing to activate their memory.

>> No.6859313

>implying our homework doesn't consist of "hey, remember that identity from class? I'm not going to reproduce it here, but use it to prove the following six things."

>> No.6859316

Are you my database systems prof? He has a new 20-40 page handout almost every class. The man passionately hates textbooks.

>> No.6859320

I'd believe that if they consistently got good grades. The only people I've seen do notes and get As are the ones who study that shit for like 4 hours a day, and fuck, if I did anything for four hours a day I'd be a god at it.

>> No.6859330
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x2448, 20141106_202105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW 4 pages are needed to write down one proof.

>> No.6859331

no but i have a professor does the same. and he uses transparencies which like nobody else in the dept does. it's nice because you have his notes on a big screen and in front of you on the desk and you can just listen to him lecture and reference the notes if you need more details because he goes through any derivations in his notes that may not be in the book

>> No.6859334
File: 30 KB, 150x150, kaneda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real analysis

(captcha: nilpotent bleenli)

>> No.6859347
File: 27 KB, 263x217, smug24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commutative diagrams
>Metric spaces
>Real analysis

>> No.6859349

You didn't talk about metric spaces in analysis? The fuck did you do then?

>> No.6859353

Talk about =! completely cover and specialize on the topic.
Take your autism somewhere else.

>> No.6859354

>using class time to verify that things are 1-1 and onto


>> No.6859356

What class is this anyways? Measure theory?

>> No.6859357
File: 7 KB, 202x184, 1411158310718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just finished 8 hours of statics problems

>> No.6859358


>> No.6859365
File: 19 KB, 571x448, strung_out_on_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no pretty pictures

at least your handwriting is pretty

>> No.6859368

Statics, as in like, +Dynamics?

I can do that shit now, but when I'm learning it, I cannot tell you what my brain was doing. Teacher was a total bro and gave most of us A's, but those classes were something else.

>> No.6859369
File: 244 KB, 800x573, 1eddd581ff9612c621455b6f6c6eb380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those shitty ass commutative diagrams are pretty
The blackboard is much easier to write on.

>> No.6859387
File: 1.12 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty commutative diagrams

try this on for size

>> No.6859416

Everything in analysis is done in a metric space (often compact for introductory course).

>> No.6859430

I'll have you know that I took real analysis 1 and 2 without ever discussing the notion of a metric space.


>> No.6859435

Lol Vector Calculus/Calculus-III is easy as fuck.

Generally I find calculus a lot easier than abstract algebra and analysis (personally). So does anyone here feel the same way?

>> No.6859448

Wow Calc III such hard.
It was fucking easier than Calc II.

>> No.6859455

How the FUCK do you study from that?

I suppose it is true that just writing it down by hand and paying attention the first time can lead to not really needing to study later.

>> No.6859462



>> No.6859466

I like calculus more as well.

Boolean algebra isn't too bad..
Group theory is wtfamievendoing. And I hate permutations. Don't like linear algebra stuff like matrices, as well.

>> No.6859469


Why do you write like this? Your sense of spacing is seriously bothering me. It's like stuff you'd see inside a sphinx or ancient scroll.

>> No.6859480

>How the FUCK do you study from that?

Jesus christ I don't know, given that I just realized I forgot a closing parenthesis on the second page of those notes.

Fucking kill me now, I'm not cut out for this shit.

>> No.6859483

It's okay human compilers can recover from missing parenthesis, this isn't g++.

>> No.6859488

I have a fetish for integrals (which most undergrad maths guys find cute), it'd be better if I study applied mathematics, however I'm still going to do undergrad in physics. I guess one thing suck ass about physics is the experimental work...

I was going through some problems a few months ago for fun and I came across a six-folded integral (it was a wavepacket or cube going through a curve I think?), and it took an hour to get that question. So I fell in love with physics.

Personally I studied abstract algebra, number theory, and analysis. They were fun, but it wasn't that interesting to me.

Yeah Boolean Algebra was fun, learning the gates, and using the right logic. I never done group theory, they probably offer that in the electrical engineering course. I'm doing a dual degree in pure science (physics) and engineering (civil) (Yep, ausfag here, we have a tonne of unis that offer double/dual degrees).

What about you man? I can't believe a few anons in this thread thinks triple integrals are hard (I hope you guys are trolling...)

>> No.6859489

Paper is precious to me. Can't afford to waste them.

>> No.6859492

>I never done group theory, they probably offer that in the electrical engineering course

no they dont

>> No.6859498

I actually am EE, and no the group theory stuff isn't part of the class but I really tried to understand that shit (probably started off on the wrong foot by trying to understand conway's group before basic ones) on my own for a bit.

Right now everything is sinusoidal waves and crap.

Yes the experimental work sucks balls although I didn't do much physics by itself.

>> No.6859501

wait wait wait.

how do you study abstract algebra without studying group theory?

does 'group' mean something different in australia?

>> No.6859503

>I never done group theory, they probably offer that in the electrical engineering course.
The fuck? Do you even understand what group theory is? Its physical applications are in N-body quantum mechanics and gauge quantum field theory, which none of the electrical engineers would ever touch in their lifetime.
Where did you get this ridiculous notion?

>> No.6859506

Oh my bad. I thought he was talking about control theory... Never done group theory is that apart of the pure maths realm?
That's cool man. I wish I done electrical engineering, but there's not much jobs for electrical engineering in Australia because AutoCAD and grid systems are becoming better.

However I think studying electrical engineering and physics would complement well together. The person could have a better in-depth knowledge in semiconductors and fourier analysis which both are used a lot in physics and EE.

>> No.6859507

simmer down, homie

there are groups in classical mechanics too, such as groups of symmetries on phase space... which none of the electrical engineers would ever touch in their lifetime either.

>> No.6859509

that makes more sense. yeah, control theory is in line with EE. Group theory is mainly concerned with the mathematical abstraction of "symmetry", to give a one sentence synopsis.

Like the ways you can rotate a square and have it look "the same" after the rotation gives you a group of order 4. similarly there are ways you can change a physical system (like swapping two indistinguishable particles from place to place) that give rise to symmetry groups in some sense.

>> No.6859511

But why 196883 dimensions???

>> No.6859518

Tits or gtfo


>> No.6859520

I chuckled.

>> No.6859521

Oh I didn't know. Sorry about that mate. Australian internet is pretty shit.

Some unis and institutes like to teach it differently but I may accidently came across a few problems that could lead onto group theory...

I don't understand group theory lol. I've done practice problems for fun really (This semester I studied Electrodynamics, light, and entropy at my uni).

Electrical/Electronic and Mech/Aero Undergrads are already studying/using the applications of quantum physics, e.g. lasers, semiconductors, quantum wells, turbulence, bose-einstein condenstates, ..., etc

There will probably be a new breed of engineers. Quantum Engineers...

I don't think Engineering is bad, dull, and useless. The nobel prize winners this year were electronic engineers.

>> No.6859523

Oh yeah OP. Triple Integrals, even spherical, and cylindrical coordinates are apart of elementary calculus which probably would be the highest maths engineer undergrads would come across.

It's probably going to evolve over time, maybe in 20, 50 or 70 years time they probably might teach Calculus II and Calculus III to high school kids.

Anyone can do well in Elementary Calculus. Some people just have to put in more time and it maybe the fact that they are slow learners.

>> No.6859526

Not sure how you're getting the idea that humans will be able to cram calculus II and III into high school. If you're saying that we will be biologically smarter in 70 years, that's doubtful but if if that is true...: We *can* learn calc II and III in a high school setting already, and some students do... but to put math like that on the vast population that will probably just go on to get some bullshit major is not worth the money that the government would be into the education.

>> No.6859541

¿australia you mean ausfailia?

>> No.6859544

tons of kids take ap calculus in american high schools and i dont think they're inherently smarter than the average 17 year old. I can easily see calc 2 being mandatory within 70 years

>> No.6859546

holy SHIT bro

Did you just solve a fucking triple integral?

>> No.6859555


d/dz for a function with respect to z brah

>> No.6859557


Here in Australia I took the most difficult mathematics class available to high school students, and it was a fair bit more difficult than the mathematics that *most* first year undergrads encounter.

>said most because I haven't looked at what first year pure mathematics students may have to do

>> No.6859584

So you had to go to cylindrical and you even had a function inside to play with. Fun stuff.. I actually have an exam on this stuff on Tuesday. Calc 3

>> No.6859587

I agree, which is why they should be specialist science schools. We have them here in Australia, a few of the kids learning Calculus II in their final year of high school in a specialist program but it would take a year to complete that first year university unit. However there's one condition, they have to take only one first year university to complete, they can choose from biology, chemistry, and mathematics. We have these that are what called enhancement programs. No one can't take two and three.

There are many high schools in Sydney that teaches calculus II (and its called Maths Extensions II I think I might be wrong).

I do think its important to consider individual differences because not everyone is going to enjoy mathematics. I do think its more important that more people should appreciate the beauty of mathematics. I do feel like Calc II and III will be taught in high school (many years to come).
There's that AP calculus program that covers Calculus one. If kids don't like mathematics, the future will only get worser because maths is becoming more present at most studies in uni.

There's also a new area of mathematics called mathematical biology, and soon psychology, and sociology will come in.

Kids are going to be forced to learn maths they don't want to learn in the future. If they can't work with maths than they shouldn't bother being in school.
Most other countries assume that we stop around simple trig.

Most high schools in Australia actually touch on Calculus II.

>> No.6859589

Dude its not that hard...

>> No.6859598

mfw calculus is considered impressive

>> No.6859599


That's nice honey, I just evualuated some non trivial zeroes for second order polynomials

>> No.6859601

>non trivial zeroes
>second order polynomials


>> No.6859609

Elementary Calculus (I,II, and III) is easy.

>> No.6859621

I don't get the joke at all.
Is OP actually a medal receiving genius?
Or is everyone just ironically shitposting?

>> No.6859622

the latter

>> No.6859631 [DELETED] 


>> No.6859740

this reminds me of the time that i took a calculus 3 midterm and came here to brag about how well i thought i did

>> No.6859757
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1414973366894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious, not only is that mechanically simple, buts also intuitive. try again

also sage

>> No.6859902

I'm fucking retarded but I'm going to use this thread to ask for help with a basic elementary rational expression.

According to my textbook,

x^2 - y^2 / (x-y)^2 * 1 / (x+y) = 1 / (x-y)

But I keep getting:

1 / x+y

>> No.6859982

Calc I is tedious. Calc 2 and 3 are harder, but more intuitive because you'll know how derivatives should work. Good luck brah

>> No.6860008


I can't read this shit.

Did yo use the transformation theorem or what?
Do u even Lebesgue?
Do u even Henstock–Kurzweil?

>> No.6860014

He fucking solved a triple integral. Try again.

>> No.6860019
File: 598 KB, 1804x1988, this isnt even my final form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn OP, you're straight inspirational

>> No.6860035

triple integrals so stronk
literally 2nd semester (B.Sc physics) at my german university
many intelligence much übermensch you must be

>> No.6860063

Why isn't there a good symbol for n integrals?

>> No.6860081

There is, it is the integral sign. You just integrate it with respect to the standard n-dimensional lebesgue measure.

>> No.6860144

Are we only talking about math? I dont take many notes in math, I copy down the occassional example on the board so I can study it later, my prof chooses the hardest examples so it's useful. For Bio though, I have to write down everything the prof says to have any hope of remembering all these terms and keeping the diagram explanations sane

>> No.6860156

Calc 2 was easy, just lots of practice required. That isn't difficult, just time consuming. The only exam questions I missed were an easy one on l'hopitâls, because i hadn't reviewed it since calc 1 and a question involving log change of base. We were given a one sided notecard to bring, filled it with a few of the less common integrals. Easiest A ever. Having to actually prove all the vector properties was much more difficult; double and triple integrals, gradient, nabla, divergence, partial derivatives, proving conservative fields were all easy too.

>> No.6860163

muji is a nice store i like it too

>> No.6860190

dude i'm pretty sure there's less than 5 people on this board capable of doing a triple integral. I've done it once but I had to collaborate with my math prof and we spend about 3 weeks in his office trying to figure it out

>> No.6860214


if you can do integration at all, you can be taught how to do triple integrals within like 10 minutes

>> No.6860260

It's easy.

>> No.6860272

Please stop being new.

Also, bait-taking aside, you cannot learn triple integrals in 10 minutes. You could probably learn the key concepts of double integration over a rectangular domain in 10 minutes. But integration, as always, involves no shortage of annoying-as-fuck tricks, change of variables, manipulations, swapping polar coords and other shit that takes time to learn.

>> No.6860277

>everyone on /sci/ is either doing calculus or babby's first linear algebra

>> No.6861036

Wow, you're fucking retarded. Please don't ever think about majoring in Mathematics or Physics if you can't a solve a triple integral.

I actually lol at people that think Calc-III or Vector Calculus is the highest level of mathematics. There actually baby tier maths. What till you come across abstract algebra, analysis, topology, and real fucking geometry that will fucking blow your mind off.

>> No.6861042

>triple integral
the chosen one has revealed himself

>> No.6862889


What brand of notebook is that, anon?

>> No.6863374

>4 pages

you write WAY to large lmao

>> No.6864333

want to help me with my homework? >>10510618 on /adv/

>> No.6864360


>> No.6864364

Damn man, did you get it published in the Annals?

>> No.6864592

Wow you copied the scene in Good Will Hunting where the kid burns the paper and the professor cries about himself being insignificant.

>> No.6864648

>how well i thought i did
Well.. how well did you end up doing?

>> No.6864656

because you're stupid

it's proven that people with low IQ write bigger

>> No.6864798
