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6854843 No.6854843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>4.0 gpa maths masters
>life always felt and still feels meaningless

>> No.6854854


just try to solve some unsolved problem, like RH


>> No.6854864

Become a platonis. Why shouldn't you?

>> No.6854870

does lying to 4chan about your academic achievements make you feel any better?

>> No.6854878

Try dropping acid at a music festival.

The music doesn't really matter, as long as it's a hippie type festival where you can get acid and it's something you can get into. You gotta take at least a couple tabs, one won't cut it.

I know this is gonna sound stupid, but trust me, when you are tripping on acid listening to some awesome tunes at a music festival, your life feels like it has all the meaning it ever needs right there, and, well, what reason do you really have for thinking otherwise?

I'm studying for a math masters too btw, not quite at a 4.0 though but that is because I suck at analysis and nothing to do with the acid.

>> No.6854893

This is a bad idea. If you're going to take acid, you need to be in control of your environment, and for someone to babysit you. Also, suggesting that someone take a psychedelic is almost always utterly fucking retarded for any reason. A person should only take acid when they've decided on their own to do it.

>> No.6854898

youre an idiot if u think a 4.0 will give meaning to ur life

its just a number

go for a phd

>> No.6854901

>go for a phd
its just a title

>> No.6854908

that's different and you know it

>> No.6854911

>If you're going to take acid, you need to be in control of your environment, and for someone to babysit you.
No, man, tripping on acid at home with a sober friend is a total waste of acid. It's important to do it at some kind of music festival where you don't have to worry about going anywhere or doing anything other than listening to music for hours and you're safe, but doing it in a positive environment with music is even more important. Doing it at home likely won't be positive or provide any meaning or anything, you'll just get introspective which isn't the same.

>Also, suggesting that someone take a psychedelic is almost always utterly fucking retarded for any reason.
Chill the fuck out, dude, obviously I'm just giving the suggestion, not like I'm dosing him without telling him or something, he's in grad school so he's obviously old enough for it and sounds like it would benefit him, if he's not interested or doesn't think he can handle it he's obviously not going to.

>> No.6854932

>26 years old
>going to a CC
>spend three hours doing Calculus I problems
>still struggle on test
>never had a real job
>only had one job that lasted three days
>my nephew, who's 18, got his first job today

There's people worse than you, OP.

>> No.6854948

I recommend volunteering for something. Underprivileged/disabled kids are a ton of fun. Or coaching a sports team, if that's your thing. Even the elderly are pretty awesome, and fuck, there's got to be nothing worse than be old and dying and alone.

You can feel pretty good about making someone else's shitty life even just a little bit better.

>> No.6854951

phd means theres a chance u can discover something new and contribute to the field

>> No.6854997

Find a dying mathematician and steal all his ideas under the pretense of wanting to befriend him and comfort him in his last stages of life.

>> No.6855046

At least for me, acid did not provide a permanent feeling of meaning to my life. It felt profound and meaningful the times I took it, but the more I did it the less it worked for me. I'm not talking about tolerance, since I always would dose at least a few months apart at the most frequent. It's like, even though I still felt profound, I started to realise that the drug just forced me to feel like everything was special and meaningful, so after a time I could separate the profound feeling from any external stimulus and just intuitively understood it was just the acid.

It's like how when you start smoking weed you think that you fucking love music and food, and maybe you do like them, but after a time you realise that you were mistaking the feeling of being high for the effect of other, unrelated stimuli, after which it loses a lot of its magic.

tl;dr any meaning you get from acid is temporary at best

>> No.6855057

I agree with you and think this point is often lost on people. Any meaning gleaned from psychedelics is, under scrutiny, substanceless woo. Fun, though, and worth experiencing simply for the sake of exploring the possible range of human experience, within reason.

The only thing potentially transformative in any realistic way I think psychedelics can offer would be the experience of ego death, if you take enough to do so, but then again there's no guarantee that something like that will retain any meaningfulness after the drug fades.

>> No.6855064

no, bad idea

it has to feel like an epic journey

take acid or shrooms and go outside on an adventure by yourself

>> No.6855077

I do think acid played a positive role in the development of my personality, as vague as that statement is.

Ego death is difficult to discuss coherently. After all, no one experiences ego death.

Think about it.