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6845007 No.6845007 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw more intelligent and better looking than everyone I ever met
>tfw people hate you because they know you're better than them
>tfw alone on this world

>> No.6845008


>> No.6845012

>>>more intelligent
Bullshit, the most intelligent people I have found are the ones able to play the social circle well, being able to match patterns doesn't mean you are the most intelligent.

>>better looking
Bad luck, for males, looks is around ~15% of the attractiveness of the male, sociability, humour and confidence are way more important. Get a sex change then you can rely on looks.

>> No.6845017

>mfw when ive been exactly like you back then when i was a teen
>mfw a trip on shroomz made me realize what i had to change
>mfw since then social circle exploded, lost virginity, could get about 80% of girls

>> No.6845019

People tend to have negative feelings towards those who differ from them, contempt for the worse/weaker and envy towards the better/stronger in particular. While the weaker are often ridiculed, they are generally left alone as they pose no threat. However, people tend to bunch up against those who are better to get rid of them, as they perceive that to be in their interest.

If you are different than the average majority, you need charisma to balance out the negative feedback you'd garner otherwise. If you don't have too much of that either then you'll have to live somehow with some people being "out to get you" in most social environments and deal with as well as you can.

> better looking than everyone
That should be a decent boost to charisma, so you're not that bad off.

>> No.6845022

>>mfw a trip on shroomz made me realize what i had to change
And that would be specifically...? Or is it only tangible while on shrooms?

>> No.6845030
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> because they know you're better than them
That's not the reason. Compared to me, you're a moronic, ugly piece of shit. You look like ass warmed over. And yet I still hate you.

>> No.6845041


>> No.6845049

as you get older you realise you judge a man by his achievements

you think you're smart? fuck off.

Excel in your chosen profession. Amass a fortune. surround yourself with interesting friends. Live an interesting life full of accomplishment.

>> No.6845107
