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6844058 No.6844058 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we talk about the exams we did horrible on.
Give name of course, grade on exam, final grade in class.
What went wrong?

>> No.6844066

Calc 3

Solid D's on 3 of the 4 tests of the course. Did not study, did not do homework. Funny thing is, the other test I got an A+ on, only missed one question. I didn't actually use any Calc 3 on that test, I solved the problems using my knowledge of geometry instead.

>> No.6844071

consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

lasted 20 seconds

>> No.6844075

What's your major?

>> No.6844079

it was physics. But that course, combined with intro to quantum and just a general disillusionment with physics inspired me to switch to Computer Science.

>> No.6844084

Penis inspection day. Mine was too big, they thought I cheated. But it was ok cause I just slapped them with it till they changed my grade.

>> No.6844108

Although Calc 2 is usually heralded as the "hardest" Calculus course, I saw the most trouble among my classmates in Calc 3. It seems early sophomore year is the time when actually difficult classes begin and this coupled with the general malaise period of the time leads to a lot of tired kids fucking up their GPA in there. It doesn't help that legitimately hard topics like Lagrange multipliers, triple integrals and polar coordinates are slipped in there to fuck up those just coasting through.

In terms of actual dropout rates, Calc 1 has to take the cake (biologists and business majors, probably).

>> No.6844136

Stuck with social science and librul unit reqs.
Political "Science" - failed first exam. Got a C on the second one. Ended up getting a 91 in the class.

Art History - Couldn't remember dates for shit. Got a C.

ANTHROPOLOGY- See polisci. Got a B-.

I don't know how to deal with classes that don't interest me at all. I haven't felt that bored in a long time.

>> No.6844143

Cal B series exam
I thought I knew all the rules down to the minute details

boy was I wrong

>> No.6844173

Mechanics exam in Physics 20 (intro class)

I got a 66/100, probably because we only had 3/4ths of a class, and most of the questions were theory/diagrams.

I faintly remember one question that asked for instantaneous velocity, the details of the point were not given. The only variables given were the object's initial height, and the angle between the cannon and the ground.

>> No.6844177

Am I the only one that gets an A on every exam?

C'mon, /sci/, step it up.

>> No.6844178

the only exam I have ever failed
didn't study for it, was double booked that term

>> No.6844208

Are you a grill

>> No.6844212

Number Theory, Tuesday.

>Professor had a baby a few weeks into class. >He's been all over the place with attendance/lectures/assignments.
>Syllabus says we're supposed to have two midterms and final
>11 weeks go by with no test
>finally gives us a test after we ask about it
>covers 85 pages of text
>5 questions
>2/5 come from pages 84-85
>he hasn't returned homework since week 3

fucked up man. passed the drop date and if he doesn't curve I'm just fucked.

>> No.6844213

Why does my gender matter?

>> No.6844216

I have similar experiences with that, both the homework not being returned and the test being too focused on one section.

That type of teacher needs to go away.

>> No.6844217


Different people gravitate to different fields.

For my part I find math really dry sometimes but humanities stuff is so rich I could read it all day.

>> No.6844223


He's a nice guy but like I said he just had a kid and he's also working on some big grant thing.

I'm sure it's just an off semester for his teaching. But he's a space cadet so I'm not sure he'll piece together how that test was for most of us.

During our "review" he literally just listed everything we've learned all year on the whiteboard lol.

>> No.6844234


I got a 31 out of 120 on a Real 1 exam. I got a C in the class.

>> No.6844250

Probability. I've gotten A's or A-'s on my other math/stat classes but this one kicked my ass. Probability just doesn't come very intuitively for me, and for many others I'm guessing.

>> No.6844347
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Calc1 test today
Chapter 3 on Stewart 7th ED

Did well on using product rule quotient rule chain rule etc.
But did bad on related rates.

English is my second language, The proff put a problem there that i could not even do because I didnt understand the objects used in the problem.

Here is the problem just like it that i googled when i got home.

"A dinghy is pulled toward a dock by a rope from the bow through a ring of the dock 5 feet above the bow, as shown in the figure. The rope is hauled in at the rate of 2 ft/sec.

How fast is the boat approaching the dock when 10 ft of rope are

I had no idea what a "dinghy" was, nor "bow" in this context, therefore i could not set the problem up. I know its a right triangle, so I BS'd something 3 mins before i had to turn it in

>> No.6844353

I would honestly contest that problem with other students to the math head. A math world problem shouldn't use terms that aren't 'standard'

>> No.6844356

Intro to Computational Theory, 14%, had a C in that class but I gave up at the final. My depression crushed me last semester. Got a C- in the class, retaking now... Much easier ofc

>> No.6844360


I would also like to note that "as shown in the figure" was not part of our problem. we were given no picture(that was to be expected)

>> No.6844366

I don't want to make a big deal about it, specially since this proff is well liked by everyone.

>> No.6844370

I miss the olden days where I could get A's on everything without any effort. Now, I expect C's on everything.

>> No.6844371

can someone explain how calculus is divided up in 'merica?

in glorious russia one does not need 5 years to learn some petty calculus

>> No.6844375

Had back to back exams last week. First midterms of grad school. Real analysis and foundations of computational mathematics, I'm doing applied math.

The real analysis exam had 3 questions on it. We had to do 2. This was a 2 hour long exam. I got INSANELY lucky, one of the questions had been pulled directly from the homework in the book, one of the unassigned problems of course, and it just so happened I had done that problem the day before while studying. Not only that, the first time I did it I got it wrong, looked at it, realized it was wrong and decided fuckit, but during the exam I worked my way through it and finished it and I'm 99% sure I got it right.

So I don't know my score yet but it was definitely between a 50 and a 60 because I got absolutely nowhere on the other problem. I'm pretty sure it was just me, too, half the class left early and I talked to one of the other guys and he got a 100%.

On the bright side, just looked up my FCM score and I got an 83/110, class average is a 44 lel, only one person beat me and got a 100, pretty sure they cheated as half the class is chinks

>> No.6844380

US does Calc + Diff Eq in < 2 years

>> No.6844381

smart kids take calc BC in high school and get raped by calc 3 their first semester of college

average kids take calc AB in high school and get raped by calc 2 their first semester of college

dumb kids take calc 1 their first semester of college, usually don't have much difficulty with calc 2 since they are used to college at that point and it's pretty easy, and then apparently get raped by calc 3 third semester of college

>> No.6844385

I took AB in high school, and then got raped by cal 3.

>> No.6844388


so calc 3 is diff eq?

>> No.6844389

no, but they can be taken at the same time.

>> No.6844390

Nah. Cal 3 is more like vectors, 3 dimensional stuff, TRIPLE INTEGRALS, stokes and green's theorem and stuff like that.

>> No.6844391

calc 3 is easier than calc 1 and 2

>> No.6844393

People say this, but I will always disagree.

>> No.6844400

because us men masturbate too much to get good grades

>> No.6844410

As a non-American I always see everyone has almost 4 GPA.
I don't know what's up, does every Ameriburger land an A on every fucking college test?

>> No.6844424

3rd year in Uni, all A's since Senior year of High School, Comp Sci major, feels good

>> No.6844425

well your university is pretty weird for allowing you to skip calc 2 without any evidence that you even knew how to integrate

no, they are two separate courses taken alongside each other. calc 3 is vector calc and triple integrals.

nope. the first math class you take in college is the hardest. clearly you either started in calc 1 or 2. i just cannot see calc 1 being hard at all. but most people struggle in calc 2 because they take it first semester and arent used to the difficulty. i took calc 3 my first semester and it was hard as fuck just because i wasnt used to the difficulty of college classes and it is on a totally different level from high school. honestly, the subject matter for all three is really easy and if there were people who were good at math but somehow started out in college algebra, they probably wouldn't think any of the 3 was hard.

the only people who show off by telling people their GPA on the internet typically get As on most of their tests, yes.

>> No.6844432

>well your university is pretty weird for allowing you to skip calc 2 without any evidence that you even knew how to integrate
They teach you integration in AB. Well my teacher did anyway. But cal 2 was piss easy for me because I already knew the majority of the material.

>> No.6844435

>85 pages of text

nigga we just had a midterm in that covered 16 fucking chapters (250+ pages) and it was the first test we took.

>> No.6844438

I hate exams that aren't exhaustive. 5 questions is too little for 85 pages, it just becomes a matter of luck at that point.

>> No.6844444

Took Calc in high school and rekt Calc 1->3 in university, i dont see why people thought it was hard

>> No.6844447

probably because they never took it in high school...

>> No.6844453

Note that the guy I replied to implied that anyone who took any sort of calculus class in High School will get obliterated by some calculus class in Uni

>> No.6844456

I just had a test on aerospace engineering (just intro stuff regarding aerodynamics and flight mech).. probably will get a 5/6 or something in between. and will have a calc 1 test this friday.

Speaking of which, could any of you tell me how to solve separable equations if it isn't just multiplied terms? as in, (e.g.)

dp/dt = (t^2)p - p + (t^2) -1

would be appreciated, considering i can only find examples online of separable equations with multiplied terms, not additive/substracting.

>> No.6844464

im the guy you were replying to

the point i was making was that if you take AP calc and get credit for it and place out of taking calc 1 and/or calc 2, you will probably get raped by the first class you take because college level math is a huge step up from high school level and you are skipping calc 1 which is where the learning curve begins.

obviously if you retake a subject you already took it is going to be trivially easy, the difficulty level of the class doesnt really matter if you already know the material

>> No.6844472

True, that makes sense. My University places you in an appropriate-level math course based off of a preliminary math placement exam online as opposed to placing you based on the courses taken in High School, which is a much better resolution imo

>> No.6844475

did horrible in my last physics exam. now i have to pass both the third exam and also the final or else i'm fucked. they're not offering the course next semester, so yeah, i'm pretty nervous. doing well in all other courses, even calc, which surprises me

>> No.6844476

dp/(p+1) = t^2 dt

factor by grouping nigga.

>> No.6844477

>In terms of actual dropout rates, Calc 1 has to take the cake (biologists and business majors, probably).
there's usually a separate calculus class (Life Science mathematics) for them

>> No.6844482

Oh man, those "calculus for business" assignments are pretty dumbed down.

>> No.6844491

I truly am retarded. Thanks for replying and helping me out anon

>> No.6844500

t^2 + 1

>> No.6844509

I finished calc I - III in high school, and got 96%, 93%, and 100% in them respectively when I took the classes formally.

I got a 96% in Calc I because my teacher only graded us on quizzes and exams, I fucked up a bit on an optimization quiz and got a 65/100, I had missed the week beforehand.

Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.6844513
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factor is love
Factor is life

>> No.6844529


>> No.6844536

Fucking Math 20F linear algebra. I fucked around and NEVER went to class b/c math had been a fucking breeze at that point. Cheated on a midterm cuz all of a sudden I didn't know wtf I was doing. Got caught and got a D.

Retook it and realized I fucking love linear algebra, ended up taking another linear algebra class after taking the first one again. Aced them both and got a Math degree.

>> No.6844541

You know, in most places you'd be sent packing for cheating on anything.

>> No.6844544

In Linear Algebra as well, took my midterm today in fact, fun stuff

>> No.6844546

Yeah really, how are you still in Uni? Did you suck their dick hard enough or something?

>> No.6844548


Or, you know, he wasn't caught in the act

>> No.6844551

Teach gave me a 0 on the midterm and told me to straighten the fuck out and he wouldn't get the academic dishonesty ppl involved. Aced everything else but still got a D. All in all went pretty ok.

>> No.6844555

You lucked out there, man. Never cheat unless you know you can get away with it.

>> No.6844556

That's not really true. They like to scare you but you usually get a mulligan or two. Not condoning cheating and it was a dumb thing to do, but ya.

>> No.6844569

Just some random input

Plagiarism scares the fuck out of me constantly. Whenever writing a paper, I need to reread my paper multiple times making sure everything is paraphrased just enough and all that needs to be cited perfectly HAS been cited. They make it seem like there's absolutely no room for error when using citations, and the penalty may include expulsion.

I wish they were a little bit more lenient on accidental plagiarism or forgetting to cite something...

>> No.6844577

holy shit this is accurate

>> No.6844584

Most of my friends took calc 3 in high school while I took BC. Felt like a bitch mane

>> No.6844585

try organic chemistry

learn all the fucking nomenclature and read three chapters of ~ 60 pages each

test was just naming 5 organic compounds and 10 questions

>> No.6844607

same. People think I am weird but I like lots of question, mix of concept and work-out problems, multiple choice.

I also like standardized testing.

>> No.6844609

I won't comment on plagiarism policies for universities, but when I did initial training for a national lab they seemed to indicate that accidental plagiarism happens. As long as you weren't doing it on purpose or being negligent you won't get the book thrown at you.

>> No.6844643

sounds like you guys are just bad at math

calc 3 was piss easy

>> No.6844670

Well that's why its a midterm, not a standard test, double-nigger.

>> No.6844673

Quints for truth.

>> No.6844718

Can confirm. In it right now after taking Calc AB/BC in high school. Have about a 100 average right now halfway through the class. Shit is easy.

>> No.6844762

honors neuroscience seminar, freshman in senior class, all girls except me, best student, final exam comes, i'm in the hospital for depression, prof goes "write 20 page paper on everything we learned", i bs something and turn it in last minute, grade goes from A to E (failing)

>> No.6844804

Calc 2 (Integral calc, multivariate calculus, vector calculus and double-triple integrals), after decent tests I crashed and burned in the midterm with a 7/20.

I got a panic attack and misinterpreted an asymptote, fucked up in algebra of all things and drew wrong curves, etc.

>> No.6844808

That sucks. I did a similar thing although it didn't cost me nearly as much. I forgot to include the potential energy of a spring in the Lagrangian for some retarded reason and I got 7/25 points on that problem.

Realized it shortly after I walked out of the exam too.

>> No.6844813
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>tfw you know you got a question wrong on the exam, but you figure out the right answer on the walk to the parking lot.


>> No.6844815

Looking back on a blatant mistake after going out is the worst. Doesn't help when people are rumoring around.

>> No.6845034


>> No.6845039

Serves you right, I wish you fucking chinks would stay in your country instead of shitting up our universities.

>> No.6845050

Nuclear physics last year, failed, got like 24/100 or something overall

I'm sitting the exam again in about 2 weeks and i still dont fucking understand half of it. I would legitimately pay someone to tell me the answers to last year's test but i have no friends and online 'homework help' sites only do babby shit. kill me. Why can't i do this when I could do quantum mechanics and electrodynamics and everything else? I should graduate after this so if i fail now i will be shattered

>> No.6845064

>exams we did horrible on
All of them.

>Discrete Math I midterm
>stupid mistakes, didn't read questions carefully
>class average 47%

>Linear Algebra I midterm
>didn't study

>> No.6845188

I got a 46% on my elementary calculus final. Needed 50 to pass. I still need to take that fucking calc class (or intro computer science) to graduate from my microbiology program.

What say you /sci/, would an intro compsci class be easier to swallow for someone that is mathematically retarded than taking Calc I again (didn't learn much the first time anyway).

>> No.6845194

The worst I've done on an exam since I've been at uni was an 85/100. I was incredibly disappointed in myself, as I almost always get at least 92/100. I chalked this up to underestimating the course (it was a course on topology), as I never studied for that course (until after that exam). Final grade in that course was an A. Never got a grade lower than that since I've been at uni.

>> No.6845195

calc 1 is literally the easiest class to get 100 in

>> No.6845211

Jesus, how in the hell do people get such low marks, and still remain happy? I would probably kill myself if I got a 46%.

>> No.6845220

Grow a pair and during the exam ASK the proctor what these terms mean. You are NOT being graded on your knowledge of nautical ships. The proctor will explain the terms in about 20 seconds.
Stop being an autistic pussy, seek help when you need it.

>> No.6845228


It's not fun at all. I definitely prefer to be on top of classes but sometimes you bite off more than you can chew or blunder (misunderstand test parameters, walk into class and "Surprise! Test today!", sleep through test etc.).

For my part I'm a solid student except my daily routine tends to be extremely unorganized, so blundering is a constant threat.

College is mostly just this ridiculous game of time management and a 4 year long exercise in rule following.

If the system were set up to educate, it would look nothing like it currently does.

>> No.6845490

people in here won't post if they don't really fail even once. you're loosing you're goddamn common sense.

>> No.6845504

are you not reffering to multivariable calc?

>> No.6845509

calc 3 is multivariable calc, with a preview of coming attractions for linear algebra.

>> No.6846082


I never claimed I was happy. It fucking sucks dude.

>> No.6846098


The American grading system looks fucking retarded.

People say they have a 3.0 gpa or something like that and say their lives are over. And when you look up to see what a 3.0 is in percentages, it's something like 85 %!

>> No.6846103


lel, I had a chemistry exam in my second year of uni (I'm an engineer) where I think 25 % of the marks came down to knowing this one mechanism, which I had revised that day thank fuck

>> No.6846108


>no friends

oh lawd, don't remind me

>no friends in uni at all
>all individual projects for you have been individual projects
>they've been group projects for everyone else

>> No.6846115

Quantum Field Theory 2. I got the best grade in 1 but in the second one I lacked 2 points for it... Because I still passed, I can't redo the exam, fuck my life.

>> No.6846134

A 3.0 GPA is a pretty bad GPA if you want anything more than just a degree. People who go to good grad schools in serious fields will tend to have 3.8-4.0, near perfect.

>> No.6846149

Calculus I
Exam 1: Failed
Exam 2: Failed
Final Grade: C

I didn't study at all for the exams, didn't really focus or pay attention in class. I was per-occupied in trying to impress this girl I had a huge crush on (pathetic I know). Those feelings eventually went away and I finally put some effort into class and ended up with high marks on the next exam and final. The assignments were easy shit though so that helped as well.

>> No.6846242

How so

>> No.6846364

Literally about 2 weeks ago
>struggling on assignment
>go to class
>overhear one of the 3 girls in the class talking
>"hey do you need help with x? Ill send you Chad's assignment when I get home, he only couldn't do question 2 b"

>> No.6846407

Intro to Real Analysis, first midterm

Mistakenly wrote for n, n+1 > N instead of n, m > N, and there went 20 points.

>> No.6846418

stability theory

it was pure gibberish. 35/100.

>> No.6846749

how is this possible
my final is worth 50% and if you fail that you automatically fail the course. There is literally like 5% from homework and the rest is two midterms and the final

>> No.6846767


you literally are the problem then

>> No.6846804
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>tfw I cheated all through my advanced math classes in high school

>> No.6846805
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goddamn I always post the wrong one

>> No.6846808

it was the right one, mate

>> No.6846809

I'm not really good at maths and not getting a degree in any field relating to it

>> No.6846818

Well so far I'm sucking dick in Microbiology. Scored 64 and 66 out of 100 on the first two exams and 54 on the third. Luckily one is dropped and I have one more exam remaining before the final. If only the class was as easy as my lab, I got a 92% on that midterm.

>> No.6846982

Bachelor thesis in chemistry.
I think I got the lowest possible.
I can't write to save my life and I run out of time so it was rushed and written like I was a foreigner.

>> No.6847125

I'm in AP Calc AB and fucked up on the last derivatives test because I transferred to this school recently and have had to play catchup with a shitty teacher that didn't help at all. What resource(s) can I use to learn derivatives n shit for calc AB during my break next week? Is Khan Academy the best way?

>> No.6847130

Either that or Pauls Online Math notes.
All in all, the hardest part about straight up derivatives is the algebra.