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6838881 No.6838881 [Reply] [Original]

How can I become smarter?

Honestly, without giving too many details about my current academic situation, becoming smarter is a must to me.

I've looked into Lumosity, nootropics and some various other methods--i.e. exercise, healthy eating, better rest--but I've yet to try anything because I feel like nothing will actually help me.

Any suggestions, /sci/?

>> No.6838885

Study harder

>> No.6838891

You can't become smarter. Use some common sense - if there was a way to "become smarter" that actually worked, everyone would already be doing it.

You can, however, adopt more productive habits, which is probably all you need in the first place.

>> No.6838897


Electrocute your brain

>> No.6838899

Then it becomes a focus issue. I hate to sound like your stereotypical millennial, but I am dreadful at studying because my focus is lost absurdly quickly.

And that is not an "Internet Studying" complaint. I genuinely have a tough time studying straight from the textbook as well.

Does this mean that I am a moron?

>> No.6838901

There's a lot of studies being done on using small electric currents across certain areas of the brain to boost learning and shit. Seems to hold a fair bit of promise.

As a downside some of the folk who get batteries and shit and DIY the whole thing can temporarily blind themselves for a few hours if they toast the wrong area.

>> No.6838903

P I R A C E T .... A M

>> No.6838915

Are you joking or does that seriously work?

>> No.6838918


He's probably not joking, but it does not work. There are bunch of people on /sci/ who spend lots of money on placebo bullshit.

>> No.6838920


Exercise, healthy-eating often during the day, full nights rest. That's a good start to general health and well being, next you're going to have to change your study habits. Study harder, work through content/ problems and if you don't get it it, consult additional resources like the internet (shit like Khan Academy is helpful as fuck in some topics), or go ask your lecturer/ professor/ teacher or whatever.

Study by repetition and consistency is important. You need to be revising your course content very often, while you're in the middle of learning it, and do that consistently over the semester so that by the time exams roll around you've been doing it for so long and so often that its second nature and you win. Given this, remember not to burn yourself out though, if you feel you're staring at "blank" pages in your textbook, words are getting jumbled, or you're feeling frustrated/ confused, take a short break, go outside and sit in the sun, smoke a ciggie, have a coffee or whatever you need to relax so when you go back into your study space, you can look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

Now, as for study space, it needs to be free of distractions, but within close range to all the resources you'll need for study. Stay off Facebook, YouTube or other procrastination devices. Develop a macro and micro study timetable if you need to. The macro study timetable will define the blocks of time in each day that you dedicate to study OUTSIDE of classes and other commitments. Micro study timetables are for those easily distracted, these divide those time blocks of study into smaller bouts of study and micro breaks, e.g. (25 mins solid study, 5 mins Facebook etc.)

Basically dude, if you wanna be smarter, you need to work hard. There are no shortcuts.

>> No.6839036


>> No.6839037

You seem confident. Proof?

>> No.6839051
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waste of time and money
Good if you can find the right combination for your brain chemistry. Start with inexpensive racetams. They will under no circumstances make you "smarter" but can facilitate certain aspects of cognition like working memory, fluid intelligence, and intellectual endurance.
>I feel like nothing will actually help me.
Well then what's the point in asking? You just want someone to tell you everything is gonna be ok? Sure, even dumbasses get lucky sometimes.

>> No.6839056

Change your enivornment. Surround yourself with learning new things and try harder everyday. Try brain exercises everyday and think outside of the box. Shit idk take some LSD. You won't be a genius but you will be a lil bit smarter than you were before.

>> No.6839058

>You seem confident. Proof?

They don't even CLAIM to make you "smarter," so what do you want me to prove? At best they claim things like improved concentration and memory, but nobody seems to be able to actually back it up with anything.

>> No.6839062

No proof then. Got it.

>> No.6839065


fuck off, reported

>> No.6839068

Who are you quoting, dude? I never said that.

>> No.6839072

i thought you were being sarcastic

if you weren't, well, i'm fucking jaded, sorry

>> No.6839080

>No proof then. Got it.


>> No.6839082

>No proof then.

I guess you can't read.

>> No.6839101

posting in /b/

>> No.6839257

>Well then what's the point in asking? You just want someone to tell you everything is gonna be ok? Sure, even dumbasses get lucky sometimes.

I just meant that I am so skeptical of most popular methods that I don't think a "placebo" would help me at all.

I think this guys probably got the best answer.

>> No.6839293

I just want something to keep me focused. I've lost the willpower to keep studying, I'm burnt out. Gonna take time off when i graduate this year before applying to grad school, I dont think i can do that kind of commitment yet

>> No.6839501


It's a tad pricey and you need to inject it, but it's much more effective than most of the Noots out there.

>> No.6839670

You don't belong on /sci/, samefaggot

>> No.6839697

do you need a dea number for that

>> No.6839745
File: 160 KB, 660x578, 1413939896782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that image? Image search is useless, does anybody know?

>> No.6839911

Wisdom through the renewing of your mind via the Holy Bible. Jesus brings the change.

Matthew 13:12 (NLT) 12 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.

I will be back in several hours to reply to you if you want to talk about this.

>> No.6839938

hard work, no short cuts. consider neuro plasticity concept of the brain, look it up, practice makes perfect. like Einstein once said "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

>> No.6839940

You get a new attribute point upon reaching level 4. Put that into INT.

So you better start slaying some commoners.

>> No.6840697
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OP here. I made it in photoshop from this image.

I guess it really is just a focus thing then. I think that's going to be fixed with exercise more than anything. I've really let myself go since I got into college, and I've felt the mental effects as well.

>> No.6840705

A serious note on piracetam and other nootropics:
despite being marketed as safe, don't forget the tiny sample.
After digging in some forums I found few people who reported serious problems with piracetam leading to motor neuron damage. Something about calcium channels fucking up.
After that I'd feel safer to be on ritalin.

>> No.6840743


OP don't listen to fucktards giving useless advices like "learn harder". It's like saying "lift more" to someone who wants to become Mr. Universe.

My advice is: learn more efficiently.

It's mind-bogling how little we are taught in school/university about how to learn efficiently. If you want to know more:

watch this:

read this book:
A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)

also there's terrific course on coursea:

>> No.6840755

"Find things genuinely interesting"

- Unknown

>> No.6840765

Excercize and book reading is known to improve cognitive abilities.

>> No.6840779

Maximum Optimism

>> No.6840783

Too boring.

>> No.6840843
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>How can I become smarter?

You can't. IQ is genetic and if you were fed well as a child and your mother was not a drug/alcohol addict or a smoker during her pregnancy, you've reached your epigenetic potential and that's that.

>Honestly, without giving too many details about my current academic situation, becoming smarter is a must to me.

Heh. That's like saying… "hey /sci/, I'm 5'9" and I'd like to play in NBA. It's a must to me to play in NBA."

Well, guess what fаggоt, some dreams are too hard or impossible to achieve.

>I've looked into Lumosity, nootropics and some various other methods--i.e. exercise, healthy eating, better rest--but I've yet to try anything because I feel like nothing will actually help me.

Lumosity's a scam. Don't waste your time.



>Any suggestions, /sci/?

Yeah, SWITCH MAJORS TO SOMETHING THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY EXCEL AT! Come to terms with your mental abilities, just like you came to terms with your other physical limitations, and switch to something that you can actually do.

tl;dr: go into business, shithead, and become a millionaire that way.

>> No.6840861

>study more and with less distractions
>ask people smarter/more advanced than you for help
>the SECOND you get stuck google or youtube what you're working on
>sleep at least 7.5 a night
>go over in your head what you learned that day before falling asleep
>drink MORE water, brain efficiency/VO2 max decreases a lot while you're dehydrated even a little

do not buy russian mystery powders

do not pay scam artists to play games online

>> No.6840934

You can't become more fit. Use some common sense - if there was a way to "become more fit" that actually worked, everyone would already be doing it.

>> No.6840965
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MFW people here don't believe in epigenetics and neural plasticity.

>> No.6840970

>the SECOND you get stuck google or youtube what you're working on

That is no way to learn. If you get stuck try and figure it out until you are really stuck.

>> No.6842955

You can't become more lazy. Use some common sense - if there was a way to "become more lazy" that actually worked, everyone would already be doing it.

>> No.6842966

There is only one way to actually get smarter/more intelligent:

Assume everyone is constantly lying to you.

>> No.6842971

google search 2 profound intelligence winwegner. Yes, the numerical 2

Download the N back game (on the android phone if possible)

Fucking eat like a boss


Meditate and do yoga

Attain 160+ IQ

N back will be best for college (if only for college)

Image streaming takes hella dedication, but the boosts are immense

>> No.6843010

med student here
the only times I aced the exams and was right on the top was when I literally stayed with my ass on my chair all day long
no 4chan, youtube, no shows to watch

just constant, mind-numbing learning from books

it's actually very rare for people today to have time only for themselves and focus on something, and I do have a problem with procastination
it doesn't help in my case that I'm very lonely and whatever interaction I get daily is from this place, the constant loneliness just hammers my motivation

>> No.6843015

Probably just because you think that nothing in this world is more fun than to fuck with a paranoid person. ;)

>> No.6843017

Smoke weed

>> No.6843018

erry day

>> No.6843019

Learn how to concentrate. Then actually do it.

>> No.6843030

It's very simple OP.

Study. Do the fucking reading. Do you know how many students do not do the fucking reading ahead of time? A lot.

Do your homework as soon as it is assigned because it will be fresh in your head.

Mark the problems that you are having difficulty with. Consult your professor or a tutor.

Ask questions, be interested in what you are learning, and study efficiently.

Also what this guy said:


You have no idea how important sleep and a healthy diet is when it comes to learning. DO NOT FUCKING STAY UP TILL 5 AM BROWSING THE WEB. Biggest mistake you can make is getting into a sleep deprived state.

>> No.6843033

No not every day, but in moderation. It changes your perspective on things.

>> No.6843043


lol OP you can't get smarter, but you can get wiser ;)

>> No.6843172


Not the guy you're talking to but making claims like "it's placebo bullshit" with out any reason to assert it beyond your "nothing can't help nobody" skepticism makes you look like a moron. I've had amazing consistent experience with racetams, and even if they are placebo, or subjective, they are completely worth it.

>> No.6843176

Not the guy you're talking to but advocating useless shit without any proof beyond "i want drugs" obsession makes you like like a moron. I've had amazing consistent experience of making people who look for them realize their habits are awful and that they need to change health/study habits first before they fuck with their head.

>> No.6843178


There's are people in the nba that are 5'9". At least know your shit before you start spouting that slackjaw garbage bro.

>> No.6843186


I hope you realize how dumb you look right now. Reformating my sentence to support you opinions and unsupported beliefs about my life doesn't make you right, especially when there was never a situation for you to be right.

Burden of proof is on you faggot. Link me to a medical journal that says "all nootropics are useless placebos that only people obsessed with drugs use" and then maybe you can start replying.

>> No.6843196


I hope you realize how dumb you look right now. The fact that I reformatted your sentence to lampshade your opinions and unsupported beliefs

wait about your life? what the fuck

burden of proof... is on me?

oh fuck i got baited

well played, simbly ebin

>> No.6843210


Alright, enjoy your tour of /sci/ on your way back to /b/. Hope you learn something.

>> No.6843220

10/10 amazing would get baited again and again

>> No.6843233


Alright, seriously what are you talking about? Why are saying a bunch of nonsense and pretending everyone's experience are invalid because you say so? I'm tired of your shitposting, please state SOME for reasoning for any of your claims.

>> No.6843236

you can't be serious, it's ridiculous

only a troll would bring up "muh life" and an intentional misuse of burden of proof like that, you're looking for arguments and shitting up the board

>> No.6843251

It was you who made the claim that they are useless shit with no proof, when I stated they serve there purpose for ME, then you made the assumption that my " habits are awful and that they need to change health/study habits" for no fucking reason and making baseless assupmtions about people lives.

How are you not retarded again? You need to provide proof about them being "useless shit" or else, again, you look stupid. Not replying to your incoherent "ur a trol XD" underage shit anymore.

>> No.6843254

you keep doing it, im convinced you're doing it on purpose

no one cares about your life or you

>> No.6843257

that's now how burden of proof works

>> No.6843274


Well don't use it as the point of your argument you dumb kid.


He made the initial claim "noots are useless placebos" with no reasoning. How is it not?

>> No.6843290

"Smart drugs" won't do shit. They're all placebo. Eat healthy, and have plenty of complex carbs, as your brain needs fuel to run properly. Also, do 30-45 minutes of moderate to high intensity cardio everyday. This will increase the oxygen saturation of your blood, and streamline your endocrine system, helping you become more focused. Finally, do not let yourself be lazy. Work hard, and study effectively. Remain INTERESTED in what you're studying (i.e., don't cram).

>> No.6843294

This will probably earn me some gayest ever world record, but happiness OP. Being in a bad mood always hurt my attention span and ability to take in information.

>> No.6843317

When I was depressed, I couldn't remember the shit I did 10 minutes ago. Always tired despite sleeping a lot.

>> No.6843323
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>chem undergrad
>no friends
>spend most of my time on 4chan
>make a shitload of money during the summer so I never need to work during school
>never manage to get any sleep
>always feel like shit
>procrastinate like a motherfucker
>always understand concepts but never have the willpower to study things in depth and therefore really be ready for tests
>always do decent in classes but never great

>> No.6843329

drugs are the solution to your bad social skills and habits! :^)

>> No.6843365


>There is literally not a single person in the world that requires chemical intervention to preform at optimal capacity

>Also, I'm a cum guzzling teen who can't capitalize his sentences or stop talking like I'm /v/ :^)

>> No.6843366

And people still thinks it means "being a bit sad" and can be cured by "cheering up".

>> No.6843372

I like the way this guy thinks.

Question everything and always keep an open mind, don't reject an idea just because it challenges your established belief system.

>> No.6843373

>i care about how i write on 4clams
>i am the lord of the spergs

>> No.6843374

Assume everyone, including yourself, is constantly lying to you.

>> No.6843375

yeah that's why all the football players and bodybuilders are all natural

>> No.6843376


>I-I don't care!! Can't you see how cool I am? I was only pretending to be retarded!

>You mad!

Why are you replying?

>> No.6843380


What are you trying to say? Roids don't work or something stupid like that? Why wouldn't someone take drugs that make them 100% better physically when there lives, health, and millions of dollars are on the line.

>> No.6843381

It is a result of being sad all the time. You are sad which releases specific neurotransmitters. You continue to be sad which causes those neurotransmitters to build up creating more sadness. After a while sure maybe you cant just cheer up but its your fault for not just cheering up before allowing your brain to become oversaturated with neurotransmitters related to sadness, and falling down the sadness spiral. People who have a positive outlook on life from the beginning will never be depressed, and you cant tell me you were depressed since birth. You/your enviroment made you that way.

>> No.6843421

why do you assume everyone is the same person? what the fuck

>> No.6843422

are you the same guy who instantly got defensive about his life when someone said good habits helped?

you're really the lord of the spergs

>> No.6843423

who's replying now bitch

whatever happen in this discussion, at least i fuck hot bitches, and u mr. maximum sperglord don't.

hint: its all the spergin' that scares them aways

>> No.6843425

inb4 he sees this comment and starts going all "We're on /sci/! I am undoubtedly smart and great! Your simple way of writing and expressing yourself obviously shows me you're dumb! Go back to /b/!"

he doesn't get it and won't

>> No.6843429
File: 142 KB, 640x426, Broken-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am dreadful at studying because my focus is lost absurdly quickly.
Kill your cell phone.
Fucking millennials always checking their fucking phones. No wonder you can't focus.

>> No.6843437


I replied to that post based on it's contents, and all these post in this one thread with the same typing style, opinion, and targeting anything I post against them leads me to believe that they are the same person, like any reasonable person.

I didn't get defensive, I ask them to try and support your claims, which they never did. They didn't say good habits helped, they said drugs CAN'T help and then made the claim that your are doing something wrong in your life.


Your inability to express yourself with out memes and the content of all the post you makes leads me to believe you're stupid and argumentative unjustly.

Please just type one compelling thing that isn't "meme sperg greentext troll" ect

>> No.6843446
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>> No.6843461

doing all you can to act like a smart person doesn't make you one

>> No.6843471


More pointless inane shit? Thanks bro we needed more of that from you.

>> No.6843473

>There are no shortcuts
Or is there? Currently, they're inventing a machine that shocks people head. It's totally safe to use and costs the price of a math text book. The machine makes people have an easier time at doing math. Who says shortcuts can't exist?

>> No.6843474

>hurrr im smart and that's why I'm an autist

>> No.6843477


LOL really dude have you ever had a meaningful or articulate point in your life? You haven't said shit worth anything plain and simple.

Awaiting your "i trold u XD"

>> No.6843607

Also unplug any internet connection, turn off TV. Make sure you have anything you need and nothing else (except maybe coffee)

>> No.6843683

If there is anything I have learned browsing /sci/ it would be that you can't, you were born, and will always be, worthless. If there was any way to get out of that everyone would be doing it. I truly wish it weren't so, but there's nothing to be done.

>> No.6844516
File: 184 KB, 200x100, GodNo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turned from a failing highschool student to a B average college student
>tfw trying to get A's
Girl in my comp sci class can get straight A's no problem but whenever I think I've done my part my best, it turns out I fucked up horribly.
Fuck the grading system, I just want to feel adequate for once.

>> No.6844560

I know that feel .

>> No.6844574

I find that one of the biggest hindrances to clear thinking is stress. That is pretty hard to manage sometimes, however, having a healthy diet, regular exercise rutiene, and just taking time out every once in a while to just sit and do nothing. That stuff helps.
And if you're like me and have ADD, concentration is hard to maintain, Reading a lot helps. It certainly doesn't cure it, but something about putting your mind in the mindset necessary for reading really helps train my mind to more easily become focused.
Now here's the kicker, ADD is also a personality problem that makes staying dedicated harder. Still no Idea how to deal with that.... oh well.

>> No.6844581

OP, learn to play chess.

you might even enjoy it. it's kinda fun, and it's great for getting the gears turning in your mind.

>> No.6845054

Try sucking up to the teachers. If it doesn't work then I want to study where you are.

I fucking hate this world.

>> No.6845065

People wouldn't be taking steroids if it was going to kill them.

Also drugs for ADD kids
And vitamins, allergy medications, etc etc

>> No.6845196

I'd consider myself on good terms with most of my teachers. But they're not going to pass you because they like you. You've got to look like you know your shit, sound like you know your shit and mainly give every bit of detail about what you know on paper when the questions are asked.