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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 556x349, music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6827608 No.6827608 [Reply] [Original]

What music does /sci/ listen to while studying?

Maybe not very /sci/ related, but let's share some study music.

>> No.6827629


>> No.6827641

Extreme avant-garde jazz noisecore black metal

>> No.6827646

>dat pic
>Key of E
>Listening to music of that tier

It's like you WANT to fail

>> No.6827649

Key of Eb. The flat symbol didn't properly print.

>> No.6827655

You gots a problem with Eb you can say it my face, boy

>> No.6827661
File: 32 KB, 577x435, 1350647566312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cant read sheet music

>> No.6827668

classical music.. beethoven.. can't be anything with vocals or a beat..

>> No.6827675


beethoven is the fedora of classical music

>> No.6827683

yeh classical music is pretty relaxing

I often listen to the soundtrack of that french movie; amélie, when studying


>> No.6827711

i listen to EDM

>> No.6827718

I don't study, I write papers

Classical music
Final fantasy music
Film music (James Horner, etc)

>> No.6827759

asmr vids
nutcsae conspiracy videos
minimalist music

>> No.6827760

Whats with idiot blacks trying to say that beethoven was african or african-mixed?

That just them being moronic, or what?

>> No.6827761

When studying its anything with out vocals:

>> No.6827766

Mostly ambient and drone

>> No.6827767
File: 184 KB, 960x540, thisisbait.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful guys

>> No.6827782

Actually it wasn't (intentionally) bait. I enjoy beethovens music, I was just wondering if there was -any truth whatsoever- to the claim that HE BE BLAC YO! Get real tired of beeba-bobba and heeba-beeba trying to say every historical person that matters in any way shape or form was black.

>> No.6827785


nujabes is goat

>> No.6827789

I listen to binueral beats, specifically the ones for concentration.

That and/or (i can overlay tracks) Sigur ros. It's some hipster mostly instrumental band from iceland that is pretty good 'study' music

My death metal only distracts me while studying :(

>> No.6827793

I honestly down know out side of the fact that , with the exception of maybe with Indian/Pacific ocean islanders , most humans have genetic makers from multiple continents since the invention of agriculture. So technically yes. Here's a ragtime.


>> No.6827794

Listen to Bach's cello suites played by Yoyoma

>> No.6827821

>Yo-Yo Ma
Pleb, listen to them played by Pablo Casals

>> No.6827829

Thats different from their claim. Their claim is that he was 100% big-nose big lips dark skin black.

>> No.6827833

Then no

>> No.6827844

also despite Beethoven wasn't , his collaborator George Bridgetower was.

>> No.6827848

Bohren and der club of gore - geisterfaust or sunset mission
Fauna - the hunt
Canonball adderly - Somethin else

>> No.6827851

I'm dealing with the type idiots that think a european having the epithet "the black" means they are from africa. These people sincerely believe that a vast majority of everyone who has ever mattered in any way shape or form, was black. They thought charlemagne was black because one of his statues is made of a black material. Thats the tier of stupid they are.

>> No.6827863

You should probably ignore stupid people, the idiocy is contagious.

>> No.6827868

I have a debate against them coming up and I'm prepping to BTFO them and make them a laughing stock. Heeba-beeba and beeba-bobba are two specific people.

>> No.6827881

It depends.
Today I studied listening to Ruins.

>> No.6827889

Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends Season 2 Episode 3

They're already a laughing stock, check out this louis theroux episode, mr theroux makes em look even dumber with his usual subtlety.

>> No.6827894

Heavy screamo or Vitamin String Quartet depending on the mood.

>> No.6827896

Isn't louis the source of the "DA GNAT-SEAS R CUMMING! EVERYONE FLEEEEE! FLEEEEE!" - antifa run in every direction in terror, meme?

>> No.6827897

23 minutes in if you're interested

>> No.6827929
File: 44 KB, 313x432, beethoven21254115959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's non-negligible evidence to suggest he had mixed ancestry, specifically Moorish (i.e. north African). It's not 100% ironclad, but it's there and reasonably plausible.

>> No.6827935

Deep techno is good

>> No.6827942

Thats not what they're saying either. Again; they're trying to say he's nappy hair big lips big nose dark skin "black".

>> No.6827976

Kanye West

>> No.6827979

>nappy hair big lips big nose

He's certainly got those traits in that picture.

I mean, he wouldn't have been black black or even Obama half-black, but he certainly wouldn't have looked like our typical German at the time.

>> No.6827996

Well he's obviously not a congoid or a capoid in any case.

>> No.6828022

Been really digging this tune for awhile now

If anyone has any similar stuff, that'd be awesome (dnb or experimental).

>> No.6828027

miley cyrus and justin biber

>> No.6828034

Old school hip-hop, Jazz, guitar solos and some rock.

>> No.6828036

Hey, how about you go back to /pol/ or something? Thanks!

>> No.6828038

How about you go fuck yourself with a protractor? I don't have time for this shit. I don't care what you're opinion is, shut up and go away.

>> No.6828039

It depends how hardcore the science i'm dropping is. If i'm doing my references or writing my methods section or some shit then i'll maybe listen to some Pink Floyd or any of my standard tunes. If i'm trying figure something complex out or writing my discussion then I'll listen to something without word and quite relaxing, Chopin and Beethoven are quite good for that.

>> No.6828042

Why did you come in here to bitch about Beethoven being black or not? I'm curious about that.

>> No.6828045

I was trying to find definitive proofs that he either was or was not. Since genetics is a science, I thought I might find it here. Dumbass motherfucker.

>> No.6828050

I usually listen to music before i start studying to relax myself. This is what i have been listening to for a while:


>> No.6828066


immediately though of that goat song on runescape 8^)
what was it called again.. still night?

that game was so much fun and such a waste of time
brings back good memories

>> No.6828077

>genetics is a science
lolpoltards, it's a science except when it ruins their silly fantasies

>> No.6828080

-n/10, way beyond to obvious. Try harder faggot.

>> No.6828082

Yes :') I used to play alot of runes when i was younger, but didnt really pay attention to the music. I recently found some of the soundtracks and it is soo nostalgic!

>> No.6828091

>I was trying to find definitive proofs that he either was or was not. Since genetics is a science, I thought I might find it here. Dumbass motherfucker.

>ask for this in a thread
>about music /sci/ people listen to.
>i am being called a dumbass motherfucker.

I want you to think real hard about this. Also, you displayed incredible bias when asking about his ancestry.

tl;dr, you are a faggot, please die.

>> No.6828099

>What music does /sci/ listen to while studying?

Wagner. When I need to study, I need my energy levels to be up so I can increase my attention. Wagner does that. It's god-tier music too.

>> No.6828100

I called you a dumbass motherfucker because you ARE a dumbass motherfucker, and dropping your "I am soooo super special snowflake" trip doesn't change that.

I don't have time for this faggotry. Go immolate yourself in a warp drive.

>> No.6828104


I have this on repeat loop:


>> No.6828105

Are you le chemist from /mu/? IF so, what do you do on a daily basis as a chemist?

>> No.6828110

Give reason for that. You know, for calling me a dumbass motherfucker. I also dropped my trip temporarily because I went on another board.

Come on, bitch nigga. You say you don't have time for this faggotry, but you're still replying to me.

I finished two exams today and I also officially finished grading all of my undergrad exams. Oh, and I just got done masturbating. I just have to do some coding for this project that's due on Friday, but I'm fine. I'm ready to fucking go, m8. The night is young, motherfucker; let's turn it up a bit.

I can shitpost all fucking night.

>> No.6828111

>Are you le chemist from /mu/? IF so, what do you do on a daily basis as a chemist?

Nope. I don't go to /mu/. I'm a grad student in CS (AI).

>> No.6828131

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bdHKLc1e_Y [Embed]

that was bretty good. got moar?

>> No.6828155
File: 861 KB, 500x314, revintensifynge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot your reaction image m8
also, what do you TA?

>> No.6828175

Nujabes - Arurian dance.
Hour long, good to work to.

Alternatively, some Kashiwa Daisuke (try his album 88)

>> No.6828213

Nothing quite like Viraemia

>> No.6828226

Neurochem/neuropharmacology major. If I listen to any music while studying, it'll be without words. Flying Lotus and Bonobo are two of my big favorites. Once I tried to study while listening to the instrumentals from Death Grips' Exmilitary, it didn't work out so well, I just ended up listening to the real Exmilitary and slacking off. Bad news.

>> No.6828531

whats the consensus on binueral beats?

>> No.6828550


>> No.6828565

I had
playing at about 2:30ish and this loaded up, holy shit my sides.