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6822155 No.6822155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about starting an SSRI for depression and anxiety before next semester comes around.

I've already got Adderall, which helps a lot, but I want to know if these will help or hinder academic performance.

Anecdotes are welcome.

I'm not the smartest guy and need all the help I can get

>> No.6822160

I never did understand why a student would rely on medication to get through higher ed, especially if it is not essential to his well being.

And seeing as you are somewhat clear headed to post here, let me ask you.

Why do you take Adderall?

>> No.6822165
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copypasta but it's why

>freshman year, got a dorm room to myself at world top 100 uni
>thought i was intelligent
>found out it quickly that it doesn't matter without the work ethic and knowledge
>physics major
>got a connection for adderall from random dickhead drug dealer on campus
>never tried before, never diagnosed with ADD
>take one at around noon
>do every single assignment that i have out of sudden insane interest and motivation
>see everything connecting
>read ahead in all of the reading to the point where i could sit on my ass for the next three weeks and still pass everything
>went from a 2.7 to a 4.0 GPA
>confidence went up a bit but it was only towards my studies
>took mushrooms, LSD, and smoked pot occasionally
>became a friendlier person
>became more generally aware, started seeing social cue's, was able to feel what people were feeling and understand them more
>almost never have anxiety for anything other than silly shit
>joined 'philosophy' club
>became the president just because I fucked everyone up with their clueless logic
>never took philosophy in my life
>transferred to MIT for physics and little difference noticed
>people seem slower, weaker to me now
>understand everything and feel wired into the present
>realized that drugs are the perfect solution to any problem you could ever have

>> No.6822167

Also, anti depression medication doesn't boost your intelligence.

Hell, any emotion you feel is just a mixture of chemical reactions occurring in your brain. Messing with those by inducing happiness is not recommended, especially if you are already taking Aderrall.

Instead, whenever you are feeling sad or depressed, pick one activity to do and do it. Make it something that will eventually build you up. Like taking a run, or perhaps reading, or immersing yourself into a proof. Not only will help you get over it at that moment, but over time you're improving yourself.

I hate to see smart people degrade themselves with various medications and become dependent on them. Don't do it bro.

>> No.6822170

This logic is so flawed it's making me believe you are trolling.

Are you saying Adderall is the Limitless pill?

Da fuq? Why are there so many fucking ADHD kids running around who are on Adderall and still fuckfaces?

>> No.6822179


Never had the mental endurance to do homework or study. This helps a lot, otherwise the work would never get done.

My anxiety definitely interferes with my studies though. I'll lose my train of thought constantly just thinking about dumb shit from the past. It'll literally stop my in my tracks sometimes.

I've also read studies about SSRI's stimulating brain cell growth or some shit, but I've also read and heard stories about them making people dumb.

>> No.6822180

>Why are there so many fucking ADHD kids running around who are on Adderall and still fuckfaces?
Because they NEED it to be more normal.
He doesn't, but it still gives him a boost.

>> No.6822188

I said theyre already on it, why are they still fuckfaces?

try again

>> No.6822193

Yeah it the effect differs in every individual.

Still, i do not believe that you should lean on a drug to help you get through school.

You're just setting yourself up for failure next time...but hey, what do i know?

>> No.6822194

Reread my post.
It's a treatment not a cure.
Makes them better but isn't magic.

>> No.6822195

Reread the post to which i replied to, in which OP basically said that Adderall is the Limitless pill.

>> No.6822204

For normal people it is probably the closest we have.
It's funny because while watching limitless I felt it was pretty obvious the author had been inspired by ADHD meds

>> No.6822210
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I never said that lol

>> No.6822211

You're telling me you are all for this student taking Adderall to get through his course work because without it he is lazy and doesn't want to get around to it?

Now ask yourself if this is the guy you want building your skyscrapers, jets, rockets, prescribing your meds, diagnosing you?

Oh God.

>> No.6822213

Also, wtf did people do before ADHD meds?

Magically get better?

or did they suck it up and work out their own problems?

>> No.6822217
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I'm not the OP. It's why so many college students take it. I'm willing to bet that you've never taken Adderall.

They just weren't as good. I don't think you realize how insane the competition is. It's like in the NFL or MLB. Once some guys start taking drugs, then everyone starts to because you have to up the ante. The trick is to be one of those first guys that start so you blow away the competition and everyone thinks you're a hardworking genius, when in reality you're just another kid but you know how to use a drug to your advantage and not for giggles.

>> No.6822219
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Not lazy, just way more inefficient, and a little less motivated without. Plus it's happening anyway:



-----Nobody knows anyone that's been on this shit in college? None of your classmates are on Zoloft or Lexapro? Van anyone twll me if it will make learning more difficult/easy?

>> No.6822222
File: 39 KB, 1000x599, -drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT people actually think drugs are bad, m'kay
It's knowing how to use them. Ask Bob Dylan about his amphetamine use. Ever listen to one of his (hundreds) of songs? I'm sure we've all heard a few.

>Nobody knows anyone that's been on this shit in college?
Nobody is going to talk about it because it's not something to talk about.

>> No.6822225

>Bob dylan
>good music
>"good" because drugs

jesus christ you fucking junkies are terrible

if you're stupid drugs are only going to make you stupid and sick. if you don't feel motivated work on your sleeping/eating habits, take enough breaks and see what you like to do and dont just go through the motions.

>> No.6822228

That's like saying Bob Dylan is a shitty songwriter because he took amphetamines constantly and wrote all of those songs. You're also basing your argument under the assumption that any of this things you're listing off is made by one single dude and not a team of ~12+ engineers/scientists.

Read what you're about to post or fuck off.

Shut up, cunt. You have no basis for anything that you're saying. This is a science board and you need to have some evidence or even something to give as an example that isn't flawed for anyone to care about what you're saying. Being that nothing you've said so far has been logical or thought out, I'm disregarding you as you're a waste of time and don't care to try.

>> No.6822231

>My argument is bob dylan's music is good, and that it's "good" because of drugs, and so drugs are good
>i'm going to call you unscientific when you say anything against me

:^) mad junkie best junkie

>> No.6822233

aaand credibility ZERO
Come back when you have something to say that isn't subjective and basically you whining because nobody cares.

>> No.6822236

if this and the bob dylan shit isn't bait i don't know what is

>> No.6822237
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>resorted to ad hominem with generic meme junk

>samefagging because nobody agrees with him

>> No.6822239

>everyone who is against me has to be one person
>i'll start personal attacks and yell ad hominem when I get confronted

junkies really are the worst

bob dylan sucks

>> No.6822242
File: 998 KB, 500x254, seriously.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to my thread?

>> No.6822243
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>personal attacks
>'junkies' are terrible etc etc
you're also a hypocritical and ironic now
>yell ad hominem when i get confronted
No, you see, intellectual arguments with a true point don't include personal attacks. You need to understand that before you start an argument with someone of a fucking science board. You've already lost just from not thinking before you post.

Some republican learned how to use a computer and somehow found your thread. Don't worry about it.

>> No.6822244

I've been taking 60mg of Adderall XR for about 4 months now but I can't feel a difference. I have really bad ADD which is why I started taking these, but would like to try something "better".

What are good alternatives?

>> No.6822246

well there's always desoxyn

>> No.6822247

>Intellectual with true points
>Bob dylan music good so drug good :))
>Don't worry op i'll save you from evil republican!

im getting baited stupidly hard but i dont even care you are a master baiter

>> No.6822249

It's not going to enhance you in any way if you actually have ADD. I had a friend that would be fairly serious/focused when he took Ritalin that he was prescribed and when he didn't take it, he would become loopy and couldn't focus on anything to save his life. It was fun but also annoying because you couldn't really talk to him or explain anything to him without him changing the subject several times and laughing about silly shit. It was cute though in a none gay way.

>> No.6822250


Bro. You don't have ADD, you're just fucking retarded and no drug will change that.

Might as well be smoking crystal meth, holy shit man

>> No.6822256

Hey maybe someone in this thread who knows their stuff can help me out.
I'm 20 math/physics major
Was diagnosed with ADHD at 18 (real full cognitive assessment not web MD)
I was offered meds but refused them and I've become interested as of recent.
I feel like the meds that are stimulants rather than those that mellow you out (like Ritalin) would be better for me if I did try something.
I just have a really hard time focusing on most any task I do and I often find myself just sitting and doing nothing for really long periods of time when I know I have things that I should be working on. I've heard that aderall has helped people with cases of low motivation / trouble focusing.
Any suggestions?

>> No.6822258


>> No.6822260


ritalin is a stimulant. Try that first. Adderall is hard, and will fuck up your sleep and that will fuck up your grades. Also, when it wears off, you will be a dumb fuck unless you pop another, or get some good sleep. Problem is sleeping pills will also affect your learning, especially shit like ambien.

Try ritalin or focalin first.

>> No.6822261

ignore the diagnosis. stop thinking so much about your problem, that makes it so much worse. take frequent breaks, drink plenty of water, do light exercise weekly at least.

>> No.6822264

You're in a good position here, You can get medication through insurance likely. The problem really comes down to therapy to develop coping mechanisms, which is partially solved so long as you're going to a medium-to-large sized university as they're likely to have free/cheap counseling services available to you.

>> No.6822270


That's like telling you to get psychological therapy for bad vision instead of contacts or glasses. Don't listen to these guys:

Try ritalin or focalin first.
Then try adderall at 5 mg's. Don't start at 10

And sit your ass in the fucking school library.

>> No.6822272

Don't you feel fucking irresponsible recommending people to drug themselves and subtly hint at the "cram all day, pull all nighters" style?

>> No.6822275

To me breaks actually seem extremely harmful. If I don't do my best to just hunker down and do something I will start day dreaming or become demotivated.
It's to the point where if I have to write some boring as fuck English essay I will wait til several hours before my class to even start.
When I'm under that kind of pressure I can focus a lot better and my brain goes a million miles a second and often I get the whole thing done.
I self study a lot of math in my free time and even though I absolutely love math and physics it can be difficult to establish a steady study schedule for my personal studies and that's why I was wondering if medication would help motivate me there as well as in my regular classes.

>> No.6822277

You're not contributing to the thread so why are you here?

>> No.6822280

That's because what you consider breaks is probably kind-of-half-doing the work for a while, and trying not to do it while still thinking about it.

Try to practice discipline and be hard on yourself to actually do the work, and when you do, reward yourself with a 5 minute break every hour or two hours where you take a glass of water, stretch and relax a bit. It's hard at first but that'll really help. Your body will get used to work through rewards, and you will feel more comfortable doing more work.

But you have to eat well and get enough sleep. Just take care of your health and you should do better.

>> No.6822283

You're actively harming people so why are you here?

>> No.6822284

I specifically told him to avoid adderall because it'll fuck his sleep up. That's not a prescription for cram sessions.

Try the fucking meds bro. Just be sure to be in the library or in class when you take them. Don't pop pills and go home. You'll end up wasting your time playing video games, jerking off, or browsing 4chan

>> No.6822286

I took prozac for 3 months and effexor for 3 months for "depression". Started off with small doses but since they didn't work I quickly was moved to the highest dose possible.

They had no perceivable effects on my academic performance or "overall intelligence."

Prozac made my "depression" worse and made me cockier and less anxious. I don't think I "cringed" a single time on it. I "attempted suicide" on Prozac and probably wouldn't have if not on it. Effexor had little effect on my "depression", made me paranoid and very aggressive, and made it nearly impossible to cum. I don't think I "cringed" on effexor either.

I "cringe" all the time now -- I remember embarrassing things all throughout the day and "beat myself up about it" and make silly faces (not as bad as this guy though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqmIAbHXr0Y ).

I think SSRIs are useless at best.

>> No.6822292

>actively harming
I'm not going to bother typing out a big reply because you're bait.

>> No.6822293

Ok thanks anon I'll try some of this stuff.

>> No.6822299


Fucking awesome post!

That's an anxiety issue. I used to cringe or grimace all the time when I stopped taking xanax. Bad withdrawals. Went mostly away after a whole fucking year off.

What was your depression about? Women, Nihilism...

>> No.6822302

Lol this is exactly what I do when I'm at home anyways.
Thanks for the tips though. I feel like I wanna try to go without meds for longer.
I've always felt if I go without them I'm a better person but it also scares me that I might not be tapping my potential and I'm hintering myself because of how hard I think I would work if I could just concentrate like a normal human being.

>> No.6822303

How do you guys do and focus on things that you're not interested in? I can be productive for about 4 weeks max, then I start staring out the window in the library when my books are in front of me, procrastinating, deciding to not do certain assignments, etc. I feel "burnt out" and "want to die" and so on.

I have no problem being productive when I take a shitload of caffeine and ephedrine but I can't do that every day, and I'm getting in one of those "ruts" again.

>> No.6822307

The obsessive thoughts about something being wrong with your head are self-fulfilling prophecies. I've been there, stop pushing mind illness into your persona like it's a good thing.

>> No.6822308

>Ok thanks anon I'll try some of this stuff.

You're wasting your time bro. You've been trying bullshit like that your whole life. Give the meds a try, then go back to your Buddhist bullshit if they don't help

>> No.6822313

>Please drug yourself! Do you think you're better than me for not doing it? You aren't better than me, do it!

Op is clearly debating between both ideas without us to represent them and he clearly knows what's the right thing to do. Don't be pushy.

>> No.6822318


That's why the library is so important. Just don't fuck yourself over by being narrow minded. It's better to see if the meds work, then fuck yourself with mediocre grades and wonder what if

much luck

>> No.6822319

>What was your depression about? Women, Nihilism...

I don't think it was "about" anything. After I started "feeling like shit" I tried to "justify it" (post facto) with the typical teenage avenues: women & nihilism; I remember telling my psychiatrist that I was in "an existential depression" and using words like "solipsism" when I talked to her, which I'm still embarrassed about. I was also convinced I wanted to be a woman for a while. But I've grown out of those things and am still "depressed" on-and-off, mostly on. I don't think of myself as having a mental illness, because I think that's a stupid "framework"; I consider myself as having a disposition that is more sensitive to pain and less sensitive to pleasure than most people's, more anhedonic than typical. That's a better explanation than "mental illness", gender issues, or nihilism. I'm also convinced there is no "cure", at least not at present. It doesn't matter much though, because I don't see it as something that needs to be "cured", even though life would probably be "loads better" with a different brain.

>> No.6822321


Lol. OP is already on adderall. I'm OP.

>> No.6822324

>why take a drug that can temporary improve your level of conscious awareness, functioning as a cognitive enhancer, allowing you to experience yourself think at greater efficiency
Why would you not want to take ampethamines/methylphenidate/any stimulant ever

>> No.6822329

That's why the library is so important. Just don't fuck yourself over by being narrow minded. It's better to see if the meds work, *THAN* fuck yourself with mediocre grades and wonder what if

much luck

>> No.6822331

Not you the OP of the thread.
Me OP the guy who hijacked this shit and asked for some anon help about my ADHD.
I'm not on meds nor have I taken any.

>> No.6822343
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lmfao. This thread is so fucked.

>> No.6822346

Because ADHD is a disorder that was invented, not discovered. It's not like something caused by infection or something else with a visible and correlating condition. It's why it's espcially a spectrum disorder. Ampethamines aren't some cure like antibiotics for a bacteria infection, they are simply potent stimulants that not only block reuptake of several excitatory neurotransmitters but amplifies their concentration leading to a magnified neural effect. Think of how 20 mM acetylcholine produces a neuro-macular event, uping that concentration of acetyl to 50mM we observe a larger event. During this to those in our CNS seem to have the same increased preformance. Amphetamine use is known to increase IQ 4-5 points during development years and a bunch of other neat cognitive effect such as increased saliency. Amphetamine was designed for ADHD, it's simple a easy drug to throw at the problem as there is no real problem area to target

>> No.6822347

The thing is I have As.
I'm a first year physics student (yes I'm 20 and a freshman but I didn't know what I wanted to do for a while so I fucked around til I figured it out) and I'm doing well.
I have 100% in my calc class without even really trying.
>yes I know calc is babby shit and that isn't that impressive
I'm just worried I'm selling myself short because I'm currently studying calc II / III on my own off and on but I feel like if I could really focus I could've been light years ahead of even where I am now.

>> No.6822352


If you have A's, then you probably just need the meds for partying hard

>> No.6822353

People have been using drugs such as amphetimes for a long time anon, and it was espcially easier not to long ago to buy heroin/cocaine cookies at the pharmacy. And yes anon, even the upper class elite (i, e doctors) took drugs

>> No.6822359

I have no interest in partying whatsoever. I have a deep interest in being able to apply myself to learning advanced math / physics on my own time so that I can maybe move the fuck up and not sit in a class full of retards while I don't miss a single question all semester.

>> No.6822360

doesn't really matter. even if you had mastered graduate level mathematics it wouldn't matter. i was once motivated and did independent study for 20 hours a week. but there's nothing important about it. it was just a hobby, and i chose to do it because i was boring and didn't know what else to dow ith my time and wanted to prove to other people how smart i was because all my parents said to me throughout childhood was "look at how smart you are" etc. now i study as little as possible and try my best to be a loser like The Dude. so much better.

>> No.6822369

Why would it not matter if I master graduate level mathematics as an undergrad?
I don't want to sound like a dick but it seems like you've fallen into a period of nihility after being previously motivated and you're projecting on me.

>> No.6822374

>but it seems like you've fallen into a period of nihility after being previously motivated and you're projecting on me.
This is totally accurate and you should view me as a "loser."

Do you go to a mediocre university? I do, and it doesn't get better: the people in your classes will remain incompetent, your professors will pander to stupidest people in the room, and you will remain frustrated. I'm interviewing for co-ops and employers don't seem to care about the self-study I've done (which includes several independent projects) - they're more interested in HR buzzwords. I said it doesn't matter because the only thing a mastery of graduate level mathematics will give you is bragging rights on /sci/, since this place is nothing but a wanking grounds over intelligence.

this is a pathetic post, i shouldn't hit "post"

>> No.6822381

I have cyclothymia ( bipolar lite ). I get pretty nervous for tests and uncertainty in the future. I don't need much medicine. Benzo to calm me down now and then ( helps me study ) and a mood stabilizer. I was on anti-depressants back when the pdoc was uncertain about what to put me on and they were fucking horrible. I threw them up, had limp dick ( literally couldn't get aroused ), tired as fuck all the time. I had to drop to part time that semester because of these things and after that I said fuck em. Turns out I clearly did not need them. At the time doctor asked me to stay on them to see how they would work overtime. Bad decision. So that's my experience.

Can't say anything about addheral. I think that drug would screw me over. I study best when I am calm, not when my mind is racing and I am amped on shit ( it is already tuned to that by default ).

>> No.6822384

Shit nigger feel train.
It's alright man I understand.
I feel that professor pandering to the middle ground shit all the time.
It makes me not want to go to my classes when I sit in a 2 hour lecture and don't learn anything new.

>> No.6822393

Hell no man, it sounds like you're miserable in shitty corporate jobs, but you should try to aim for academia or something. I know it has its troubles too, but don't get discouraged by people being idiots. Don't so something that makes you miserable.