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File: 160 KB, 798x1000, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6820412 No.6820412 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/,

I'm 21 and I have autism. I was diagnosed when I was 6 after I entered primary school.

Is there any hope for a cure anytime soon? I really wonder what it's like to be "normal" and not have autism.

Anyway, article related. I wish I had this kind of tech when I was a kid.


>> No.6820541

How's it to be an autistic person? What's different? I'm really curious about it...

>> No.6820561

Learn to be a man you fucking pussy bitch.

>> No.6820574

>How's it to be an autistic person?

Well, I now live alone but looking back, I'm pretty sure I was a huge burden on my parents and my teachers.

>What's different?

I can't tell you because I don't have a baseline. It's not like I was once "normal" and then became autistic so I can't compare it to anything. It's like asking you what it's like to be you.

>I'm really curious about it...

Thank you.

I'm not sure how my masculinity matters in this case.

>> No.6820588

Do you keep daydreaming? Cause that's my definition of autism, an endless daydream, sorry my pleb interpretation though... Describe me something OP omg, what are you thinking about now? When you interact with new people, what do you think about, what do you pay attention on them? Is there any specific characteristic?

>> No.6820592

>I'm not sure how my masculinity matters in this case.
Autism disproportionately affects males.

>> No.6820594

>Do you keep daydreaming?

No. Don't have that issue.

>Cause that's my definition of autism, an endless daydream, sorry my pleb interpretation though... Describe me something OP omg, what are you thinking about now?

I tend to focus on various things and my mind spends, I think, a lot of time thinking about minutia.

>When you interact with new people, what do you think about, what do you pay attention on them? Is there any specific characteristic?

I was taught to think about what other people think about me and what they're thinking and how they're feeling. I spent years trying to do that but that's still hard for me to do.

I don't really think about other people when I meet them. I find people and social interactions generally boring.

>> No.6820595

What entertains you? What makes you happy?

>> No.6820597

>What entertains you?

I watch Animal Planet and play video games. I don't watch much drama.

>What makes you happy?

Food. Learning stuff. That's pretty much it.

>> No.6820599

Why you no reply @ >>6820592

>> No.6820624

I don't understand his question.

>> No.6820634

Aight well.
You are male yes?

>> No.6820655

>Aight well.
>You are male yes?

Sure, but I don't see how masculinity can change my brain.

>> No.6820666

>I really wonder what it's like to be "normal" and not have autism.
Well ya see, a normally developed male is just a man that's all.

If you want to know what it's like to be normal then figure out what it's like to be a man.

>> No.6820668

Oh also. All your actions subtly shape the brain, bruh.

>> No.6820684

>Well ya see, a normally developed male is just a man that's all.
>If you want to know what it's like to be normal then figure out what it's like to be a man.
evil trips confirm narcissistic personality disorder

dont listen to him OP. he's not any closer to being normal than you

>> No.6820705

We are decades away from understanding a healthy human brain. Who knows how long we'll have to wait for an understanding the autistic human brain.

The absolute best you can hope for are methods of coping with autism. A cure is a long way away.

>> No.6820714

How would you describe the manly influences in your life?

>> No.6820720

Autism doesn't exist

>> No.6820723

>If you want to know what it's like to be normal then figure out what it's like to be a man.

I am a man. I have muscles and go to gym. My testosterone level is fine.

>Oh also. All your actions subtly shape the brain, bruh.

Keyword is subtly. My brain is wired differently (most common autism disorder hypothesis) and that can't be changed.

>The absolute best you can hope for are methods of coping with autism. A cure is a long way away.

Depressing :(

>> No.6820744

Being a man is more than having muscles you caricature.

>> No.6820859

Define what being a man is you teeny tiny little bitch

>> No.6821271

Will you take a negative definition?

>> No.6821280
File: 63 KB, 631x823, 4bwf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your troll worthy, subjective ad hominems is what makes you a man?

>> No.6821305

>tfw assburgers

I guess the best way to "cure" or at least milden the spergness is to hang out with small group of people multiple times a week and make sure it's the same group of people every time. Maybe some hobby club or something.
I wish my parents would've forced me to hang out with other kids when I was younger, because now I'm a permavirgin wizard.
In best case people will just think you as shy loner and not some creepy mass murderer candidate.

>> No.6821311

What'd they have you do instead?

>> No.6821312
File: 272 KB, 250x250, 1407676776688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon you're just like Sheldon from TBBT xD

Who else /aspergers/ here? Autism can be a blessing in disguise if treated right. Gladly me and my sperg brother are not one of them Sanic autists.

>> No.6821319

Other families had their kids sign up in all kinds of hobbies, soccer, judo, boy scouts etc. but mine didn't. My parents told that they want me to have much free time after school to do home work or something. I didn't learn to socialize when it was the easiest, so when I grew up my only human contact was pretty much my close family.
It wasn't really a problem until college where networking started to be truly important and have meaningful affects on my future.

I think my parents thought that because of my burgers I needed some extra protection, when in reality it was the complete opposite of what I needed.

>> No.6821357


so, do you get overwhelmed by stuff? does managing that somehow have positive effects on your cognitive performance?

>> No.6821383

Protection from what?

>> No.6821472

From the world.

>> No.6821491

best of luck anon, I fell in love with a girl, and it's scary being in a relationship with a girl of that magnitude. You can't help but constantly question every action she does. Like it's 10:45am here, she texted me this morning at like 6, I responded around 7, and she hasn't texted me back, and I'm sitting here thinking she's dead or with Ron Jeremy or something...

>> No.6821536

Why do you want a cure? Since you have no experience being neurotypical how do you know it's better?

Personally i would strangle whoever tried to cure my asperger, i like my brain as it is.

Feel free to ask me about being a sperg, its same same but different ive heard.

>> No.6821545

>networking started to be truly important and have meaningful affects on my future.
What does this even mean? Why do people keep saying this

>> No.6821555

I'm going to go ahead and say you're parents divorced when you were young and your mother raised you on her own, right?

>> No.6821604

As you can see op, you have come to the right place.

Everyone on this site has autism in some form or another. Your amongst equals.

For example,

>> No.6821650

Check your insecurity.
You think you need her more than you really do.

>> No.6821654

Nope, the best hope for aspies is that they will be mercy-exterminated by the mentally-healthy master race.

>> No.6821796

Not exactly a cure, but I was just reading about a possible treatment in the works. Hopefully someone will try this again with a larger study size.

>> No.6821801

How are you going to manage to stay afloat in a world ruled by slogans such as

>everybody MUST be a team player
>everybody MUST have sales skills
>networking is EVERYTHING

etc.? The most crucial traits nowadays are being charismatic and being able to successfully exert influence on others (look at politicians or salespeople, technically lots of total incompetents, but if are able to sell themselves then they become "successful" regardless), and people with Aspergers and such lack precisely that. It seems they're all the more fucked in today's reality.

>> No.6821905


No, they're still together.

>> No.6821913

why would anyone want to be like you describe

>> No.6821921

One word: nepotism.

>> No.6821947


not him but:

1. people enjoy controlling others
2. companies actively want employees that can control others, especially potential customers

as a result, technical incompetents get into positions of power much easier than actually competent people

>> No.6821961

thats how shit gets done. bad guys win in real life.

>> No.6821965

like any mental disorder its a matter of statistics.

>> No.6821975


I don't know how old you guys are, but once you get out there you'll realize there's a difference between being smart and being a good leader. Some people can do both, but just because you have some kind of savant talent doesn't mean you can assert yourself and practice the discipline needed to be a good leader. I've seen plenty of startups sink because they're run by spastic PhD students who have great ideas but can't organize a team effectively.

Start your own company if you dislike the way things are and hire all sperg people if you think I'm wrong. But this isn't some awful byproduct of modern society, this is the way our species is.

>> No.6822254

Hey I'm the first four of those. I'm not autistic lol.

>> No.6823023

>Start your own company if you dislike the way things are and hire all sperg people if you think I'm wrong.

So you suggest that "sperg people" are unworthy of employment and that managers that you'd consider "competent leaders" should by all means avoid and/or get rid of such employees?

>> No.6823064

>great ideas
Are worth nothing.
It's the effort to implement the idea that counts.

>> No.6823068

>I don't see how hormones that directly affect biological tissue can have an effect on my brain
I thought autists were smarter than this

>> No.6823072

Effort without ideas behind it is futile as well Both are important.

>> No.6823244

Why do you think you were a huge burden? What did you do differently than others your age?

>> No.6823328


>I am a man

Can you drive? Because if you can't drive you are not a man.

Manual swell, none of this pussy automatic shit

>> No.6824146

Very few people in general understand good leadership, even amongst leaders

>> No.6824158

Son, I hate to break it to you. but if you were fed a copious amount of drugs growing up, that's what your real problem is. Nothing you described is out of the ordinary for anyone. Nobody gives a fuck about other people. Don't let them ever fool you. In life you end up caring about just a few, close family, a spouse, maybe just maybe some form of a best friend. But that's it. Unless you don't care about those people either.