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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 362x436, 31ESrmEz0-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6819956 No.6819956 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a masterrace book thread. Name a better book(on the same field of study of course) than Spivak's. Terence Tao's analysis books are pretty solid too, even though they're not so famous.

>> No.6819972

why does /sci/ love to jack off to spivak? i get it it's a great book but it's babby tier
there are like 10 spivak threads for every rudin thread, and let's not get started on other authors like munkres or jaynes

>> No.6819974

Calculus, A Complete Course by Adams and Essex. It has everything that book has plus more, for example differential equations and calculus up to 3 dimension.

>> No.6819977


>> No.6819994

Munkres's topology book is in god-tier. Spivak is not about quantity.
Spivak is for smart students. Apostol is for student's that lack intelligence but have patience and determination.

>> No.6819999
File: 17 KB, 317x475, rudinbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you call yourself a mathematician if you don't even own this.

>> No.6820009

doesn't have pictures

>> No.6820109
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Why not this? All of the information in one place.

>> No.6820117

Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus Thompson

shit was published in 1914 and hasn't been topped since

>> No.6820130
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Baby Rudin sucks.

This is The analysis textbook.

>> No.6820145

Artin is better

>> No.6820178

what do you guys think about books on calculus on several variables? there are many that seem to be good, like spivak's, hubbard's, munkres'...

>> No.6820183
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haha liking this pos

>> No.6820191

nice quads man

i own it. i'm majoring on mathematics. it's too much for me. i'm not too smart. sorry

also, why don't people ever recommend this book for learning calculus on euclidean spaces?

>> No.6820211

it uses infinitesimals

>> No.6820222
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Any book recommendations for physical chemistry? Everyone I've talked to so far has agreed that the book they use in class doesn't help them at all

>> No.6820235

Book's section on Dedekind cuts and Topology can be had elsewhere. Ok for other things I guess. The book as a whole could be way more readable ( type-set wise ) in my opinion.

>> No.6820247

What's a good book for Topology?
What's a good book for Relativity?

>> No.6820259

A good introductory book on topology is Munkres. Choquet is good too.
A good book on topology is Dugundji.

>> No.6820283
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After the Bible, this is everything you need to become topgun like me.

>> No.6820304

This is such an overrated book. It's full of "bad programming practices" like declaring global variables and using arrays of fixed size instead of re-sizable containers. And why no dynamic memory? It's a nostalgia trip, and that's it.

>> No.6820345

because they're shit

>> No.6820347

Are you a girl?

>> No.6820354

Not the same guy, but no, not really. Dummit&Foote is much more complete, and I tried both.
The thing that is good in artin though is his examples, his concreteness (linear spaces especially) and his early treatment of Representation/Character theory, which Dummit leaves to the last chapter.

>> No.6821209

This is a shit book. You literally pay $150 for a book filled with copypasted proofs and theorems which any retard could write. The only thing good about it is the exercises, which you can find on the internet for free. Yes, I know a lot of upper division mathematics books are like this, which is why you don't pay for them.

If you're looking for just an introduction to both subjects then Munkres is good for topology. For relativity you can get Sean Caroll's book on general relativity (you can learn special relativity in about a week or so, there isn't much to it, Caroll's book has a chapter or two on special relativity).

>> No.6821222
File: 11 KB, 255x300, Free-Download-Calculus-By-James-Stewart-7th-Edition-PDF-Ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6821227
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What we use in class

written by the professor

>> No.6821241 [DELETED] 
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>David Dum
>Dick Foot

nah man

>> No.6821251

Hahahaha hope it's bait

>> No.6821253

nope. some people actually like a challenging textbook with challenging problems to learn the operations of calculus.

>> No.6821257
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makes quantum almios too easy

>> No.6821277

I used this last semester. It's a piece of shit.

>> No.6821329

Why do you people hate Stewy?(just curious)

>> No.6821333

Does it have any more of such visualisations in the book? I am a right brain oriented kinda guy(figuratively speaking)

>> No.6821339

Two reasons; Even though it's supposed to be a mathematician's book, it tends to the engineering side a lot more, doesn't want you to be a mathematician but a calculator(yes, a fucking calculator), gives literally no space for your own intuition to find something out, the exercises are lame for a mathematician.

The above are ONE reason because it falls under the category of the quality of the book. The second reason is that Stewart became a businessman. Each new edition has literally LESS meaningful material than the last one, and he publishes a new edition WAY too often. It became obvious to the academia that he's more interested in making money than sharing the mathematical spirit to students, and many professors have already criticized badly his stance.

>> No.6821342

Not really. It's mostly blocks of text, lines of algebra and the occasional R3 plot

>> No.6821354

But you guys are recommending his pre-calculus book on the 4chan wikia. Is it any good? Basically Im looking for a good book about everything pre-calculus. Really want to freshen up on the basics, cause ive been out of practice for a few years

>> No.6821362
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Not going to lie, this book is the greatest gift my father has ever given to me.

>> No.6821378

Apostol is a similar book, but way more complete. I guess the what constitutes a "better book" really depends on what you're looking for in the book.

>> No.6821477
File: 73 KB, 500x281, youGottaBeSquiddingMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not SICP
K&R is good as a manual for C, I guess. Hardly transcendent though.

>> No.6821512

who dat

>> No.6821806

>why does /sci/ love to jack off to spivak?
Looks like Spivak Calculus is to /sci/ what SICP is to /g/ (or similar).

>> No.6821931


Wait, what's wrong with Stewart?

>> No.6821962

w-wait what

>> No.6821963

It's a terrible book. We used it for real analysis (not sure if you're a undergraduate or graduate taking real or linear analysis). The book just did not help.

I really like "Mathematical Analysis" by Apostol.

>> No.6821966

yeah, an undergrad for intro to real analysis, lol

aw man that sucks to hear lol (we're...not far in it. it's been half a semester and we're just on chapter 2)

>> No.6821968

We also had a terrible teacher. A graduate student who pretty much copied the book onto the board, so maybe you have a good professor (hopefully since the guy wrote the book, he can teach from it well).

The book I mentioned is good. I've also heard that "Elementary Real Analysis" by Thomson and Bruckner is good as well. I think the authors even have it for free on Thomson's website (also cheap).

Good luck, analysis is tough in general.

>> No.6821976

Foundations of analysis. Landau.

Rudin might be a great book, but it is a shitty textbook.
Spivak is a nice textbook.

also, the mathematics content & meaning russian textbooks in 3 volume.

>> No.6821991

Recommend me the best book you know on combinatorics.

>> No.6822082

>tfw getting BTFO by spivak when he starts with limits
kill me

>> No.6822099

Is it possible for a layman to read and fully grasp Spivak's book (as an introduction to calculus) or do you have to read "easier" books on calculus and intro to proof books?

>> No.6822120

Stewart was a professor at McMaster University, where I go. Another prof named Maung Min Oo used to go to his office and hassle him about his shitty textbook all the time.

>> No.6822132

There are some nice analysis books from germany, e.g. the ones by Amann/Escher and those by Königsberger. Don't know if they have all been translated to English though.

For special relativity I just discovered the book "Special relativity in general frames" by Gourgoulhon and it seems to be breddy amazing. And yeah, there is more to SR than you can learn in two weeks >>6821209

>> No.6822306

The best I know is Combinatorics: The Rota Way. But the content is probably not what you're looking for.

It's good to spend some time to get an intuition for the subject before going through all the proofs and formalism... But you don't "have" to, Spivak start's from the beginning.

>> No.6822488

This is my first "proof based" textbook I have ever read and I do not understand it. How would you recommend getting an intuition for the subject? Of course the answer is to practice, but any specific books, or something else?

>> No.6822695

tfw you get to take classes taught by him

>> No.6823089

Is this the rudin/spivak of the CS world

>> No.6823130


>> No.6823132

SICP is intended for intelligent freshman, so it's more like a Spivak.

>> No.6823181

Then what would classify as the CS rudin?

>> No.6824132
File: 121 KB, 401x630, Fichtenholz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calculus textbook
>not written by russian jew

>> No.6824187

This may seem like a silly question... What are some recommended readings for someone starting university after leaving school early? I have some fairly substantial gaps in my knowledge. I was considering getting Euclid's elements to read while continuing to brush up on khan.

>> No.6824413

The softcover is $30. Protip. I still think it is a massively overrated book. The chapter on topology and the section on Dedekind cuts are just unreadable.

>> No.6824442

What's an alternative to baby Rudin to use in a course that's using baby Rudin?

>> No.6824444


>> No.6824492

This makes me happy, I've heard he's a prick and that book is shit

>> No.6824532

Spivak is an okay Calculus book, but I wouldn't use it for an analysis course.

>> No.6824539

Landau's Foundations of Analysis is a good book supplementary book. Very fun and very thorough. My only complaint is that for all of its rigor it kind of handwaves the underlying system of logic.

>> No.6824545

McQuarrie. Pretty much all of his texts are damn good.

>> No.6824627

Check out basic mathematics by Lang. Also I've used Cohen's precalc book an it is decent.

>> No.6824666

He has multiple myeloma and will be dead very soon.

>> No.6824688
File: 181 KB, 1200x900, artofelectronics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this one

>> No.6824703

good taste, sir!

>> No.6824733

I just realized I didn't post the actual book but the supplementary manual thing.

But seriously this book got me through so much tinkering and circuit building when I was in high school. My dad gave it to me (he had it from college) when I tried to get him to help me fix an old oscilloscope and I swear by it. The books I had to buy were nowhere near as comprehensive and easy to understand.

>> No.6825331

maybe a very stupid question, but to learn calculus, does one really need a textbook? Or can it be learned using khan academy (or something similar)?

>> No.6825410

Sweet, thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for

>> No.6825574

I think that for basic calculus you can use khan academy. But make sure to not get stuck on calculus too long, regardless of what you want to use it for. Calculus is something you will get to practice simultaneously as you do higher mathematics.

>> No.6826457
File: 15 KB, 217x346, AbAlF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on this? I've been enjoying it for my abstract algebra course, wanna know what other people thought about it.

>> No.6826508

The Art of Computer Programming or An Introduction to the Theory of Computation

>> No.6826587

Allen Hatcher's Algebraic Topology is pure goodness

>> No.6827059

>tfw Stephen Wolfram intended his "A New Kind of Science" to appear at the very top of all "masterrace book" lists but it actually hardly appears in any such list at all

>> No.6827071

How do I smarandache?

>> No.6827084

KEK, I hope its true

>> No.6827382

Purple dragon compilers book. I forget the title but it's 2nd edition and one of the writers' name is monica

>> No.6827417
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>> No.6827447

Wow, 3 dimensions? So it got triple integrals? Hardcore stuff, breh

>> No.6827458

I know right. I will have PhD from them some day.

>> No.6827470

What's a good book to inttroduce me to calc-based physics

>> No.6827473

randall knight, physics for scientists and engineers. straight up sesame street explanations.

>> No.6827506
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HMC guy? Same here :3
Enjoying the fall break?

>> No.6827566

I wonder if his work would be more popular if it weren't for his well known gigantic ego.

>> No.6827570

That book is insanely huge, insanely comprehensive, and will not be finished in the authors lifetime. I don't know of any math book that matches that and I'm a pure math student(for what that's worth).

>> No.6827601

Let me guess? 28 year old transgender bi-sexual otherkin Django/Python developer who commutes between Portland and San Francisco?

You know I'm right.

>> No.6827739

What does sci think of

Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming

>> No.6827747

Anyone got some nice advanced chemistry (any field) or catalysis books ?

>> No.6828526

Halliday, Resnick, and Krane (not the Walker abomination).

>> No.6829592

Mein Kampf > Calculus > Bible

>> No.6829810
File: 14 KB, 128x202, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- Theroetical Aeordynamics by Milne-Thompson

>> No.6829938

Why not watch some vids of a mathematician on youtube?

>> No.6829944

What's a good book for basic calculus? They're using "Calculus" by Deborah Hughes-Hallett and it's probably the worst thing I've ever seen

>> No.6829976

post a link to a non-shit quality channel with lectures that aren't 5 hours long

>> No.6829987

inb4 Khan Academy

>> No.6830227


>> No.6830259


this guy is god tier when it comes to teaching in video format

>> No.6830277

Harvard's Abstract Algebra is pretty good. I wish Harvy Mudd's Analysis vids were better because they seem pretty solid.

>> No.6830281

http://youtu.be/EPQgeAz264g?list=PLA58AC5CABC1321A3 relevant