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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6817005 No.6817005 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a hobby out of math and science. I figure I need to dedicate a few hours each week to studying to make it happen. I always scored really high on math portions of standardized tests, but if you asked me to show you a theorem or do a proof I couldn't.

Where do I start?

>> No.6817034

Start with shit that sounds interesting to you. If you have no interest in what you are looking up then what is the point?

>0.99999..... = 1
>1+1/4+1/9+1/16+... = (Pi^2)/6
>Pi is transcendental
>e^(i*x) = Cos[x]+i*Sin[x]

I'm just throwing random shit at you that can be proved but you need to find topics that are actually interesting to you.

>> No.6817036

Any true scientist will tell you grades do not matter. Its good that you can achieve high grades, but anyone thats even marginally talented, or has a knack with memorization, can do that. The day you let go of your beliefs of any standardized scores, and focus on learning itself - pure unadulterated knowledge - is the day you will start on the path of becoming a scientist