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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6806620 No.6806620[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



There are infinite points on a perfect sphere and circle.

What say you to that?

>> No.6806621


>> No.6806624


>> No.6806628
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>> No.6806635

i would say that you need to take your meds

>> No.6806639
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>> No.6806642

And I would say you need to l2logic

I did take my meds.

Also, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation does help get your point across.

>> No.6806644
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Oh right.

You had nothing valuable to say.

>> No.6806645

Those are some pretty shapes anon.

>> No.6806646
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>> No.6806649
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They are indeed.

It's called the genesis pattern.

>> No.6806652
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>> No.6806654

Were the guy talking about the flower of life and ancient aliens

>> No.6806655
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>> No.6806656

No, I'm not the creator of Spirit Science.

There is, however, some valid information there.


>> No.6806659

mathematical proof or gtfo

>> No.6806661

what the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.6806663
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Read it and it is proof.

e=mc^2 has been proven.

Black holes are seemingly infinite holes.
Perfect spheres.

You can not mathematically define infinity.

Say something constructive or gtfo.

>> No.6806665


>> No.6806667

Is π not an infinite number?

>> No.6806668

>infinite holes
no they're not

>> No.6806671

Prove it.

>> No.6806677
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They are not holes at all but perfectly small spheres I believe.

Spheres we can not even measure.
Stars are obviously not perfect spheres as they are massive,unstable, and measurable.

>> No.6806678

Prove they are.

>> No.6806685

That's what I'm attempting to do.

Now, please stop posting if you have no constructive criticism.

>> No.6806687

>title may be missleading

>> No.6806688

You forgot your name, Titor.

>> No.6806689

i wanted to point

>> No.6806691
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I believe the term 'black hole' to have mislead us to believe that they are indeed holes.

I think they warp space and time so much that they could be viewed as such.

>> No.6806693

I think they are infinitely small/heavy perfect spheres.

>> No.6806698

Becoming smaller and heavier all the time.

Just because we can't measure past a certain point doesn't mean the space doesn't exist.

>> No.6806703
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As I said before:

There are an infinite amount of points on both a perfect circle and sphere.

No matter the size.

>> No.6806705
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>> No.6806709

Perhaps we live within a perfectly infinite sphere expanding all the time.

>> No.6806713

And black holes are just the same/opposite at once since they too are seemingly infinite.

>> No.6806717

oh wow
and you know what?
there is also infinite number of points on a line
as well as infinite number of dicks in your ass

>> No.6806721

My name is Travis.

>> No.6806726


>> No.6806729
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Now I'll wait for someone who can actually understand what I'm talking about.

There are an infinite number of lines/points/dicks in a perfect sphere and circle.

>> No.6806730

To anyone actually reading this thread:

Please point out any fallacy I have posted.

>> No.6806732

Pi isn't equal to infinity for starters.

>> No.6806733

Perfect sphere and circle and line are just mathematical objects, not real ones.

Go away.

>> No.6806734


There is a limit to how much a black hole can consume?

>> No.6806735
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>> No.6806740

here you go
3<pi<4 => not infinite
any mass in the universe is finite, c is also finite
>There are infinite points on a perfect sphere and circle.
this is just fucking basic geometry and applies to any surface
>Black holes are seemingly infinite holes.

>also sage in all fields

>> No.6806742

Then how do you explain the expansion of the universe?

Thanks professor.

>> No.6806744
File: 239 KB, 450x489, 1410795347tumblr_m4n4c9qxRi1rt28efo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mathematic works across time, not across space-time or in a timeless medium.... in the subatomic level matter probably can occupy different places, always or not, maybe "impossible" structures do exist.

>> No.6806746

Math itself is infinite as numbers

>> No.6806747

You'd probably benefit from watching this video.


Many mathematical patterns in biology are the result of iterative rules, like the the angles between leaves on a stem or the distance between branching of veins in the circulatory system. Elegant, fractal patterns emerge out of pragmatism, not some kind of mysticism.

>> No.6806750

And you would probably benefit from reading this symbol: ∞

I will watch the video however.

>> No.6806752

infinity presupposes a sequential progression thru time. If there is "no time" in the subatomic, infinite has no meaning.

>> No.6806753

And how many layers can you add to the center if you had a sharper pencil?

>> No.6806757

I prefer the word through.

You guys are telling me that numbers aren't infinite?

>> No.6806762

I wonder what moves faster than light....


>> No.6806764

Mathematically it's just a fractal. In practice, plants run out of space or become structurally unstable.

>> No.6806766

Nowww we're getting somewhere.

Is the universe itself not a fractal?

>> No.6806767

Gravity propagates at the speed of light.

>> No.6806768

nothing that can interact with anything
gravity moves at the speed of light

>> No.6806772

For us to even be able to come up with such a concept; mustn't it be so?

>> No.6806773

That gif is sick

>> No.6806774


Doesn't gravity bend light?
Well how does that make sense?
Does light bend gravity?

>> No.6806775

Fractals exist in the universe.

There's no evidence that it goes infinitely further down past the Planck scale or infinitely further up past the macro scale universe.

>> No.6806780

at some scales it might seem fractalish but as you go subatomic it's obvious that it isn't

>> No.6806781

People have invented many mutually exclusive concepts.

>> No.6806784

>There are infinite points on a perfect sphere and circle.
There are also infinite points on any line segment what is your point?

>> No.6806785

That is the very definition of a fractal.

>> No.6806788

>There's no evidence

>> No.6806792

Oh....I don't know....

Maybe ∞

>> No.6806795



Need I go on?

>> No.6806797

Did you know that number of rational numbers is smaller than the number of irrational numbers?

There are two infinities and one is smaller than the other, they're distinct from each other. One is countable and the other is not.

>> No.6806798

Last I checked the number line is not the universe bro.

>> No.6806801

Here's a smart cookie.

What is ∞/∞

>> No.6806805
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my bad..

Mathematical concept of infinite exists and its very useful, but only works in a space-time paradigm. Off course, there are infinite points in a circle, because "infinity" is the definition of uncountable.

>> No.6806808
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>> No.6806809

It's an indeterminate form, you can make ∞/∞ have any value you want by manipulating the limits.

>> No.6806815

There are an infinite amount of infinites.

Define infinity?


>> No.6806822


>> No.6806824


There is the value of ∞

>> No.6806828

Is this guy really thinking that pi is infinite and also concluding that E=mc^2 is infinite because of that?

>> No.6806831
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How many circles can you fit in this picture?

>> No.6806834


Please answer seriously.

>> No.6806843


As many as we can measure?

>> No.6806845


>> No.6806852


>> No.6806854

That's how you count.

>> No.6806857
File: 110 KB, 1010x1036, thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is happening in this thread

>> No.6806859

Discussion of the infinite.

>> No.6806863
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>> No.6806867
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>> No.6806868


>> No.6806870
