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6802672 No.6802672 [Reply] [Original]

(serious) are there any US kids that are in/went to universities in other countries? How are their STEM programs?

>> No.6802677
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I'm from Europe, but I went to elementary school in America. Finished highschool back in Europe and am now studying astrophysics.

>> No.6802693

doesn't really apply to the OP

>> No.6802701
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also curious because I can't get into any good schools in US unless it's in some bible belt religion>science/sane state

>> No.6802703

what about Purdue?

>> No.6802707

we should all go to sweden or denmark. aren't they like least religious countries on the planet?

Purdue isn't that easy to get into..

>> No.6802724

If you really are concerned with getting into a good school (I'm assuming you mean top 10), then just go to any accredited research university that has a decent program in whatever field you want to do. Get a 3.9+ gpa, talk to faculty, get research experience, and try to stand out in your classes (but you should probably do that in your junior/senior years, your recommendations should be from your upper lvl courses). Though this is probably easier for engineering/comp sci than it is in the sciences, I think undergrad prestige matters a lot more in physics/chemistry. But trust me on this, don't go to a university in a foreign country. It'll be 10x harder to get in, as graduate schools put a large priority on US students over other uni students.

>> No.6802729
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>top 10

I'd poop my pants if I got into a top 100. I understand your point, though. Top class ranks are top class ranks no matter where you go.

>> No.6802757

just go to wherever you get into.. you're better off in university than not. apply anywhere you think you'll have a chance and pick your favorite out of the acceptances(still objectively good for STEM)

if you're really wanting to gtfo of dodge wherever you live then just apply to as many schools as you can afford. this is srs. wherever you get into is all you have to choose so you should apply to like 6+ schools. it's a one time cost but after you apply, you don't have much of a choice to apply again before it's too late.

TL;DR apply to as many schools as you can afford with a good idea whether or not you'll be accepted and at that point you have your pick of the litter for wherever you want to go to school

>> No.6802854

bumping for interest

>> No.6802931

>How are their STEM programs?

more focused on the main subject.

at a college in the states, you're required to take all sorts of classes that are completely unrelated to your major.
>major in comp sci
>gotta take basic chem, phys, psych, and econ lectures

here in europe we don't waste students time with that shit.
>major in chemistry
>only non-chemistry class i have to take is a special law class that deals with legal regulations on hazardous chemicals and their handling

also, all of europe has switched to bachelor/master degrees, but there's no jobs for bachelors, so adding a master is pretty much mandatory.

>> No.6802948

is this actually a better system?

>> No.6804207

i doubt it

>> No.6804216

not in France

broad engineering and science knowledge for two years, various things such as optics to fluid mechanics, without forgetting math and thermodynamics or chemistry and many more.

Then go in an engineering school and have fun with whatever you prefer

>> No.6804226

>is learning more about your major better than learning less about it

>> No.6804231
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the point of university is to become more knowledgeable and rounded. It's not tech school.

>> No.6804240

..or you learn just as much in your field of study and then more in other subjects
>idiots like you actually think the US education system teaches less or is lazy compared to every other country

Why do you think US universities are considered to be the best on the planet?

>> No.6804253

Depends on your major

>> No.6804258

how easy it is to get in? what do you mean?

>> No.6804267

I always wondered why Americans had to do a load of unrelated classes...

I'm kindof jelly though, I'd love to take classes from different courses.

>> No.6804278

The difficulty changes based on what college you apply to. I applied to the college of science with a 3.0 gpa and 29 act and got it rather easily. On the other hand, all my engineering friends had near 4.0 gpa's and relatively high act/SAT scores. College of science, as far as I'm concerned is easy to get into compared to college of engineering.

>> No.6804284

The point is so that you have a broad understanding of many things and can easily learn whatever you want. Tech school is where you go if you just want to learn about what your 'major' is; job school, basically.. but for more blue collar work. University isn't a fucking job placement program. (unless you do engineering partiallity)

>> No.6804288

Oh, awesome! My scores aren't really too amazing and I keep looking at Physics.. maybe I'll just do that because it doesn't seem like I can get into an engineering program anyway.

>> No.6804329

because a graduate student really needed to know the history of some african tribe in 1284 or music theory back in his undergrad years, right?

>> No.6804338

You don't take classes like that. You don't understand the system if that's what you actually think.

>> No.6804346

Maybe it should be though. As engineering is being touted as having low unemployment, higher pay. Both of which encourage the media loudly blare the "We need more STEM!!!" message once a week and cause legislators to get more aggressive with job placement and financial success of college graduates.

>> No.6804353

Dudes, a grad student is NOT destined to work on a fucking technical task his whole career.
They are meant to become either academics or execs (two tracks there: manager and expert).

In both cases, it actually REALLY FUCKING HELPS A LOT if you can talk about shit other than your little area of expertise. You need to connect to people when you're not a factotum.

>> No.6804356

A master or doctor of engineering isn't a technician, dude.

>> No.6804357

Except that's wrong.

With such programs you can take classes outside of your field, however you are not obligated to do such.

>> No.6804359

>jack of all trades, master of none

>> No.6804372

>except that's wrong

That's some good reasoning.

I'm doubting that you're even in university at this point if you can't see the reasoning to being a well rounded person with broad knowledge on top of your major. US schools make you work harder. Deal with it.

That's what engineers are. Are you saying engineering majors aren't masters of engineering?

US schools make you work harder by making you a well rounded individual that is knowledgeable in other things including their field of study. You think that you're a master of your field at the undergraduate level? Fuck yourself mate. You're ignorant and I'm doubting that you even attend university, and if you do then you probably shouldn't be.

>> No.6804378

It's not even an exclusively american thing.
European unis do the same. Unis aren't there to form tech support guys.

>> No.6804380

I don't think so many people understand what an engineer is. Maybe it comes with the fact that fucking everyone with a technical task has some sort of engineer title, corporate-side.

>> No.6804386

Engineers need to know a lot from different fields but they're never masters of any of them. They know just enough to solve a problem. It's practically job placement in US universities.

>> No.6804391

That's not what engineers are, or didn't you tell by all the different(read specialized) types of engineers?

I don't know what kind of shitty program you follow, because I barely have time for more than one class outside of my field per semester.

>make your work harder
>curved grades, handholding, enough time to take a bunch of classes outside of your field

>> No.6804399
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>thinks i'm going to argue that schools out of the US are better when the facts are everywhere/rankings are everywhere

Unless you go to Cambridge then I don't see how you think you'd win this.

It's funny that I mention Cambridge because I know for a fact that Cambridge does the same thing that American universities does by requiring other subjects.. and they're considered top 5 in the world. Isn't that weird?

>> No.6804419
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we're getting saucy in here
>ecause I barely have time for more than one class outside of my field per semester.

How many classes outside of the major do you think that people in the US take? It's usually one or two. do your research before posting stupid shit.

>> No.6804428

specialized engineers are nothing more than factotums m8

>> No.6804432

>How many classes outside of the major do you think that people in the US take? It's usually one or two. do your research before posting stupid shit.
Then it's the same system, except I can pick whichever classes I choose.

>> No.6804433

>I can pick
I can take*

>> No.6804438

troll or genuinely doesn't know what he's talking about. You can take any classes in US universities that you want. Nothing stops you other than the obvious prerequisites to understand the fundamental material.

>> No.6804441

You're a fucking retard. There are plenty of great schools in the Bible Belt. UTexas (where Steven fucking Weinberg is), TAMU, Rice, Emory and GT.

>> No.6804446

I just don't want to go to a state where like 1 in two people are some idiots that can't think rationally.

>> No.6804449

Then clearly I misunderstood the entire system.
If that is the case, then my only objection to is that their basic math classes are pretty much focused on engineers.

>> No.6804454

>made a big case about this shit to only realize he doesn't even understand both sides of what he's making a case about
> basic math classes are pretty much focused on engineers
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6804456

Calculus classes are not proof based and don't use spivak.

>> No.6804458

>I just don't want to go to a state where like 1 in two people are some idiots that can't think rationally.

Based on that response, I see two options.

1. You are literally stupider than shit.

2. You can't even get into these schools so you're being sour grapes.

Actually, it's probably both.

>> No.6804465

Based on that response, I see two options.

1. You are religious, therefore being 'stupider than shit'.

2. You go to one of these religious cesspools.

Actually, it's probably both.

>> No.6804471 [DELETED] 

>How many classes outside of the major do you think that people in the US take?
murkan here

i did a double major, math and econ, math was a pretty solid major with 6 core classes plus 4 math electives and 2 other quantitative electives (I did stats). econ on the other hand was a total fucking joke, it was a BA intended to be supplemented with another major, it was literally 8 classes, intro micro and macro, intermediate micro and macro, plus 4 econ electives, and you needed calc 1 and babby stat as well. and while it was intended for a double major, there is no reason you couldnt just solely take a BA econ course if you didnt plan on getting a job, meaning you would have 10 classes required for your major, out of 120 credits which is 30 classes on the lower end. so you could have taken 20 fucking classes outside of your major.

personally, i took 4 semesters of russian language, 1 of russian culture, 1 semester of latin, 5 botany/horticulture classes, a poli sci class, a music theory class, a music history class and accounting, that had nothing to do with either of my majors. so 15 classes of non major stuff. more than i took for either of my majors, in fact. and i fucking loved it.

now i am not a typical case, i started out with 45 credits from AP+IB and calc 1, 2, babby stat, and most of my gen eds covered, poli sci and music history and one of the botany classes were the only gen eds i had to take and normally youd need 3, and i took 2 summers and a heavier than average courseload most semesters (5 classes instead of 4). so the average person would get maybe 6 or 8 free electives, plus 6 gen eds. but that is still way more than in most non-US systems, and the possibility very much exists for smart motivated students like myself to take 2 non major classes per semester for most of the 4 years, hell, there was one semester freshman year i didn't even take a math class.

>> No.6804479
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>smart motivated students like myself
aaaand disregarded.

>> No.6804490 [DELETED] 

>thinking colleges in the bible belt are "religious cesspools"
Confirmed for never coming here in your life and making stupid generalized opinions based on bullshit stereotypes you've heard from liberals in the media.

It's a fucking university, dude, everyone at the university is going to be decently smart and the majority are completely irreligious, you will spend most of your time surrounded by university affiliated people and if you so choose you can avoid ever interacting with the unwashed plebs you think you are so much better than. The only time you will be exposed to religious people against your will is when occasionally a preacher comes on campus to yell at all the college students telling them they're going to hell and if that is seriously too upsetting for you to handle you should probably stay at a university within driving distance of your mommy and daddy's house because you are not cut out for living in the real world.

Not everyone in the bible belt is a backwards redneck who believes in stereotypes, way to put yourself on the level of the ones who are though. Your general attitude certainly seems to support the "stupider than shit" conclusion.

Also, what state are you from? Because that definitely sounds like a place I'd want to avoid, if the people are anything like you.

>> No.6804493

Wait, what's with the religion hate ITT

>> No.6804501 [DELETED] 

if graduating magna cum laude with 176 credits does not qualify me as "smart" or "motivated" what exactly does? that is a serious question, im not trying to be pretentious or act like im better than anybody but i honestly feel like my accomplishments at least justify that much

>> No.6804509
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>openly telling everyone that you're smart and motivated
>openly complimenting yourself
Idiots that want people to praise them or feel that they have to make it obvious say stupid things like that. It's like a comedian telling everyone that he's funny after he just told a joke that nobody laughed at. Get fucking real if you think anyone will take you seriously saying stupid shit like that. I'm not even in university yet and I understand that.

>> No.6804512

>not selling yourself
Good luck on those job interviews.

>> No.6804518
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>Good luck on those job interviews.

aaand this isn't a job interview. Why did you feel that was relevant?

>> No.6804523

>smart and motivated individual such as myself
that's more of being an arrogant fucking idiot than selling yourself.

>> No.6804532

People that are ACTUALLY 'smart and motivated' let their work do the talking and don't gloat like an asshole about silly shit because they want attention.

>>6804512 >>6804501 >>6804490 can fuck off and read a book.

>>6804518 >>6804523 but you guys.. well I like you guys.

>> No.6804533

>let their work do the talking
The guy wrote a whole wall of text about his classes, and you choose to bitch because of two words that are relevant in context because of your insecurities.

>> No.6804537

>calling out people being arrogant and insecure makes someone insecure


>> No.6804540

Read the post you're responding too again.

>> No.6804542
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You're trying to turn this on me? I'm pretty sure that Scientologists do the same thing.
I think you should.

>> No.6804546

>You're trying to turn this on me?
I'm not the one who picked up two words from a long post and keep bitching about it.
Dude gave its credentials.

>> No.6804547 [DELETED] 

>I'm not even in university yet

ok dude

obviously you have never accomplished anything in your life

i mean, graduating college wasnt too huge of an accomplishment, i was stoned for most of it and didnt study as much as i should have and didnt take a particularly challenging course of study, but god dammit i worked hard and finished it and didnt fuck up and the results that i got were a lot better than most people who do the same. it is an accomplishment i spent a lot of time and energy on and i am proud of it

really, are you so insecure you cant handle the idea that there are people out there more successful than you? and i havent even done anything you can't still do in the future ffs.

IQ dickwaving or shitting on people for their major or something is stupid and immature as fuck but there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking pride in your accomplishments

some people are smart and motivated and others are not, kid, its a fact of life, get over it. someone who is not smart and motivated is not going to be able to take 15 electives in college and graduate magna cum laude in 4 years. this was relevant to my post as i was clarifying that not everyone can take a ton of non major coursework but that the option exists for those who really want it. that's it. period. the fact that you interpreted it as begging for praise or showing off makes it seem like you are insecure as fuck. take pride in yourself, man, even graduating high school with good grades and AP scores makes you smarter and more motivated than most of the population.

>> No.6804549

>obvious samefag that nobody agrees with because he's stupid.
kill yourself.

>> No.6804552


>> No.6804567
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You're not intelligent if you think taking 'pride' is telling people that you're smart and motivated. You're arrogant. Maybe you should have taken a class in Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology or even English instead of those bullshit classes you took.

You don't need to go to university to recognize arrogance and stupidity. Of course you're going to try and make university some special club where you barre any opinion of someone that didn't go to university, even if they majored in basket weaving. Your logic is flawed.

>> No.6804570

>immediately talks over someone that is probably a few years younger
>says 'kid' a lot
this is why you're an idiot. you immediately take the position of superiority over anyone that is below your weird set of credentials that you had no control of. you're simple minded and have no argument to present.

>> No.6804576

This anon is dick waving at it's worst. kill yourself.

>> No.6804580

>all the little people trying to bring down a straight, good guy ITT
mediocrity always gets mad at success

>> No.6804584

Because they have a buttload of money.

>> No.6804593

Don't worry guys. He won't do anything important in his field of study. It's easy to see that he has no argumentative skills in any way whatsoever and that translates to little critical thinking skills. He'll be a wash within a couple of years. He DEFINITELY did not go to a good university, so don't sweat it. He's just a product of universities bloating students' sense of worth and he thinks that he's more intelligent than he really is.

Bittersweet life is to the intelligent when confronted with idiots, yes? It's annoying when they can't understand at a certain level but amazing when you can see right through them and realize that they have no power.

>> No.6804598

>i was stoned for most of it and didnt study as much as i should have
>didnt take a particularly challenging course of study

>i worked hard

sounds like the opposite to me

>> No.6804601

>generally can't create sentences or comprehend his own thoughts well enough to do so effectively
Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.6804605 [DELETED] 

>You're not intelligent if you think taking 'pride' is telling people that you're smart and motivated.
you are not intelligent if you seriously got that from what i posted. i was telling people i am smart and motivated, not because i expect or desire praise or could give the least bit of a shit what anonymous strangers on the internet think of me, but to draw a clear distinction between two groups of people. those who are not smart and motivated and will most likely be unable to take more than 10 or 12 electives in college, and those who are smart and motivated and are capable of taking more electives in college. for example, someone belonging to the latter group could take 15 electives in a random scattering of subjects like i did, i used myself as an example because 2000 characters isnt enough for both a personal anecdote and a detailed hypothetical.

oh, i took AP psych and english in high school and didnt like either subject enough to take it further in college, what exactly was that supposed to teach me?

>Of course you're going to try and make university some special club where you barre any opinion of someone that didn't go to university, even if they majored in basket weaving.

university is not a secret club

plenty of very smart and motivated people do not go to university, plenty of those are more successful than me and some are smarter than me

but nobody goes to college and graduates magna cum laude with 176 credits lacking in both intelligence and motivation, maybe some very smart lazy people do, maybe some very hardworking dumb people do but nobody does who is both stupid and unmotivated. and saying this latter statement in no way shape or form implies the former.

you really need to work on your defensiveness and insecurity dude. its not healthy.

>> No.6804607

lol i cant believe you children are letting this faget bait you this hard


>> No.6804611

missed some but +1.

who even cares this thread is amazing now. one dumb ass getting straight rekt by everyone.

>> No.6804619
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I forgot that you can't understand concepts for arguments that you are using yourself because you're not actually intelligent.

>> No.6804653

Best advice on this thread. Is that what you did?

>> No.6804656


Not in the way you mean. I took a language course at East China Normal University, but I've no idea if its STEM program is up to snuff.

>> No.6804667

>(serious) are there any US kids that are in/went to universities in other countries?

Why would anyone want to? 99% of top colleges are in America.

>> No.6804670

Going full abroad is silly, but doing some exchange or double degree is always nice and valuated.

It's nice to see the difference between the anglo empiric approach and the continental analytic approach, especially in engineering.

>> No.6804673

some idiot euro ITT that didn't know all of the facts was trying to argue otherwise.

>> No.6804676

Canada's engineering programs are actually much more rigorous/competitive than that of the US. The top performers at US grad schools like MIT/Stanford/Berkeley are usually from Waterloo.

>> No.6804685

source or definitely not believing that. Canada(i do like the country) but their schools aren't that amazing from what i've read and heard. They're fine, though.

>> No.6804689


Yeah, if you can get into that 1% that is greater than the 99% I would go, but that person would have to see what major you're going for and if the success will offset the cost to go overboard. It'd be completely stupid otherwise.

>> No.6804698

it is kind of ridiculous for someone who is educated to not know basic harmony.

>> No.6804702

Define educated.

>> No.6804705

>needs educated to be defined for him

>> No.6804713

Going off of what my brother told me. Trying to find something, but the grad schools don't release any info on performance rankings.

>> No.6804715

really wouldn't believe everything your brother tells you, then. most canadians even say the schools aren't impressive. Canadian schools are easy to get into.

>> No.6804725


>> No.6804727

I've heard of that school. It's where you can get cheap chink/paki labor, or at least that's what my boss says. Our company hasn't been doing well lately so we've been losing our usual interns and new hires from Berkeley and Stanford.