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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6802138 No.6802138 [Reply] [Original]

are there correlations between High IQ and taste in certain
music genres?

>> No.6802146

there's a correlation between low IQ and taste in your moms pussy

>> No.6802147

I'm not sure, but I suspect there is a high correlation between annoyance and the habit of making life style choices to impress other people.

"I exclusively listen to jazz and classical music."
— That guy.

>> No.6802159

stop here end life

>> No.6802175
File: 408 KB, 890x1892, MusicthatmakesyoudumbLarge[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert in music, but it seems to me that less educated demographics seem to prefer music with heavy, consistent, rhythmic beats throughout the entire song and more educated groups prefer more subtle and shifting tempos and rising/falling action. One example of this would be to compare a Dr. Dre song vs Beethoven.

>> No.6802180


the more "bogan" parts of the city i live in almost exclusively listens to gangster rap and "hardstyle" very simple rythms with varying tempos

>> No.6802188

>rap ahead of classical
at last i truly see

>> No.6802191

Smart people realise that visceral music with zero intellectual content is great to dance to and love it.

Less smart people, insecure about their intellectual status, pretend to like Bach partitas or unlistenable Schoenberg tone poems.

But the true geniuses like what music they damn well please

>> No.6802194

Could you explain that diagram? What do the axes mean?

>> No.6802195

People who just say "classical" is their favorite music are just lying to try to sound smarter. This may sound like a "no true scottsman" fallacy, but honestly if you're really a fan of a music genre you're going to be able to name a SPECIFIC artist you like, not just say "classical" or "jazz" like a retard.

For reference, they used the "favorite music" listen on peoples facebook pages.

>> No.6802212

lil wayne fan detected

>> No.6802214

The top line is SAT scores. The guy went to a lot of college's Facebook pages, used the data on the collage page that shows the top 5 most popular "favorite music" results for members of that colleges facebook page, then placed them on the chart in line with that colleges average student SAT scores

>> No.6802223
File: 42 KB, 250x250, 1389666377847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lold
then i thought it through some more and lold harder

>> No.6802224

No, I was just curious.

Thanks a lot.

>> No.6802236

All these artists are shit besides radio head and kanye

>> No.6802245



bio major detected

>> No.6802251
File: 480 KB, 493x342, retard alert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802253

anon has been pretending to like music, methinks

>> No.6802255

I don't get it but your a pleb

>> No.6802274



of course you don't get it....i would expect nothing more from you

>> No.6802302

Four points and no space in ellipses.

Pure pleb.

>> No.6802391


>are there correlations between High IQ and taste in certain music genres?

Yes, but only through confirmation bias as show in the graph like >>6802175.

Remember all music genres were not created at the same time so certain genres will be more ingrained in society/culture than others.

Classical music (i.e. Beethoven) has the allure of being "intellectual" because it's older than most genres of music and has the benefit of being listen to and referred by a lot of people of high society and academia centuries ago.

>> No.6802436

Classical music also requires a lot of music theory and is generally really hard to compose. It doesn't mean that it's better or attracts smarter people, but it does contribute to the intellectual stereotype.

>> No.6802485

When they say classical they probably imply that they get compilation albums. I honestly don't care who the composer is, its all good. Though, it goes without say that Tchaikovsky is the best.

>> No.6802487

Romanticism ftw!
Baroque can suck it.

>> No.6802761

Why are all those SAT scores pathetically low? >1.8 GPA hs grad with 1560 reporting

>> No.6802770


While true to a certain point, op's issue is with taste in music rather than skill in music.

From that perspective being an early genre of music helps it's standing in society a lot since it would lack any distinct competition.

>> No.6802816

Yes, art music and a high IQ.
Idiots don't dance.
How wrong can you be?

>> No.6802993

We can agree that Chamber is the worst though

>> No.6802996

On a 1600 scale you moron. IE; Only Critical Reading and Mathematics. No wonder youre a dumbass.

>> No.6803025
File: 628 KB, 230x249, 9Q9qzmQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what a load of shit

>> No.6803028

there are different types of IQ

one is auditory IQ, or the ability to analyze auditory sensory input

there are different parts of your brain that do different things. the temporal lobe deal with auditory senses

think of your brain as an automobile. a toyota corolla is your run of the mill car. a ferrari is one that specializes in speed. A mercedes is one that specializes in luxury. all these cars have the basic components.

intelligence works this way

i have no background in music so my auditory IQ is low. generally speaking, i have shit taste in music. but i would rather be toyota corolla than a shit beaner ricer honda civic with 300 niggawatts 90.1 sound system with platinum rims.

>> No.6803031

>300 niggawatts
fookin lost it 10/10

>> No.6803184

Is there a correlation between eating ice cream and drowning?

>> No.6803191

>and is generally really hard to compose.

Not really, actually. This is only because of rules required to be authentic to a period or genre.

We call all symphonic music classical but classical music refers to symphonic music from the classical period, as opposed to baroque or romantic era music. In order to make a baroque style piece, you need to know theory in order to make music that would be authentic to the era. 20th century and postmodern composers (both defined by essentially throwing away rules/theory) are notorious for little application of theory.

>> No.6803195

>Baroque can suck it.

Baroque is the original hipster intellectual music. No one actually likes it, but it's so overly complex and high brow that you can't be heard saying you don't like it because you'll be considered uneducated. Most of the music was composed so that different countries could seem more sufficiently advanced than the others when it came to music culture.

>> No.6803221

>not listening exclusively to new complexity and post-postmodern composers.

Stay pleb, /sci/.

>> No.6803241

there is a correlation but correlation does not imply causation, listening to greenday or obscure hipster music will not turn you into an edgy intellectual, only a faux one

>> No.6803264


>tips fedora

>> No.6803267

All this conjecture. I do like certain Baroque pieces.

>> No.6803278

>implying I don't genuinely like Baroque
>implying this is /sci/ence

>> No.6803287

What's your favourite release this year?

>> No.6803820

>implying hardstyle isn't the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to music

Rap is for plebs though.

>> No.6803830

That seems like it would have a huge bias since reputation maters a lot at places with a higher average SAT score. Well, then I'll ignore it.

>> No.6803840

What I'm about to post is bullshit but

It goes like this:
Stage 1: Appreciating lyrics
Stage 2: Appreciating melody
Stage 3: Appreciating harmony
Stage 4: Appreciating timbre

Which doesn't actually act as a guide for what you're listening to but I guess you could say people who listen to weird al don't have a good taste because they're in it for the funny lyrics, but then there's the folk/precious singer songwriter thing with lyrics, but lyrics aren't music, phonetics are

There are some people who really love poetry but don't get instrumental music and vice versa, it might be that low iq people can't take in high levels of information or variation in a song and people who are not emotionally sensitive aren't receptive to timbre triggering shit in their brain.

>> No.6803842


>implying trance isn't the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to music


>> No.6803843


>> No.6803862

>No one actually likes it
do be a sport and cease to exist

>> No.6803866

People like Aphex Twin are definitely much more smarter than the rest of the producers. AT claims that he has created his own software to help with his production. He's gone the extra mile and used his intelligence to improve productivity.

>> No.6803869

he's apparently a bit thick more like an idiot savant but yeah he does make really good stuff

>> No.6803870


>> No.6803871

>much more smarter

>> No.6803880

Kek. Nothing to see here

>> No.6803890

I'm just speculating here, but an overall tenancy I've noticed is that most of my less educated (though not necessarily less smart, mind you) friends typically like predictable music. It's easy listening, and in that I can see why they like it. One of these friends also claims to enjoy classical music, but he typically listens to Mozart and Beethoven, music that is complex in itself but never steps out of key or has elements that you would not expect based on other elements in the compositions.

I myself enjoy music with at least some unpredictability. Modern minimal piano pieces like the one's composed by Philip Glass revolve around a certain theme that is beautiful in itself for its mathematical composition, but it's the subtle deviations from this theme that make the music playful. They introduce tension that makes it incredibly enjoyable to listen to, for me at least.

Another well educated friend of mine, whom I consider to be a lot smarter than I am, sometimes listens to experimental music that to me sounds like a cacophonous eruption of tension. I tried but really cannot listen to it, it's to much.

Anyway, like I said it's speculative, but I think people with a lower IQ generally tend to prefer predictable, catchy, music, while more intelligent people tend to prefer music with tension. On the other hand, this is a matter of taste and only a weak correlation at best.

>> No.6805019


>> No.6805030

not that guy but you're really fuckin mad

>> No.6805035

>Intelligent Dance Music

>> No.6805042

'Nother day, 'nother IQ thread.

>> No.6805059

Art music is better.
Romanticism is awful.
Wagner is the only highlight of the era/
It isn't
>music that is complex in itself but never steps out of key or has elements that you would not expect based on other elements in the compositions.
Are you trolling?

They are far less predictable than that hack Glass.

Glass is pop music.

>> No.6805090

>AT claims that he has created his own software to help with his production.
That's very likely bullshit (i.e. not particularly apparent in his music) and anyway not that difficult or impressive. There's software like Max/MSP specifically for that sort of thing. Academic composers have done far more impressive things. Even fucking BT has done more music programming than Aphex (CSound).

>> No.6805241

Aphex used to use supercollider at one point. There is an archive somewhere of the supercollider mailing list, with Richard pissing off all the users.

>> No.6806025
File: 2 KB, 142x138, 1407703125741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ 138
>Listen to Liquid Drum N Shit most of the time