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6784247 No.6784247 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine Stephen Wolfram walked up to you right now, took one look at the work you're doing, and then tried to learn it and then surpass you. How long would it take him to make you utterly redundant?

I haven't even started research or original work yet, so I'll give him a day to surpass me, at most.

For the smart people here, I'd give Wolfram a week at most to surpass you.

>> No.6784253

Most people are confused about my research, Stephen Wolfram probably would be too.

>> No.6784257

alpha as fuck

>> No.6784261
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70 weeks

>> No.6784279

he'd never be interested in what i am doing so n/0

>> No.6784281

I doubt it would take Stephen Wolfram 70 weeks to learn how to be schizophrenic.

>> No.6784284

>my research
What is it?

>> No.6784288

It'll take him about 200 years to be distinguished master guardian

>> No.6784297

6 seconds :-|> Ebin Wolfram

>> No.6784344

1 day to steal my idea and file a provisional patent

>> No.6784346

You're asking how long it would take him to become a master shitposter?

>> No.6784444

I don't know. im pretty good at masturbating

>> No.6784445

im with my gf, so Id say he could probably never get one, considering his autism. so i win

>> No.6784449

but OP, what if my research is in being surpassed?

>> No.6784504

>right now
>the work you're doing
surely you jest

>> No.6784525

considering I'm studying computational mathematics and in my first year of grad school he would immediately sit down and do all my work faster and better than me. fuck

>> No.6784550
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>shitposting on /sci/

>> No.6784744

right now im doing your mom so i guess it'll take him 30 minutes to take my place

>> No.6784749


women sociology

>> No.6784867

>Imagine Stephen Wolfram walked up to you right now, took one look at the work you're doing, and then tried to learn it and then surpass you. How long would it take him to make you utterly redundant?

Well, seeing as I'm working for MathWorks, I'll have to go with "never".

>> No.6784879

>implying Wolfram isn't a hack mathematician and an unimpressive programmer to boot

>> No.6784894

Well, all we have to do is put Stephen Wolfram and Linus Trovalt in the same room and ask them who's work is more valuable. They would argue till their deaths, autistic beta mathematicians would crawl out from under their desks knowing Stephen wasn't around to shit on them, there would be collaboration of which has never been seen before and math would advance far more and faster than it ever has.

>> No.6785011




>> No.6785026

an hour, tops

>> No.6785033
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Seeing how I'm at the gym reading this thread between my 3 plate squat sets I'm gonna have to say it would take him a while.

>mfw his pudgy out of shape body crumbles the instant he unracks the bar

>> No.6785059

>Genetic algorithms
About a half hour I guess.

>> No.6785096


I mean, I could learn my work in a couple days, probably. I doubt he could do much better.