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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6783739 No.6783739 [Reply] [Original]

Post your age and your academic/ intelectual achievements

>> No.6783760

19 y/o and at a top 20 public university's honors college just getting started on research in my field. recipient of state honors diploma (99th percentile of recipients).
pursuing two degrees--B.S., B.A.--one in a science and the other in a humanity.
not too shabby but nothing too impressive either. better than being NEET I suppose..

>> No.6783773

graduate of University of Chicago with double major in bio/geo
36 on ACT, 2310 combined on SAT, 170/170 on GRE

sadly way underemployed and currently looking into grad school

>> No.6783781

how was your gpa?

>> No.6783787

3.0, lol
severe anxiety and moderate depression screwed over my last 2 years

>> No.6783791

12 y/o and almost finished with middle school.
fuck ya

>> No.6783793

33years old.

5 a-c including maths and English. (all c grades)

>> No.6783795

>severe anxiety
>gets perfect score on GRE

i am not saying you are lying, but if you screencapped your score I would be amazed and praise you greatly

>> No.6783796
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i would post
>ban in 3,2,1
but the mods here on /sci/ eat more hot pockets than those of any other board.

>> No.6783798

haha. I'm taking Spanish 1 in CC and I went to my College algebra/pre-cal lecture today but not my spanish lecture. I am the guy you see once or twice a week randomly pop in the class. I don't want to be this guy and it's embarrassing.

>> No.6783801

19 years old
Should've gone to a uni for EE but decided to do a gap year

>> No.6783818
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I've got my anxiety under control now
did only get 4.5 on essays.

pic absolutely related

>> No.6783829

Bachelors degree with majors in zool/stat

>> No.6783830

not bad. any suggestions on studying for it?

>> No.6783833

9 y/o.
Getting my Graduate degree next year on Theoretical Physics from Harvard.

>> No.6783838
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Studying? I wish.
I took some practice tests and THAT was IT. I test well but study badly.

My advice is twofold:
-find mental shortcuts, ways to do mental arithmetic FASTER, particularly with regard to multiplication
-think about test psychology, what sorts of common mistakes test-makers might anticipate test-takers making, and see how the answer changes with that mistake involved. (for instance, if a common mistake sets you off by a factor of 3, look for a pair of answers where one is 3 times the other.)

Also, the essays are tricky. One asks you to make a point. The other asks you to critique an argument, not to address any evidence but just to play semantics, really. Don't overthink the second.

good hunting!

>> No.6783842

Mad props bro. getting a 170 on the verbal section is just mindblowing to me .

>> No.6783859

>implying the verbal section wasn't easy as dirt

>> No.6784204

21, veterinary bioscience degree. Currently have one month left in my honours course, and with any luck (and a lot of hard work) I'll get the marks needed to go straight into a PhD after. I already have a project lined up, I just need to get a scholarship and the right marks, so fingers crossed!

>> No.6784228

extending a four-year degree to six years

>> No.6784252


I can no longer afford my University, so I'm hoping to enter a public one (which is very difficult) which means re-starting my degree (chemical engineering) next year

>that doesn't make any fucking sense, why don't you just-

welcome to the third world

>> No.6784260

future unabomber/half of future leopold & loeb pls go

>> No.6784384

I'm doing my PhD in mathematics now, I'm doing research on the set of Barnett integrable functions,

<div class="math">\mathcal{B}=\left\{f\in C(\mathbb{R}^3)~:~\int\int\int f(x) dx<\frac{e^{i\pi}}{11.999...}\right\}</div>

>> No.6784386
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I leld

>> No.6784387

Co-author of the Homotopy Type Theory book (Univalent foundation program at IAS)

>> No.6784389

First year of my bachelor in math, sometimes it's overwhelming but overall not too difficult to follow. How was your experience with your math bachelor?

>> No.6784392

76, noble prize winner in physics, reporting in

>> No.6784394

Are you me?

>> No.6784395
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I wrote a lengthy humorous poem about a existentialism and time traveling. Also, I came up with a classification and normal form of some objects in differential geometry, but nobody will ever care for that.

What's a higher inductive type, other than the integers, that people in other fields than math would actually actively be using in their code?
Is there any reason to think real code correctness proofs would need the univalence axiom, in the sense that HoTT is actually more relevant than Marin Löfs system from the 70's?

>> No.6784402

The integers are just a regular inductive type, not a HIT. HITs are mostly useful to have concise and elegant formalization of homotopy theory, i.e., define stuff like the interval, circle, etc. They also allow you to build quotients (which is not possible in Martin Löf Type Theory), and to model ZFC.
How they would be useful in other fields than maths, i have no idea, but anyway HoTT is mostly about maths for the moment.

Another avantage of HoTT over MLTT is that it has more precise semantics with links to higher topos theory, that's what most people investigate these days. As for the purpose of univalence in code correctness proofs, i'd say we're quite not there yet, for the moment people are more interested in the mathematical proofs than program correctness. Univalence does give you a computational interpretation of function extensionality (through the cubical sets model) which MLTT doesn't have, but meh

>> No.6784403

I went to a good university, so my undergraduate education was really good. It offered classes on introductory real analysis and proof-based linear algebra for first year students, so I was basically exposed to proofs and theory-based mathematics since the beginning of the degree. It prepared me well for high level mathematics that I'm doing now such as the thrice iterated application of integration operators.

My advice would be to try and get involved with undergraduate research as soon as you can.

>> No.6784416 [DELETED] 
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>The integers are just a regular inductive type, not a HIT. HITs are mostly useful to have concise and elegant formalization of homotopy theory
Yeah, then I should have said integers -via- higher inductive types. The second is important part here, i.e. I meant
The quotients arise form putting homotopy equivalent terms together here?

Then you speak of "Quillen model categories" or something right? Maybe we were both exactly right to witness the higher so and so revolution, but also then I don't want to wait 10 years will what Lurie and friends do is digestible.

If you say "computational interpretation of function extensionality", do you mean a computational rule like in the last row of pic related?
If so, what is it?

tbh. I don't quite know why people like function extensionality in the first place? Is it just because functions in set theory have it and so you can write down setty models for your (type) theory.
Because I'm thinking, after all, if you take
f1(n):=return (n+5)^2
g2(n):=do{ busy beaver(n); f(n) }
and consider extensionally equivalent theories of functions, you lose interesting stuff like, for example, all of complexity theory, to analyse.

>> No.6784418
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>The integers are just a regular inductive type, not a HIT. HITs are mostly useful to have concise and elegant formalization of homotopy theory
Yeah, then I should have said integers -via- higher inductive types. The second is important part here, i.e. I meant
The quotients arise form putting homotopy equivalent terms together here?

Then you speak of "Quillen model categories" or something right? Maybe we were both exactly right to witness the higher so and so revolution, but also then I don't want to wait 10 years will what Lurie and friends do is digestible.

If you say "computational interpretation of function extensionality", do you mean a computational rule like in the last row of pic related?
If so, what is it?

tbh. I don't quite know why people like function extensionality in the first place? Is it just because functions in set theory have it and so you can write down setty models for your (type) theory.
Because I'm thinking, after all, if you take
f1(n):=return (n+5)^2
f2(n):=do{ busy beaver(n); f1(n) }
and consider extensionally equivalent theories of functions, you lose interesting stuff like, for example, all of complexity theory, to analyze.

>> No.6784428

>Completed apprenticeship as a toolworker / machine setter ~ 3 years
>Worked for a global e-tech company as a CNC programmer
>Currently finishing my extension studies in Business, Math and Physics
>Next year entering General Physics course at Charles' University.

Where my good future bros at ?

>> No.6784481

You could be either Albert Fert or Anthony J. Leggett? So, anon?

>> No.6785420

Completed naval nuclear power school, nuclear field "A" school, and the nuclear power training unit as an Electrician's Mate. Qualified Master Training Specialist when I went back to teach.
1250 on SAT in 1999.
Member of Mensa.
Make a little over $57,000/yr without a college degree.

>> No.6785461

22, finished BS in physics. That's about it. I have no impressive test scores or grades

>> No.6785476

Second year in a 5 year information systems engineering degree. I think that's an undergraduate degrees for you Americans?


>> No.6785477

21, math/physics major, took too long in deciding my path so I'll have 5 years of undergrad

researching magnetic reconnection on the sun and cataloging binaries that haven't been looked at in ~60+ years

>> No.6785564

>member of mensa
why is this noteworthy

>> No.6786398



In my third and final year of my BSc Statistics (Hons).

>> No.6786404

Jack shit

>> No.6786426


Brazil? The system really fucking sucks here.

>> No.6786430

are you both me?

>> No.6787527

Graduated from Emory high honors in neuroscience
3 first author publications
Enough presentations at conferences that I lost count
Served as a reviewer for a journal
39S on the MCAT

Didn't get into any MD/PhD programs last year, didn't bother to reapply this year because the whole process made me realize I really don't want to be a doctor (in fact that's why schools said they rejected me). Had originally planned on pursuing a PhD but the field is so fucked it would be foolish to continue down this road anymore than I already have. Currently teaching myself programming and hoping to eventually get a job doing that, though in the meantime I have to cope with the fact that everything I've done in the last 8 years means nothing now.

>> No.6787543
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18, got accepted into the gifted program when I was 10, became horribly depressed at age 13, got removed from gifted classes at 14 because my grades were falling apart and I had no motivation to do anything. Barely passed in highschool because I would rather research random topics of interest to me than do my work. and now I'm trying to overcome my problems and try and get a degree in aerospace engineering. I can't stop thinking of how different things could have been If I had gotten over myself in highschool. I could have gotten some actual recognition, even gotten a scholarship. but I guess everyone will remember me as an absent-minded slacker now.

>> No.6787544

I have now completed introductory retardation classes at my local community IBM outlet programming shop, and when I am not waiting in line for a new I phone I enjoy pretending to be a physicist on /sci/

>> No.6787553

What discouraged you from the path of medicine?

>> No.6787562

- 18
- Senior in high school again
- 100% score of previous introductory psychology course
- Composed a few pieces of music, learned various pieces on guitar
- Studied various things outside of school
- Always beat my friends in chess
- Better musician than all of friends and every musician they've met personally
- Am the most intelligent person my friends (and most of family) have ever met personally

>> No.6787642

You're not really doing a good job impressing me.

>> No.6787647

I'm not very impressed by myself either.

>> No.6787663

>Not understanding the satire
>being this new

>> No.6787666

Change it anon. Follow your dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmsssssss

>> No.6787670
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I am (currently) not a total fucking failure in every single aspect of my life.

>> No.6787675

Well, I never really wanted to be a doctor to begin with. I only seriously considered it when I saw that the state of research was so terrible that trying to make a career out of it would be tantamount to moving to Hollywood in the hopes of becoming an A-list celebrity. So I decided to pursue an MD/PhD since that way I'd have a medical career to fall back on in the very likely event that my research career would never take off.

I did some physician shadowing which was pretty fun for the first few hours, but became excruciatingly boring once you realized that every patient and their treatments were the same. I'd shadow some primary care docs once or twice a week, and I dreaded having to do it every week. I rationalized that away as it just being primary care, but then neurology turned out to not be much different. Then I rationalized it as it just being the natural reaction of having to passively watch a guy do his job all day.

I applied to med school and had a hard time answering "why do you want to be a doctor?" but thought I did a good job bullshitting. Then I interviewed and the questions I feared getting asked the most were "why do you want to be a doctor?", "what do you feel like the role of a doctor is in society?", "why both the MD and the PhD?", and things like that. So that was kind of a tip-off.

Another big factor was that I at every interview I could tell I didn't fit in at all. Med students, even MD/PhD students, are not like other STEM students. They're very extroverted and very sociable. In contrast, I'm your stereotypical science nerd; strongly introverted and a bit socially awkward. And unfortunately, introverts and nerds aren't looked upon very highly in the medical culture. It was like being back in high school in some ways.

So to sum it up, I realized I was going into medicine for all the wrong reasons, that I was a total mismatch for the culture, and that I would be miserable if I actually became a doctor.

>> No.6787687

Now I don't really want to pursue neuroscience (the field that got me very interested in science).

>> No.6787689

Okay, Anon.

>> No.6787700

18 years old, first year math major at a relatively shitty public college, currently in calc 3 and a proofs course, on track to get a masters in 4 years and then go to a more prestigious university for doctorate. 33 ACT and 5s on 10 AP tests.

>> No.6787706

20, got 4 scolarships in the best private colleges from my country.

Doing some babby first research in the field of compsci.

>> No.6787707

If you're still in college do what I wish I did and change your major to something with real world relevance. Do your homework, make sure the major you pick actually has jobs (some majors will surprise you; a lot of business majors are worthless, for example, as are some engineering fields).

Don't make the mistake I made where I said "well, the cries about science being in bad shape are overblown, and most people getting PhDs don't have any business being in grad school anyway. I'm really good at this shit and I have things I really want to research. And even if I don't get a professorship, all sorts of businesses want to hire scientists, right?*** Besides, what else am I going to do?"

*** - as it turns out, these days businesses only want to hire people with degrees and experience in that very specific area that the company is hiring for.

>> No.6787709

Thank you for the insightful answer.

>> No.6787754

> relatively shitty public college,
>then go to a more prestigious university for doctorate

not gonna happen. there are 100 asians from MIT who are interested in the same highly specialized subset of math as you and that are thousands times more qualified.

>> No.6787940

pretty sure all four of us are the same person.

>> No.6787941

I have an 2 year college transfer degree and am currently working on a bachelor's in geography.
My greatest achievement is avoiding work for the last 7 years.
I'd say my forte is philosophy and history and my weakness is math.

>> No.6787956

95% of 4 year tuition being paid by a scholarship, based off of hs perforamnce and also a lot of fucking luck

>> No.6787968

B.Sc in Math and CS (easy as shits)
second year on my math M.Sc (this shit is getting hard)

>> No.6787975

>as are some engineering fields
For example?
What about in aerospace?

>> No.6787992

>be me
>be 29
>PhD Chemistry big well known university
>be first author Nature papers
>work at big industry, make money (finally)
>be paying off student debt

>> No.6787994

Engineering Technology w/ a focus in Computers

I'm safe right anon.. ;_;

>> No.6788001

No one will remember shit. Nobody except you cares. Just keep in mind one thing: 5 years from now you'll be thinking exact same thing about the present you, unless you get your shit together.

Ph.D. in Mat. Sci. and Eng.
3.7 GPA, but nobody gives a shit in grad school
Now building a company and writing grant applications. Also distilling whiskey, because chemical engineering.

For those going into engineering or sci and expecting no more writing, as I did, my advice is to learn to write. Fortunately i had a talent and good teachers, and being able to write well really fucking helps.


>> No.6788004

It sounds like you feel bad. Don't. I've hung around a few med students going onto residency going onto doctors, and I can't say i'd ever want to be in their shoes. Maybe it's rewarding at some point and all, but it consumes your life pretty much for like 10 years.

>> No.6788011
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I'm 21 and I've already learned that it's bullshit to continually get into dick measuring contests with strangers over the internet.

This is why /sci/ will inevitably become pure cancer.

>> No.6788034

I'll be startying uni next year, although I'm completely unprepared for it, because I can barely solve quadratic equations and I've spent 12 hours a day on 4chan for the last 2 years or so. I like reading Dawkins, though, so this is the nearest thing I have to a intellectual achievement

do I still have a chance of becoming a good scientist or should I just go to the humanities instead???

>> No.6788041
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23, dropped out of high school in 9th grade and got a GED.
I'd like to get back to school but I'm worried I'm too old to aim for something like med school or some prestigious university after I finish with community college bullshit.
Whatever. I made my bed and now I shall lie in it.

>> No.6788046

mhm, since I saw the thread two days ago, I never came to view it as a contest

>> No.6788048

In a similar boat, lel

23 and want to go back to school for comp sci or statistics. Am I too old?

>> No.6788084

21, getting my BS in math this year. Also starting babby's first independent research, which has been kind of cool. I've received a couple awards for performing well in classes, got almost a full ride to uni, and I've made the Deans list every single semester, whatever that's worth.

>> No.6788085

4th year in chem

never worked a job in my life.

>> No.6788108

1st year PhD in organic chemistry (total synthesis)

just wrote a research proposal and realised how unimportant this shit is.

quitting tomorrow and focusing on (something else?)

>> No.6788112

PhD in physics, published a paper on the application of quantum mechanics in materials science, completed a triple integral, and I work at Los Alamos as a postdoc but still make 80k a year.


>> No.6788117


>Am I too old?

You're never too old.

>> No.6788210

double degree - economics and law. Honors (first class) pol sci. Masters in international law. Juris doctor (underway).

1st year out of uni job as a graduate analyst in a federal department. 18 months later take a position as a congressional staffer.

You neckbeards tap away at your calculators like little faggots. I am paid (better than you) to provide my counsel to the leaders of the free world

>> No.6788268

>noble prize
You are a highborn, I see.

>> No.6788288

because some people are particularly insecure about their achievements or intelligence.

>> No.6788293
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>> No.6788295

Fags, you arent 65 years old you wont stand out between the kids

>> No.6788297

with those ACT and AP scores, did you get rejected from better schools? did you just not apply to better schools? what school are you at now?

>> No.6788300

Called 100 people retards on /sci/ in one day
Made my own "people are stupid" hoodie
Got a KFC double-down to fit all the way in my asshole using gravity F=ma idunno
Spend 30 minutes a day going "baa baaaa" in my head at people on the train like the SHEEP
Everyone is dumber than me, especially you

>> No.6788301

but "muh diversity," don't you ever forget. college demographics need to represent the population--and assuming that white people need graduate degrees too--they'll likely be chosen over their asian counterparts

>> No.6788308

mirin achievements

>> No.6788314

19, graduating next fall with BS in Mathematics. Hopefully entering a PhD program afterwards. Not much but it feels nice.

>> No.6788316


>19 years old
>6th semester B. Sc. Economics
>4th semester B. Sc. Math

Dunno what my "GPA" is (since i'm from germany), but my average grade is 1.6 in both.

Hope to get my masters in econ by the time I'm 22 and masters in math by the time i'm 23. Maybe PhD after that. Definitly want to go to the US and do an internship which has something to do with financial math/actuarial science. Any internship advice?

>> No.6788323
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>tfw only 160/165/4.0

>> No.6788342

> 20 years old
> 2nd year in ChemE/Pharmaceutical Science double degree
> ATAR 94.5

For non-Ausfags, a 94.5 ATAR means I was ranked in the 94.5 percentile for the entire year 12... I don't know what GPA that is.

>> No.6788343


>2nd year pharmacy (basically heavy emphasis on chemistry with pharmaceutical practicum mixed in)
>ausfag so we have a GPA system that goes up to a 7.0, but google and a quick calculation tells me I'm sitting on a 3.9375 (one fucking first year class I only got a distinction, fucking dick of a unit)
>Got like 2nd best result in my high school class

Yeah I guess that's it so far.

>> No.6788348


Hey dude, ausfag here. GPA is only really dealt with at university here. ATAR can't really be compared to a specific GPA, but in a nutshell, perfect high distinctions is equivalent to a 4.0 GPA

>> No.6788350

Don't Americans have a GPA in highschool though? I thought that was how they determined Uni placings (besides Jewish nepotism of course)

>> No.6788357


Probably? I don't know man, I live on an Island with dangerous animals and shrimps and barbys.

But srsly, in America they probably place HS graduates into university degrees/ universities based on their GPA alone, which is solely a measure of how well they personally performed academically, whilst in Australia you're placed with a weird system that basically compares you to the performance of the rest of the state, and each different class weighs in differently on the end number. You get this number called an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, which is a number out of 99.95 which basically ranks you in the state, and is a number that supposedly reflects your percentage odds of performing well at university. Idek

Read more on our crazy system here:

Page 2 onwards walks you through the process.

>> No.6788379

Currently in my second consecutive week of skipping class to get stoned. Might consider going for a third week if I have the fortitude.

>> No.6788381

Well what's the Uni?

>> No.6788560

22 years old, vocational qualification in electrical engineering. I dropped out from college because adfdasdrherg, and now I'm going to high school by the age of 22 and I'm planning to get me a diploma so I can study physics at university.
As much as I love electronics and computers, they're not something I would like to do forever, and natural sciences are more interesting to me.
I also have assburgers which can be a great perk in math and physics. BAZOOPER

>> No.6788582

23 Finishing a BA in math.

Had a gap year.

Hoping to go on to graduate school in math. Most likely pure, but might do applied.

>> No.6788594

>But srsly, in America they probably place HS graduates into university degrees/ universities based on their GPA alone, which is solely a measure of how well they personally performed academically

in America they have a "holistic" system which considers a ton of shit from GPA and SATs to extracurricular activities, essays, responses to bullshit questions and of course the biggest factor race, and basically means they do whatever the fuck they want and allow college admissions officers to arbitrarily admit or reject whoever they want with no attempt to enforce more than the most rudimentary of standards.

GPA in US highschools means nothing, if you are at all intelligent you will get a 3.5+ even without really trying, if you try you will get a 4.0 for sure, most of the people with shitty GPAs arent that stupid they just dont care and dont bother doing schoolwork. but the system that they have is equally bullshit, im not really sure if its more bullshit than just assigning you a number that applies nationwide or some shit.

>> No.6788602


>3 first author publications

And yet you don't easily roll into grad school?

>> No.6788657

I've heard some schools discriminate against older applicants though.

>> No.6788715

Just turned 17, 3rd semester at University so I have enough credits to be considered a sophomore. I've taken up to Linear Algebra and Multivariate Calculus and up to Modern Physics. Dual enrolled highschool student but for the past two years I've been full time at university but this year I graduate and am planning to go to a university and get a degree in physics, aerospace engineering, and network engineering.

>> No.6788722

this is completely true. thanks for making this clarification for everyone.

>"muh diversity"
>"muh father who never done gone to school"
>"muh uncle who passed away from cancer"

>> No.6788774

18 years old. Sophomore at college (calling this place a college is a stretch). Intended major is physics
Life is going down the toilet along with my sanity

>> No.6788809

>ranked 16-20 among public universities on either US News or Forbes
and you think that's something to be proud of