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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6782167 No.6782167 [Reply] [Original]

What's your major and why do you love it?

>> No.6782173

EE bc $

>> No.6782176
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Really easy to study for finals.

>> No.6782188


Because no labs

>> No.6782225

>His uni doesn't have a math lab

>> No.6782226

I heard the job market is grown for that.

>> No.6782228
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Chemistry with a minor in microbio. Looking forward to performing research on staph.

Google "Antimicrobial activity of PVP from an Antarctic bacterium" for an interesting read.

Antarctica, here I come.

>> No.6782231

Math because once you know math learning anything else is trivial.

>> No.6782259

>Not keeping your manifolds in beakers
What a shitty school you go to

>> No.6782269

not true btw

>> No.6782287


I hope you plan on not having a job after postdoc if you're going into public research

>> No.6782326

Math/physics, physics is really tough and learning something cool every once and a while is nice. It's problems have also made me more frustrated than anything else in the world so doing well is rewarding. Math is something I've never had to think too hard about and so can also feel rewarding.

>> No.6782344

computer science, because it will automate every other major


>> No.6782410

Archaeology because I love ancient Greek stuff.

>> No.6782742

EE because I can make cool sciency shit

>> No.6782748

I major in modern general. It's very difficult.

>> No.6782751

ChemE because interest, money and respect (from "neuro-typicals").

>> No.6782753

math/physics double nigger

>> No.6782779
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Geology because it rocks

>> No.6782780


Biology, because ants are cool.

>> No.6782790

Botany, because I like plant genetics and hope to one day become an overpaid, immoral Monsanto scientist.

>> No.6782797


It's not a hobby or a major it's just an obsession.

Also your ego is crushed every 5 seconds.

>> No.6782807

Aerospace engineering. Because it's fucking rocket science

>> No.6782863

nuclear engineering because of all the cool shit you can do with radiation, plus fusion.

>> No.6782869

Software engineering because muh gaymen

>> No.6782886

Economics because is not a science

>> No.6782890

>It's not a hobby or a major


what are you studying atm


>> No.6782937

This. UK student here hoping to get an MEng in Nuclear Engineering.

>> No.6782948

mein negger

Soft. Eng because I like typing shit.
Also being able to do shit with less resources than your average biologist, physicist, etc. I only need my imagination and a computer potato.

Yes, I know a philosopher and a mathfag need even less resources but I don't have autism.

>> No.6783176
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i like geometry and math. there is hardly a place to study geometry so you are very fast at the peak of reaserche (i am no yet).

>> No.6783310

Fuck yeah, another ChemE
Dat money after graduation, plus the flexibility of going anywhere.
You can hire a ChemE to do a MechE job but can't hire a MechE to do a ChemE job

>> No.6783313

EE makes me feel successful and scientific

>> No.6783329
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finance in university - went to uchicago for medical school - became neurosurgeon after residency - use my knowledge of finance, accounting etc to make as much money as possible - made $520K last year from work and another $65K off investments.

I had this plan since high school and I wanted to go into medicine but I've always had the idea that I could make much more than even most surgeons my age with my knowledge from college. Most idiots get a pre-med/biology major in college but then they learn the same shit in medical school so what was the point, right? I'm actually using my bachelors and making much more money while everyone else wanted an easier time in medical school and now make less money because of it.

>> No.6783333

>implying autists can into philosophy

Nietzche wasn't a philosopher, btdubs.

>> No.6783341

this is some bullshit estating, you are a college student making up a story about your plans
neurosurgeons dont have anywhere near enough free time to successfully manage an investment portfolio and a finance degree has very little you need for personal investing and a ton of shit that you dont

>> No.6783348
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>mfw that's like the best idea i've ever read and i went into CE and make like 70,000 annuall
best life choices award goes to this anon

>> No.6783359

still wouldn't do that for how hard medicine is. soz but i don't need over 120K to be perfectly fine with money.

>> No.6783360

What school do you go to? Because holy shit did I hear that more times than I needed to when I was an undergrad. My school had a LOT of AE majors.

>> No.6783364

All my ME friends said the same because my uni didn't give Aerospace engineering. Are they fucked?

>> No.6783370


I fucking love weather. It affects everyone everyday, it influences almost every part of our lives to some degree and it feels amazing to accurately predict the future using science and technology. I could talk about it all day long.

Fortunately I'm already graduated and employed so I don't have to worry about the horrendous experience that is post-graduation job searching which had been my life for a year after graduating anymore.

>> No.6783374
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Physics & Astronomy because fucking stars man
>also get to go to Teide Observatory in Tenerife next year

>> No.6783377

Economics (and statistics)
Because nobody, including people in other sciences, have any idea what we're doing so it's like a secret club.

>> No.6783396

Econ because I love graphs

>> No.6783408

I'm in EE. When it comes to math I'm a little slow, but I'll learn it given time.
Regardless, I want to develop power and renewable energy. That's how I'll make my mark on this planet.

>> No.6783409

shouldv'e done nuclear m8 for dat fusion

>> No.6783410
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because it's fun.I do miss math though.
I only get up to Calc2

anyway, I am doing a flag bearer for /sci/, can anyone recommend what to put on the flag? Dont mind the current one, I started from a template and that was the default.

>> No.6783411

Engineering Physics undergrad with a specialization in aerospace

>> No.6783413

Physics. I like to understand why things happen more than know what happens, otherwise it would be chemistry. And, after I finish my PhD program, I'll be making ~120k a year (already have connections through undergrad internships, effectively have jerbs set up for me already) which is way more than I need to make myself happy.

>> No.6783414

Same here actually. That or satellites if it doesn't work out

>> No.6783415

barnetts formula on a cream background

>> No.6783429

My school doesn't offer it, I really would have. I guess I can settle for solar panels.

>> No.6783433
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>that walk of shame when you fail your midterm

>> No.6783437

Neuroscience. Hoping to go to medical school and be either a psychiatrist or a neurosurgeon. Neuroscience is pretty interesting. There are still a shit ton of discoveries being made every day, which is why I like it. The brain is one of the last real frontiers of science (according to the brain).

>> No.6783440

look into direct energy conversion

>> No.6783447

Looks cool. What kind of fuel would that use, still Uranium?
I was looking into Thorium Reactors but it looks like I won't be able to work at one with my major.

>> No.6783449

>tfw Real Analysis midterm tomorrow and scared
First math exam I'm taking that's not computation based

>> No.6783454
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tfw walked 8 miles from class to my home after failing a chem test

had to rethink my entire life

>> No.6783458

>most top unis don't have a math lab

>> No.6783459

aneutronic fusion like D-He3 or He3-He3 where your products are charged particles vs D-T where 80% of the energy you get out goes to the neutrons (so you have to use shitty thermal conversion) thermal conversion efficiency of >80% up to maybe 90% is much better than a shitty thermal conversion efficiency of <40%

>> No.6783464

Biomedical engineering
Its shit and I will never get muh job

>> No.6783467

aerospace are just mechs in the aerospace industry

>> No.6783469

Majored in neuro, now in pharmacy school. doing drugs got me interested in the science behind it. Hoping to eventually work in the industry, might dual degree with a Ph.D.

>> No.6783472

Philosophy here. That is actually my secondary major; my first I'd consider to be "undeclared," even though I'm a sophomore in the Physics curriculum. Not sure what to do at this point as my interest in Physics (in Physics 3--Waves, Relativity, Modern, Quantum etc.) is waning. Recently I've been very interested in mathematics. I have been watching and reading some materials on Analysis and Topology which have gotten me to think that I'd rather be focusing my efforts there in math as opposed to physics.

>> No.6783982
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Why wouldn't I love it?

>> No.6783984

>non-STEM "science" degree

yes i would like fries with that

>> No.6784007

>BS in Botany
>Live in Denver/Seattle
>420k starting

>> No.6784014

60% of my job consists of gardening and exploring, the other 40% being research and lab work.

My job has taken me to 3 different continents, 8 different countries, and two different oceans. I even get to go scuba diving in the crystal waters of the Caribbean on occasion.

Will I ever make as much as an engineer? No.

Would I trade my $60k/yr job doing this for a $300k/yr job doing something I don't like? Absolutely not.

>> No.6784017


don't listen to that idiot flowerbro. go on and pollinate

>> No.6784022

lmao keep lying to yourself to feel better abotu your shitty hippie pseudo-science

meanwhile engineering and compsci bros will be making advancements that actually contribute to humanity

>> No.6784027

but no seriously, if you ever want to sell out and get paid. come work for a grow house in colorado.

>> No.6784035

Audiologist hear

I don't want to be the red-hearing ITT but it seems like as the only aspiring Au.D. among us, I'm ear-replaceable.

>> No.6784039
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>> No.6784183

Nice, currently tossing up between rocks and plants. I'm towards the end of first year, I don't really have to decide until after second.

I like brewing, and there's some interesting research into malting barley and enzymes and hops going on in the plant science faculty, but geology is great fun.

>> No.6784191
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I can't tell if I'm the first one to pick up on this or the first one to care.

>> No.6784199



Cognitive science. Because we're all a bunch of squishy predictable meat sacks who like shiny things that beep at us.

>> No.6784227

Nursing with an intent on becoming an NP


It's basically counseling and pretending to be doctor at the same time while having weekends off (and vacations).

Plus I enjoy making 60-70% of what a normal doctor makes while having all the above benefits.

>> No.6784262


I fucking hate it but I'm already in my senior year so nothing I can do about it now except hope to be hired as a code monkey or get into an engineering graduate program.

>> No.6784270
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astrophysics because it's STEM and I can still get laid talkin bout stars and shit

>> No.6784272

Physics because you learn how shit works. But my career has been as a EE which is less interesting but pays and easy to be employed.

>> No.6785076
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Biology > primate behav ecol
because monkeys are cute

>> No.6785132

10/10 gold

>> No.6785207

>that feel when you bomb your math test

My life is in shambles

>> No.6785771
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>> No.6785779

Mortuary Science.

I love science but abhor math. No matter how shitty the economy is, people will always be dying and someone has to do the job. This site has certainly done an adequate job at desensitizing me to the horrors of this world, so looking at a few corpses wont faze me in the slightest. Plus the income is adequate.

>> No.6785789

Finance, 'cause our Econ program sucks and I think the monetary system is interesting.

>> No.6785793

cinema and cultural studies.
yea, suck it.

>> No.6785794

>made 520k from work
>65k off investments

Those returns are nothing to speak about. A normal doctor who stuck his money in an index or mutual fund could probably get that.

>> No.6785797

EE. I like the math involved, I like electronics, and I like engineering things.

>> No.6785860

UCLA. Really trying to maintain a 3.9 so I can go to MIT for graduate

>> No.6785918

Biotechnology and Physics (Astronomy track)

and a minor in Cog. Sci

Trying to do some undergraduate research with NASA

>> No.6785937
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Can I get some more feedback on the flag?

>> No.6785940
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>i like math

>> No.6785943

Im majoring in creationist science.

>> No.6785952

Working on the PhD on CivE

I love it because I've found a niche where I can work on continuum mechanics and soil properties

>> No.6785955


Philosophy, it gives me an insight into how the universe works, without using useless equations and numerical mumbo-jumbo.

>> No.6785983

actually looks pretty good on him.

>> No.6785991

I'm going to teach Philosophy and English. Can I ask which philosophy is, in your opinion, most correct?

>> No.6785995

Same :^)

>> No.6786041

I ain't that guy, but the only one worth anything at all(and the most important) is philosophy of language.

>> No.6786097

Math because....because...

Fuck man. I don't know. I just get really absorbed when solving problems.

>> No.6786126

Community Services......


>> No.6786132

microbiology and immunology, I love it bc whats not to love? learning about all the microbes and how you body reacts to them, what can be more interesting?

>> No.6786195

Mathematical physics.
I love it because I hate myself.

>> No.6786196

You poor fucking sod.

>> No.6786197

Ants are fuckin' rad, man. If I wasn't doing physics, I'd be studying those fuckers

Props homie.

>> No.6786200

>what can be more interesting?

Ants. Ants are more interesting.

>> No.6786210

Completed a useless degree in design.
Now I want to do math or engineering. Can't decide which field of it to go into.

Considering doing:
Comp Sci
Materials science and engineering
Photovoltaics/Renewable energy engineering
Aerospace (no jobs here though)

what do

>> No.6786220

Comp Sci- Do you like coding so much that you want to hear professors lecture on relations between different languages for 4 years? (tons of jobs here though)

EE- Do you like applied math, circuits, signals, fast fourier transforms?

MatSE- Do you enjoy memorizing a bunch of relations, and running tensile/compression tests all day?

Photovoltaics/Renewa... no this is way too fluffy and no one will hire you or respect your background

Aerospace- meh? Really hard math for small gains and fuck fluid dynamics

>> No.6786225

You sir, you fucking get it

>> No.6786239

Comp Sci - I can do a masters in this, entry requirements aren't too difficult and my design degree had a big it/programming component

EE - a bit rusty with my math but I'm sure I can pick those things up

MatSE - suppose not

PV/Aero - makes sense, a bit of hype and daydreaming affected my perceptions of it a bit

EE or CS. I like both hardware and software. Not doing CompEng though.

>> No.6786250


>> No.6786260
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Chemistry major here. I liked the whole "central science" thing at first, but sometimes I wonder if I should have gone physics instead. Still considering a switch before I get too far in, but I'm not 100%.

>> No.6786265

Film bc it won't easily be automated and it can be fun. I also have a biology minor bc animal planet might be fun to work at or if I have to go back to school.

>> No.6786267

Same here. You satisfied in it? I find it a bit too pedantic and wish I was doing something more mathematical.

>> No.6786272


perfect balance between theory and practice

>> No.6786280

Anyone have good ideas for double majors or major/minors? Solid choices like Math+Eng or Phys/Math (idk just examples)

what's a good engineering major to complement Econ? I was thinking computer network engineering/Econ or would Eng/Business be better? Physics/Econ?

I feel like we should find archetypes of degree combinations that can promote/invoke synergy, possibly creating new fields or industries.

>> No.6786283

Because I know a book

>> No.6786360

>$65,000 by doing nothing is nothing to speak about
>not jealous
ok. i make less than that working 40 hours a week. money is money, no matter how much you make.

>> No.6786368

And your dreams. Don't forget the several crushings of your dreams. Sometimes I wish I were an engineer instead.

>> No.6786377

>I'm not pedantic
>I'm not purposely verbose

>> No.6786379

Yeah, I like it so far. It was always my dream profession.

>> No.6786762

only an uneducable dolt considers "pedantic" to be a fault

>> No.6786887
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>> No.6786901

>advancements that actually contribute to humanity

Norman Borlaugh, a plant geneticist, is credited with saving a billion lives.

>> No.6786989


>> No.6787006

You have a sound argument.

>> No.6787019

Computer Science Engineering.
Not sure if I love it yet. :-\

>> No.6787020

>explaining something so that someone minimal knowledge of the topic can understand is pedantic

>> No.6787064
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speak for yourself shitbag i make like 70k a year working 60 hours a week

>> No.6787297

that's why i'm selling out to make algorithms.

>> No.6787343
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Women's Studies

I just got my Ph.D. in Internet culture with my thesis paper regarding how reddit has shaped the internet.

>> No.6787374

assuming your not actually trolling, that sounds like a really interesting paper..

>> No.6787385

computer science.

i don't love it. specialization is for insects.

>> No.6787395

my dick


>> No.6787418

That looks like the Nerd Alert music video Nerdy and I Know It.

>> No.6787426

around 2:30.

>> No.6787507

EE because resistance is futile

>> No.6787511

Computer Science

what is love?

>> No.6787517

Nuclear Eng

Still too early for me to say

>> No.6787531

stay base mah niggas

>> No.6787538
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math because 300k starting

>> No.6787566

CE because robots and spooky military tech is interesting as fuck

>> No.6787573

Mechanical engineering because I want to ride in the shit I design

>> No.6787617
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his university doesn't have a meth lab