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6776150 No.6776150 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a freshman in university and am struggling with trigonometry and astronomy of all things.

I'm going to look into the free tutoring services that my university offers and I'm also going to study harder, but I'm scared.

Surely I'm not the only one who got off to a rocky start?

>> No.6776177

I had some troubles with trig at first and my tutor sucked. Watch Khan Academy and PatrickJMT videos. Those have been helping me. I went to the library and rented this book which seems alright so far.


>> No.6776246

Seconding both Khan academy and patrickJMT.
PatrickJMT does examples well, while Khan explains concepts well (except in chemistry... His electronorbital explanation makes me wince)

>> No.6776275

Thank you. I will use this.

>> No.6776840

What's wrong with his electronorbital explanation?

>> No.6776853

Your mom.

>> No.6776858

Hey fellow astronomy-bro. I, too, am having the fucking struggles. I can't keep up with these equations and I feel like I'm going to fail.

>> No.6777058

Are you having trouble with basic trigonometry, like arcsin used in an equation or something? Or do you have trouble visualizing the meaning of the equation?
You can understand most trig if you just memorize the meanings of a few functions, learn a few rules, and maybe practice visualizing the effects of the functions for better intuitions about equations.

>> No.6777107

I'm having trouble in astronomy as well. Mainly because my professor is a fucking hack.

He lectures from memory, is extremely out dated, knows non of the equations right, and won't tolerate an objective opinion.

How the fuck are you going to tell me that Wein's law is
Lambda max= 300000/T? That's fucking wrong

>> No.6777120

What is wrong with you?

I learned chemistry using KA and I was just wondering what exactly is wrong with the way electronorbitals are described there.