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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6774504 No.6774504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why am I a lazy unproductive fuck? I have so much time to do my college work but I always leave it to last minute and just sit around all day on Netflix. I really do want to succeed but I'm so lazy.
>wat do?

>> No.6774512
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You should probably go eat a dick

>> No.6774513

Why does laziness exist?

>> No.6774516

my work has to do with science and math

>> No.6774522

Get a job or some sort of obligation that forces you to do your work early.

>> No.6774541

conservation of energy

>> No.6774558

our bodies are made to survive.
when survival is not an issue it finds little reason to waste energy that could theoretically be used to run away from a lion or some shit

>> No.6774563

Humans did not evolve to do differential equations. We evolved to chase wildabeasts. Doing mathematics (or any other real work) is processed by our biology as a waste of time and energy since it doesn't immediately produce food, shelter, or sex.

>> No.6774569

if you're a bitch nigga with a dominant lizard brain then maybe, yeh

>> No.6774594


>> No.6774601

I'm worse this semester. At least you are doing your work. I made dean's list last two semesters doing things the last minute. Now I'm even below holding off to the last minute.

>> No.6774629


The humble brag, I like it...

>> No.6774639
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But if we strain our eyes watching Netflix, we might not see a rock and trip over it while running from the lion.

>> No.6774657

I didn't mean it to sound like that. I meant for OP to not make a habit of holding off to the last minute. It just leads to arrogance later on if you get away holding off to the last minute and doing well. I made the mistake of taking on too many credit hours this semester and I'm lazier than before. It doesn't equate well.

>> No.6774695
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By forcing yourself out of laziness, you create lasting neurobiological changes in your brain, making it easier to combat laziness the next time around.

>> No.6774700

that's not how our instincts work. our instincts are the result of natural selection where those who lack said instincts would die at a faster rate than those who do and are eventually bred out of existence by those who have them.

those who spend their time watching netflix are probly not in a position where 20/20 vision would be a necessity for survival, so it's doubtful that we'll ever develop such a trait.

>> No.6774721
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this in a nut shell for me
decided to double major and in all 400 biochem classes this semeste
i have no urge to do shit

this too. the last semester or two i've slowly started getting lazier but also getting the same grades. but its not working so well this time around
had to check myself about a week ago

>> No.6774726

laziness is fine, just turn your hobbies into more productive ones.

>> No.6774740

>laziness is fine
Yeah, if you have nothing important to do. It can only get you so far when it comes to important tasks. Hobbies are great on downtime though.

>> No.6774743

are you me?

exact same fucking situation. coding in assembly is just soooooo tedious.

>> No.6774746

Pretty much. Sounds like you are pursuing the same major too.

>> No.6774753

Takes the cigarette out of his ear to put in his mouth when he realizes he is being filmed then puts it back in his ear.

Poser is probably homosexual or a murderer.