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6772789 No.6772789 [Reply] [Original]

Is space warping possible ? Plz explain

>> No.6772800
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am working on something..

>> No.6772803
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The main issue is resources..

Any assistance would be appreciated I can explain things as that is not my issue..

Think of an Anode and Cathode.

>> No.6772805
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Squeezing space together infront of your craft and expanding space behind your craft so you technically are not actually moving space is moving around you.

>> No.6772806
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Small scale experiments.


Search for lifters this is as far as we understand it so far besides secret organizations and all that shit..

But I have been working on something that may be feasible..

>> No.6772810

While we have devised an Alciumbre device, we do not have the technology to 'modify' spacetime. How to do that? Basically an artificial gravity generator.

>> No.6772813

what happens when you warp into a sun? or thru a sun? or planet?

>> No.6772815

Lifters aren't a gravity effect at all; they're an interesting demonstration of ion propulsion.

>> No.6772819
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its a novel introduction to the concepts

What I am looking at is a magnetic field ala electrokinetics and electrogravitics.

Looking at the generation of a spacetime bubble.

>> No.6772820

Under physics-as-we-understand-it, the only way to generate a gravitational field is by collecting a lot of matter or energy in one place. There's no artificial gravity; just regular gravity.

The "exotic matter" needed by the Alcubierre drive needn't actually have negative mass, by the way. Any exotic mass-energy tensor (stress-energy greater than mass-energy) will do in some reference frame. There are some indications that this may actually be possible to produce.

>> No.6772822

No, they're completely unrelated. Lifters have as much to do with gravity as fans.

>> No.6772832
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It was to show that people can do fun stuff with electricity and electromagnetism has some peculiar effects ie electrons moving.

interactions ect. What I am talking about with the actual space craft would be an electromagnetic effect.

>> No.6772837


>> No.6772838

so if you apply some principals of lifters with a few other components..

>> No.6772841

Just so you know, there's exactly zero interaction between the electromagnetic and gravitational fields at any attainable scale. All known electrogravitic and magnetogravitic effects have turned out to be either experimental error or fraud, and theory doesn't suggest any way they could interact. (Except in the minimal and trivial way of energy stored in the electromagnetic field counting towards gravitational mass-energy.)

>> No.6772843

Says the guy that doesn't believe in helicopters.

>> No.6772845
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They're just weather balloons.

>> No.6772846
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lmfao "experimental error"

do you even science?

>> No.6772847

>How to do that
As I understand it's basically creating a stack overflow in the simulation where information from one variable spills out into another.

>> No.6772848

Yeah. Happens all the time, actually. Polywater, for instance. Or the Pons-Fleischmann reaction. Or N-rays. Or faster-than-light neutrinos. Or Podletknov's work. Or planarian worms learning by cannibalism.

Scientists can make mistakes and instruments can fail.

>> No.6772850
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Just so you know, there's exactly zero interaction between the electromagnetic and gravitational fields at any attainable scale.
> exactly zero .
> exact
> theory
> suggest
> except

>electromagnetic field counting towards gravitational mass-energy


>> No.6772851

That doesn't count because ANY kind of energy counts towards that.

>> No.6772853

Son I am dissapoint.

>> No.6772855

Lifters IONIZE


Xray Photons..

X-radiation (composed of X-rays) is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

X-ray photons carry enough energy to ionize atoms and disrupt molecular bonds.

>> No.6772860
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Holy shit guiz was God-Anon in this thread?

Where we visted by disgrunted secret agent or an Alien??

Get researching everyone.. besides the guy that doesn't believe in helicopters!

>> No.6772861

Lifters don't work by producing X-rays. The top wire is positively charged to a high enough voltage to strip the electrons off of passing atoms, this is what creates the ions.

>> No.6772863

Alright, I have to ask. Why don't I believe in helicopters? That's a new one.

>> No.6772865

He was not saying it had direct correlation.

But an idea for people having difficulty understanding the concept of particle physics and electron movement and how it can have outward effects.


Because fans powered by rotors have nothing to do with Gravity or science at all infact they don't exist Helicopters are just imaginary I understand what you are saying now Maybe we should watch some wrestling.

>> No.6772867
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Cmon nerd ill baesh ya Helicopters arn't real bro!

>> No.6772871

It allowed for people that are perhaps just interested in science and may not be as educated to grasp the novel concept.

>> No.6772875

So the question now is what methods do we know of to create a sustained spacetime bubble or in picards words warp shell.

>> No.6772877

PICARD: I understand your concerns, Lieutenant, and I know if I were in your position I would be doing the same thing. Looking for answers. But you're not going to find any because I don't have any to give you. I know it is difficult for you to understand, but we have to take the ship into the very centre of the phenomenon and create a static warp shell. Now, this will put the ship at risk. Quite frankly, we may not survive. But I want you to believe that I am doing this for a greater purpose, and that what is at stake here is more than any of you can possibly imagine. I know you have your doubts about me, about each other, about the ship. All I can say is that although we have only been together for a short time, I know that you are the finest crew in the fleet and I would trust each of you with my life. So, I am asking you for a leap of faith, and to trust me.

> Static warp shell

>> No.6772882

Explain to me - as though I were stupid - how you expect moving electrons or electromagnetic fields to have any useful impact on spacetime curvature.

>> No.6772899




>> No.6772905
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>> No.6772908
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There is still information I am missing but I am working on it..

>> No.6772909

I said explain. All I got from that was "magnets move things." I think we're all familiar with this. The mercury motor is a well-known effect.

Electromagnetic fields can move objects, got it. What does this have to do with the Alcubierre drive or gravity?

>> No.6772910

You're missing the obvious connection - magnetic fields can move things - just like gravity!

>> No.6772919

The pressing issue right now for me is material resources.. I can build a prototype but I do not have the resources..

>> No.6772922

That was sarcasm. Are you seriously telling me that's how you think things work?

>> No.6772923


I also have some ideas and theories about how I can affect the time portion of spacetime.

>> No.6772926

Wait, wait. "Electromagnetism moves things, gravity moves things, therefore gravity is linked to electromagnetism" is ACTUALLY your theory? That was supposed to be sarcastic!

>> No.6772929

That explains his thing about helicopters, too, you know. Fans move things, just like gravity and magnets.

>> No.6772930

would this work on ultramicroscopic scales with quantum fluctuations?

>> No.6772931
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Are you seriously telling me Magnets cannot move things?

First it was helicopters don't exist now this?

why are you trying to disaude someone that actually does the experiments?

This is kind of a big OOPS moment for you.
Are you paid by an agency of some sort perhaps a Government we won't name?


I never said they where intrinscially linked because things move, If you want to argue so much, they are connected because they are both fundamentals of nature.

but I do suspect next you will be telling me weak force and strong force don't exist .

>> No.6772933

Oh my god, I think you're right.

Next up, a revolutionary fusion reactor based on a tungsten filament - after all, just like the Sun, light bulbs contain gas, glow, and get hot. Possibly augmented with some tritium keychains, because those are also glowy and "nuclear" and use hydrogen isotopes.

>> No.6772935

I saw some videos towhich integrity I am unable to verify but seemed compelling all I can say truly is test it out get some results remember safety in numbers do a hundred tests or more.

>> No.6772939

Holy shit, this is gold. You actually think that because magnetic fields move things, then because gravitational fields also move things, electromagnetic fields must be the same thing as gravitational fields. Holy shit.

When I was a little kid, I did experiments by mixing everything in the house and hoping a magic potion would come out. I'm seeing an only barely higher standard of reasoning here.

Also, not paid shilling. My mockery comes free of charge. (You think your 'discoveries' are so valuable that you're actually being suppressed! By me! Holy shit, this is amazing.)

>> No.6772941
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Stop trying to put words into my Mouth I am not saying Electromagnetism is Gravity creates gravitons or gravity fields I am specificially saying That some effects you can achieve are peculiar to say the least.


>"When I was a little kid, I did experiments by mixing everything in the house and hoping a magic potion would come out."

wow, It shows.

>> No.6772942


No those are just Experimental Error

Doesn't exist.

Instead why don't you buy a sports car.

>> No.6772948


Explain this.

>> No.6772953


Its a slanted room and they are wearing sticky shoes inside a submarine, duh!

>Thinking magnets move things

Nigga how dumb can you get !! you need Petrol to move shit.

>> No.6772955

None of those effects are peculiar. They're all very well-understood. (Frogs levitate because water is diamagnetic mercury motors are literally as old as the idea of the electric motor...)

Claiming that they are somehow mysterious - so mysterious that they imply some connection to warping spacetime - not only belies a deep ignorance and lack of basic research, it's actually funny, especially as you seem to be so confident in it you're drawing up MS Paint plans for warp engines and expensive experiments based on them.

Mockery mode off, may I recommend with complete seriousness that you pick up some basic calculus and read the Feynman lectures? They're fascinating, and will put you well on the path to really understanding this stuff.

>> No.6772956


These have been proven to be fake.

>> No.6772969


Oh boy that sure was an enlightening conversation you had with yourself. You sure showed you!

>> No.6772971
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Are you literally just googling things after I post them to make yourself look like the fool?

The ms paint picture took literally a minute.


You really should try to grasp the concept of ironic humour.

I was making fun of you because you have this preconceived notion I am some prepubescant or what have you saying I do not know what I am talking about but I am in the lab everyday doing this shit for a living.

It started from you saying Helicopters don't exist and still to right now not understanding how a helicopter creates lift or how that interaction works in conjunction with gravity.

You can laugh all you like doesn't change anything laughing boy.

>> No.6772978

Diamagnetism isn't exactly obscure, you know, and that levitating frog is pretty old. I already knew all of that shit. Already knew about mercury motors, too.

Also, I never claimed helicopters didn't exist. I claimed they were totally irrelevant to the idea of warping space. Propellers work by pushing air away, causing a reaction force going the other direction by conservation of momentum. This is exactly the same as how lifters work, though by a different mechanism. (Particles are ionized and then accelerated by a voltage, rather than by aerodynamic lift.) Nothing to do with gravity, which it seemed to me you must think was closely related by how you kept referring to it as part of your concept for a warp drive.

>> No.6774853

>What is the stress-energy tensor?