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6771622 No.6771622 [Reply] [Original]

>not being at a top 10 university

Why not /sci/?

>> No.6771623
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The dealer gave me shitty cards...

>> No.6771626

Because you need to pay a boatload of money to get highly overpriced education.

>> No.6771630

because your shitty ranking is one of the few that doesn't place my school in its top 10, mostly

>> No.6771631

same here
fucking Columbia man

>> No.6771632

Oxford here. In any case, you need to take out all that minority representation ranking, it's bullshit. No uni should be rated on how multiculti it is.

>> No.6771645

Because I already graduated.

>> No.6771649

I'm at a top20 in the US. That almost counts right?

>implying UG rankings matter
>implying it's not all about your major and the networking/recruiting you get

>> No.6771653

During the Big Bang this one particle had a slight different velocity that I would have wanted.

As a result, it led to a chain of events where I acquired shitty genetics.

Can you blame me OP?

>> No.6771654

because i go to uoft

>> No.6771657

Feels good to be at Imperial I guess, though I believe it should be ranked like 8th-10th

>> No.6771660

>tfw dropped to 54th or something
>Tuition still in the top 5 in the US
>Student body is pretty ass

>> No.6771666

i live in serbia

>> No.6771667

Brown? Went there for a term as an exchange student, was pretty cool.

>> No.6771672

I feel like giving a savage beating to everyone in this thread and everyone who goes to those schools because of what happened.

Also general bitterness. An awful life I've lived.

>> No.6771673

Cambridge masterace reporting in. Bow the fuck down to me plebs.

>> No.6771678

Naw, Tulane. I mostly picked it cuz it's in New orleans, so I've been going to a ton of live music

Is brown really that low in rankings? I don't put much stock in rankings, but that's still surprising

>> No.6771680

>no proof

timestamped photo of id card

>> No.6771686
File: 78 KB, 412x351, tumblr_inline_naqqchBQdp1rjrbcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't at least a few of you guys think arguing about this is kind of stupid?

>> No.6771695

In both Times Higher Education rankings and QS it's in the 50-60 band worldwide. Doubt if Tulane is in top 100 at either.
No one's arguing but it's indeed childish to make this into a dickwaving contest

>> No.6771703

Dude I'm not going to bat for my alma mater here. It's an overpriced school with a douchey frat culture built around 2 shithole bars that probably have a higher rate of date rape than some smaller states

But we have a ton of cool student movements for stuff like divestment, so if you find a niche it's fine here

>> No.6771707

>tard wants proof of anything anon claims

>> No.6771709

Yeah I'm not going to post my id on 4chan... Ask me anything however

>> No.6771713

It's more important to be satisfied with your college experience rather than attending a school in "top whatever" according to some ranking site anyway. If you enjoyed it, that's awesome-I had a friend who went to Tulane because he got a full ride and loved the place.

>> No.6771719

Exactly, I feel like rankings have no bearing on how much I enjoy my college experience

I didn't apply to any high ranking schools anyway. UofC is in a shitty part of chicago and has a huge suicide problem, and Ivy League schools sound scary and dystopian

>> No.6771734

Relatively, everything we do is stupid.

>> No.6771740

Cambridge here I got in cos I'm half brown

>> No.6771752

I go to UC Berkeley because I'm broke. They have a wonderful physics program so I'm happy.

Also, it's all about where you go to grad school

>> No.6771756


>> No.6771760 [DELETED] 


How does Berkley compare in the real world? I know it's no MIT, but but is it still worth something on a resume? More than, say, Shitty State College?

>> No.6771764

Depends on your major. If STEM then latch on to a research internship ASAP. It will look pretty great once you graduate

>> No.6771772

Ranking are stupid. Let's say you trained to run a 4 minute mile at a certain track field facility. Someone out there trains at a track field too. Both of you get you the 4 minute mile yet he's somehow better than you because he's track field is crowned a higher ranking. The analogy is that the track field are colleges and people have a delusion that a decent college is somehow inferior to the best college in the world.

>> No.6771801

But courses at different colleges aren't identical. Higher ranked schools often have better teachers and more resources for students.
Probably more important is the fact that (almost) any ranking of colleges based on student outcomes will depend heavily on incoming student intelligence, so having a degree from highly ranked college (i.e. a highly selective college) serves as a signal that you were smart enough to get in.

>> No.6771806

Plus, you may not care about rankings, but grad schools or employers definitely will

>> No.6771811

If you can run the 4 minute mile, who cares what your background is? Or if you pasts the test proving your competency at the knowledge.

>> No.6771815


Because being able to prove that you can run a 4 minute mile is more useful than doing so secretly.

>> No.6771818

They care about how well you did and your accomplishments. Would a C average Harvard student have better chances then a UCLA summa cum laude graduate?

>> No.6771822

No, but I bet if they're equally qualified, the hahvahd man is getting the job

>> No.6771841

There's variation in quality among those with the basic qualifications.
To extend the running analogy, the fact that the person graduated from Harvard makes it more likely that they may be able to run a 3 minute mile - and it's illegal to directly test whether they can.
Additionally, having many graduates from a well known school of high prestige may help a company be perceived as more prestigious.

>> No.6771856

For my PhD I picked the prof with the highest h-index in my field. But the school is only ranked at around 150.

>> No.6771911


>using a britbongistan ranking

Disgusting. Nobody gives a shit about the islamic college of London or the ummah college of london in the real world.

>> No.6771921

Did my undergrad at a Top-20 in the US, now doing grad school in a STEM field at a "Public Ivy". No one gives a shit about the prestige of your undergrad in research. What matters is in undergrad is your major and research experience. Your PI and publication record matter in grad school.

>> No.6771923

Cambridge Mathematics student here.

>> No.6771941

ICL? What's the formula for these rankings?

>> No.6771943
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... because my poor family.
mfw I beat a CalTech grad for a nice research job.

>> No.6771947

>10% for international students and faculty
That's the only reason why ICL and UCL are that high.

>> No.6772758

>getting this buttmad

>> No.6772765
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cuz its expensive and you rich ass faggots pay lots of money just to go somewhere where a bunch of really smart people went and after in life got nobel prizes and stuff.self study is much more valuable than stupid top 10 uni.... go get a degree in management or something shitty like that rich ass idiot

>> No.6772767

its measured by success of its students

>> No.6772788

At the time I went to college I suppose I wished I went to a better one, but after experiencing a few universities, I have to say that these rankings are mostly bullshit. At least as far as undergraduate education is concerned.

First of all, these are all research universities, and this defines much of what goes on there. I.e. research is what brings in the money, NOT teaching. So teaching falls by the wayside. A typical undergraduate experience in any American research university is huge lecture halls for most of the first and second year and grad student TAs explaining shit to you. Having been one of those TAs, I can say that there absolutely no certification (while k-12 teachers must be certified) or training, apart maybe from "don't fuck your students".

In this sense MIT and CalTech might be exceptions, because they are primarily grad schools and have like 1000 undergrads each, or something, so the instructor to student ratio is pretty good.

The higher ranked universities can attract better professors, but better is probably in the sense that they are better researchers. (I.e. a better player in the grant and publication game). Also, they attract a lot of ego cases, who think that you should be grateful just to smell their farts.

Having said that, part of your success in life is due to who you know, not just what, and these schools could be a good place to make some work connections.

From my experience, of the Universities listed:
MIT and CalTech are legit. I can't speak to other American unis on the list, but these are egalitarian in their admission and the undergrads there are fucking smart and studious.

Cambridge and Oxford are as old boy's club as it gets. There is a merit to the admission process, especially at graduate level, but for undergrads of Oxbridge it's largely a silver spoon situation. These places shit money, though.