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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6771081 No.6771081 [Reply] [Original]

We are about to be visited by an intelligent species of extra-terrestrials. They come in peace. A welcoming ceremony is to be held. You have been assigned the task of writing a ceremonial address that introduces the human species to our visitors. Take it seriously and post your speech.

[Posted this in lit as well. I know this isn't /sci/ related, but I thought this would be a fun punctuation for this board since both lit and sci are interested in taking a look at human nature and the vast context that conditions it. I am curious to see the differences/intersections of perspective between these communities.]

>> No.6771091


I can't take such a silly premise seriously.

>Beings that would have to be godlike in order to visit us, are visiting us. How will you say hi?

Obviously if there is anything they want to know about us, they will know it. The words we say would have no value. All that would matter would be our actions, and our actions should be to completely disarm and hope they chose to conquer us (instead of destroy us, because if they've come in person, it's to do one of those two), as being conquered by a species with a million-fold higher technological level would improve our way of life immeasurably.

>We choose conquer you.
>Okay, we surrender.
>Good. Carry me to one of your immortality machines.
>We don't have any of those.
>Oh, really? Well, here's how you make one...

>> No.6771109
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why the hate?
It's this kind of thinking that makes me fear man will never leave this planet, or advance in any appreciable way.
>I don't know how we would do it, so of course it's impossible and not worth serious thought
you sicken me.

>> No.6771114

I think this is a great thought exercise, OP. Working on mine.

>> No.6771122

wow, I was hoping you wouldn't reinforce the autistic stereotype of /sci/ that other autistic branches of different boards like to paint.

"The words we say would have no value"; "all that would matter would be our actions". Jaysus fuck. The reason I wanted you to entertain such a silly premise was to see what sort of words would have value to you in such a situation. Articulating your thoughts in this circumstance should have value to you as a member of the human species, not to them. But that's fine, even if you don't find it therapeutic, thanks for contributing anyway.

>> No.6771128

Here's NASA's response to a similar question. I'm sure most of you guys know of it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_Golden_Record

>> No.6771148
File: 1.51 MB, 384x288, FitToStrideTheStars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My people:

Sons and daughters of Helghan, this much I vow: the history of these days will be written in blood, by crushing the armies of our enemies, by seizing the weapons the thought to turn against us! We were fighting for our very existence! But, if there are those who would deny us peace, refuse us our rightful place in the universe, then we will unleash such terrible vengeance, that generations yet unborn will cry out in anguish!

Though the enemy may shatter our bodies, they cannot break our spirits. Even now, they advance on our homeworld to seize by force what they cannot claim by right. They cannot imagine what awaits them. WE WILL SMITE THE INVADERS FROM OUR SKIES!

Even though they sweep over our lands like the sands of winter, never again will we bow before them: never again, endure their oppression. We will strike, without warning, and without mercy, fighting as one hand, one heart, one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares, drenching our ancestors' graves in their blood. And as our last breath, tears at the lungs, as we rise again from the ruins of our cities:

The will know:
Helghan *belongs* to the Helghast.

>> No.6771153


No hate. I like the premise from a scifi story angle, but as a serious question I can't take it... erm, seriously. The question asks me to treat aliens roughly as I would treat visitors from a previously unknown foreign country. Well I can't make my mind do that. Beings from another star system that are able and have chosen to come visit us will be to us as we are to ants.

>Suspend your disbelief, anon! Play along!

Ugh, okay...


>Beings from another world, we have dreamt of you, pondered you, feared you, hoped for you, listened for you, called for you, and waited for you. Now you have come. Welcome.

>As you must know, we are a species infinitely divided, conflicted, uncertain, unsteady, and perhaps, unsustainable. We hope now that in meeting and knowing you, you will unite us, resolve us, enlighten us, stabilize us, and teach us to survive and thrive in this solar system and in this galaxy, and to exist in peace.

>There can be no barrier we could build that you could not tear down. We tear down our barriers willingly for you. There can be no weapon we could build that could threaten you. We disarm ourselves eagerly. There can be no secret we could hope to keep from you. We reveal ourselves to you fully. Please know us, and allow us to know you. You come in peace, and we greet you now in joy, and with all hospitality known to us. Welcome.

>> No.6771206

Humans have attempted to communicate with ants. Ants have probably attempted to communicate with us. So far, both directions have been mostly unsuccessful, but we're advancing our understanding of intelligence all the time. It won't be long until we can fully simulate an ant's brain. Then maybe we can formulate a way to actually communicate with them. Doubtful we'll get anything meaningful in response, but it will be an awesome experiment.

>> No.6771246

"hi. we're friendly."

>> No.6771274

"All humans are bloodthirsty, murderous savages! Kill us all before we kill you!"

Followed by a nuclear strike on the alien spacecraft, to prove that all humans are, indeed, bloodthirsty murderous savages.

>> No.6771408

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





And then some theorems, I guess a^2+b^2=c^2, that kind of stuff.

What other method of communicating with them would there be? And that's assuming they are already here so they can see the numbers. If not, then it'll be just binary bullshit, if it's a radio transmission.

>> No.6772529

Sons and daughters of Helghan, your destiny beckons. Stand with your brothers and sisters, stand with me, and together we will be undefeated. The past is our faith, the present is our strength, and the future... the future is our birthright! Sons and daughters of Helghan, the path toward a better tomorrow stretches out before us. Toward a future that is golden and eternal. But our journey together must cross a wilderness of hatred and bigotry, a landscape of lies seeded by the venom of our old enemy. Our foe knows us. He fears us. But we must not underestimate him.

The ISA, while they cower and snipe from beneath their veneer of civility and freedom, are soulless and hollow. They make their pithy, mewling claims of liberty and righteousness, and all the while, they look upon the face of the Helghast with loathing and disgust. The enemy sees us as abominations, mutant freaks fit only for killing. To the foe we are less than human, but they will learn their mistake, my people. We will show them the iron and steel beneath Helghast flesh. We shall cast them against the unbreakable rock of our collective will. We will make them realize the truth that the children of Helghan know in their hearts: that our race, the Helghast nation, is the next step in the evolution of mankind. When we came to Helghan we were lost, a broken collection of exiles on the verge of death. At first we thought our new world would poison and destroy us. How wrong we were. Helghan saw what was in every one of us, our strength and our indestructible spirit, and made it manifest. The great change was the rebirth of our people. A people fit to stride the stars and shatter our enemies.

>> No.6772532

Sons and daughters of Helghan, you are the embodiment of that glorious legacy, the inheritors of the victory that we fight for every day. You alone are fit to forge the future and the destiny of our species. History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. We shall not suffer the irresolute and spineless men of the ISA to dictate our path! When you granted me the privilege of your leadership, I, Scolar Visari, willingly sacrificed myself to the engine of our nation. My only goal to bring our people the absolute and deserved mastery of their destiny. I am humbled by the magnificent example that you my people have set. The workers and artisans among you who toil and ask not for a claim, but accept the honor of your leaders. The soldiers and warriors who burn with cold fire and unyielding resolve never flinching before the guns of our adversaries. The teachers and commissars who hold the very soul of our people in their hands, shielding it from the lies of the treacherous and disloyal. You seek reward in service alone.

>> No.6772535

Each of you shares in the greatest glory of them all. You are the true Helghast! Ruthless to those who oppose us, masters of those we defeat, unflinching in the face of adversity. I pity all those who were not born beneath our banner, for they will never know the touch of greatness as we do. And yet, there are some among our community who do not march with us. Voices raised in dissent and opposition. Soft minds that take the words of the ISA for truth! To those who bear the seeds of rebellion in their hearts and question the way of the Helghast, I say this: Would you have us embrace the very thing that rejected us? Would you make us lay down our rifles and surrender our armor, stark naked before a force that wishes only death for us? Peace is something we all desire, but the ISA would make it the peace of the grave! Shattering our nation's spirit and burning us to ashes! Beware the puppets amongst us, sons and daughters of Helghan! Know them, and spite them! Give them no succor or shelter! If any one of you doubts the fidelity of another, be it neighbor, brother, parent, or child, speak! It is the sworn duty of my commissars to isolate and re-educate these misguided souls. To bring them back to our fold. Expunge their weakness for the greater good!

>> No.6772536

Our victory is imminent. With our hearts tempered in the fires of war we strive forward and take the fight to the foe. Let us never forget the duty that we have taken upon ourselves. Our enemy is tenacious and bold. The ISA dared to turn their weapons upon that which we hold dearest. Our cradle, our homeworld, our... Helghan! This invasion will not go unpunished. This criminal act unleashed the whirlwind of our wrath! Our guns never tire, and we have beaten back the foe! Sent them... running! The path we have chosen is not an easy one. Struggle is the father of all things and true virtue lies in bloodshed. But we will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail! In the blood of our warriors comes the price we must pay. Blood alone moves the wheels of history. And we will be resolute! We will fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win our just triumph!