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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6765553 No.6765553 [Reply] [Original]

I've been lecturing higher math for quite a while(6 years) and been researching on higher math. However, a student of mine enjoyed my lectures, and his rich father offered me an insane amount of money to tutor his younger son pre-calculus and introductory calculus. The problem is, I have even forgot arithmetic(at least the mnemonic tricks I knew and the speed I once had), plus how to teach something to someone who doesn't know that he'll have to search stuff on his own too. I also don't know how to tutor.

tl;dr How do I refresh arithmetic skills and teach HS or 1st year undergrad courses after a huge period of not doing so?

>> No.6765556

Also, I wouldn't like to turn down the offer, the money are really good. And yes I know, at that level, the skill for teaching of a normal HS teacher and an insanely overqualified lecturer is the same. The father doesn't know this, the son should have known that. I feel he's trying to bribe me to help his elder son get into a PhD, but I honestly think he doesn't need me.

>> No.6765569

I've been lecturing at Yale since 2003 and arithmetic topology since 2009-2010 if anyone's wondering. My name is Mikhail Kapranov. My name usually brings attention in forums, that's why I use it here.

>> No.6765576

No Brasil, chamamos a curvatura espaço-tempo ou viagens no espaço como Buraco de Minhoca.
Ponte Einstein-Rose.

Muito obrigado pela atenção.
Que Deus abençoe vocês e toda sua família.

Júlio Claudionor Fófano Júnior (add no Orkut até 30 de setembro de 2014).
55 (32) 8501-1499

>> No.6765579

I have some experience in tutoring high school students (I am an undergrad myself) and more than once it happened that I had completely forgotten about some of the things I was supposed to teach. What to do in these situations? Just ask to see their book and/or notes (or even better find another similar book beforehand) and relearn those things, then teach them. The point is, your student is supposed to learn those things without your support; if he isn't able to, you sure are.
So don't worry, go to the library and take an introductory calculus book, read it (it should take you very little time since you already learned those things, you just have to remember them) and them teach it to him.
A tutor isn't an expert, to be a tutor you need very little knowledge of the subject actually. A tutor needs to be able to explain things in an easier way than the book and to understand in what the student is having more trouble.

>> No.6765583

yeah well your name doesn't mean shit here

we don't introduce ourselves here and if any of us forgot why you just reminded us

you sound like a real cunt

>> No.6765588
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>My name is Mikhail Kapranov.

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.6765592
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>My name is Mikhail Kapranov.
0/10 troll

>> No.6765599

Looks real interesting.
Sorry about the caps. copied it from the article. I'll read it later.
Also, take the job. You won't need much arithmetic skill, just basic algebra. I'm sure you're more familiar with that, given how often those rules are assumed (or changed) in creating algebraic structures...

>> No.6766582
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Mikhail Kapranov = Master Trolle

>> No.6766809

just torrent a precalc and calc text book and go from there.
Talk about derivatives and limits idk