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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 218 KB, 1200x1037, ELIZA-DUSHKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6764024 No.6764024 [Reply] [Original]

How can Evolution have created this?

>> No.6764026


you were conditioned to like it because of qualia, objectively it's no different than a potato

>> No.6764056

i approve this. lets summon every troll here so other threads stay normal.
>0.99999999 < 1

>> No.6764057

It gets less impressive when you think that evolution created this and the person who judges it's beauty.

>> No.6764061

>It gets less impressive

why would that be less impressive?

>evolution created

Evolution describes change over time, not how life was designed and created.

>> No.6764064


>> No.6764081

>why would that be less impressive?
Because it can adjust the idea of beauty from two ends, particularly it can adjust the less difficult end: Your perception of beauty.

>> No.6764090

>How can Evolution have created this?

Mutation + Natural Selection.

Any further questions?`

>> No.6764091

well, evolution, makeup, and photo shop

>> No.6764095

I don't like it so I have no idea. The skin looks nice and smooth but those legs are boyish as fuck and the lips and nose remind me of an ape.

>> No.6764129

>2/10 pointy elbows

>> No.6764142

But it is.

>> No.6764186 [DELETED] 

No thanks.

>> No.6764188

Don't you have gamer gate threads to defend >>>/pol/ and godspeed to you.

>> No.6764191

it didnt, photoshop did

>> No.6764196

make up and photoshop did

>> No.6764206

Nah, i wanted to harass women and make death threats but these faggots are only in it for exposing corruption in game journalism, fuck them :^(

>> No.6764213

Don't be a lazy faggot , when /pol/ is in /sci/ its bad enough. I can imagine this place drowned in sjws. They'd probably shitpost "That's Misogyny!" if sexual dimorphism is ever brought up.

>> No.6764219
File: 17 KB, 429x241, male_female_bell_curve_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry got your back m8 :^)

>> No.6764230

I though male-female IQ differences were roughly equal sans certain areas such as spatial ability.

>> No.6764231

I though male-female IQ differences were roughly equal sans certain areas such as spatial ability.
But let's not turn this into another goddamn IQ thread.

Back to this >>6764024 faggots question about how evolution can make that.

>> No.6764232

With lot of dickings :^)

>> No.6764237

Goddamn my my double post

>> No.6764258

This chart is made up. The ratio doesn't even make sense, it starts at 0.5 and only goes up, but it should cross 0.5 every time the number of men and women are equal, be higher when there are more men and lower when there are more women.

>> No.6764336
File: 52 KB, 673x621, Bildschirmfoto 2014-09-19 um 19.40.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is an axis label on the right hand side, bre

>> No.6764350
File: 140 KB, 600x646, 1409686262664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this

>> No.6764415

its just an organism that was created through natural selection

the bosoms are for feeding the child, etc.

look at her face up close and see her pores, her tiny hairs that are used to warm her

look inside her ears, the earwax

its all qualia

what u see is not what others see

a gay guy or a straight woman will see a different image from what you see. the hormones are affecting your perception

>> No.6764536


>> No.6764560

checkmate atheists

>> No.6764565

>implying evolution created makeup, photoshop airbrushing, and underwear

>> No.6764596

well if you mean plastic surgeries = evolution than yes

>> No.6765458

>How can Evolution have created this?

Lots and lost of fuckin.

>> No.6765459



>> No.6765464
File: 51 KB, 900x450, bat-credit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>implying evolution created makeup, photoshop airbrushing, and underwear

Oh shit... was OP asking about the JPEG image format?

>> No.6765492

lel, good point, also possibly surgeons had helped

>> No.6765776

>eliza dushku

>> No.6765804

Was gonna say about the same thing.
The form itself is purely functional. our very powerful reaction to it is also purely functional; it exists to make sure we give those genes another chance to improve and increase that form and our reaction to it.
So it has been for billions of years.

>> No.6766648

what the fucks the point in graphs.
"Herp a derpa shows you stuff"

>> No.6767140

>what the fucks the point in graphs.

It's a way to encapsulate a relatively large amount of data into a form that can be understood easily, and assists in finding trends or patterns among the data.

>> No.6767155

And one day, the image of that woman won't even look appealing because of evolution

>> No.6768562

Agreed to some extent. But why couldn't the average human evolved to have the ragged blotchy skin of a hairless dog. If evolution is capable of moulding us so well it could just have easily made us find that attractive? This gives the idea that there is an objective form of beauty out there in the world, and further that it is this standard that makes us who we are and not some other thing, and what does this mean?

>> No.6768588
File: 127 KB, 345x337, Neckbeard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6768617


>> No.6768665


Ah, no free will. We just can't escape it.

>> No.6768684

Only God could create the Discrete Cosine Transform.

>> No.6768697

if I was god I would hang around the playground all day and seduce 8 year old girls.

fun fact: did you know that Laplace Transform rhymes with suck my dick?

>> No.6768719

Whatever the species perceived as healthy and fertile. blotchy skin can be a sign of medical conditions. dont be a dumb cunt.

>> No.6768765

Meme evolution.txt