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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6753838 No.6753838 [Reply] [Original]

We all love science here at /sci/, but how much of it do you actually live? What do you do to maximize the impact of science on your life?

Do you drive an electric or otherwise cutting edge car? Do you have any personal devices/objects still relevant to modern science? Do you use scientific method on any aspects of your life? Do you do it to make the world better, your life better? Both?

>> No.6753840

>do you use scientific method on any aspect of your life
I use science to compute firing tables to erase the hogs that trouble my fields, does that count?

>> No.6753860
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> d = \frac{v \cos \theta}{g} \left( v \sin \theta + \sqrt{(v \sin \theta)^2 + 2gy_0} \right)

>> No.6753866

I can't afford an electric car but I do somewhat buy devices off of the technologies I want to fund. For instance I will always have an OLED phone. I also try to buy ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene products when I can, like my kayak.

>> No.6753869
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Let it rain...

>> No.6753870
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Get some.

>> No.6753877
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>> No.6753879

I'm in grad school

I couldn't escape fucking science if I wanted to

>> No.6753882
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Let us blot out the sun.

>> No.6753899
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Also, this does not require digital computing...

>> No.6753924

I've been on plenty of meds (by choice!), tried piles of supplements, glycine compounds, sunifiram, unifiram, piracetam, sulbutiamine, other weird ones like vinpocetine, too many.

I've built a transcranial direct-current stimulator (TCTDS). Can't really get the motivation to use it reliably because hair and poor electrodes.

I lean towards psychopathic and averbal, so I've found better ways to manipulate people after following SICP.

>> No.6753928


>> No.6754280


>> No.6754361

>What do you do to maximize the impact of science on your life?
I read up on quantum field theory and typed lambda calculi and enjoy it very much.

>> No.6754419

Working in science every day.
Literally all aspects of our lives have scientific influence. If you buy some Coke from the shop there is an untold amount of science you're benefitting from.

>> No.6754433

>benefitting by drinking toxic soda pop


>> No.6754443

Science doesn't have to be good.

>> No.6754457

People drink it all the time, and they don't die.

>> No.6754465

Not much. I'm really not into technology. I teach math at a university but I mostly use a chalkboard for research.

>> No.6754485 [DELETED] 


>> No.6754492


I'm researching means to lower anxiety/fear response (and preferably irritation/anger, but that's unnecessary) and so far I've only found benzodiazepines to be working - but I cannot use them all the time and in-between of courses I'm still not content with my emotional and empathetic responses.

I've read that article about that Kevin Dutton guy getting a "psychopath makeover" for a half of an hour, but could never find anything specific and explicit about the subject.

Have you got anything?

And what's SICP?

>> No.6754542

I write mathematics papers and publish them in journals. I also program computers to do some of the number crunching involved.

>Do you drive an electric ... car?
GTFO, go back to reddit or tumblr or AOL

>> No.6755097

I use science where I can to improve my health.
For example, running/cardio results in a cascade resulting in increased BDNF in the brain. BDNF is important in neuroplasticity.
Cardio --> increased neuroplasticity

>> No.6755391

I think I want to go the totally other way around. I would like to feel some more negative emotions than this whatever-it's-called.

Maybe I can get an MRI scan of my head for you and you can see what's different.

>> No.6755423

>maximize the impact of science on your life
OP yuo are of funny

>> No.6755442


That would be nice. Though I hardly expect something principally new - AFAIK, it's always small amygdala, big prefrontal cortex and small empathy thing-whatever-it's-called (hmm, was that empathy or just memory right there?).

Why would you want more negative emotions though?

All the same, do you know if meds can make permanent changes in your brain? Like beta-blockers after some time lowering amygdala activity or something.

>> No.6756283

"Though I hardly expect something principally new - AFAIK, it's always small amygdala, big prefrontal cortex and small empathy thing-whatever-it's-called (hmm, was that empathy or just memory right there?)."

Is it always? Or is that just what it says in all papers you have (been allowed to) read? Maybe there's a bunch of psychopaths sitting in scientific peer-review not wanting you to know the truth..?

"Why would you want more negative emotions though?"

Negative emotions can work as motivators to work harder on things. I really could use that.

>> No.6756286

I love math, anon. Not science.

>> No.6756308


> Is it always?

Idiosyncrasies are pretty big, but basically it comes down to this. Though it's sometimes just underactivity/overactivity instead of differences in size.

> Maybe there's a bunch of psychopaths sitting in scientific peer-review not wanting you to know the truth..?

Science is the last place they would wanna be in.

> Negative emotions can work as motivators to work harder on things. I really could use that.

But only anxiety of public criticism does that and I don't think it's a good motivator. If you need this to work, you won't do any good anyway. The only way is probably just to discipline yourself.

>> No.6756341

I use philosophy to orgnize my life and lead me on the road to happiness and understanding.

>> No.6756626


Look at this retard and laugh. For this purpose you should use neuroscience and psychology.

>> No.6756647

>use philosophy
>for happiness and understanding
hey, when you get a spare moment, maybe you can help me freeze some water using matches

>> No.6756846


Critical thinking is probably the aspect of science that has the biggest impact on my life, this involves being able to either comprehend statistics people throw at you (usually with claims not supported in their statistics) or being very very careful about drawing conclusions from them at a glance.

Good for evaluating the validity of claims made in advertisements, by politicians or just from regular people in your daily life

>> No.6756872

psychology is not useful for anything.

>> No.6756929


What do electric cats have to do with tumblr?

>> No.6756932

>DAE le STEM master race? XD


>> No.6756943

This has nothing to do with STEM vs. LA and everything to do with the fact that psychology is a discipline made up of charlatans pretending to be real scientists who claim the authority of the scientific method where it in no way applies

>> No.6757000
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i listen melody of science

i watch atheist richard dawkins

i lern all about molecules

and star dust

and i watch cosmos cand listen to filosoper carl sagaun

dos that caunt

>> No.6757183
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Science is a method and, if you want to be broad, a body of knowledge; it's not a religion or a lifestyle.

>how much science do you live?
Exactly zero. Never give up and luck will find you!

>> No.6757335

>psychology is a discipline made up of charlatans pretending to be real scientists

Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6758290

Psychology doesn't hold up to scientific rigor. It's not legitimate science.


>> No.6758305

This again? Just stop. This board is already shitty without derailing every thread with off-topic ignorant psych hate.

>> No.6758320

I'm sorry that the cold, hard truth is hurting your butt.

Psychology is not a legitimate science.

>> No.6758327

I have a friend who took psychology at uni, they had to learn about brain chemistry, hormones and biological things.

>> No.6758328

Thank you for that completely irrelevant statement

>> No.6758345

The sad thing about your pathetic trolling is that psychology can be applied to "living" science, as OP asked about, more than anything in this thread.

Every interaction you have with another human involves theory of mind.

Every saccade of the eye involves information flow through the dorsal and ventral visual pathways.

Every task you perform requires attentional control, but may be stimulus- or goal-driven, altering the perceptual and working memory resources needed.

Be mindful.

>> No.6758357

lol, no.

Psychology is not a legitimate science, deal with it

>> No.6758361

>what is passive influence

>> No.6758364

lol no, learn about it and deal with the fact that it is, or stop worrying about it so much.

>> No.6758391

Check out CBD. If you get it from industrial hemp concentrate, it's perfectly legal too. The results on this stuff is amazing, might be able to help ya.

>> No.6758392

You sound like an autist or paranoid schizo. We have things in common. If you want negative emotions, go dose yourself on a bit of Mercury and deprive yourself of zinc and omega-3 acids, if you do it extreme enough the effects are pretty drastic. Just don't go killing yourself now.

>> No.6758440


According to wiki consistent use is associated with the anxiogenic effects, which is exactly the opposite of what I need. AFAIK, ketamine is what I seem to want (ultimately decreases activity in emotional regions of the brain and increases activity in emotion regulatory and cognitive regions), if only there was some legal analogue...

>> No.6758450

Depends on use, abuse, genetics, etc. It's absolutely worth reading up on the endocannibinoid system and how it works, medicinal revolution in the making. If you just want to straight up reduce emotions and increase cognitive regions, you're very much out of luck because that's not how the brain works. If you wanna cool down your lymbic system (sadness, shyness, etc), alcohol does fine, but can leave your temporal lobes (aggressiveness) vulnerable and decrease cognitive (neocortex and prefrontal cortex) ability. If you wanna increase prefrontal cortex activity and stuff, Ritalin is great, as long as you don't have latent schizophrenia or anxiety disorders, then it makes your temporal lobes go haywire.

I wouldn't suggest Ketamine at all due to dangerous side effects with long term use (I mostly suggested CBD because it seems to be longterm safe and neuroprotective), and in general I think an NMDA antagonist is not what you want at all. Depending on if you ascribe to some gray area science or not, you could try large doses of vitamin B3 and zinc, I've met plenty of scientists and doctors that swear it works.

Ultimately, it depends on your brain, your current problem, it's source, and what you are aiming for. If you were say, an ADHD (low prefrontal cortex activity) case, Ritalin would be awesome for you and do exactly what you want. But if you're a schizophrenic (extremely high temporal lobe and general activity) it'd drive you insane. Different brain patterns can have similar symptoms, so I suggest first figuring out what part of the brain is causing what kind of problem, and starting there.

>> No.6758455

Addendum: There are plenty of legal analogues, if you don't mind trying research chems. But really, NMDA antagonists are dangerous and not medicine to be used daily.

>> No.6758476


> If you just want to straight up reduce emotions and increase cognitive regions, you're very much out of luck because that's not how the brain works

But decreased activity in limbic system and amygdala causes increased cognitive activity, because there would be more resources free, isn't that right? Anyhow my aim - I guess - is to cool down lymbic system and amygdala or possibly warm up PFC because it responses for emotional regulation.

> alcohol does fine, but can leave your temporal lobes (aggressiveness) vulnerable and decrease cognitive (neocortex and prefrontal cortex) ability.

But it doesn't really give any permanent changes, does it? Anyway, not worth it.

> I wouldn't suggest Ketamine at all due to dangerous side effects with long term use

I thought one time is enough to at least somewhat change something for at least a long period of time?

> If you were say, an ADHD (low prefrontal cortex activity) case, Ritalin would be awesome for you and do exactly what you want

I [also] have impatience and very strong obsessive fantasies - mostly narcissistic and based on either memories or what information I'm currently getting at the time (like if I'm watching a conference with NDT, I would imagine myself there talking about the subject). Not sure what it is exactly, but from 10 hours of trying to work I end up doing this 9.5 hours. I guess I'll just have to try everything and do the differential. Not like I live in a country with competent doctors.

Anyway, how do you find your brain regions activity and size idiosyncrasies, MRI, fMRI?

>> No.6758495

Decreased limbic system and amygdala reduces (most) emotions. This, in THEORY, would allow you more cognitive resources. In PRACTICE this can easily lead to the brain being distracted by pleasurable sensations or sedated due to lack of stimulation, or cause other regions like the lymbic system to become overactive. The brain is a fickle beast.

I haven't heard that Ketamine gives permanent changes beyond what you'd get from any neurotoxin or strong psychedelic experience. There are reputable studies showing for example that a strong Psylocibin or LSD trip can permanently make a person more relaxed, open for new ideas, empathetic etc. Personally, I believe the effect is mostly psychological (remember though that psychological changes mean rerouting of nerves anyways). If Ketamine would change something permanently, I doubt it'd be something positive, since it's an NMDA antagonist, the same group of compounds PCP belongs to.

The few symptoms you list give me at least a bit of an idea (I'm a psychiatrist/neurologist in training). Not precise enough for me to give a recommendation though, could be anything from Asperger's to schizoid PD (I dislike those classifications though, I use different categories in my practice). If you want I guess I could try to give you a simple evaluation to maybe at least point you in the right direction (Try to see if I can see any obvious regional over- or underactivities), not sure if the mods would appreciate that though.

You'd need an fMRI, and good fucking luck getting one, terribly expensive. On the cheaper and more accessible side, there are SPECT scans, the kind that Amen Clinics offer in the US (I have some doubts in how competent their doctors are, but their scans have value in my eyes).

>> No.6758509


I do research on unconsolidated sands found in oil fields.

>Do you drive an electric or otherwise cutting edge car

hahaha I drive a gas-guzzling sports car

>> No.6758512


It's just that I've read a story some time ago about a guy who accidentally got an unproportionally to his mass high injection of ketamine as an anaesthetic, which gave him epic trip, after which he had a total control of his body - emotions or instincts didn't affect him at all. Sounds like a superhero story.

Schizoid PD means low empathy? Then no. Can it be just narcissistic personality? There's a subcategory of it, which concentrates on fantasies. Well, I consider this intrusive thoughts stuff a secondary problem, not directly related to the primary one - fear and empathy. I'm assuming beta-blockers are no good in the long run too? Is anything good in the long run? I mean, those paradoxical effects after finishing a course of meds have to mean, that the brain just adjusted and now it's the same as it was before the course - at best.

>> No.6758536

That story sounds really anecdotal if not outright fraudulent. It may be that he got a high dose of Ketamine and then BELIEVED he could control all his emotions or instincts, but there is little way to verify that just from a story. Many drugs can cause a user to experience the sensation of heightened sensory or mental ability, many alcoholics (myself included for example) feel like their senses are heightened while drunk, which is demonstrably wrong. It's a metacognitive thing, the ability of the brain to actually understand what itself is doing.

No, Anti Social PD is low/no empathy. Schizoid PD is basically psychiatry codeword for "schizophrenic symptoms but not enough for me to give him anti psychotics without risking a lawsuit". It's most obvious symptom is that patients withdraw from seeking social contact and at the same time exhibit a very complex and vivid internal fantasy world. What separates them from other PDs is that they don't fear or have problems making contacts, they simply have no interest in doing so. There is quite a list of other symptoms. Personally I dislike all the PDs and find them not very predictive, and am not convinced narcissistic PD exists and is not actually a symptom of another disease like schizophrenia or autism. I personally have a pet theory that there are three 'big' mental diseases, schizophrenia (roo high brain activity), autism (too low activity) and bipolar (shifting between the two), but that's a long discussion. Beta blockers have their use, mostly in cardio vascular problems, and can be used rather safely for long times.

Now this is controversial for my job to say, but I believe that most psychiatric medicine is no good at all, SSRIs being the worst of the bunch (Ritalin though, if used correctly, I am a great proponent of). Paradoxical effects should illustrate my point.

From what I understand you have an unusually high fear/anxiety reaction? Very difficult for me to say from here what would be best.

>> No.6758539

It could be the schizophrenic type of fear, caused by the brain rapidly overthinking situations and creating extraordinary paranoid fantasies (which makes perfect sense if you consider that evolution selects for a higher paranoid response. It's better to duck if something moves towards you quickly, whether you know for sure what it is or not). It could be an autistic kind of fear, an inability to deal with the incoming information and a frantic bid to come into an environment where the brain can deal with and is familiar with what is around. It can be a psychological fear, a traumatic past event having engrained a fear response. It can be a bipolar or epileptic fear, a sudden extreme shift in neurochemistry causing the brain to panic.

There are many, many different types of mental discord, and differentiating between them is highly important for treatment. If I give you a drug good for autists, but you are a schizophrenic, your condition will worsen dramatically, and vice versa.

>> No.6758540

>Do you drive an electric or otherwise cutting edge car? Do you have any personal devices/objects still relevant to modern science? Do you use scientific method on any aspects of your life? Do you do it to make the world better, your life better? Both?
this is all scientism and drivel and is better suited to /lit/ than /sci/

>> No.6758556


It was posted on AIB, so it's either true or graphomaniac fiction. He stated, that he dumped his gf (which, being an anxious person before he wouldn't do) and started some high yield business. Basically he was describing himself as a successfully socialised psychopath, except for impulsivity he didn't have.

> It's most obvious symptom is that patients withdraw from seeking social contact
> What separates them from other PDs is that they don't fear or have problems making contacts, they simply have no interest in doing so

I don't seek any social contact (at least I don't think I do) for emotional reasons (although I used to), I would only engage for material profit, like social status in a group.
As far as social anxiety goes I don't even know where I stand right now. I used to be hopeless, then I tried a low doses of phenazepam for a couple of days two times with a 3-4 month break in-between, after which I pretty much became what I wanted to be, except I didn't think through social contacts as much as I should've (but that was unnecessary anyway), as you would expect after suddenly losing anxiety. But, alas, some unfortunate stuff happened (objectively mild, but apparently I was sensitive to it at the time), after which I think I returned to my homoeostasis and I was pathetic again.

Sorry for the wall of text.

>> No.6758568

Last time I had anything resembling a social contact I seemed to be quite alright, behaving like I was at that golden period. I still have very disturbing problem I used to have, which is heavy breathing (even at night and alone), although I'm not sure what the cause is because recently I had a nose operation to remove the obstruction, before which the heavy breath was most probably caused by obstruction. When I go to the forest at night I feel fear, when dogs suddenly start to bark, also felt a significant fear, when one dog started to rush me from behind (then stopped though). And the thing is I just don't have the frame of reference - I don't how normal or abnormal my emotions are. I would like to know precise emotional dispositions of alpha-males, grey crown and omega-males for that.
So anything is very cloudy at this point, I'll need to go to a barber for once to see what I resemble right now.

Anyhow, it seems benzos - though ridiculously low dosed - helped me a lot. I mean I lost my faith when I tried them first time (that's how much fearful I was - I had a mild panic disorder, btw).


> It could be the schizophrenic type of fear, caused by the brain rapidly overthinking situations and creating extraordinary paranoid fantasies

Yeah, that's what I have. It manifests, when I go to the forest (which you can barely call a forest really) at night and in high school it was with social situations, people being sinister masterminds in my mind mostly. I'm pretty sure I've improved with people stuff, I mean I'm positive I comprehend everything there is to comprehend - now how intensive the fear is right now I just don't know atm.

> It can be a psychological fear, a traumatic past event having engrained a fear response

Have a couple of those, causing anxiety, yeah. Don't think it's anything that would prevent me from doing something, but not sure.

>> No.6758578

What you describe seems to be easily explainable through psychological factors. He had an epic trip, and like any grand event that would have an effect on his psychology. Impulsivity isn't unusual for sociopaths at all (the term psychopath isn't used anymore). It may have permanently damaged his prefrontal cortex or similar, that would create self confidence and impulsivity. Secret tip: Sociopaths are very childish and often dumb people, media romanticizes their intelligence immensely. Greed or anger are emotions any animal has, things like empathy are highly evolved functions found in the highly evolved parts of the brain, so from my experience and research, high empathy usually correlated to high intelligence (paradoxically, autists and sociopaths will sometimes have very high IQ, but I find IQ pretty useless to determine intelligence).

Ah yes this gives me a better picture of the situation. Being afraid of the forest or of barking dogs is 110% normal, really, everyone is scared by dark woods. In general, your situation gives me a feel for a mild hyperactivity of the brain, causing anxiety and depression. Benzos having such a dramatic effect leads credence to my theory (Benzos strongly lower brain activity in certain regions). Could be Schizoid or Schizotypy, you don't seem full on schizophrenic (do you see colorful patterns when you close your eyes by any chance?).

Why not try benzos again if they helped you so much? They are addictive and dangerous, but hey, if they make your life worth living. And btw you sound like the perfect candidate for a low dosage of CBD, which is a brain-wide activity lowering agent (the endocannibinoid system in the brain sort of sets the 'clock speed' of the entire CNS). I think the best you could do would be to get some CBD concentrate (Dixie Botanicals or similar) and trying a few drops of that every day for a week or two. If it doesn't work, I have plenty of other ideas and you can quit easily.

>> No.6758617


No, I meant he had no impulsivity, unlike socios.

> Secret tip: Sociopaths are very childish and often dumb people, media romanticizes their intelligence immensely

Yes, but you can't argue that, given the same intellect level, person with a tendency to anxiety would be functionally a retard, while the person with no inconfidence at all would function much better, than an average person (the simplest explanation why they score higher is that they have less anxiety. Well one could imagine the difference in a more irl conditions with much more hot-spots for emotions). I mean bullies are generally relatively very intelligent.

> Being afraid of the forest or of barking dogs is 110% normal

I wish I didn't have that anyway. Is it possible for a normal person to reduce the responsive physiological symptoms?

> do you see colorful patterns when you close your eyes by any chance?

Not that I'm aware of, just the light effect.

> If it doesn't work, I have plenty of other ideas and you can quit easily.

Could you mention them all? I'm not sure we have sources for CBD in our country.

> Why not try benzos again if they helped you so much?

Working on this right now, hard to get a prescription here.

>> No.6758628

Ah, misunderstood you there. It feels like a psychological effect anyways tbh.

I just read a study another day that people tend to overestimate the intelligence of outgoing and confident people, sometimes immensely though. Sure, anxiety cripples your ability to function, no argument there, if two people had the same intelligence and one was hyper anxious, the other would perform better. But having too little anxiety is just as bad, which could lead the person to do very, very dumb and impulsive things on a whim. Bullies from my experience usually were very dumb and needed the psychological high from bullying others to feel good about themselves, very different from socios.

Oh yes of course there are ways to reduce fear responses, such as just doing it over and over, facing your fear. It really works. There is also some research that using special endocannibinoid compounds can suppress or even reverse fear reactions to specific scenarios. Too lazy to dig up the study atm sorry. Or just live with your fears, there's nothing wrong with being a bit jumpy at all.

For CBD, try (ugh, don't gut me for this, I know the site is terrible) Life Enthusiast, they send it anywhere in the world.

I could think of high doses of vitamin b3, p5p, zinc, manganese, taurine (all calming stuff), antioxidants like a glass of red wine or two a day, psycho therapy (CBT or similar, but NOT psychoanalysis!), possibly some other things depending on what the actual underlying condition is, which is hard for me to tell without you doing some labtests. That's why I like CBD, it's a very generic and gentle compound that just either works right away or doesn't, the rest here is sort of specific to a biochemical condition or another and takes a while to show results.

>> No.6758638

Psychology does not hold up to scientific rigor. It's not legitimate science.

I'm sorry that the truth is hurting your butt so badly, but it's the way things are.

>> No.6758648


> It feels like a psychological effect anyways tbh.

Well it seems to be well worth it. Unless it doesn't work when you expect it to be a placebo? I think a huge part of my confidence after trying benzos the second time was just based on a positive experience right after I finished it and then it went as a closed cycle, until it got broken.

> But having too little anxiety is just as bad, which could lead the person to do very, very dumb and impulsive things on a whim

Unless of course you are also not impulsive? Besides any profession that correlates with very low anxiety, be it spies or presidents, seem to have people with no problems. I don't know any spies or presidents of course.

> very different from socios

Wait, aren't they supposed to be sadists, the ultimate bullies?

> such as just doing it over and over, facing your fear. It really works

That's the default mode, it's speed just sucks and there's nothing against new threats.

> There is also some research that using special endocannibinoid compounds can suppress or even reverse fear reactions to specific scenarios.

I've seen a study where this was said about propranolol. I think, somewhere near 12-20 people sample and pictures of spiders with shock conditioning.

>> No.6758686

Go to erowid.org and go read up on Ketamine, they have an extensive database and trip reports. You're an adult (I assume) so if you want to take a drug, as long as you do your research properly, I'm not gonna stop you. But I would still suggest to rather try safe LSD or similar. And you'll probably wanna source Ket off of the deepweb if you don't have irl contacts, otherwise who knows what you will be snorting.

The thing with impulsiveness is that anxiety is the natural balancer to impulsiveness. Being anxious is what makes us stay in line, be polite, rather err on the safe side. It's our protection against impulse often. There are other mechanisms true, the neocortex can in theory directly suppress things with logic, but the neocortex uses such immense resources that it simply can't do that on a constant basis. That's my theory why schizophrenic symptoms come in spurts, as long as the neocortex is working, it can suppress the malfunctioning other parts, but the brain by design cannot have that level of activity forever, it tires out.

Socios are often sadists and bullies yes, but they are relatively rare, most schoolyard bullies are traumatized or have ADHD.

It might have been propanolol now that you mention it, I can't recall. Was interesting though. You really have to consider that in your case, psychological methods may be slow, but might be highly effective.

>> No.6758699

>erowid as a credible source
go back to 420chan

>> No.6758703

It's more credible than a single report from someone on the internet that Ketamine gave him super powers.

>> No.6758775

Could benzodiazepine have had this much effect because I've never used any depressants at all before? Do you think alcohol changes people, like a recreational use of it for a couple of years?

>> No.6758784

Unlikely honestly, I'm almost 100% other factors (biological or psychological) played into that, benzos being just one piece of the puzzle. Alcohol absolutely changes people, and not for the better, ask any ex alcoholic. If you use it moderately (no more than a glass or two per day), you'll be fine, it's even beneficial. Beyond that it can get really hairy really fast.

>> No.6758825

showgirls is a better movie than manos the hands of fate

that doesn't mean it's a good movie

>> No.6758826

Ok, he's right, use wikipedia.

>> No.6758897

>here use this other not-credible source
so much retardation today

>> No.6758899

tumblr also has a lot of good resources I hear

>> No.6758907

boy I sure hate niggers.

>> No.6759636

this post is literally the epitome of the so-called "scientism"

>science is love
>science is life
>my life for science

>> No.6760051

Damn it guys, give some independent credible goddamn sources, damnit!

>> No.6761045


>This soft science isn't a science!
>"But you have to learn all of the science related to the field"
>That is irrelevant!

Anyone who doesn't think soft science is science is a retard.

>> No.6761276


That "related" is a hand wavy bullshit designed by retards, organised for retards and retards oriented.

>> No.6761395


Yeah you don't know what you're talking about.

A lot of psychology is completely intertwined with neurology and chemistry. Psychiatry in particular is essentially the biochemistry of psychology.

>> No.6762517


Also can you sort of "burn out" unfavourable regions? Like if I use to much anxiogenics to overwork the fear regions so ultimately they get much less sensitive to stimuli?

Is there any effectiveness at all in anchoring techniques or are they just broscience? Say, if I take a course of benzodiazepines, during which I would listen to a certain playlist whenever I'm in a "threatening" situation, and after the course listen to this playlist in those situations.