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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 380 KB, 410x567, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6747388 No.6747388 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6747391

>chemists explaining simple concepts to retarded premeds

>> No.6747397

Why do they do this?

>> No.6747405

At first I thought this might be from a children's book; but I don't think they'd be teacher organic chemistry to children. Unless these children are in high-school.

Maybe it's some kind of those "science is cool!" books.

Or maybe it's a textbook for medical students.

>> No.6747420

I am a med student and am 100% sure I am smarter than you. 4.0 GPA Math and Physics double major you dumb fucking bitch, suck my dick.

>> No.6747425


Did you also graduate top of your class in the navy seals?

>> No.6747430

No, but I did get a 43 on the MCAT. Trying to go for Rad Onc, you little shitlord. I'm going to be using my superior intellect to learn physics and cure cancer, nigger.

>> No.6747461

I got a 45 on the MCAT with 0 hours of studying.


>> No.6747468

Provide transcript or didn't happen.

>> No.6747479

ITT: undergrads waging a pissing war

>> No.6747495


>> No.6747499


Chemistry exams in medicine aren't exactly piss-easy. Expecially since you have at least 3 of them + various related ones for pharmacology

>> No.6747501

Jesus, my fucking professor used a barrel of monkeys to explain polymers today.

>> No.6747506


>he thinks grades are a measure of intelligence and not a measure of being a parrot

>> No.6747516

Let's not pretend med students have to learn and understand organic chemistry.

>> No.6747538
File: 3 KB, 226x225, 1386136843825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saving this picture for too long

>> No.6747555

I can't link because >muh blog filter but it's a confirmed children's/layman's book.

>> No.6747834

I bet you think we're impressed by your IQ as well

>> No.6747846
File: 186 KB, 2000x2200, MonkeyRing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747867

Qualifications & bulk knowledge =/= intelligence
One good method of approximating intelligence is looking at concept linking improbability and speed.

By concept linking improbability, I mean seeing how elaborately or distantly concepts can have links made between them.

Two examples of improbable links:
"The reason you saw feathers in your room and angel wings in the sky was because the wind that would form that cloud patten would loosen the feathers of birds and cause them to seek shelter."

"You can't import this because the plastic is made from dinosaurs! Dinosaurs that are not native to New Zealand!"

The reason why I say concept linking improbability+speed is a good measure of intelligence is because it is strongly connected to creativity, recall, and logic; and it implies a decrease in the amount of learning someone has to do as it allows the on-demand bridging of larger gaps in knowledge.

It'd be quite something to have the person with the highest level of concept linking improbability+speed I know obtain the level of practice and bulk knowledge that I have. They'd be hilariously intelligent.
If I'm lucky, I'll be able to cause that addition to happen.

>> No.6747888

what's wrong with that?
If this kind of analogy helps people understand the concepts of things like this, then I don't see anything wrong with it, maybe people would feel stupid or something when presented with childlike stuff in their study?

>> No.6747889

>cure cancer
Then you're gonna find a cure for virus aren't you?

>> No.6748043

>tfw you write the imageboard equivalent of an essay and nobody replies to even refute it

>> No.6748566

You all need to study memory techniques, the more absurd a metaphor is the more you will remember it.

>> No.6749849

>People who can't into Hybridization of molecules with a sigma bond
>AKA those double and single bonds move around and the "monkey model" doesn't account for that and is shit as a result

>> No.6750059

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6750069

Not gonna lie but the majority of chemistry books are shit

>> No.6750071

That's what you get for no greentext

>> No.6750339

>being an organic pleb

Inorganic master race.

>> No.6750341
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>> No.6750353


>> No.6750354
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>not flipping burger
pick one

>> No.6750357

>sensible chuckle

>> No.6750359


>> No.6750361

just because it's hard for you doesn't mean it's objectively hard compared to what real scientists have to study

>> No.6750374
File: 57 KB, 799x261, 1410517020158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh OC

>> No.6750382
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>> No.6750388

A similar humorous depiction of benzene had appeared in 1886 in the Berichte der Durstigen Chemischen Gesellschaft (Journal of the Thirsty Chemical Society), a parody of the Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, only the parody had monkeys seizing each other in a circle, rather than snakes as in Kekulé's anecdote.[8] Some historians have suggested that the parody was a lampoon of the snake anecdote, possibly already well-known through oral transmission even if it had not yet appeared in print.[9] Others have speculated that Kekulé's story in 1890 was a re-parody of the monkey spoof, and was a mere invention rather than a recollection of an event in his life.

>> No.6750391
File: 75 KB, 799x261, Field Purity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't think of anything for chemists :(

>> No.6750393


>> No.6750397

Dunno where you'd put it on the line but you could have comp sci/programmers with;
"I was a little bit too impressed when I discovered you can write 'BOOBS' on a calculator"

>> No.6750401

[hand-waving intensifies]

>> No.6750403


>> No.6750404

Alice's adventures in molecular biology

>> No.6750407


gee i wonder if i could use http://www.google.com/search/engine/free+public+search+the+internet and type in the words (monkey benzene) ???

that sure would be hard and take a long time, better not try it

probably won't work anyway

>> No.6750408
File: 20 KB, 200x215, alicinmolbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6750493
File: 117 KB, 1535x266, Hierarchy (final).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's complete.

>> No.6750527

Do you have the "you can't know that you know nothing" picture? You should post it

>> No.6750531

It's quite poorly drawn, you might as well draw your own. But yes, I do indeed posses it.

>> No.6750540
File: 5 KB, 775x387, 1399836196276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go pic as requested.
You ain't me fag why you impersonatin? Gawd

>> No.6750542
File: 60 KB, 432x313, 1254950604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says he has a 4.0 GPA
>thinks cancer can be cured

>> No.6750568

>thinks in 200 years we wont have a scanner that removes the need for biopsy, detects cancer, and creates specific proteins to fix DNA.

>> No.6750614
File: 13 KB, 900x900, 1409722256609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chem undergrad
>currently in o-chem
>95% of people are there for pre-something
>4% of people are smug as fuck chem-e fags who sit in the row in front of me and complain about their cal 2 class
>me and one other person just getting a general chemistry degree

Why are pre-everything students so bitchy and annoying?

>> No.6750654

They don't give a shit about any of the subject matter, they won't be studying any of it in any detail, and they're more concerned about having a successful career than learning anything, they are basically viewing their undergrad education and all the knowledge in it as a means to an end where the most important thing is good grades rather than an end in itself. Also because they're motivated by career success rather than genuine interest they are much more likely to be not that bright and not really cut out for the field.

>> No.6750991

ooh ooh can this be the
>What the fuck did you fucking say about me you little bitch?
for /sci/?

>> No.6750993

How do you explain aromaticity using monkeys?

>> No.6750997



> What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?

, you illiterate cunt.

>> No.6751005


They usually smell bad = high aromaticity.

>> No.6751009

I was considering a cloud of flies shared among all the monkeys

>> No.6751103

How could one improve their ability to make good connections?

>> No.6751110


keep telling yourself that you're REALLY smart but get bad grades only because you don't try! :)

>> No.6751249

>What the fuck did you just fucking liked about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I will graduate top of my class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret highschool contests, and I have read over 300 books. I am trained in mathematical techniques and I’m the top problem solver in the entire highschool. You are nothing to me but just another problem. I will solve you the fuck out of you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with doing that shit to me? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of researchers across Europe and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can take care of your girl in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in MOBA style combat, but I have access to the entire archive of all the ISI rated science magazines and journals and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever scheme” was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit knowledge all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

replace highschool, with university, I just started twelfth grade

>> No.6751711
File: 18 KB, 235x270, 1362869834196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chemist smuggery thread
>on /sci/
Oh boy...

>> No.6751729

Probably by getting into the habit of using their subconscious for complex rational thinking.

>> No.6751825


And how would you do that? Unless you mean just trusting your unconscious mind, but that goes without saying.

>> No.6751907
File: 1.25 MB, 300x150, Cagelaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's perfect.

>> No.6751915

I'm calling benzine Monkey O's from now on.

>> No.6751918
File: 100 KB, 500x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemistry is fun

>> No.6751919

I like how you're implying finding a cure for cancer is equal in value to learning physics.

>> No.6751940

The best part of being a smug as fuck chem-e undergrad was watching the chemfags stew in their impotent jealous rage.

Thank you for continuing this tradition.

>> No.6751961

The only reason that so little was understood of it was because the in-vitro tests since forever (until recently) were not relevant to in vivo at all.

It took way too long for biologists to realize that studying cell-matrix interactions in 2D matrices is retarded. We're understanding better how metastasis is induced by matrix conditions, and with this understanding, it'll be clear on how to prevent metastasis from occurring. We can already kill the cancer cells, and it's just the issue of it coming back which will be solved eventually since there is a clear direction now.

>> No.6751982

You're right, learning physics is much more important.

>> No.6752027

I'm quite interested in this as well.

>> No.6752034

So you're university doesn't have two different tracks for organic courses, one for (chem/chemE) majors and one for non-majors (premed central, they are usually MCB or IB majors)?

>> No.6752035

Monkey is alchemical symbol of carbon, and banana is alchemical symbol of hydrogen.

>> No.6752038
File: 14 KB, 220x212, Bananenbindung_Cyclopropan.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's unfortunate, we use bananas for something else

>> No.6752049

this got me so good

>> No.6752064

I feel sorry for professors that get stuck with the pre-med O-chem track. My research adviser got stuck with it last semester and her office hours were swarmed with crying pre-meds trying to convince her to bump up their grades or pass them after they performed terribly on an exam.

>> No.6752068


Riiiight, SURELY wasting your life on trying to discover something new that could potentially help some people some time later is better than learning about how the Universe works and dying understanding as much as possible about the world you've just lived in. Pathetic altruists.

>> No.6752079


That's why only people with strong will should teach retards. When you higher premed's grades you are risking letting another incompetent idiot into the outside world as A DOCTOR. That applies to any appliedy, if to somewhat lesser extent.

>> No.6752082

unintentionally, I fugged it up

>I feel sorry for professors that get stuck with the pre-med O-chem track.
Old timers take one for the team (the rest of the department) and give no fucks. First day of class, Vollhardt told 500 kids not to email him, right after most of them shelled out for the latest edition of his book.

>> No.6752128
File: 18 KB, 540x512, 1369862681917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Why would you like fries with that?"

>> No.6752138

My school has two separate orgo courses, one for chemistry majors and one for everyone else.

In some ways it's really nice, but in other ways, the only attractive chem majors I've ever met are also premeds.

>> No.6752237


What a retarded dumb cunt drawing of a picture. Set contains it's element by definition.

>> No.6752313

Not smart enough to avoid getting pissed off by a random internet comment. Come on man, I'm sure you are actually a really smart guy with a lot going for you, why worry about this stuff?

>> No.6752364

Are you another med stud?

>> No.6752365

wouldve been clever if you hadnt of typed-oed

shouldve been carbons.

>> No.6752458

>he doesnt get it
prove it

>> No.6752538

>monkey-oyl is now my favorite functional g

>> No.6752547

thanks for those lies

>> No.6752553
File: 125 KB, 765x638, 1374712213083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6752557

>double and single bonds move around
oversimplification. resonance is a delocalization of pi electron density across the whole resonance structure, the single and double bonds of individual resonance contributors do not actually exist in such configuration

>> No.6752567

>thinks treatment = cure

>> No.6752570

>Why do I let other people's choice of major make me feel inferior and resentful?
fixed that for ya

>> No.6752579

let's see the formal proof

>> No.6752582

hahahaha med student fag!

Let the dick measuring commence!

I am in my 2nd year of math grad school. I am confident I could rape your medical asshole in all things math and science.

Also, medfags are not like pure /sci/entists. You guys purely go for raw facts, details, and study for hours simply for GPA so you can get good residency. A true /sci/fag doesnt give a fuck about GPA, mostly because once you truly understand the mechanisms of science, you dont have to study or rewrite your notes for the 15th time to remember it. You will definitely make more money in the long run, and will have tons more respect from the average person, but one day you will realize that you never developed a connection to science at a personal level. Compounds are nothing more than chemicals to you.

Also, for every 100 med students that says "muh cure for cancer", there are about 0 who actually make a difference on the oncology front. Have fun holding up fat americans FUPA while operating on their hernias for the next 40 years!

>> No.6752645

>99.9% success rate
>modifies malignant dna preventing recurrence
>not a cure

>> No.6752654

> Have fun holding up fat americans FUPA while operating on their hernias for the next 40 years!

Basically the one reason I didnt choose med school.
I would end up hating every fat, whiny, two faced, backwards fuck on the planet.

>> No.6752659
File: 13 KB, 429x410, facegotcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between a doctor, a couch, a large pizza and a math phd?

The first 3 can support a family.

>> No.6752680

And the last one gets a job starting at $300k.

>> No.6752687

>he thinks math phD's don't make any money

>> No.6752689


Also: the first three are for plebs.

>> No.6752693

I don't see how can a math phd be employed outside academia or finance.

>> No.6752731

>doesn't actually prevent cancer
cool cure bro

>> No.6752734

Then you're an idiot

A math Ph.D. is top-level certification for problem solving ability. If you don't see how problem solving skills are useful, you are not very aware

>> No.6752737

It does not matter that a mathematics Ph.D. is useless; they still make much money.

When has a mathematician solved an important real world problem?

>> No.6752745

Definition of CURE
: recovery from a disease -his cure was complete-; also : remission of signs or symptoms of a disease especially during a prolonged period of observation -a clinical cure- -5-year cure of cancer-—compare arrest
: a drug, treatment, regimen, or other agency that cures a disease -quinine is a cure for malaria-

Nice cognitive faculties bro.

inb4 "english isnt my first language"

>> No.6752753

>living in 2014
>thinking the modern world and technology just came out

>> No.6752757

>using the dictionary definition as an argument
lol, do you even logic bro

>> No.6752760

>When has a mathematician solved an important real-world problem?
ITP: technology isn't part of the real world

>> No.6752768

No, anon.
Those were physicists, engineers and computer scientists, not mathematicians.
But nice try.

>> No.6752769

you blew it at the end.
Overall I give a 6.5/10

>> No.6752779
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1336792773782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physicists, engineers, and computer scientists don't use math
Go on, tell me more.

>> No.6752782

>Not being a mathematics Ph.D. means you do not use mathematics.
No, you first. I insist.

>> No.6752784

>Oh shit I've been called out for my shitty argument
>quick, pretend they're trolling and leave the thread

>> No.6752786

Wow, you're retarded. It's clear that you don't understand what is being said here at all

>> No.6752788


nobody said nor implied that you mong

>> No.6752798

;^) ;^) ;^)

>> No.6752808

Yes, that greentext adequately sums up your retarded position. Thank you for that.

>> No.6752824
File: 71 KB, 691x572, thermo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemistry was easy for my autist self. It's just memorization. If you really want flex your brain muscles, take a fucking course in thermodynamics.

>> No.6752851

That is piss easy faggot. Try electromagnetism.

>> No.6752861

>Identify system
>apply maxwell's laws

real hard

>> No.6752870

You still suck at life hence you being here.

>> No.6752885

>Identify system
>look if your answer is negative or positive
Complex Concept != Complex math.

>> No.6752926

Not a hard problem, but that hand writing is fucking atrocious, hence making it seem harder than it is.

>> No.6752954
File: 387 KB, 1700x2200, img097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy with his two fucking potential functions thinks that the second part of the physics series is difficult. Electromagnetics wasn't even the hardest course I took that quarter.

At least modern physics requires some unconventional thinking

>> No.6752958

You expect me to be able to read DAT shit nigga. Damn that is terrible penmanship.

>> No.6752966


Was the person writing constantly electroshocked?

>> No.6753013

it's literally arithmetic tier

>> No.6753020

>It's just memorization.

I do well in Chemistry but I absolutely loathe Biology because that is literally just memorization.

>> No.6753032

> taking a gen physics class and thinking you understand thermo

>> No.6753043

What branch specifically?

>> No.6753045

who says you need to understand thermo

You can get an A in it without understanding shit, and that's all what pre-shit cares.

>> No.6753054

nigga it's mostly algebra

>> No.6753057
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>> No.6753059

>no it's more complicated
>i just can't explain how

>> No.6753065

I could.
Why should I?

look up:
Maxwell relations
Natural Convection
real gases.

that should get you started.

>> No.6753068

Organic I guess (beyond having to remember stupid textbook reagents which are not actually practical, but this eventually becomes natural with synthesis practice). Inorganic is cool too.

Analytical was probably as much memorization as biology, but I wasn't too bothered by it since it's all intuitive applications of chemistry.

Thermodynamics was pretty intuitive too, but I took the easier courses that's more focused on biological systems (i.e. ligand binding).

>> No.6753075

>concepts that are easily derived from concepts in gen. physics
lol, looks like you're dumb

>> No.6753081

I was actually asking about the Biology,in my experience
the memorization goes like this.


***Power gap***

782. Genetics
783. Molecular
784. Biochemistry
785 Bioinformatics

>> No.6753082

> muh experimental correction factor is good enough
if you say so.

>> No.6753099

right I had to take general biology in the first year so even though it was easy, I really hated it.

Biochem looked like a shit ton of memorizing too (usually classes start out with the prof intimidating the students with the Roche chart), but the classes I took were nice because it was focused more on concepts and understanding.

Anatomy is definitely a pain though. It's one thing to understand the relevance and function of an organ, but it's another to ask what the joint connecting this and that was called, fuck that seriously. That's what a reference book is for.

>> No.6753102

>Branches of the maxillary artery

I could not fucking care less. Fuck the human head.

>> No.6753130


chemistry 101 is definitely memorization, but higher Chem will kill you if you just memorize.

>> No.6753137
File: 314 KB, 446x700, 1406686820689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roche chart
Man I fucking loved that chart, Biochem is the bastard offspring
In one class you get Bioenergetics (physical chem) in the other
its Anatomy/Molecular

>You need to know these 18 cell receptors, their agonists, antagonists, ions
and specific diseases linked to each receptor Mr. Anonson.


>> No.6753151

>just memorizing O-chem

This is the reason so many people think its "hard"

>> No.6753166

If only the parts that required critical thinking made up more than a small portion of the material. I mean, determining the relative nucleophilicity of reagents depending on the solvent isn't exactly hard.

>> No.6753167

there's only so much about understanding electron-pushing

You still need to memorize all the reagents you can use. I got fucked over in organic synthesis because of that, I understood I needed to do this and that with retrosynthesis but I forgot the reagents and catalysts I needed for some steps.

I guess the saving grace is that the prof didn't care if you used a reagent that only gives a 1% yield.

>> No.6753181

>be bad at math, not because I'm stupid but because I find it boring
>all decent majors require knowledge of math

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.6753192


go to monster.com and search "analyst" every job you see can be done by a math phd

>> No.6753193

I actually think I liked math as a child, but I never did well in it because I always ran out of time during tests even though the questions that I did do were done correct.

So I just didn't want to go through that pain anymore considering University is basically marks marks marks. Even though people who graduate will tell you no one will care about your grades, they're exactly what you need to net an interview into whatever you want to get into in the first place.

>> No.6753242
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, unicorndragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant pic

>> No.6753253

>Unicorns and Dragons don't exist

The author obviously didn't read the real final authority: The King James Bible.

>> No.6753254

I need more experience with people who have the ability at a high level.

>> No.6753263
File: 1.64 MB, 2204x2938, unicorndragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be properly rotated now.

>> No.6753267

>Do terrible at Algebra but scape by
>Good in Quantitative analysis
>Kicking ass in physics and electronics.
Damn American primary schools math teachers

>> No.6753433

But the Internet knows more than you ever will and it's not even conscious. Nice memorization though.

>> No.6753457

This is just the story of Kekulé discovering ring structured molecules what the fuck is wrong with you people.

>> No.6753458

>Double major in Math and Physics

What are you planning to do with those? I hope you're getting your PhD in one of them because they are completely worthless without a minor in something useful unless you want to be a high school teacher.

>> No.6753532

I'm a med student breh. I studied them for fun, and to sharpen my mind.

>> No.6753581
File: 234 KB, 338x610, 1410056548098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this thread is massively popular

>> No.6753598


look at him. He's such a rebel. Johnny Rotten, eat your heart out

>> No.6754645

comp sci dudes are pretty much people who do applied mathematics

>> No.6754711

That is not a proof

>> No.6755454


Thing is - you have to prove it.

>> No.6756309

Certainly, but you see, you cannot, formally speaking, prove it, mate.

>> No.6756713


u math guys dont make any sense is swar to god ytou jus make up fancy wors to try an sound all smart n shit.

Organic chemistry master race, btw. Hand-waving 4 lyf3.

>> No.6756809


> 4 lyf3.

W0t was that?

>> No.6756904

Ochem is easy as fuck, sit down son

>> No.6756950

>ee are for plebs.
Fuck off, pizza is delicious.

>> No.6757629

haha lol

>> No.6757822


I think you mean "undergraduate organic classes are easy as fuck."

>> No.6757916

what text is this from? I swear I think i've seen it before

>> No.6757936
File: 9 KB, 152x133, 12382.strip.sunday.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to cure cancer

So you're going to cure yourself?

>> No.6757940

>/sci/ in charge of not getting trolled

not him

>> No.6758263


>> No.6758276

This is actually true... You pass tests by memorizing facts and formulas that you HAVE to have seen before. Even geniuses like Einstein would flunk if he'd never in his entire life been introduced to what an atom is etc.

I think there needs to be tests to measure the ability to answer questions which don't require you to have memorized something. I'm fond of the IQ-test style "which is the most similar?" questions where you're given shapes and symbols etc.

>> No.6758304

Chemistry in general is easy at all levels

Improve your schemas, bitch

>> No.6758335


I admit. Total synthesis, DFT, XRD, and modeling are easy.....once you've been doing it daily for 10+ years.

>> No.6758342

Chemistry is the hardest for me... But that's probably because I found it fucking boring and couldn't be bothered to revise or do homework or listen to the lecture or take notes.

Come to think of it, they kicked me out of my chemistry class in high school for drawing "Josef Fritzl's playhouse" in my book.

>> No.6758353

or if you're not a fucking retard

the concepts in chemistry are dead simple and practically self-evident, only an idiot wouldn't understand them

>> No.6758358

>no really I swear I'm not dumb I'm just lazy
yeah, keep telling yourself that

>> No.6758362

>the concepts in chemistry are dead simple and practically self-evident, only an idiot wouldn't understand them

Even modern physics is more straightforward than *general chemistry* (first semester survey is what I refer to). Explaining the concepts of force, torque, and inertia takes little effort compared to explaining why the spherical harmonics are good models for the simplified atomic orbitals and why we can isolate frequencies and study their intensities (early spectroscopy, looking at the sun's sodium lines, etc)

>> No.6758368

That's ignorant... I'm on the gifted register. I got an A* in biology and physics.

>> No.6758377

>Mommy said I'm smart. Look at how good a boy I am!

>> No.6758449

>all these faggots who don't know about Kekule's dream
are you guys american or something?

>> No.6758465

The father of organic chemistry dreamed of the daisy chain with monkeys this is part of history

>> No.6758478

the guy who conceived the idea of organic chemistry dreamed of these monkeys

>> No.6758482

Now you're just making stuff up. Next time you'll say Mendeleev just dreamed up his table.

>> No.6758497

Haha he did though, I assume you knew that and were making a joke and it isn't a massive coincidence.

>> No.6758523


Any evidence? Thought so.

>> No.6758636

>implying organic chemistry wasn't spawned when Friedrich Wöhler synthesized the first natural product (urea) in 1828

>> No.6758641

I think benzene rings have more application than synthesis of an organic compound.

>> No.6758652

Prior to 1828, it was believed that you couldn't synthesize organic compounds from inorganic sources. Wohler proved everybody wrong and spawned a field (organic synthesis) that has invented numerous synthethic technologies with incredible uses in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, plastics, and other fields. There is *no* way benzene and its structure has been more applicable than those technologies as a whole, although synthetic modficiation of aromatics/biaryls has been a big part of organic synthesis.

Benzene in the late 1800s represented a significant problem in physical organic chemistry because of its abnormal bonding and consequent stability (aromaticity). Aromaticity and its true underpinnings are still of some physical interest, but aromaticity is fairy well-understood these days.

>> No.6758802

That's the most retardedly trivial thing to prove. Fuck xkcd.

>> No.6758804

Let X be a set.
For all x elements of X, x is an element of X.
For all x not elements of X, x is not an element of X.

It follows directly from the fucking Axioms you impossible faggots. Jesus Christ you can not be this retarded.

>> No.6758837

Modern physics is indeed more simple than chemistry.

Thing is, though, they're both dead easy, and if you actually have to put forth effort to understand the concepts, you're a fucking idiot. Sorry.

>> No.6758841

Prove it, then.

Friendly reminder that tautology is not proof.

>> No.6758843

Circular reasoning, not valid

>For all x elements of X, x is an element of X
>For all x not elements of X, x is not an element of X
In both of these statements, the second half is just a rephrasing of something presupposed in the first half.

Besides which, this is not a formal proof, and thus you have not provided sufficient proof according to mathematics.

>> No.6758851

If you don't know how an implication works, just get the fuck out.
The first part is an assumption. You don't prove assumptions. The second half follows from the assumption.
This is an exhaustive proof by cases.

Nigger I really hope I'm being trolled.

>> No.6758852

Friendly reminder that you wouldn't know a proof if it banged ur mum m8

>> No.6758893

This is in no way a formal proof. Without a formal proof, it's just worthless conjecture.

If you don't know how mathematics works, just get the fuck out.

>> No.6758961

>It doesn't have symbols, so it's not formal.
Okay, good to know i was being trolled after all.

>> No.6760116

So do monkeys have hands on their legs, or feet?

>> No.6760157


Are you blind?

>> No.6760177


I had a bit of a giggle

>> No.6760183


Idk man, I'm doing pharmacy, and taking gen chem as a prereq. I'm good at chem, its pretty easy, and its interesting as fuck, never bitch or anything man, if anything I'm not going to classes and dropping tabs or snorting coke. College life sucka

>> No.6760190


Fuck you this is easy as piss

>> No.6760191
File: 22 KB, 237x229, 1359384947215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no indication of what that is supposed to mean
>fuck communication, if people dont understand me its because they are dumb

>> No.6760199

>I don't see how can a math phd be employed outside academia or finance.


>I don't see how can a math phd be employed outside the most lucrative field?

Yeah I don't know either Anon.

>> No.6761020

He (Kekule) dreamed of a snake bitting his own tail, the tale about the monkeys is satirizing him.

>> No.6761347


I wouldn't be able to satire that subtly a person who had a tail.

>> No.6761723

This board is where I belong
>inb4 newfag detected

>> No.6761903


What the fuck?

Why hasn't this thread slipped off of page 10 yet

>> No.6761920

I got a 200 on the mcat with -12 hours of studying suck my dick

>> No.6761922

my dad works at mcat and he ups my score for me. no you can't look at my certificate because then my dad would get in trouble.

>> No.6762727

Do you have an email or means of contact?

>> No.6763275

Because /sci/ very deeply knows that they were too dumb for chemistry, that's why they just dismiss it as just being "memorization".

If you try to memorize the infinite amounts of compounds, molecules, synthesis, processes, etc. of chemistry, you'll turn clinically insane. The truth is chemistry is hard because you have to master the theory from the very bottom to understand the most complex concepts.

You'd be surprised how many people right here in /sci/ don't understand orbital hybridization.

>> No.6763374

high five m8, also in orgo right now.

Literally we're almost at test 1/3 and all we have learned about is alkanes and cycloalkanes, like I knew about this shit before coming into class.

>> No.6763379

lol I did this shit in chem 101

>> No.6763384

But that's true.

A formal proof is so named because there is a specific FORM for the proof. If it's not represented by practical symbolic logic, it's not a formal proof.

>> No.6763385

>a picture of a man laughing next to the words "chemistry" and "memorization"
>halp wat does this mean also how do I tie my shoes it's my first day of kindergarten

>> No.6763396

This. Passing chem by memorization is a fool's errand.

That said, I cannot agree that chemistry is hard in any sense. It saddens me to think that people on /sci/ don't understand orbital hybridization. Chemistry concepts are in no way difficult to grasp with the application of just slight effort.

>> No.6763409

>put the semen sample in the dna machine, press button
>building shit that work under non-ideal conditions, uses cutting edge technology, and actually make plans
>implying a walking cookbook is any way superior to a sapient being

>> No.6763415

>doesn't even describe chemistry correctly
You just described a microbiologist, friendo.

While engineers build shit based on completely known information and work within the limits of human knowledge, chemists are on the bleeding edge of the unknown creating entirely new things. Where do you think graphene came from? An engineer doesn't have the skill in chemistry to figure such a thing out.

Scientists discover things. Engineers apply those discoveries. Engineering would be nothing without science.

>> No.6763960


Technically speaking engineers do discover new information - information about how we can apply our theoretical knowledge in technology. What matters is the quality, if I may, of this knowledge. And if we are to associate a rank of innovation to every piece of new information, engineers would be many ranks lower, than scientists. But they are undoubtedly needed in our society - in fact, retarded humanities, who are in charge of STEM financing, see more use in engineering, than in science. Overall, engineer is a good job, if only it wasn't for that sucking cocks thing, I wouldn't mind joining.

>> No.6763980

who /neuroscience/ here?

>> No.6764022
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>> No.6764029
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>> No.6764038

You get it.

Nanotechnology is being developed by chemists and to a lesser extent by physicists, but mostly chemists. Nanotubes, fullerenes and graphene are all being researched and developed in chemistry labs around all the world.

Meanwhile, physicists are too busy debating on whether or not the universe is made up of little strings, and mathematicians are just messing around with proves that only physicists will ever use.

>> No.6764053 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 661x619, 6r78566589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's laughable. I'm the holder of three PhDs of Physics, Chemistry, Biology in which I was the top student at Harvard, John Hopkins, Stanford, and MIT. 4.0 GPA is a prerequisite and shouldn't need to be mentioned as your class rank matters infinity more but you should have done your research to realize that. Oh, and your double bachelors is useless. I'm also a practicing Neurosurgeon on my leisure time and earned a 45 on my MCAT. Now, you suck my dick.

oh, and I did the Navy SEAL thing when I was a teenager. It wasn't stimulating enough for me so I left after my first enlistment.

>> No.6764065


>> No.6764084


>> No.6764105

thermodynamics is easy too. the only difficult part is you keep forgetting all the statistical physics because you never need them outside thermodynamics. i would say (non-engineering) math courses are the most difficult, as rarely the textbook has an example of every proof you are required to prove in the exam.

>> No.6764133

Lol fags. When something is true by definition it cannot logically be false, since the starting premises require it to be true. This isn't even a mathematical problem anymore, it's a logical/grammatical one. A set of elements HAS to contain what it contains because the question itself presumes the set can contain elements.

>> No.6764256

Without justification, definition is unsupported and thus bunk,

>> No.6764424 [DELETED] 

>posts like an ass
>i is better

>> No.6764721

Chemist here. As I was a bio-organic chemist I took a couple of graduate courses from the pharmacy department, with mostly pharmacy students. I can say without a doubt that they were fucking retarded.

>> No.6764742

Not xkcd.

>> No.6764967

Definition doesn't require justification. It's just what ties the word to the concept it represents.

>> No.6764969

I'm pretty sure I remember reading that on xkcd. Or was it smbc?

>> No.6765323


Monkeys have white balls?

>> No.6765372


>> No.6765406

What about Chemical Engineers?

>> No.6765794

Chemical engineers do very little actual chemistry and produce no scientific discoveries

>> No.6766171
File: 33 KB, 500x362, slappy the gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a problem with Qualia, m8?

>> No.6766253


>Med student
>math and physics double major

Pick one.

>> No.6766625

After seeing some of the people in my ochem class, I'm not surprised.

>> No.6766663

>People actually believe this
Chemical engineers work in just about everything related to chemistry, especially in academia and R&D. It's not uncommon to find professors with chemical engineering backgrounds in chemistry, biochemistry, materials, physical/computational chemistry, pharmacology and nanotech departments. It all depends on where you take it.

The ones who do little chemistry and produce no scientific discoveries are the subset of chemical engineers who work as field engineers, directly operating and maintaining equipment.

>> No.6767511

If this were actually true, we wouldn't have scores of chem e grads complaining about how they never do chemistry. the major is even being renamed process engineering in many institutions to reflect this.

what people decide to teach after they abandon industry is not relevant to the career prospects of the specialization