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6746571 No.6746571 [Reply] [Original]



Why isn't all this science talked about in the media?
How does hypnosis work, and how does one brainwash people?

An Anon made a thread on /x/, so I thought I'd ask here if it's all legit.


>> No.6746577

>Why isn't all this science talked about in the media?

2 possible reasons why they're not talking about mind control:

1) It's bullshit
2) It works

>> No.6746579


Oh, and also:

"Some documents in a dropbox folder that haven't been peer reviewed"

Pick only one.

>> No.6746583

>Some documents in a dropbox folder that haven't been peer reviewed
It's about 20k pages of declassified CIA documents.
It's factual records, not made up. Which is why I posted my question in the first place, why isn't this even mentioned at all, when it's such a prevalent phenomenon?

Also, check out Colin Ross's interviews on youtube. He's a psychiatrist who researched the thing in much depth, and makes some very good points.

>> No.6746587

>Also, check out Colin Ross's interviews on youtube

No. I have better things to do with my time than help some lazy Americans find out whether their government is shitty,* like masturbating and posting to /sci/.

*Hint: Yes. Apply yourself.

>> No.6746841


>> No.6746856

Literally under 1 minute I have a dozen article about your guy involved in malpractice and publicly attacked for bizarre claims. What is it with you guys, are you so unwilling to do a little background check and apply just the most modest amount of critical thinking, or are you really incapable of these things?

Also, as a rule of thumb, if /x/ claims X, then it's probably not true.
> But anon, your have the prejudice! And of the closed mindedness!
Yeah, no. If you have a little daughter and your're really gullible, maybe you can get away with believing here the first time she says there are monsters under her bed. But you must be a complete incompetent fool to keep believing here, time and time again. I like:
about being open minded.

>> No.6746885

Corydon Hammond?

Also, someone being a bit of a cook doesn't necessarily negate what he is saying. The MK ULTRA documents describe the processes involved in detail.

>> No.6746918

>Literally under 1 minute I have a dozen article about your guy involved in malpractice and publicly attacked for bizarre claims.

Let's be fair here: If he WAS dropping dox on any intelligence agency I was running, I would tar him immediately.

>> No.6746921

I support this idea.
The reluctance to address this issue is straight up bizarre.
I appreciate mind control everyday in the shitton of advertisements we are exposed to in the city.
From the moment I step out of my home I am bombarded with shit telling me that I HAVE to buy this and that, tits and butts and strong muscular men standing at the top of buildings yelling that I am shit unless I join them by a fee of just $99.99.

There is no opt out of that kind of treatment unless you abandon society.

>> No.6746957

Everyday I am bombarded by faggots on /x/ coming to /sci/ and screaming about how their pet delusion is real and scientific.

There is no opt out of that kind of treatment unless I abandon 4chan.

>> No.6746962

So... do you have anything disproving brainwashing?

>> No.6746974

The entire idea of subliminal advertising was created by James Vicary, in an experiment in which he claimed participants bought significantly more concessions after watching a movie in which he hid subliminal messages about buying Cocal Cola and popcorn. When pressured to reproduce the experiment's results, he failed and later admitted he made the whole thing up. But historical facts that don't fit into the crank narrative just get ignored.

>> No.6746990

Subliminal isn't brainwashing.

>> No.6747002

That's what you complained about, how all the advertisements are brainwashing you. In reality, hypnosis is relegated to stage magic because it doesn't actually work with any consistency. This is because it is not based on brainwashing, but on people acting up for attention. Stage magicians like Derren Brown who like to debunk this crap by revealing secrets have shown how this works.

The CIA and other government agencies give a lot of attention to pseudoscientific ideas if they're attractive enough. All it takes is one gullible bureaucrat. The only thing approaching brainwashing here is gullible people believing silly nonsense, in other words what /x/ is all about.

>> No.6747013

>and how does one brainwash people?

Monkey See monkey Do.

Human beings are just advanced Pavlovs Dogs.
Stop watching TV and going to Hollywood movies.

Read the book if you want to understand how people opperate.
Beyond Freedom and Dignity

>> No.6747026

>This is because it is not based on brainwashing, but on people acting up for attention.

And yet hypnotherapy is a thing, as is hypnotic anaesthesia. How do you explain that if it's nothing but acting?

>Stage magicians like Derren Brown who like to debunk this crap by revealing secrets have shown how this works.

Not true. In the commentary he released with his co-writer on the "Assassin" episode, he did admit that he didn't expect the guy to shoot.


>> No.6747549



>> No.6747962

Bump because this is fascinating.

Thoughts about subprojects
43, 49, 73, 84,
and Operation Knockout?

How would a sonic weapon which knocks out people cold work?

>> No.6747974

>And yet hypnotherapy is a thing
Of course it is. Psychologically vulnerable people are very easy to trick into believing hypnotism works because they want it to work. It's just the placebo effect.

>as is hypnotic anaesthesia
Same idea as above, except real anesthetics are used in conjunction with it.

>Not true. In the commentary he released with his co-writer on the "Assassin" episode, he did admit that he didn't expect the guy to shoot.
What does that have to do with what I said? Not expecting someone to do something has nothing to do with hypnotism being real.

>> No.6747987
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>> No.6747990


I.e. you're wrong.

How are those not related to science?

>> No.6748042
File: 23 KB, 925x561, sciprob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748075

Maybe both axes should represent probabilities.
The graph is implying that if I ask a question where /sci/ certainly doesn't know the answer, I'm guaranteed relatively many replies.

>> No.6748124

That's the joke...