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6736842 No.6736842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>global warming
>massive volcanoes
>world war 3
>ebola or some other shit
so how long till humanity goes to shit and how will it happen?

>> No.6736851

Watch out Ayy Lmao behind you!

>> No.6736853


>> No.6738194


>> No.6738203

The world has had plenty of time to have a total extinction and still hasn't since life first formed.
All we can say for sure is in about 1 billion years the sun will be hot enough to strip our atmosphere ending all complex life.

>> No.6738225

I think Ebola has a good chance of killing us all if it's not brought under control in time.

>> No.6738230

"All of us" is a lot of people, even if it broke containment and those with it couldn't be isolated those without it could still isolate themselves. I can't see any single event killing all humans other than a very big rock moving very fast.

>> No.6738232

That's fucking impossible, Ebola has a very weak method of transmission.

>> No.6738238

Not really, not when people like epidemiologists who have no contact whatsoever with Ebola patients are getting it. And it continues to spread like wildfire in West Africa, meaning unless it's brought under control(which doesn't seem likely since the WHO can't even get all the donated funds it says it needs to do it) it's going to spread throughout the rest of the continent and eventually make its way to the rest of the world.

>> No.6738241

>people like epidemiologists who have no contact whatsoever with Ebola patients are getting it.
Like whom?

>it's going to spread throughout the rest of the continent and eventually make its way to the rest of the world.
No it won't. You know nothing about epidemiology.

>> No.6738243

>Like whom?


"It remains unclear how the Senegalese epidemiologist now in Hamburg contracted the disease. In order to protect his coworkers, the WHO has temporarily closed the health station his team ran in Sierra Leone."

>> No.6738246

Just close the ports to Madagascar and everything will be fine.

>> No.6738261
File: 48 KB, 849x507, ebola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6738268

>those without it could still isolate themselves.

But not forever. Supplies only last so long.

>> No.6738269 [DELETED] 

Black people like to fuck corpses of infants.
That's probably how he got it, but he's without a doubt honest about not knowing, as for these baby fuck not only is awwright but cure all diseases.

>> No.6738273

DPRK's official policy of self-isolation seems to be working ok

>> No.6738274
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>> No.6738275

For Kim Jong-Un, at least.

>> No.6738296

>It remains unclear how the Senegalese epidemiologist now in Hamburg contracted the disease.
HURR DURR dat must mean he got de disease without contact HURR it's magic!
Are you seriously this stupid?

>> No.6738305

Besides that, there have been over 200 doctors, nurses, etc who were in full protective garb who STILL got the disease. This could be due to the fact that there are not enough supplies or staff to go around which results in washing and re-using and/or improvised get-ups and a lot of exhausted people at the end of the day, but it could also mean that their protection simply wasn't good enough.

Studies have suggested that this virus could potentially be transmitted via aerosol. This is never brought up by the mainstream media, but the information is out there.

At any rate, this disease is not to be taken lightly. You better pray that it never hits your country, or you're finished.

>> No.6738321

Most doctors in that area did not even know about Ebola, they simply thought the symptoms were from some other disease and thus did not take proper precautions. That is why so doctors and nurses got sick. We would expect that some of the people who come into contact with so many carriers would get sick, and 200 really isn't that many.

>Studies have suggested that this virus could potentially be transmitted via aerosol. This is never brought up by the mainstream media, but the information is out there.
It can't be transmitted via aerosol, it can be transmitted by a large snot bubble essentially. Calm the fuck down and stop going to crackpot sites, or at least read the fucking study rather than the sensationalist accounts of it.

>You better pray that it never hits your country, or you're finished.
You're retarded.

>> No.6738332

>Most doctors in that area did not even know about Ebola, they simply thought the symptoms were from some other disease and thus did not take proper precautions. That is why so doctors and nurses got sick.

Not true, these people were knowingly treating Ebola patients and wearing all the necessary protection, or so they thought. And they STILL got it.

>Calm the fuck down and stop going to crackpot sites, or at least read the fucking study rather than the sensationalist accounts of it.

I have, and that's what the studies say. It's not known for sure if it can be transmitted between human beings via aerosol, but would you want to find out?

>You're retarded.

It's this complacency and willful ignorance that's going to kill us.

>> No.6738530


>> No.6738545

>so how long till humanity goes to shit and how will it happen?

>implying humanity was ever good

>> No.6738578

underrated post

>> No.6738597

>global warming
>massive volcanoes
>world war 3
>ebola or some other shit
The only thing that has a remote chance of killing all of humanity in the coming century is WWIII. But I don't think any world power is stupid enough to use their nuclear weapons. Countries are in a nuclear stalemate.

Global warming could signal the end in the long term, though I'd like to think society will realise something serious needs to be done before we get to the point where everyone dies.

Ebola is able to spread in Africa so easily because they have poor hygiene. Another factor affecting transmission is that people who get it die quickly---they don't have much time to spread it around.

The media overplays how easily it's transmitted because it gains viewers.

>> No.6738633

Has no one considered that an active Ebola outbreak is essentially a free for all for aspiring bio terrorists?

>> No.6738641

I have considered it but they would be much better off with something airborne that can survive at least a few hours outside the body.
While any hemorrhagic fever is a terrible way to die they don't make for good weapons.

>> No.6738671

How is the development in vaccinating against Ebola going? I did read something about it a couple of months ago.

>> No.6738689

Ebola will not end humanity, almost for sure. It is only something for the media to talk abaout, just like avian influenza years ago. Global warming seems more serius to me though.

>> No.6738721

>black plague
>massive vulcanoes
>fucking witches
so how long until humanity goes to shit and how will it happen?

>> No.6738752

Ebola is relatively easy to control in first world countries. Terrorists mostly would target these. I think something else would be more efficient.

>> No.6738862

Soon we'll all be dead from SARS- err, bird fl- no, swin fl- Ebola!

>> No.6738872


>> No.6738970
File: 38 KB, 220x322, dialectic-helix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't tell me it hasn't occurred to you before that the Internet is Hegel's dialectic.

Here I'll try to illustrate how I came to this conclusion. The argument isn't in any logical form, I'm sorry. I'll try to create a better argument as the thread goes along, if it goes along.

1. A 'meme' is a most basic concept.
2. An 'idea' is a fleshed out version of a concept.
3. Information theory tells us that ideas can be represented as information, and that information can be represented in 1s and 0s.
4. Today, ideas are represented in terms of 1s and 0s by computers.
5. 1s and 0s are the most atomic part of the Internet meme, which fleshes itself out as it passes from user to user.
6. As a meme fleshes itself out as it passes from network user to network user, these users act as modifiers of the meme.
7. The concept of a network user as a manipulator of memetic content is similar to the Hegelian synthesis of ideas which occurs within the subject qua pure reflexive negativity. The Internet is a place where subjects as pure mediators of ideas interact.

8. The Internet bears similarities to the Hegelian dialectic in that memes never destroy each other but always come together to create something which appears to be new or ultimate but is in fact simply the next step up in the creation of a 'higher unity' of Internet monoculture. Observe the movement of memes from 4chan to Reddit and the transformation of those memes that occurred once they found their way to a different kind of meme-mediator, and then again the ironically bad Reddit-tier memes that people here made when backlash against outside sites appropriating 4chan's memes happened. Think of how memes spread and change just across boards on 4chan.

Is this not the essence of Hegel's dialectic: the growth, spread, and change of Ideas within the Subject as a negative space within the world of ideas?

>> No.6738976

Fuck, meant to make my own thread.

>> No.6739412



>> No.6739592

Ebola can survive outside the body for hours at a time even on dry surfaces at cold temperatures and in the dark.


Except SARs and bird flu don't kill people with healthy immune systems and have an up to 90 percent fatality rate.

>> No.6739658

Antibiotic resistance

>> No.6740020

Ebola will not kill all humans but it could end human society as we know it.
I think that there is a serious risk of it killing a billion or more people.

>> No.6740032

Please cite any sources that state there is a problem with contagious diseases in North Korea please since that is the subject of the thread, rather than the general state of living brought on by economic and political structure.

>> No.6740065

So you're retarded?

>> No.6740070

>Not true, these people were knowingly treating Ebola patients and wearing all the necessary protection, or so they thought. And they STILL got it.
So? We EXPECT that to happen. Can't you read?

>It's this complacency and willful ignorance that's going to kill us.
Still retarded I see.

>> No.6740078

Why do you say that?

>> No.6740081


Diseases that kill people quickly are poor candidates to wipe out large chunks of the population. It needs time to spread. Being too lethal is not an advantage for a virus.

>> No.6740086

Doesn't matter.
Think about what would happen if it got to india.
Vectors include mosquitoes, sweat, water, and sexual contact.

>> No.6740090


Ebola's been around for a while. It's been a global society for a while. People get around quite quickly, to anywhere in the globe. Howcome it hasn't wiped us out yet?

>> No.6740093

The reason it hasn't gotten very far in the past is that it usually occurred in isolated areas and burned itself quickly. Now, with it cropping up in hubs like Nigeria and with an incubation time of 2-21 days, it has serious potential to fuck up mankind something fierce.

>> No.6740099

>Can't happen cuz it hasn't killed us yet
>The plague existed long before it killed millions in europe that is why it was harmless
>Influenza didn't kill anyone because it was older than the epidemic
Patient 0 didn't spread it as far previously, this is the largest epidemic of ebola that has ever existed. The WHO is terrified but you, mr.4chan internet tough guy knows much more than them.

>> No.6740104


Predictions of doom are tiresomely common. It's always something. Overly excitable people like you are always around to fan the flames.

When you're a little bit older and you've seen this shit come and go without serious incident a thousand times, you'll become a little more skeptical, too.

>> No.6740107

No it doesn't. Show me one epidemiologist who says anything like that. You really have no idea of what you're talking about.

The only people terrified are idiots like you.

>> No.6740114

Why don't you do a little reading on the subject for yourself rather than spew baseless, Internet tough guy bullshit?

Goddamn it this is the biggest outbreak of one of the DEADLIEST viruses known to man(50-90 percent fatality rate) that is growing bigger and bigger each passing day and the WHO, CDC, and Doctors Without Borders are flipping out about it. What's it going to take for people like you to take this shit seriously?

>> No.6740120

Of course you're smarter than all the virologists.
I don't normally get excited about these things but when handled improperly, there could be a massive death toll. Even the world health organization agrees.

>> No.6740135

The WHO said it's going to need $600 million to fight this outbreak, and they've gotten maybe a sixth of that money so far. I keep holding out for one of the mega billionaires like Bill Gates to step up and foot the bill, but I know it's not going to happen.

>> No.6740152


"even on dry surfaces at cold temperatures and in the darks"

Even? Dessication tends to be bad for enveloped viruses, but cold and dark are not.

>> No.6740221

Alarmists don't actually know what they're talking about

More at 11

>> No.6740222


Poor phrasing on my part. The point is, it can live on dry surfaces for a significant period of time.

>> No.6740227

Why don't we just nuke the ebola afflicted parts of africa?
There you go, no more ebola.

>> No.6740230

Awful idea, never gonna happen even in the worst of circumstances.

>> No.6740250

Mandatory quarantine should be in place along with flight cancellations.

>> No.6740254

This month, the doomsday clock will strike midnight.

The world will end in roughly 11 years in the great death.

It'll end doubly in about 15 years.

>> No.6740261

>It'll end doubly in about 15 years.

why in about 15 years

why the great death in 11 years

why should we trust this anon


>> No.6740268

My dad works for nintendo and says it's legit

>> No.6740271

Don't know many of the specifics, other than the one in 11 years will probably be disease-based.

In February of 2022, there'll probably be a massive solar flare.

>> No.6740277

Yeah, like how the world ended in December 2012.

>> No.6740283

>Why don't you do a little reading on the subject for yourself rather than spew baseless, Internet tough guy bullshit?
I have, why don't you stop spewing sensationalist bullshit?

Where does the WHO say this is going to "fuck up mankind" anywhere?

>> No.6740288

I mean, it would suck because of all the lifes lost and resources wasted, but at least i won't die from bleeding out of every single pore of my body.

>> No.6740292

No, no this isn't some sort of ancient prophecy shit, this is actual information from a time traveler.

>> No.6740295

"the Ebola outbreak in West Africa constitutes an ‘extraordinary event’ and a public health risk to other States"
Ebola was even declared an international emergency

>> No.6740298
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So the answer to "if time travel is possible, where are all the time travellers ?" is that they're buzy shitposting on 4chan ?

Makes more sense than it should.

>> No.6740300

>time travel
ayy lmao

>> No.6740302

No, the one I got the information from doesn't post on 4chan, but he likes to ruin fun sometimes, and has an AI. That part might be fake though, he likes to mess with people, and never actually admitted he's from the future.

I know this sounds crazy, I know this is some /x/-tiered shit, but I'm being completely honest here.

>> No.6740307

I am not this anon and can confirm this anon is correct.
Also he is handsome and smart, all the ladies ( and some boys ) are all over him.

>> No.6740324

Handsome is debatable, and I can only count two ladies and a trap.

>> No.6740325

This, this, this. And guess what? The WHO probably isn't going to get the money they need to fight this thing, and there's not a goddamn thing that any of us can do about it.

We're in danger of being infected with Ebola and dying a hideous, excruciatingly painful death, and there's NOTHING we can do about it, except maybe pound the phones at Bill Gates' foundation and try to convince them to foot the bill.


It's better than doing nothing.

>> No.6740331

Ebola only spreads like wildfire in third world countries, there's a reason first world countries with modern hygiene and medical care doesn't worry about it.

>> No.6740335

Again, where does the WHO say that mankind is in danger? Anywhere? That's what I thought.

>> No.6740336

So "international emergency" doesn't sound serious enough for you? Quit being so dense.

>> No.6740341

Even in the first world, hospitals couldn't handle a full-blown Ebola outbreak. Not in a million years.

>> No.6740393

International emergencies happen all the time. Basically it's the WHO saying "we need money from multiple countries. Being effected by this doesn't mean you are in danger of being wiped out and an emergency does not mean "doomsday"

>> No.6740396


>> No.6740433

This is literally one plane ride away from you. Nigeria had zero issues with Ebola until an infected Liberian man flew there, and now they have a legitimate Ebola outbreak that they are struggling to get under control. As long as air traffic from the affected areas isn't heavily restricted, the same could happen anywhere else in the world, and with this outbreak getting bigger and badder every passing day the chances are rapidly increasing.

>> No.6740466

Nigeria is not the U.S. you fucking quack. This is pointless. Just wait and see what happens. You're wrong.

>> No.6740491

Tell me why it couldn't spread in the US, I'm interested to hear it.

>> No.6740516

Because it's very easy to quarantine people properly when you have the resources to do it. And that is the only thing you need to do to stop this from spreading. There have been several people with Ebola flown into the US for treatment. In fact there are a couple walking around right now who recovered from it. Not one person has gotten Ebola from these people. Why do you think that is?

>> No.6740519

Its been proven that the virus is air born. A lap had pigs and monkeys in the same room but they could not touch each other.

The pigs had the virus and the monkeys didn't. Till they where put into that same room as the pigs

>> No.6740523

The virus isn't airborn, what happened is that a large snotbubble from a pig was flung across the room into the mouth of a monkey. You've been reading too many quack sites.

>> No.6740527

ok so its spread buy body fluids right? When you cough you are releasing body fluids into the air.

>> No.6740529

You're not getting this. In its early stages Ebola looks and feels like the flu, and as you know in the US we have a tendency to avoid taking off work even when we're sick. Let's say one person who has been infected with the Ebola virus does just this-- they'll likely infect everyone or almost everyone at their place of work, and that will start a chain of infections that becomes an outbreak.

Of course, even if somebody sick with Ebola goes to a hospital for treatment, chances are your average first world doctor isn't going to suspect an Ebola infection when they see them, and so the doctor as well as the nurses who attend to the the Ebola victim in the hospital aren't going to bother putting on the proper protection to deal with said victim, which opens them all up to infection and starts another chain of infections which leads to, you guessed it, an outbreak.

>> No.6740530

No, it spreads by snot, not aerosol. It isn't hardy enough for aerosol. Can you think of the last time you swallowed someone else's snot?

>> No.6740533 [DELETED] 

And let's imagine for a second that there are hundreds of people who become infected with Ebola somewhere in a first world country. Do you really think your average hospital is going to be able to adequately take care of them all? Hell no.

>> No.6740535


Humanity went to shit in 1945.

>> No.6740536

It is strongly suspected to spread by aerosol, and considering the IMMENSE number of people being infected in Liberia, I would wager that is in fact the case.

>> No.6740538

>Let's say one person who has been infected with the Ebola virus does just this-- they'll likely infect everyone or almost everyone at their place of work
Not unless work involves something like massaging or having sex with coworkers. Wrong again, dumbass.

Yes. Are you really this stupid?

Strongly suspected by whom? People like you?

>> No.6740543

>Not unless work involves something like massaging or having sex with coworkers.

You don't need to touch somebody to become infected. Touching a contaminated surface is enough, which could range from papers to pens to door knobs and many other things.

>Strongly suspected by whom? People like you?

That statement was on the CDC's own website, although it has recently been removed.

>> No.6740545


"I don't know how I got Ebola"

>> No.6740546

Fucking mouth-breathers.

>> No.6740547

What do you mean by that?

>> No.6740555

A contaminated surface would be something like a sweaty shirt, used tissue, food, or syringe. You won't get it just by touching something an infected person has touched.

>That statement was on the CDC's own website, although it has recently been removed.

>> No.6740556

Global quality of life has been improving since we were able to measure it

>> No.6740558

>A contaminated surface would be something like a sweaty shirt, used tissue, food, or syringe. You won't get it just by touching something an infected person has touched.

It's been proven to be able to live outside the body on surfaces for hours at a time, depending on temperature and other facts. The lower the temperature, the longer it lives.

>> No.6740560

>how long till humanity goes to shit
Do you mean "until", faget?
Note there is but one "L" in that word.
Also that humanity went to shit a LONG TIME AGO, well before you emerged from your cocoon.

>> No.6740562


>> No.6740563

Yeah in bodily fluid itself. Not every surface touched by a person has a significant amount of bodily fluid on it.

>> No.6740565

this is a science board

>> No.6740566

One drop of bodily fluid is enough.

>> No.6740571

Yeah but you really don't go leaving around drops of sweat on surfaces as much as you think. Look around on your computer area. Do you see any random droplets of bodily fluids?

>> No.6740577


>> No.6740583

Again, it's not transmitted through aerosol

>> No.6740584

These doomsayers here are overacting a bit. Every time someone says the world is going to explode into Armageddon or whatever they're always fucking wrong and they will continue to be always fucking wrong. Thousands and thousands of years of history is evident of that.

But sometimes I wish Ebola would reach apocalypse contagion levels anyway so that my life wouldn't be so fucking boring. I would rather die in the hellfire of a world ruined by chaos rather than choking on my own drool because I can't sit up properly due to Alzheimer's.

>> No.6740585

>bodily fluid
Thank you, Brigadier-General Jack D. Ripper

>> No.6740588

Snot isn't bodily fluid?

>> No.6740591

>this is a science board
... so talk about science, faget.

>> No.6741330

>Because it's very easy to quarantine people properly when you have the resources to do it.
Which we just established that WHO DOESN'T have said resources

>> No.6741441



If we just pulled everyone teeth we would be safe.

>> No.6741446


Ebola cannot be trasmitted by areosol because it cannot withstand outside environmental condition, it has to be spread by bodily fluids.

It is quite virulent, so even a small viral charge can lead to a full blow illness.

Now. Who are those at the highest risk of catching it? Those who work or come in contact with the infected patients.
Even with precaution, there may be a tear or a malfunction or simply an error on the nurse or doctor's side and ebola is contracted.

>> No.6741451

If I recall correctly AIDS was a hybrid virus, two viruses infected the same cell at the same time and mixed there DNA creating aids. What would happen if Ebola and influenza hit the same person at the same time. Could a hybrid influenza Ebola virus be born?

>> No.6741457
File: 48 KB, 450x353, squidward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there could be a massive death toll.

And nothing of value was lost.

Seriously funding will hit billions if it ever touches a white country in any significant way.

>> No.6741459


Ebola cannot be trasmitted by areosol because it cannot withstand outside environmental condition, it has to be spread by bodily fluids.

It is quite virulent, so even a small viral charge can lead to a full blow illness.

Now. Who are those at the highest risk of catching it? Those who work or come in contact with the infected patients.
Even with precaution, there may be a tear or a malfunction or simply an error on the nurse or doctor's side and ebola is contracted.


Anthrax is the best choice in terrorists attacks, it was even utilized succesfully against USA postal service


A virus chance to spread a pestilence is directly proportional to its virulence and inversely proportional to its mortality rate and time of incubation, at least usually.

The faster the virus or bacteria kills, the sooner it runs out of hosts and dies.


We have already a serum against ebole which is now starting human trial, it was effective in chimpanses


It can live on a dry surface, if there is no sun or no relevant source of heat for several hours, however it dies in less than a day, if I recall correctly.
Also, it can't penetrate the skin barrier, so if you touch an infected surface you're not going to be infected.

Unless you start throwin infected blood around it is extremely difficult to catch ebola, since it most definitly does not spread by areosol

Sources: I fucking spent 3 months studying ebola. Get a fucking microbiology manual, even the basic ones for the 2° year medical exam will suffice to explain how ebola is not a big deal when you have sewers and basic hygene

>> No.6741464
File: 349 KB, 768x509, 11-Spam-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not in a million years.
a are you the time traveler

>> No.6741465


HIV is a retrovirus. It is not an "hybrid". It is a virus with a quite itneresting method of reproduction: HIV smuggles itself in your dna, thus avoiding detection, shutting down immune system due to cellular damage to white blood cells and replicating itself through parasitism.

Some bacteria can itnerbred within them, however virus haven't got the cellular machinery to do it.
Viral mutation rate is caused by the tremondous amount of viral genome produced.

>> No.6741469

Ebola fucking exploded and people in those shit countries kept telling everyone that ebola was not real. Seriously they didn't even believe it was real. Shit countries are shit because they are full of shit people.

Now if bill orily, handy and fawx news kept telling all the republitards that ebola was fake then we could have a real problem in the US but I don't think even they would be that retarded.

>> No.6741569

Researchers believe the chimpanzee virus is a hybrid of the SIVs naturally infecting two different monkeys, the red-capped mangabey (Cercocebus torquatus) and the greater spot-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus nictitans). Chimps eat monkeys, which is likely how they acquired the monkey viruses. The hybrid virus then spread through the chimpanzee species, and was later transmitted to humans to become HIV-1.

>> No.6741653
File: 1.62 MB, 350x190, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected thoughtful discussion about possible extinction scenarios. Instead I got an uneducated idiot dipshitting that ebola will kill us all and retards taking him seriously instead of telling him to fuck off. I am severely disappointed.

>> No.6741884


>> No.6741945

This thread is now about time travelers.

>> No.6742114

As it should be.

>> No.6742539

I want to hug this thing.
It's probably no a good urge to have, is it.

How many seconds would i last while cuddling this cute furry ball of rape and murder ?

>> No.6742546

you will last for the rest of your life.

>> No.6742556

Its already in decline.
it will start with a break among the already polarized (and increasing in polarization) worlds.
as in 3 worldism
" the First World comprises the West, the Second World the Soviet Union and its allies, and the Third World the neutral and nonaligned countries... Mao's division of the worlds highlighted what he considered to be the patterns of exploitation rather than diplomacy or formal ideology."
it will be the break between the west (usa, uk, and other western Europe states)
and the second world (russia, china, north Korea. oh and not to mention most of the third world is going ape-shit. (basically all of the middle east, Africa with ebola and wars) so they will fit right into the anarchy. so the will fit right in when world war 3 goes to shit between the west and the second world.
Humanity could be destroyed. but no one knows until it happens

>> No.6742756

Even if modern science cant help us theres still people who are bound to be immune.

>> No.6742843

Global warming was disproved over ten years ago.

>> No.6742879

[citation needed]

>> No.6742924

they will cure the white people in no time. but even then they will not cure the blacks

>> No.6742928

you know how i can tell you were born in 1998?

>> No.6742942

Humanity will go to shit when it creates something that scapes its control.

>> No.6742985

and that is a problem?
If blacks are worth saving, they will find and use a cure themselves.

Africans "cure" AIDS by raping little girls. And you want to save them?

>> No.6743596


>> No.6743651

What if it mutates?

>> No.6743668

I think it has something to do with basic physical properties of the virus. Like, if it mutated and became airborne, that would mean it isn't even really ebola anymore because it would have to change so much. Of course, this is rather fuzzy, as you can't really apply the normal rules of speciation to viruses.

>> No.6743673

So much this. Nature keeps trying to thin the herd and kill off the dumb and weak but we just wont let nature do her thing. This is why humanity is on a slow downward spiral of reverse evolution.

>> No.6743678

People who catch ebola and survive are immune from getting it a second time. Seeing as theres already quite a few who have survived, ebola has already failed at killing all humans. Its a damn shame.

>> No.6744054
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Can you imagine how those people who got it and survive must feel?
I'd be walking on sunshine knowing I would for sure survive the ebola apocalypse.

>if there is one

>> No.6744062
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I would make millions carrying the bodies of the deceased for people, knowing I can touch whatever I want without getting infected.

>> No.6744101

>virus mutates in a way that renders your immunity worthless
>you come into contact with the mutated strain because you're handling all the bodies

>> No.6744135


>my body mutates as well and I become the king of ebola

gg for you

>> No.6744171

>virus mutates times infinity plus one
>gg earth

>> No.6744220

hooray ebola

>> No.6744224

Just because some people survive the outbreak doesn't mean they won't die off after civilization collapses

>> No.6744240

So I can't tell who's serious in here. Who really thinks that this is going to destroy human civilization as we know it?

>> No.6744321


>> No.6744640

Everybody is totally and 100 percent serious. Prepare your overalls.

>> No.6744806
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not describing the axis

>> No.6744820

There are people on both sides that are serious but one side is wrong.

>> No.6744822

Shit, that's pretty bad. Some wealthy governments should pitch in more, it could hit every country in the world if they just leave it alone.

>> No.6744847

I know, right? But nobody's coming up to bat. It's frustrating and scary at the same time.

>> No.6744852


>> No.6744854

Basically all countries are so dependent on each other due to international economics that a WWIII is highly unlikely

>> No.6744860

because everyone recognizes fearmongering when they see it

>> No.6744861

>he doesn't know Russia and China are forging their own economic support system independent of western markets
ignorance is bliss I suppose

>> No.6744871


but anon, countries benefit a lot from war
if anything it makes them richer

>> No.6745845

Be afraid, be very afraid

>> No.6745857
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>> No.6745943

Cheetahs are super shy actually, it might just run away from you. Or you know it it'llaves fuck your shit

>> No.6745962


Good luck, everybody.

>> No.6745963

Gotta agree.

One look at the size of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders should be enough to convince anyone that we took a wrong turn somewhere in our evolution and are heading toward a dead end.

>> No.6745999

Anybody have anything to say to this?

>> No.6746089

It's greeeeeeeeat

>> No.6746110

Or that the criteria for illness is flawed in some way

>> No.6746231


nigga just sit down and listen

Let's say you have a nice army alright
So you find some weak ass country you can fight, let's say north korea.
Now all you have to do is find an excuse to go to war with them, in this case it could be to "liberate it".
All the companies in your country come together and fund your war.
You buy lot's of shit; weapons, cars, planes, whatever.
This stimulates the economy a lot, it's like a nice handjob for the country.
Then you rape kim young fags ass and "liberate" the people.
Once that happens you get to write new laws and shit.
So you do it in a way that compensates the companies that funded your war.
Those companies will go to that country and monopolize it and maybe don't even pay taxes.
Your country and everyone who helped you is wealthier than before.
Everyone wins.