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6732717 No.6732717 [Reply] [Original]

What is it like being intelligent?

Regards, a very stupid person.

>> No.6732719

A truly intelligent person would have rid of themselves of all feelings.

>> No.6732738

And a true genius would rid themselves of just the negative ones ;)

>> No.6732760

It's about the same.

>> No.6732819

No two brains are alike, they are far more unique than fingerprints, and continuously growing.

Your thoughts, activities, and experiences directly affect the way that your developing mind is constructed.

I was very fortunate that as a child, my parents did not simply toss me into the blender, which we call day-care, and public school education.

A better question would be: What is it like to be different than the masses of society?

Would I fit in, had my parents allowed the system to raise me? Would I be ignorant, had I been indoctrinated into western society?

>> No.6732823


calm down you were homeschooled not raised on a different planet.

>> No.6732833

I heard that a high level of intelligence leads to a lot of depression due to the understanding of a great deal of inevitability (gonna die/never gonna fuck an alien octopussy)

>> No.6732837

Free will can't exist without reality being very fucky. It doesn't exist in our universe. That depresses a lot of people, but I find it easy to accept.

>> No.6732838

Ever seen the move Idiocracy?

>> No.6732839

If only that were true.

>> No.6732996

I don't think I really understand the concept of free will..

Like let me give some scenarios

Dude thinks "wow I haven't been very nice lately next time I see an old lady who needs help with her shopping i'll help her out." Then when he sees such an old lady he:
1) remembers what he said he would do and does it.
2) remembers what he said he would do but doesn't have the time so doesn't help the old lady.

How would the presence of free will alter these scenarios?

>> No.6733007

It's absolutely horrible. If you are a most intelligent person then you are surrounded only by retards.

>> No.6733010

This is probably it. Even as somewhat-above-average, I rarely find someone to talk to in any intelligent manner. I can't imagine how lonely it would be to be an actual genius.

>> No.6733016

I imagine it would be pretty crap if you didn't like taking advantage of the stupidity of others around you.

Probably feel alone quite often [all the time] and have to deal with the knowledge that you can't bring people up to your level while still being exceptionally aware of your own limitations whatever they might be.
Makes a lot of sense why people like being average really..

>> No.6733037

>I can't imagine how lonely it would be to be an actual genius.

It's not lonely, but it is boring sometimes. Everybody wants to party with superior beings. We amuse ourselves by trolling the lower life forms. No different than how you mortals burn ants with a magnifying glass.

>> No.6733295

I am so smart I realized I was dumb contrary to what my parents and teachers always told me.

>> No.6733303

>if you didn't like taking advantage of the stupidity of others around you.
Imagine you live in a world full with down syndrome people. How would you take advantage of them, even if you tried? They have too little in the first place to take advantage from.

>> No.6733305

You exploit what little they have.
Or you exploit everyone, it will be like an integral, it all adds up

>> No.6733317

that is such a stupid analogy that I am logging out of /sci/ and leaving my house because of how stupid that is, just letting you know

>> No.6733321

I don't know if I am intelligent. I often feel like a retard who knows and understands nothing, but I simultaneously find peers failing to understand what I thought were basic concepts.

>> No.6733331

You sometimes feel the need to correct and debate with the teacher because you thought of a better point of view.

>> No.6733332

I would say we have "will"
If I choose between coffee and tea, I am exercising my will. My brain(me) makes decision. I guess people don't considered that "free" will because the brain is ultimately tied to cause and effect off all the electrochemical reactions. Free will apparently means to being able to transcend cause and effect but you would have to "think" of your thoughts before your even thought of them in that case. And even in there was a way to do that it, then that still would have to be tied to some sort of cause and effect. The only alternative is of randomness. So we can never be "free" but in the sense that most people seem to mean in free will being "free" doesn't make any logical sense
It gets even worse when people use free will as an excuse for the problem of evil, as god would even further obliterate free will but thats for another debate sometime

>> No.6733340


I've actually thought about this a bit and decided that even if you were the only thing that existed and could make any of your thoughts actually happen at will, you wouldn't be able to tell if you were somehow being controlled or if what you had already done influenced your future actions..

>> No.6733573

How can you easily accept that you're basically powerless? I'm having troubles accepting it.

>> No.6733580


You can't get rid of the negative without the positive you dumb fuck.

That's why being cold means being neutral at all

>> No.6733586

that doesnt mean you´re powerless

>> No.6733591


Non- Free Will != Destiny

>> No.6733598

Basically the same as being very stupid but with a smug sense of self satisfaction.

>> No.6733603

imagine you are in a room with blind and deaf and down people and the roof is gonna collapse and kill all of you.
the only choice to survive is to make all people in the room raise their arms and hold the roof at the same time.
but the down people won't understand a shit.
and once you persuaded and taught one of them to start holding the roof, the others will laugh at you and him. and then he will do as the others do again.

that's what it's like to be intelligent.
no integral. no nothing.

>> No.6733607

Well I mean you're powerless in the way that you can't change your future. You think you're changing it, but it's only the logical conclusion of how you are now.

I know that it doesn't change my life at all, I can still "make choices" and "choose" things, but it's depressing to know that I'm not really choosing.

>> No.6733621

spoken like a true stupid person

>> No.6733622


Wisdom != Intelligency

IMHO Intelligency doesn't exists, just skill.

>> No.6734263

get a load of this guy. the smugness is reeking from the screen.

>> No.6734268

Feel dumb for asking but can you explain a bit more simplified.

>> No.6734273

Intelligence is realizing how stupid you really are.

Congrats, OP. You're the wisest among us.

>> No.6734291


>> No.6734336


Every day for a long time has been an intensely horrific, introspective buttfuck as mine and others' fractally-self-similar events act as the aperature through-which the universe (or whatever you name Aquinas' prime contingency) views itself. Having musical talent in my toolbox is nice though.

>> No.6734340

I mean I'm not great but I can sing pretty well.

>> No.6734341

It doesnt feel like anything. It just brings me minor feelings of annoyance when I have to deal with stupid people around me.

>> No.6734411

i wonder how common it is among intelligent people to not desire sexual intercourse? though he is fictional, sheldon cooper exhibits such a case.

>> No.6734453

My mental dialogue runs five to ten times as fast as my mouth speak.

Things that I take for granted as obvious are mindblowing or confusing to other people.

Having conversations with people is difficult because I have to try to put myself in their frame of mind so that I don't lose them. I don't really understand this frame of mind, I can only study people and guess what they know.

So it's a lot like having autism.

>> No.6734457

I analyze everything. I can't stop. If I run out of things to analyze I'll analyze myself. If I analyze everything about myself that can possibly be analyzed, I'll analyze the analysis.

The word analyze sounds strange now.

>> No.6734458

>Having conversations with people is difficult because I have to try to put myself in their frame of mind so that I don't lose them. I don't really understand this frame of mind, I can only study people and guess what they know.
i think autists dont try to relate to stupid people. they dont care about them.

>> No.6734469

What's it like being stupid?

Regards, a modestly intelligent person.

>> No.6734483


>ever seen the move idiocracy

the irony.

>> No.6734495

It's hard for me to gauge how fast my mental dialogue runs because I'm usually checking for logical consistency, more elegant phrasing and so on but it just kind of happens.

>> No.6734508
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Just because you're constantly analyzing the world doesn't mean your intelligent. It just reeks of anxiety. Or I suppose in a more positive light, in Jungian personality theory and cognitive functions, Introverted Thinking or Introverted Intuition.

Actually, you have to be careful of logically checking your ration within your mind, it can lead to spiraling away farther and farther from realistic, objective, and empirical proof.

That being said, I have an average IQ, say something you fuck.

>> No.6734513

Writing a lot is numbing. I hate it. Numbness comes from having to translate my thoughts into feeble words, or by taking far longer than I would look compared to the rate I think.

I can show a lot more empathy/sympathy towards people, and it comes out in better social interactions.

>> No.6734531

Yeah I tend to get INTP but you know these tests are terrible. Other people are generally better at assessing you than you are.
>It reeks of anxiety
Probably. What can I say the world is a scary place.

>Actually, you have to be careful of logically checking your ration within your mind, it can lead to spiraling away farther and farther from realistic, objective, and empirical proof.
That's interesting. Well as yet I've not met anyone with a completely objective, realistic, and empirically proven view of everything so I don't feel too bad in that regard actually..

>> No.6734540

I'm not "extremely intelligent" but I'm more intelligent than most.

I can see right though people. They are transparent to me. I can't stand lies and delusions. I can see large social phenomena and things other people can't.

I have absolutely no beliefs. Very few people know the "real" me as a result because it's hard to take and I can't stand most people anyway.

I'm pretty happy actually. I can trust my brain to the right thing.

>> No.6734559

>that picture

Well shit. It takes every single one of those to describe me without exception.

What's this picture of anyway? I understand it's some kind of personality chart but what was it based on?

>> No.6734580

Yay you've just discovered that psychology is kind of bullshit because everyone is capable of exhibiting the same things congratulations!

>> No.6734585
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Yeah I see what you mean about irrational views within all people, but I think we should at least strive to be as realistic and analytical as possible without putting too much weight on the validity of our emotional rationalizations or internally derived ration and logic.

It's based of a theory of personaility created by a German Psychiatrist named Carl Jung some many years ago. That picture specifically is in reference to the Myers-Briggs interpretation of Jungian personality theory.

It's a group of 16 different, encompassing personality types that anyone can fit within. But as was said before, these test aren't always accurate when taken by oneself due to personal biases that we interpret within our own behaviors.

Shouldn't stop you from taking it though.

>> No.6734590

All I can tell you, OP, is that I'm miserable.

There is nothing in this world of interest to me.
I see a world full of other people's problems and how to, at the very least, put them on the right track to solving them and progressing.

However, there is nothing of particular interest to me that I have been able to find true joy in.
I can be happy, sure. It's fleeting but I know where to go and what to do and who to do it with to be happy, but it's never something that fills me with that elated joyful feeling I only ever remember having as a child.

My existence is hardly for my benefit it seems and I'm very much 'lost' as so many have told me before.

>> No.6734594

Sounds interesting, anything in particular I should be googling for these "personality" tests?

>> No.6734595

Just wanted to make one addendum. The closest I believe I come to pure joy is when I'm learning something new and completely foreign to me.

It's been a long time since this has been the case though.

>> No.6734600

Everyone is cable of experiencing the same thing. You're probably one of the times most of time time. For example, if you were one of the rationals types, can you imagine yourself crying and sharing inner-feelings with others day on end? Talk about your inner-feelings all day long. Yeah, probably not.

>> No.6734601
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Well you could go to this website

It basically contains any variant of personality tests that exist.

But if you want to take the Jungian themed test, just click on one of the options under
"Jung Tests I-E S-N F-T J-P**"

Good luck, have fun.

>> No.6734604

>of the times most of time time
one of the types most of the times.

>> No.6734610
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Sounds like the path for happiness for you would be to help others. But, specifically, helping others who actually WANT to be helped.

>> No.6734613

mm. I like this.
>I can trust my brain to do the right thing
I can too. And I am happy too. It makes things easier to be able to trust your brain, mind, and for me, my life. None of that self judgement that slows things down.

>> No.6734617

Are you a materialist?

>> No.6734623

Not in the slightest. I find the love of money to be a rather unbecoming trait, especially considering the solution something like a common currency provides.

I'd say the loathing of money is just as unbecoming as the love of it.

>> No.6734626

Not bad.

>> No.6734631

You can always kill yourself and try again in your next life. But keep in mind that you won't remember anything from your previous life and I don't know if you get to choose your next body (if it's even human).

Or you could just smoke some weed and be done with it.

>> No.6734632

No not that kind; this one:
"Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all phenomena, including mental phenomena and consciousness, are the result of material interactions."

>> No.6734638
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>You fit quite well into the stereotype of a mad scientist. To you, the world is about generating new theories, questioning those that already exist, and figuring out how things can be further improved. Your ability to see things objectively makes you very tolerant of new ideas. You are usually awkward, but confident and willing when asked to discuss a familiar topic.

Well it's the only one on there that doesn't contain something I'd disagree with. The description still seems greatly lacking though.

>> No.6734648

Being a purely subjective being is to not have life worth living.

>> No.6734653

True, but that's mostly because you're no fun at parties.

>> No.6734658

somewhat relevant

>> No.6734667

I took the Myers-Brigg and I didn't take it seriously at first. After awhile, I noticed how accurate these descriptions were. I was amazed at this and I started typing all my friends and relatives.

I've been thinking a lot about extroversion which I looked with utter distain. These people may have rich and outer worlds and appear interesting at first glance. After a while once you hang around then, their fun and outgoing novelty wears off similar to a brand new present. They get boring really quickly and they'll have nothing interesting to say. They're also inclined to be more sexually promiscuous. I read in an article that socially dominated people,super-friendly are more likely to sleep around with other people.

TLDR; Extroverts suck

>> No.6734668
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I'm not surprised to see a lot of INTPs on /sci/. That being said, on your test it says that you only have a SLIGHT preference in Introversion, Thinking, and Perceiving, so that may describe some of the inaccuracy of the description.

Personally, after getting multiple variations in my type from the test (first I got ESFP, then ENFP, and now ENTP), I'd say it'd be more realistic to just take a cognitive functions test.

The cognitive functions are what Jung originally theorized. The Myers-Briggs / Keirsey interpretations are just attempts to classify and organize them into groups. But as we all know, humans are extremely complex and not always subject to being classified within one of the 16 predefined, cookie cutter roles.

All that being said, I still find it all fascinating and have found great insight into who I am and how I view the world from personality theory and think that encouraging others to do the same is wise.

>> No.6734676

I guess I wasn't very clear in my original statement.
But no, neither the philosophy of materialism or the specific derivative usually coined being 'materialistic' is something I agree with.

I rather enjoyed plato's theories on 'the forms'. I think it's wrong, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Since we're talking about philosophy, It's a shame philosophy is such a poorly practiced 'science'. Plato may have been on the right track when he reserved his philisophical discussions for the greatest of minds he could find.

That's not to say there's no value to the 'philosophy' outside of such a scholastic form of thought, but it'd be foolish to call it intrinsic.

>> No.6734678

Hmm. Some of you might consider me errant but here goes. I have been actively practicing connective life enhancing stuff like meditation, yoga, and more recently much more powerful imaginative work and meditation that changes my state and that connects me with different things, all while being considered intelligent by myself and others in certain ways, mainly in my philosophizing. I get a lot of benefit from the connective stuff and as well get a lot of benefit from the way I reason. As well I'm an active lucid dreamer and have had the most aware and ecstatic moments of my life in lucid dreams.
Whats it like being me?
Now in my life I'm doing what excites me the most all the time, which is bringing up a lot of unused energy day to day, giving me more energy all the time.

>> No.6734679

This. It isn't that i'm smart, its just that everyone else is stupid.

I'm sure if i where to do an IQ test i wouldn't score much higher than the average. Nor do i have a great memory. But it's just my way of thinking about problems that is superior

>> No.6734680
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Well, firstly, not all forms of Extroversion are the same. There are four different cognitive functions that an Extraverted type may have.

>>Extroverted Feeling
>>Extroverted Thinking
>>Extroverted Intuition
>>Extroverted Sensing

The variance between the activities from the Extroverted dominant types are extremely high. I think that the function that you harbor the most disdain towards would be Extroverted Feeling.

Also, every person is complex, and by widening your gaze to the way that ALL people think, you can gain greater insights within yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses.

In fact, the way you present your argument may have hidden motivations of jealousy or admiration laden with envy. That isn't nesseacarly a bad thing, but by opening yourself to other abilities you can learn to hone and adapt them to yourself, becoming a more fulfilled and well-rounded person.

>> No.6734681

That's cool. You can quote socrates.

>> No.6734696

I have done similar things in my life. Probably a little more drastic and tangible though. In no particular order:

I've held an ubermensch sleep schedule for a period of 5 months.

I've learned to 'photo read'. A method of reading that primarily uses the subconscious mind to read very large quantities at a time. This involved a lot of mental 'training'. I developed an unhealthy affection for the game osu! shortly after mastering photo reading. I'm convinced it's not an isolated incident.

I've taken up strength training.

I've learned to lucid dream reliably.

I've studied / practiced buddhism's "Nirvana" and am fairly convinced I've entered the mental state described on several occasions, or at the very least a very objective state of mind that's very hard to briefly describe other than how siddartha originally described his 'nirvana'. Studied additional philosophy for curiosities sake. Lost interest quickly as the philosophers got more and more current.

I've always enjoyed Math and have taken up programming, finding that clean/efficient logic comes naturally to me.

>> No.6734701

I sort of have a similar problem, i can't put my mental "dialogue" into words. Words are just to primitive to convey what i think because i usually don't even use dialogue at all.

to make matters worse, i use English so much more than my native language that I've started to use English for mental dialogue. If it wasn't for my horrible accent my English would be better than my native language.

>> No.6734702


Honestly this question pains me a bit as does when anyone ever is called a "genius".

I was never a genius, I suppose I was smart on average than most kids in school. There was a lot of things I was pretty terrible at, like spelling, drawing, and writing.

To me calling someone a genius is like calling a car that can move faster than others a genius. It really doesn't make a whole lot of sense other than saying "that guy is really good at doing this thing". And yes there are definitely outliers, but they do not transcend human intellect. The way our brains function is unique from person to person. The way your neurons coalesce will determine how your brain will interpret data, whether it has a hard time or an easy time in some areas of study, but unless you have severe mental disorders, you aren't any less capable than anyone else.

>> No.6734703

This is usually called "Understanding your target audience."
Congratz! You can now into art, literature, business, and politics!

>> No.6734735

You're right. I will listen to your advice. I've gotten every my rant not attached to my argument anymore.

>> No.6734736

>my rant not attached
my rant and not attached

>> No.6734737

Shut the fuck up you pretentious special snowflake.

>> No.6734741

But even suggesting "will" seem wrong. Will would fall under cause and effect of the mind, simply put, if you have a personality, then you are not random, meaning you have structure, meaning you follow a cause and effect. If you follow cause and effect, you have no "will".

>> No.6734745

that's this whole thread. cringiest thing I've ever seen on /sci/.

you neckbeards need to drink lye and die.

>> No.6734763

Dang. Yeah in the past I was into kundalini work and focused on that a lot. Had the kundalini raising experience but had that combined with the ungroundedness of using too much weed the weeks before, and had a period of 6 months with half of my energy, not able to live an active life.
Healed from that, went back to school, finished my freshman year at uni, got home, had a second loss of energy episode due to too much weed.
Now I'm off drugs cept homebrewed beer and mead and tobacco rollies.
Just the other night I had one of the top 5 ecstatic states I've ever had in my life in a lucid dream. Stayed up late as usual getting into a fearless state of right thought, with some conscious effort this time. Stayed in it for a very long time, then drifted to sleep. It seems like each time I connect in the various ways that I do I do something completely new and expand farther then I ever have. Well this time when I went to sleep I got involved in the most intensely aware dream. I was effortlessly flying through gray corridors and hallways of intensely awake dmt energy, in a figure 8 way, coming around again and again.
Dreams like that are unbelievable.

>> No.6734765
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>mfw after reading this and every response in this thread falls into one of these three 'levels'.

>> No.6734772

autist level over 9000, plz

>> No.6734774

Can you categorize some key ones plz?

>> No.6734785

In that story, the other basically condensed everyone's ability to think into three separate levels.
>>Level 3 Thinking: very akin to the way Guardians think in Myers-Briggs. Status-quo, conformist to socially acceptable morality, beliefs, and institutions. The author related it to the Leopard statue in his story, somewhat animalistic. Basically Feeling
>>Level 2 Thinking: Similar to the way many people on this board think, and probably relatable to the Thinker or Rational tree under Myers-Briggs. Analytical, free-thinking, calculative, spotting out inconsistencies in logic and ration. The author related it to the Thinker statue in his story, very cognitive. Basically Thinking.
>>Level 1 Thinking: This was kind of hard to understand for me. I felt like the author was trying to convey Idealism under this tree. He related in the story that Einstein was a Level 1 Thinker, and I think that he was somewhat idealistic and extremely toward thinking. But, probably, Level 1 Thinking was just genius, the combination of both Levels 2 and 3, forming an innocent, pure, rational, and curious way of thinking. I guess it would be similar to Myers-Briggs Idealist tree, but I'm not sure. One word I'd describe it as would just be Wonder.

I could be wrong, but I tried my best.


Level 1 Thinking: Wonder
Level 2 Thinking: Logic
Level 3 Thinking: Emotion

>> No.6734827

I'm caught between the need for social connection and the inability to connect with others on a genuine level. The idea of being with others is attractive, but in practice I can't help but hate the basic things that others talk about and the way they look at me when I talk about more abstract thoughts.

Most don't see me for who I am, either for a lack of true understanding or because I put on a mask every time I'm around others. I see life like a game with strategic behaviors and rules to be played by and manipulated.

I have a few very good friends, but for the most part all I see are animals doing animal things, shitting all over the chessboard.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.6734834

And as to the faculties of the mind, setting aside the arts grounded upon words, and especially that skill of proceeding upon general and infallible rules, called science, which very few have and but in few things, as being not a native faculty born with us, nor attained, as prudence, while we look after somewhat else, I find yet a greater equality amongst men than that of strength. For prudence is but experience, which equal time equally bestows on all men in those things they equally apply themselves unto. That which may perhaps make such equality incredible is but a vain conceit of one's own wisdom, which almost all men think they have in a greater degree than the vulgar; that is, than all men but themselves, and a few others, whom by fame, or for concurring with themselves, they approve. For such is the nature of men that howsoever they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more eloquent or more learned, yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves; for they see their own wit at hand, and other men's at a distance. But this proveth rather that men are in that point equal, than unequal. For there is not ordinarily a greater sign of the equal distribution of anything than that every man is contented with his share.

Thomas Hobbes "The Leviathan"

>> No.6734858

> intelligent
> not taking responsibility for your own emotional state
Yeah, maybe the correlation holds for intelligence near the average (2sigma or whatever), but staying depressed when the world keeps on turning is just stupid.

Your decision-making process is either random or lawful. If lawful, the outcome is deterministic (based on knowable priors). If random, the outcome is noise. "Free will", as you see it, is incoherent as a concept, and all the desirable components of free will are present in a deterministic system which understands its own functioning, has access to a random (real) number generator, and meets various other physical standards of non-interference by others.

Consume less wish fulfillment fantasy and focus on the real. You can't fly to another star but you can save a thousand people from death from malaria.

So get a strut, you dimwit. Or, actually, realise you're not the smartest guy in the room by a long shot and look for others.

You're still really choosing by any reasonable measure. Find a counterexample if you doubt me: find some way to choose which is not random or deterministic.

Autist here (PDD-NOS, or "weak" autism by DSM-5). We don't lack sympathy, we lack empathy. We lack the natural tendency to mentally consider people as independent agents, but we (usually) do care. The behaviors of social interaction can be learned pretty decently with just situational cues and politeness, which is how many people with high-functioning autism seem to "get cured" over the years.

Weird to see the other side of the spectrum. For me, people are black boxes who generate social cues.

>> No.6734860


> Plato restricting his beliefs to the most brilliant minds
Now that's a historical irony that hits harder than a ton of bricks. Philosophy-as-commonly-practiced went down the shitter because of elitist commoners with delusions of grandeur, mostly inspired by Plato himself. The scientific parts of philosophy became cave-wall-studying plebeian activity unworthy of True Philosophers, and died off because of it.

> Having a naming system for grades of thinking and putting your own top level on the top rung
Heh. He should at least have had the decency to switch them around. By the description I think I might be level zero - prioritization.

Level 1 is his word for "my level and above". He can't describe it well because he hasn't comprehended its extent. "Wonder" is fine, or "Curiosity", "Science" perhaps. The author looks for answers, but it sounds like he doesn't care as much for which.

>> No.6734866

this is like if you had a pseudo-intellectuals only thread in /r9k/

>> No.6734877

I feel trapped in a prison endless in every direction from which I will never know respite.

>> No.6734890

ITT: Cringeworthy autistics pretend they are clever.

/sci/ pls stahp

>> No.6734927

How is it depressing? I find it liberating. At least you don't have to care about anything at all. You'll die tomorrow? So what. You won't get that job? So what. You barely have anything to eat? So what. It's a lot better than living a stressful life and knowing you could've done better, but didn't; at least you know you're powerless so you did all you could've done.

>> No.6734939
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>> No.6735109

it feels as if I was wearing a fedora

>> No.6735177

feels euphoric man

>> No.6735216
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>Free will can't exist without reality being very fucky
Free will can exist via the introduction of quantum theory. That free will is simply a product of random mutations of causal effects.

>> No.6735241

> free will is equal to a random number generator
This is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.6735248

>This is pants-on-head retarded.
Equating quantum mechanics to random number generation?
