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6732665 No.6732665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any science behind nofap benefits? I went to a nofap site out of curiosity and they all seem like lonely, desperate people trying to displace the shittiness of their lives onto masturbation (it's also big on r9k which sums things up neatly). Plus you see creepy shit like pic related. What is going on here?

>> No.6732686

I think you can stop fapping with heavy meditation

>> No.6732762

I don't want to stop fapping

Unless it'll give me powers

>> No.6732787

Check out a TED talk on the subject. There is one about how it's demeaning to women and fucking retarded but there is a really good one about sperm build-up being linked to increased testosterone production. This increases motivation, aggression and sex drive.

I have been wanting to go no-fap for a couple of months but I'm finding it hard.

>> No.6733337

Actually I think if you fap very often, your base testosterone levels are lower than if you only did it every now and then. There's definitely something hormonal happening when you do it, that's obvious, but I'm not sure people who fap all the time are full of testosterone. Might be wrong.

OP : It's not as simple as "stop fapping and it'll solve your problems". Some problems can be made worse by fapping, IE cumming does tire one out a little bit, that's normal (men usually get sleepy after ejaculation) so your energy levels might be lower than normal, which might lead to you doing less things than you normally would. Also fapping can be time consuming if you make a habit of looking for porn you like on the internet, as opposed to a quick session.

Speaking of quick sessions, it usually consists of near instant and selfish gratification, and I think when you're with a girl, unless you don't give a shit about her, you're not getting used to how sex works by fapping all the time. I'm not saying the feminists are right when they say it's demeaning to women : it's not. I don't even think most porn today is even a little bit sexist. But if you're using only your brain to stimulate your dick, and not someone else's body, chances are you're not gonna get better in the sack.

Just my thoughts on this...

>> No.6733346

also there apparently is such a thing as "porn addiction", again it's jsut getting too used to looking at things rather than touching girls, which if youve ever done both is quite a bit different. If you stop watching porn, it subdues and disappears after a while. I don't even think you're supposed to stop fapping, you're just supposed to stop hoarding or at least watching porn to get off.

>> No.6733349

i'm literally gonna try it brahs.
i'm gonna go one month.

>> No.6733506

Tell us if you turn into zaheer

>> No.6733510

Wasn't the idea put forth by a Christfag couple with basically no evidence?

>> No.6733518

>i'm literally gonna try it brahs.
I am struggling to see how you can do it figuratively.

>> No.6733524

well it might be natural and all, and scientific facts prove that it's healthy. But I did notice it's become an addiction for me. Since I started fapping 6 years ago(14) I haven't gone 2 weeks without it.
And I tried to quit because I felt my dick going soft, but after a few days I just can't stop myself. I really can't believe how some guys say they gotta fap like 4-5 times a day, but I can relate to those that started no-fap and couldn't even go 1 month without it.

>> No.6733538

>Is there any science behind nofap benefits?
Yes: Pseudoscience.

>> No.6733547

I don't have enough time to search but iirc there was a study I saw posted here that boiled down to this. Can't vouch for the validity.

You reach peak testosterone levels 6-7 days after not masturbating. After that there is no increase.

Also I think are other studies that suggest masturbating regularly (don't know the actual amount) helps reduce your chance of prostate cancer or something like that.

>> No.6733561

you get a testosterone boost from fapping, and not doing it lowers your levels. there's no gradual build up of storage for it as it is triggered by hormones.

>> No.6733565


>> No.6733619

thats not an addiction
its only an addiction if it starts fucking up your life

>> No.6733638

well, no. It's the same as smoking, or "high functioning alcoholics", it's something that you can't stop doing until it's too late, and I'm afraid it's already starting to affect me.

>> No.6733641

until its too late?
what do you think your dick will fall off?

>> No.6733653

Erectile dysfunction, it's psychological, you think our dicks were made to fuck every day? Idk maybe I just have a low libido, but jacking off to several videos in one session absolutely numbs the brain. It isn't healthy, I know this, but I just can't stop doing it

>> No.6733688

Well they were made to fuck. The reason most people can't stop fapping is precisely because they need to fuck, and if they're alone, they can't just stop orgasming for months on end. Firstly it wouldn't feel good, secondly it probably isn't healthy. Biologically men are supposed to be able to fuck and ejaculate until quite late in their life.

By the way, as far as hormones go, ejaculating form masturbation and from having intercourse is exactly the same. Maybe (probably) you'd get more aroused during actual intercourse, so maybe that affects hormones levels, but apart from that it's the same. Any study that says masturbating is wrong and you should stop needs to take that into account. And yeah if it came from a christian it's not surprising, but it's still bullshit.

Some nofap sites take a more reasonable stance saying : fapping too much potentially cuts you out from women/prevents you from finding a partner (talking about chronic masturbators here), maybe you should cut down or even stop, see if that does'nt improve your life a little bit.

We could probably all benefit from doing it a little less, like only doing it when you're really horny, and not necessarily seeking porn when you're not really feeling it.

>> No.6733701

Well there is a decent amount of pseudoscience supporting nofap so you could try it and see if your life turns upside down.

Jeg keep in minde that actual science concludes that ejaculating 5 times a week decrease risk og prostate cancer with the converse being true.

>> No.6733711

there's just as much pseudoscience for masturbation as there is against it.

Seriously, as long as it's not somehow fucking up your life (you're literally never leaving the house because you're masturbating 24/7) I'm pretty sure it makes no difference.

>> No.6733719

>your base testosterone levels are lower than if you only did it every now and then
no, your base doesn't change

if you fap infrequently, your testosterone levels will be above baseline more of the time, but your baseline level itself doesn't chagne

>> No.6733725

I meant average levels during the period during which you fap a lot

knowing i meant that, is it true though ? I think I read it somewhere but I'm not sure where.

>> No.6733731

>doesn't know how to use fapping as a figurative expression
get literate

>> No.6733738

No, enjoy your testicular cancer.

>> No.6733740

> there's just as much pseudoscience for x as there is against it.

Fucking awful argument detected

>> No.6733744

I've yet to see any REAL science for it either way

>> No.6733747

The pianist was masturbating as the notes were building up to the climax. Then, chills ran through the audience as the trill was played. The climax begun.

>> No.6735477

sure you're finding it hard, you won't find it hard when you actually start nofap

>> No.6735486

>Using literally to mean figuratively or to emphasise something is literate.
How odd. The last time I checked my dictionary it said that was a mistake.
That pianist has to get fired.

>> No.6735526

lol you got it backwards, you get more testosterone when you're not fapping because you have to be vigilant hunter then, when youre fapping your testosterone lowers after each fap because you've fulfilled your biological duty already...

>> No.6735572
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Not masturbating has never changed my life. It's like asking if your life will change if you stop having that cup of coffee in the morning. Just have the fucking cup of coffee.

>> No.6735595

A cup of coffee is a good thing as long as it is just a single cup and not eleven.

>> No.6735610
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Right, so moderation is the key.
If you were to abstain from coffee or masturbation, you'd just be missing out on a basic human experience.
The only benefit is minimalism?

>> No.6735617


>> No.6735627

I only feel the lack of energy and motivation nofappers talk about if I masturbate early in the day, perhaps due to my accomplishing my main biological imperative I don't feel the need to do impressive things to attract a mate. Additionally that is the climax of physical pleasure in the day, meaning after the climax isn't as great.

So I made the habit nocturnal instead. I still wake up, exercise, excel in my studies, and dominate in judo. That is unless I have a regular girl(s) around, then I forgo fapping because I know I'll usually have sex at least a couple times a week.

>> No.6735639

cringe post

>> No.6735642

What's wrong with eleven cups of coffee? What's wrong with fapping 11 times a day? There's no universal limit on when you've had too much of something because it's different for each individual

>> No.6735647

Cringe all you want, that's been my experience. I don't see what's wrong with it.

>> No.6735653

>biological duty
but I'm gay...

>> No.6735658

Your duty is just in another battlefield. No big deal.

>> No.6735662

nobody wants dick callous friend

plus, it's not a great habit to get into. If nothing else you're spending 11*10 minutes a day masturbating when you could be doing other shit, that's almost 20% of your waking day taken up by something that doesn't actually do anything constructive.

>> No.6735693

> implying attracting a mate, or being motivated has anything to do with the desire to be constantly impressive
> "So I made the habit nocturnal instead. I still wake up, exercise, excel in my studies, and dominate in judo." "That is unless I have a regular girl(s) around"
> top kek

>> No.6735718

> implying attracting a mate, or being motivated has anything to do with the desire to be constantly impressive

Implying it isn't.
> "So I made the habit nocturnal instead. I still wake up, exercise, excel in my studies, and dominate in judo." "That is unless I have a regular girl(s) around"
> top kek

Kek all you want faggot. All you have to do is pay attention and work hard, and you can be good at whatever you want. I chose to be good at judo and attracting women. It's not unattainable and that you make a big deal about it in conversation shows your own ineptitude and insecurity.

>> No.6735730

ive gone one day without jerking it.

i dont really feel any different

>> No.6735744

I'm pretty sure this is about the unsubtle, irrelevant bragging.

>> No.6735748

I dont know where this idea came from. Every adults male has to ejaculate periodically.

If anything, the problem is porn. Many studies find major similarities in its effects to heroin use. It can ruin your love life (permanently).All kinds of bad things are associated with it now. But not with masturbation. That's actually healthy.

>> No.6735764


Those are real world examples of how my aggression, motivation, and performance aren't affected by frequent masturbation. It is directly relevant to the discussion at hand.

My bad I forgot we were on 4chan and nobody is fit or gets laid. Grow up fool, I'm not seeking your validation. You're derailing what I said by reading too much into it.

>> No.6735797

26 hours since my last wank
Might as well quit right?

>> No.6735807

Find yourself a partner, at start you'll have a lot of sex. When it'll calm down a bit, you'll feel more power. That plus meditation. Just balance your testosterone and your "positivity".

>> No.6735821

Nofap isn't doing you anywhere near the good that nostim would.

Excessive literal masturbation isn't fucking you up anywhere near as much as excessive mental self-stimulation does.

All of these things that make you feel engaged and active, when in reality you're just being idle, are ruining your ability to focus yourself on real things that aren't designed just to stimulate you.

Try spending a whole month where you don't use any form of electronic or commercial entertainment, where you don't wallow in shallow information sources like 4chan, Facebook, and Youtube, where you don't divert yourself with any unproductive hobbies.

Look for real, productive things to do. Basics first: is your home clean? Are there any occasional maintenance chores that are overdue and you've been putting off? Is there something (real and important) you've been meaning to study? Do you get enough exercise? Are there people in your life you should be visiting? Do you have as many friends as you'd like? Have you developed your professional network as much as you should? Is there something you care about and can volunteer for?

There are so many better things to do with your time than to create the illusion for yourself that you are engaged in something worth doing.

>> No.6735842

It's just people who think the reason they can't get a gf is because they fap so much. When the reason they can't get a gf is because they are fucking freaks.

>> No.6735844

After I fap, the feelings of loneliness are intensified, this is why I don't like fapping.

>> No.6735862

>but I'm finding it hard.
Wonder if the pun was intended. Same here.

>> No.6735884

The weird thing is that if I don't fap for like, 5 days, I'll suddenly wish to have sex with a real person. At that point, fapping will cease to be appealing, because I'd rather not waste my arousal on non-sex.

But if I keep fapping every day, I feel unfulfilled, sexually, yet I simultaneously don't have the drive to get real-life laid.

And frankly I think that's why I'd rather fap. I don't have to worry about building human relationships or feeling bad for not calling back.

>> No.6736044

>but I'm finding it hard.
I bet.

>> No.6736055

Basically, you get stuck in a rut of just fapping pretty much daily. This drains you and makes you feel better, but it leaves you with nothing, and is pretty much an addiction. Not fapping is kind of like quitting smoking, your brain isn't getting what it usually gets. It kicks you in the pants, and you either divert that energy to other things, and things change in your life, since you are doing things you wouldn't have done before or didn't have the time/energy. or you just go back to fappin' and everything stays the same. I don't know why you are asking this here, it is pretty simply laid out on yourbrainonporn website what the chemistry behind it is, do some research faggot

>> No.6736065

up boat
A+++++would boat again

>> No.6736360

Your balls don't stop making sperm.
Not when you don't fap
not when you pray
Not when you work out
Not when you avoid porn
not when you avoid women.

A man has to ejaculate or get blue balls and testicular cancer and sperm in urine OR wet dreams (less convenient but biologically identical)

Also "Ruining relationships" Is A piss-poor reason to avoid fapping. If you can't find value in women after taking care of your sexual needs, it's because the women in question don't have value. Maybe you'll avoid STDs or rape accusations or bitches bitching.

>> No.6736365

they're not connected

>> No.6736373

having girls around usually mean sex at least a couple times a week?

what the ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.6736380

Are you implying that sperm cells don't undergo apoptosis after an extended period of time, which together with a negative feedback response from testicular volume of sperm, will result in a stable amount of sperm after a sufficiently long period of time?

>> No.6736395

I've tried nofap and I suck at it. The furthest I've gotten recently (as in, the past few months) was 13 days. But I will say this: at the end of those 13 days, I noticed some changes, some of which couldn't have been placebo. For example, my voice was deeper and didn't crack as much.

>> No.6736429

NoFap is for degenerate porn/sex addicts that browse porn 24/7 not for people that aren't porn connoiseur and masturbate a health amount (Once a day).

All effects from NoFap® are placebo and can be acquired true dedication and self-discipline.

>> No.6736442

You don't know what addiction is.
The research about the seventh day peak was Chinese, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.6736790

>The weird thing is that if I don't get high for like, 5 days, I'll suddenly wish to have accomplished something in real life. At that point, getting high will cease to be appealing, because I'd rather not waste my arousal on non-accomplishing.

>But if I keep getting high every day, I feel unfulfilled, on the matter of accomplishments, yet I simultaneously don't have the drive to get real-life accomplishments.

>And frankly I think that's why I'd rather get high. I don't have to worry about building human relationships or feeling bad for not calling back.

It's just massive rationalization you know xDDDD

>> No.6736791

If I go one day without morphine I go into horrible withdrawal.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6736821

>a health amount (Once a day).

You've been lied too buddy.

>> No.6737710

Gotta admit, as a guy who's never enjoyed fapping (...I tell a lie, I've had literally one good fap in my entire life), I find stuff like that tempting... better that than going further into the depraved stuff I'm already half way into (hey, this thread alone proves how much people like fapping, how far would you go to enjoy it if you had people always telling you it was awesome?).

The odd thing is, I find nofap reaches a plateau after a certain about of time, in terms of orgasm at least. I just seem to cum far faster than what is probably healthy after nofap and the cum comes out with the consistency of runny cream, and the lack of pleasure in the orgasm remains constant :( .

I wonder what nostim would do for me though that might be somewhat impossible in recent months (got a gay guy who wants to get with me... I don't even like him, I just wanna see if he can give me a good orgasm...).

>> No.6737805
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ask your doctor

>> No.6737870

Biochemist here

The answer is this. I would very much like to see a peer reviewed paper on testosterone buildup due to nofap.

Mostly because that is not how hormones works.

Also just think about it, why would you become straight again after fapping if all your testosterone was (ejaculated?) away. Wouldn't you want to suck dick/get just Fucking railed even more after you came if that was the case?

Just my two scents

>> No.6738023

>Wouldn't you want to suck dick/get just Fucking railed even more after you came if that was the case?

Kok tep.

I'm glad someone else feels this way.

>> No.6738278
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I don't even fap
I look at porn, but I don't touch myself

Build it up into the weekends, where I unleash it over porn that touches all my buttons so hard, my pants will pretty much require bleach by the end of the day

>> No.6738367


My girlfriend pushes me away more than I like. She says she loves me and I believe her but the distance means we don't have sex a lot. Once every few days, and that means I don't masturbate. Since meeting her its stopped being fun or fulfilling. She inspired me to join her at the gym and take better care of myself.

Porn isn't the problem. You are. You know what it means to actually feel a connection to someone else and it terrifies you. Understandable, the man I was before I met the woman I love is dead. I gave up being him so I could be the man that is worthy of her. Things might end between us, but she can't take away what I've gained.

You can hide for your whole life if you want, and nobody worthwhile will judge you, but taking that risk is worth it.

>> No.6738431
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Ask another doctor

>> No.6739133

Wtf... I taste copypasta, but that doesn't seems like /sci/'s flavour.

>> No.6739182

/sig/ representing here, 19 months running on nofap.
The point of nofap is to try it and if you feel like it works for you, then do it.
For me it was a matter of "Why do I need to masturbate" kind of just ridding myself of another dependency.
Scientifically speaking, orgasms in humans will lead to neurological hypersensitivity in estrogen receptors, increased production of opiates which dampen your libido, and hypo-sensitivity of androgen receptors (a testosterone-like hormone which is responsible for masculine behavior and adolescence).
The reason it's different for everybody is because everybody has different glands, and differently wired brains that respond differently to these neurological shifts.
It takes 2-3 days for your libido to fully recover, and having multiple orgasms in this period will lead to "snowballing" longer-term effects on your androgen and estrogen receptors.

Here's some (albeit a little biased but still accurate) sources: http://yourbrainonporn.com/has-too-much-masturbation-decreased-my-testosterone-levels

>> No.6739214

Nofap has been insanely difficult for me but has also worked wonders. Before I had back pain, brain fog/headaches, lack of motivation to do anything, breathing problems, social anxiety and more. I only masturbated like once a day or once every couple of days. When I stopped all the problems were gone and I felt great. Guess people react to it differently. Also I meditate every day which kinda helped. Do what you want, but I think fapping has quite a negative effect overall. You may get strong urges but they go away after a few months. It's just like any other addiction. Treat it like one and you'll do fine.

>> No.6739219

There would be very little benefit unless you are a fap everyday type of person.

If you can go a few days without fapping, no fapping is not going to cure how much of a pssive bitch you are

>> No.6739225

>Cant recall any processes in the body where accumulation of something triggers a hormonal response
>two scents

Also, to all the people screaming PLACEBO. Yes, It's a "PLACEBO" that works. Its a mental thing. Wether it changes anything or not, if you feel better doing it, fucking DO it. Jesus fuck

>> No.6739229

Once again orgasm has little to no effect on your TESTOSTERONE
It DOES however have an effect on your androgen which is similar to to testosterone, and your sensitivity to estrogen

>> No.6739260

Where did I type that nofap effects testosterone?
>once again

>> No.6739266

meant to quote >>6737870

>> No.6739684

>all this pseudoscience

>> No.6739693

So do you have sex with her more know that you do that ?

About that article, it was quite funny and I think it's pretty much spot on.

>> No.6739708

>they're trying to take away my precious porn NO NOT THAT ANYTHING BUT THAT

>> No.6739709
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Meh. I can't really enjoy porn of fapping anymore unless I'm on stimulants. Maybe a quick morning fap every 2-3 days. But if I'm on stims, I can easily spend 12 hours watching pr0n and jacking off like a madman. The longer I go, the nastier the porn. Everything becomes more interesting, but porn becomes much much more interesting. Because I can't really enjoy porn when sober, I will use it as an excuse to stay up the whole night and fap. It almost feels like waste to use stimulants for anything else, because everything else I can do sober just fine.

>> No.6739727


>>6737710, here. You make it sound like porn is boring... I feel like I'm the only one on the internet that agrees.

>> No.6739757

what would you say is healthy because if I go one day without I have wet dreams without fail that night I also will not beable to focus from the day after not doing it till I gap again

>> No.6741252

cool strawman bro

>> No.6741254

>Is there any science behind nofap benefits?
if you masturbate a lot then you will gain a lot of free time when you stop fapping. I mean like A LOT of free time. So much free time that after you're done shitposting on 4chan you will actually want to go do something productive

>> No.6741263


>> No.6741270


>> No.6741272

One is never done shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.6741286

It's a fact that if you fap, you go bald.

It also makes you ugly and causes memory loss, and bad eyesight.

>> No.6741289

I'd say this is a matter of endocrinology and neurology. I'd imagine dozens of hormones and neurotransmitter are involved to various degree in masturbation but since I'm not an expert on the matter, I'll only focus on two.
I heard many times now that testosterone peaks a bit before one week after the last orgasm. According to this, to make sure your testosterone levels don't drop to low levels, you should ideally not masturbate more than once per 5 days and not less than once per 10 days. Those numbers are a guestimate, mind you.
The second is dopamine. Sex makes you happy. Many hormones and neurotransmitter are probably released to reward you directly and indirectly for sex, dopamine being an important one of those. If you masturbate too often, you will develop a tolerance to all the h+n involved and grow an addiction. Everything else will feel less rewarding, you will lose motivation and so on. This snowballs on to the rest of your life.

I can also speak from personal experience since I am one of the few guys who aren't into porn. A couple months ago I tried out porn for a few days. I desensitized immediately, pics became less arousing, I wasn't as horny anymore and less interested in women. After that it took considerably longer to orgasm and despite it being only a few days, it was very difficult to not go back to porn because I couldn't stop thinking about it. I lost motivation and for the first time in years took a break from weightlifting without serious reason. It took me only a week to recover but unfortunately I still miss the porn.

Maybe I react much stronger than other people, a sample size of 1 is not very good and I am biased. However, I am convinced that sex / masturbation like everything else requires moderation or it will hurt you. Not much but noticeably.

>> No.6741290

fapping is an addiction

>> No.6741301

No. People aren't ending up on the streets because they couldn't stop jerking off long enough to go to work. Masturbation isn't causing people to steal from loved ones and alienate friends. You don't have withdrawals from not beating off.

Fuck off with this pansy shit

>> No.6741305

You do not know what an addiction is.

>> No.6741322

I haven't fapped since July 31. Do I feel better? Yes I do, but only because when I fap I feel shitty and disappointed with myself afterwards. Personally I believe that not fapping shows control over your mind, and I also makes me feel better than other people (but I'm a little bit narcissistic).

>> No.6741347

Believe whatever you need to tell yourself to justify touching your dick

Fapping is not an addiction, sorry

>> No.6741376

It's a simple matter of discipline. In order to nofap successfully, you must be capable of resisting base impulses - horniness, naturally, but anxiety, laziness and consumerism too. Most people who engage in nofap are terrible at doing so. They have the discipline and willpower of a wet towel the kind you really don't want to touch. So the observed effect is perfectly obvious:

If you fail at nofap, you have little mental discipline and will likely fail at anything else you feel unhappy about.

If you successfully nofap, you have the mental strength to act like a normal person.

People who nofap transition from the former to the latter category, and therefore observe improvement.

If you have never attempted nofap, you may be perfectly healthy regardless. If you have serious trouble pulling through anything inconvenient or displeasurable though, nofap will at least be a good measure of your recovery from that sorry state.

>> No.6741380

>Fapping is not an addiction, sorry

It can be. Anything can be, in fact. And if he "needs to tell himself something to justify it," then it probably is.

>> No.6741392

>I fap because it feels good.
>You are justifying it.

>> No.6741397


This is very reasonable. I don't bother with "nofap" because I don't feel a *compulsion* to fap in the first place. I just enjoy it occasionally, and it has no negative impact on my life whatsoever. If it did, I would force myself to stop.

>> No.6741407


"Need" is the key word, friend. If it isn't negatively affecting his life, then it does not demand any particular justification.

>> No.6741409

>no fap

I've done this for about a month unconsciously when I used to do shitty labour jobs. I'd work so hard every day and get tired that I was never in the mood. The side effect of that? Occasional nocturnal emissions.
I don't know the science behind why that happened but I think it happened because of sudden abstinence. Or maybe because I usually fap when I get stressed and my brain just wanted me to relax, except after I had an orgasm while asleep in the middle of the night, I also awoke to my ejaculating dick which I had to clean up later.

S-sometimes I'm too sleepy to clean it up and sleep with cum on my dick and balls.

>> No.6741424
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what a story, mark

>> No.6741433
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you can say that again

>> No.6741466

fucking kek

>> No.6741478



>> No.6741484

well a study found that testosterone increased 2 days after abstaining and from there it decreased.

So the ideal no fap is not to fap for 2 days or so and then fap

of course this is just an anecdote until I find said study.

>> No.6741557

ok it was 7 days of abstinence where testosterone peaked and after that it dropped.


>> No.6741608

Don't focus on testosterone levels.

It all has much more to do with dopamine and dopaminergic system.

Read this:


>> No.6741659

Why fap when I can have sex with an actual woman?

>> No.6741705
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I find it really easy to do no-fap when I'm busy.

When the weekend comes I get a bit of freetime alone at home, I'll cave. But it's becoming less frequent

but good god my sex drive does not fucking stop whether I've fapped or not. I hit on these 18 year old freshmen and I come off too strong sometimes showing my intention to get to know them and eventually fuck and it scares them away

>> No.6741715
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, the dick must be given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the placebo effect may also play a big factor, and personal preference (in my opinion) should be the final deciding factor.

personally, I do better only fapping once a week at most and ONLY ONLY ONLY when I have absolutely nothing else to do so I can fully enjoy the decision to fap

and, of course, fuck bitches whenever and wherever possible

>> No.6741830

Im not reading this whole thread, just want to give you the point of view of a stereotypical jock, in shape male.

When I dont fap or get laid for about 4days, I
| feel crazier. Like maybe its not testosterone, but something biological is going on in my body that makes me want to fight or fuck, more than normal.
One time I went about a month, and I was like a stark raving lunatic. I got in a bunch of fights with people, and some of my friends, and roomates. Normally I get in fights super rarely. Oh, and at the end of the month I could not take it and fucked a fat chick on the girls rugby team.

tl;dr no fap makes me crazy, do stupid things

>> No.6741964

>no fap makes me crazy, do stupid things

I've had similar experiences. If I let myself get excessively horny, it's like I'm mentally ill or something.