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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.67 MB, 3264x2448, FormulaSAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6725586 No.6725586 [Reply] [Original]

So for those of you attending university, do any of take part in extra curricular activities?

My university has a lot of clubs im interested in joining.

>Formula SAE
>Steel Bridge Building
>Material Advantage (the umbrella club over the other materials engineering clubs)
>Black Smithing
>Table Top board games
So do you guys partake in activities or do you just lounge around in your room after class?

>> No.6725594

No "point" in joining a club since I'll just "stand in the corner of the room."

>> No.6725596
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I played Magic a lot.

>> No.6725613

That's why you go to a club with a set activity.

If you don't want to go to a technical club, try to find a more laid back hobby club.

>> No.6725648

>Black Smithing
That sounds based as fuck. Wish my uni offered it

>> No.6725656

Yea my school has very strong metallurgy and ceramics programs. So they also have a glass blowing club.

We also have Explosives Engineering and you can pay the department $5 and they will blow up whatever you give them at some demonstration.

>> No.6725659

Dude...what school is that?

>> No.6725660

I'm in a math club, but it's shit.

>> No.6725694

Well its changed its name recently. It is currently called the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Before that it was called the University of Missouri Rolla. When it was founded back in 1870 it was called The Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. We still have a functioning mine and perform explosives labs in there. We have mining degrees and mine rescue programs. It also has a function nuclear reactor on campus. It was the first one in Missouri.

It is primarily an engineering school. It has about 8000 students on campus.

But i mainly just came here for the metallurgy program. There are basically two schools in the country you go to for metallurgy.

>Colorado School of Mines
>Missouri S&T

I chose MS&T because im from Missouri so its a lot cheaper.

>> No.6725696

Community college?

>> No.6725709

Well that explains a lot. Im all for math, but a bit of something different is welcome once in a while. Your school sounds cool

>> No.6725718
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heels, my friend.

>> No.6725729

>Your school sounds cool

Don't be fooled by that guy. yea it my be great academically. But its 80% male. Mainly because they only offer like 5 humanities undergrad degrees and 30 STEM degrees.

>> No.6725757

Did you get laid when there were more females? nope.

>> No.6725765

i took up clay pigeon shooting at uni. it's fun!

>> No.6725779

You should definitely participate in a club wether you want to or not. Internships and jobs want people to have hands on experience outside the classroom, and extracurriculars are a great way to do this. Try to find one that you enjoy though, as otherwise it will be difficult to force yourself to make a meaningful contribution.

>> No.6725792
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I find it amusing this is a shirt they sell in their official store.

>> No.6725815
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>mfw my school is 70% female

>> No.6725832
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The Astronomy Society. It doesn't take up that much time, but we have meetings, do projects (pic related), and run an observatory every other week.

It's worth it even though it requires effort. Hell, just meeting people there helped me land a sweet job.

>> No.6725853

As undergrad robotics club took most of my time.
Also went to board games, anime, fencing and medieval society (somehow I ended up president of medieval society).

As a grad student I just joined rowing club and plan to join climbing and running.

>> No.6725872

Used to be part of my uni's LUG until I got kicked out.

>> No.6725880

got kicked out of uni or LUG?

>> No.6725906

what project is this?

>> No.6725912

The LUG. Caused by various disagreements, mostly stemming from the fact I was far more into *BSD than Linux, and despite the fact they said that was fine, and I even used Slackware, they all seemed annoyed with me and disagreed with every opinion I had. It would be absurd the shit they would come up with to be on the opposite camp from me. I swear if I said the sky was blue they'd try to prove me wrong. Final straw came during a heated Tabs vs Spaces argument. They just asked me informally to stop attending, so I did.

I wish I was making this up.

I don't miss it much at all though. The hackerspace I started going to after I got kicked out of the LUG is way cooler, more diverse (in terms of projects people are working on), nicer people, that sort of thing.

>> No.6725916

Yeah, LUGs nowadays are usually full of art majors running Ubuntu Studio and IT people who are into business Linux. There's nothing wrong with those two groups, just the more hackish types are usually found elsewhere.

That's not to say there isn't any overlap though, that would be pretentious and simply incorrect. But in general.

>> No.6725924

Welp so apparently we also have a fire works making class that does fireworks displays. Im sitting here at my computer and i start hearing explosions. I go outside and there are a ton of professional grade fireworks going off 500 feet away.

>> No.6726908

im just in chess club

>> No.6726958

since there are no fine bitches in the engineering department I join clubs to meet fine bitches

just look through your school's club directory and find some that you know will have fine bitches

for example, I am in the ceramics guild as well as the k-pop club and the fashion club. Qts in each one of those clubs, bitches love ceramics

>> No.6727036

>there are no fine bitches in the engineering department

Why is this. The engineering department at my shcool is 80% male. Then ones that are in it are all see cows or from china.

The only department that has any attractive women is biology.

>> No.6727040

no because I study a lot and have hobbies of my own (mostly music related like bands and composing). also the activities we do have at our university are shit or very poorly organized.

>> No.6727057

No, I've always wanted too, but never found the time in my undergrad. I'm attending grad-school next year and I thought I could make time, but apparently we are required to clock 40 hours a week...the fuck...might as well get a real job.

>> No.6727064

Our robotic club won something with their machines at the robocup-wc but I suck hard at anything related to robotics so keep away from it.

>> No.6727095

>he thinks I have free time while on uni
Anon, I am don't study philosophy.

>> No.6727149

Im a double major in physics and mechanical engineering and i even have free time to go to a few academic clubs to put on my resume.

>> No.6727204

>Soccer team
>practical math club
>fag and special snowflake club
>Game club

>> No.6727218

Yes, because the 1.5h break that I have the whole day is enough time.

>> No.6727223

>>fag and special snowflake club

>> No.6727227

Any engineering department with a curriculum small enough to allow you to double major is bound to be shitty and easier than the 40-50 hours lectures and labs average engineering programmes have allowing him to have daylight hours available for clubs.

>> No.6727231

Nah, mensa is even more insane than the lgbt club, but I only go there for the cute boys

>> No.6727290

How do you measure lecture hours?

>> No.6727358

Why in lecture minutes, of course.

>> No.6727480

I wish I had the time. My involvement with clubs involves me engaging in posts on their facebook pages.

>> No.6727489

Tabs take less cpu to parse.

Also BSD fan, too. I wish there was BUGs. Or just unix user groups. The whole LUG is weird imo.

>> No.6727490

>interested in politics
>do not have a forum for politics, because friends are apathetic and /pol/ is a shithole
>figure I'll join a club
>school doesn't have a politics club
>it's only got partisan garbage, a democrat club and a republican club

>> No.6727497

>more than 1,000 student organizations
I don't even know if I missed any that I would've liked to join.
Most of them have terrible management and can't be easily contacted.

>> No.6727499

Go to the org fair or student involvement fair.

>> No.6727664

>allowing him to have daylight hours available

What kind of faggot clubs do you go to that meet at day time?

All three clubs im a part of meet past 7 pm.

Hell even my chem professor holds study sessions that last until 9 pm.

>> No.6727684


Join both. Troll them.

>> No.6727694


Considering the mascot for the university closest to me also carries a gun, I find it totally unsurprising.

(Pistol Pete from Oklahoma State - he was actually a real guy.)

>> No.6728647

sometimes i envy the midwest

>> No.6730107


Um, OK? Because we have mascots based on US Marshalls / revenge murderers?

(not dissin' Pistol Pete here, if a gang of thieves killed my dad I'd hunt them down and kill them too)

Also, Oklahoma: not in the midwest.

>> No.6730697


>> No.6730701

I live in the midwest and long for nothing more than to get as far away from here as I can

I feel like we're 10 years in the past