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File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6716861 No.6716861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are geniuses born or made?

>> No.6716865

Depends on what you mean by "genius" and "made".

>> No.6716881

Genius as in exceptional intellect, memory or creativity.

Made as in learned, developed, exercised and practiced.

>> No.6716883


>> No.6716884

Well considering that intellect and memory can't be improved according to our current knowledge then the answer would be that geniuses are born, not made. Can't speak for "creativity", though.

>> No.6716887

I would claim that in most fields, achieving the rank of a genius requires a natural inclination in that direction but is not guaranteed by it. Thus you would have to be born with greater-than-usual potential and then nurture that potential to become a genius.

>> No.6716914

In my opiniona genius can achieve great things with little or no effort.
A normal person can achieve great things by working his ass off, and yet it may not pay off at all.

>> No.6716920

I would say that some are born and some are made. I will take two persons as an example. Note this is all just conjecture.

Person A: Albert Einstein

He showed no promise while he was younger. His grades werent bad, that was a myth, but they werent excellent as well. He finally got his shit together and learned some physics, got a degrer, and worked a bit. Later on he started thinking and developing ideas of his own(or he stole them from the patent office if you want to believe that myth). He then expanded upon those ideas, started working with them, dedicating his life to them. He said it himself that hes not smart(though he could have said that to appear humble) instead he just sticks with the problem longer until he finds a solution. He widely considered a genius, though

Person B: John Von Neumann

He was a child prodigy. A genius from the start. He had amazing memory and could calculate a lot of big math stuff in his mind. He got several degrees. He published a shit ton of shit in math(both pure and applied), physics, economy, computing. He was born that way and continued being that way until he died.

So we have person A who has apparently developed into a person, a genius, that he is, through life experiences. And person B who was born a genius, and couldnt turn it off until the day he died.

>> No.6716935

Einstien was born a genius. He was able to read Charles Darwin work and science encyclopedias when was only a pre-teen. Most pre-teen kids can't do that.

>> No.6716937


>> No.6716939
File: 12 KB, 162x131, peasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He stole the material. Stop using word shit, negro.

I could do that.

>> No.6716942

Cant or wont? I also did that because I found it interesting, and my parents kept buying me that kind of shit.. Im no genius. Not even above average intelligence(not that I would know since I dislike IQ testing and shit), probably average or so

>> No.6716945


Like this guy says. Einstein was a pretty good student, but everything that I've read about him said that he was kind-of "slow". He was very deliberative and meticulous in his thought. Einstein was exceptional at thought experiments, though.

>> No.6716946

Shit shit shit shit shit shit

>> No.6716947

Shut up.

>> No.6716948

Shit shit shitty shit shit

>> No.6716949

You can read Origin of Spices at the age of 11?

>> No.6716953 [DELETED] 

just seeing that picture makes everything anyone i know does seem futile.

>> No.6716957

just seeing that picture makes everything anyone i know does in math/CS seem futile.

>> No.6716959


Exceptional children are born, diligent knowledge seekers and idiot savants are made.

>> No.6716960

A few persons like him spread throught the history and we dont even need scientists. We're just picking up scraps of what they left behind

>> No.6716964

some people are born with genius-like potential, and may or may not develop into geniuses

>> No.6716970

that was because he had aspergers

>> No.6717076

>Well considering that intellect and memory can't be improved

they can improve the more you use them, they are like muscles. If you don't exercise them they stagnate and wither away.

>> No.6717107


>> No.6717143

>mfw when there is nothing that would indicate that this guy is a genius

>> No.6717184
File: 1.99 MB, 474x267, aint that shitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jup, thats bait alright.

>> No.6717192

So you can simply tell that he is a genius? Is it his slick hairdo?

>> No.6717195

Well maybe if you read about the guy you will understand.

>> No.6717199

nah it's the name of the image file

>> No.6717204

His genius is almost nonhuman, but there is nothing that would indicate that. He just looks like your regular Joe(with a slick hairdo). I know, I'm weird, but thats just the thought that crossed my mind

>> No.6717208

I think i was made. ty for asking

>> No.6717212

I for one welcome our reptilian overlords. I always found crocodiles to be cool. Are you maybe a distant cousin of them?

>> No.6717213

Just imagine if the average intelligence of mankind was at von Neumann's level

>> No.6717216

>there is nothing that would indicate that
what do you mean, "indicate"? obviously there is nothing in his appearance that indicates it because thats not how intelligence works.

>> No.6717219

you also cant tell by looking at hawking that hes an intelligent cripple, nor by looking at pictures of einstein that he is anything but a homeless man with a crazy hairdo.

>> No.6717228

But Hawking and Einstein seem like regular humans in comparison. They went through their shit. But Von Neumann started math from the day he was born(not really) and went on doing it, along some other stuff, until the day he died. Its like he was sent here to bring advancement to mankind and then after his mission was done leave again.

>> No.6717244

>Einstein that he is anything but a homeless man with a crazy hairdo
>crazy hairdo

>Von Neumann
>slick hairdo

I think I might be seeing a pattern here. Quick, what kind of hairdo does Hawking have?