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6715334 No.6715334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's with this Edison hate and Tesla love? I've came across it many times - people claiming that Tesla was the real deal and Edison being a hack. I'm skeptical about this. Can somebody tell me what's the true version of the story?

>> No.6715344

>Tesla was a first rate Electrical engineer
>Edison was a first rate inventor
>The two were rivals

For some reason today casuals think that Tesla was some type of unsung genius, which is a gross exaggeration to say the least.

>> No.6715349



This video should explain it I think

>the guy is a bit annoying though IMO

>> No.6715353

They were both very important people. I don't know why there needs to be a competition. I think people just naturally cheer for the underdog--aka the guy who died broke.

>> No.6715356

According to this definitely true account, Edison was a douchebag.


>> No.6715364

Just some fanatick likes conspiracy theory about a n free energy or infinite energy from magnetism.
I don't disparage the genius of Tesla

>> No.6715369

I actually look up to Tesla and he's the reason why I even went into EE

>> No.6715378

In technical terms it called being a businessman

>> No.6715381

>In technical terms its called being the cancer of society
Fixed that for

>> No.6715384


Check this out OP:


>> No.6715395

the video does a good job of explaining it

both Edison and Tesla are responsible for bringing some great inventions into the world.

the big difference in my book is Edison was willing to play dirty tricks to get ahead, he had very little sense of honor even for a businessman, somewhere on par with a used car salesman. Tesla seems to be slightly crazy, which is OK by me because all the most interesting people are and Tesla had a sense of fair play that I admire.

>Winning is better than loosing, but how I played the game is what matters most to me.

>> No.6715409

yep, I read it that's why I made this thread, this guy really confused me - claiming that Edison did jackshit was too controversial for me to believe

>> No.6715411

We all know Edison is a dick

>> No.6715413

Thats not really technical, is it?

>youre right though

>> No.6715446

ya, his legacy company comonwealth edison is everyone's favorite corporation.

the oatmeal page is a little over the top, and he does get a couple of things wrong, most notably the free energy thing. Tesla had two methods of turning a natural self replenishing resource into electricity and both of them require building large expensive infrastructure.
So I would not call them free energy, hydropower had been long known but Tesla's designs lead to a practical efficient system. Tesla's wireless power system was too radical for it's day and still is unproven, tho some think it theoretically possible.

>> No.6715487

Edison stole most of his shit

>> No.6715552

Tesla made some wacky claims (not saying they were true, not saying they were false), and "lost" to Edison who mainstream society remembers more. Tesla fanboyism is the result of teenagers hearing about him from a videogame, and thinking he was some kind of edgy steampunk mad scientist who built deathrays.

>> No.6715615

some of us have were admiring Tesla's work before video games were invented

>> No.6715622

You must be middle-aged man.

>> No.6715648

retired broadcast engineer

>mfw 56 is older than I ever thought I'd be

>> No.6715690


Retards trust webcomics waaay too much.

>> No.6715726

In technical terms it's called making inventions available to and popularizing them within the society therefore being actually useful and making some money in return for this service

>> No.6715730


Edison created some things. also he was a cheat. a liar. a fraud.

Tesla created some things, also he was honest. and he was true

>> No.6715739 [DELETED] 

Edison invented the electric chair. Is there any more 'Murican than that?

>> No.6715745
File: 14 KB, 406x309, Electric_chair[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edison invented the electric chair. Is there anything more 'Murican than that?

>> No.6715761


It's a bouncing effect.

First, Edison was acknowledged much things and Tesla was mostly forgotten. Now, people start to look more into Tesla's inventions and ideas.

Many of the things Telsa envisioned weren't going to be ready anytime soon. Can be called more of a dreamer than inventor. And yes, he seemed to be more honest than Edison.

Edison was just a plain bussinessman. He was then highlighted as "the american dream". But now, with people looking more critically at pure capitalism, it has became clear that he's a douchebag as someone earlier said.

>> No.6715770

That Edison was a liar and a fraud makes it hard to know how many things he actually invented and how many he stole from other people. At least some of the things he's commonly credited with were not invented by him. Tesla gets brought up most often as he's more well known than the other people Edison screwed.

>> No.6715771


guys. serious question here. I am interested in becoming an electronics instrumentation technician. only have a little bit of experience in electronics. (I've blown some fuses, changed a few lightbulbs, hot wired some things, etc.)

how can I get a job as an instrumatation tech?
whats the minimum training/school necessary for this?
can I get into it with a 6 month tech certificate or something?
I dont care about a lot of money, its what im genuinely interested in.
where should I start?

>> No.6715779


Tesla was already acknowledged. He just wasn't blown out of proportion except to scattered conspiracy theorists.

>Edison was just a plain bussinessman. He was then highlighted as "the american dream". But now, with people looking more critically at pure capitalism, it has became clear that he's a douchebag as someone earlier said.

He's being demonized by leftists and unemployed twenty-somethings on the Internet. They'll repeat whatever they've read that seems to support their views, and they don't tend to fact check the Maddox-lite articles that they get their information from.

>> No.6715791

Tesla was the guy who invented things and didn't know how to market them or make them practical.
Edison was the guy who didn't invent things, but rather made them practical and marketed them well.

Basically Edison was the Steve Jobs of his time and Tesla was the Richard Stallman of his time.

>> No.6715800

>Basically Edison was the Steve Jobs of his time and Tesla was the Richard Stallman of his time.

Oh, look, it's -this- horseshit again.

Even if you're one of the idiots who think that Edison stole every idea that came out of Menlo Park, he had inventions before his lab was founded. Claiming that he didn't invent things just exposes you as someone repeating shit that he never looked into.

>> No.6715806

Steve Jobs fanboy detected.

>> No.6715814

Tesla and Edison have both made great contributions to electrical advancement. However taking one look at a tesla coil and comparing it to anything Edison ever did, its clear Tesla was the better electrical engineer. Edison was a far better buisiness man. Anyone who claims otherwise doesnt know the full extent of Tesla's work.

>> No.6715824

Yeah that's what it's supposed to be then people like Edison come along

>> No.6716056

In my opinion, businessmen and lawyers should look up to Edison. Tesla was a superior scientist, but was a virgin until he died for a reason, at a certain point, additional intelligence is not necessarily beneficial across the board.

>> No.6716059

Because they believe all the bullshit conspiracy that they find in internet

>> No.6716085

>Tesla fanboyism is the result of [. . .] thinking he was some kind of edgy steampunk mad scientist who built deathrays.

Tesla was a victorian-era scientist whose work involved wireless lightning and electricity, including ball lightning and projected energy weapons.


Tesla was also quite mad. Remaining celibate his whole life while falling in love with pigeons, obsessing compulsively over numbers, and yes, claiming at least to have invented a death ray - or death beam, whatever.


'Nikola Tesla claimed to have invented a "death beam" which he called teleforce in the 1930s and continued the claims up until his death.'

'Tesla proposed that a nation could "destroy anything approaching within 200 miles... [and] will provide a wall of power" in order to " make any country, large or small, impregnable against armies, airplanes, and other means for attack"'

I don't know, man, "edgy steampunk mad scientist who built deathrays" doesn't sound that far off from the reality.

>> No.6716096

>Rags to Riches Story
>A sophisticated and attractive bachelor socialite. I'd hit it....No homo
>Believed in innovation and gain of knowledge despite it's cost or outcome.
>His contributions to modern electronics are more.
>He did invent some shit but stood on the shoulders of geniuses too much
>Was a douche who tried to tarnish Tesla's reputation during the war of the currents.
>Shocked elephants, cats, dogs and gave way to the electric chair using AC as a smear campaign after Tesla moved to westinghouse because Edison was an exploitative dick.
>Ugly stinky evil exploitive doodoohead

>> No.6716101

He's the reason I went back to school for into Industrial Electronics and Hydraulics (Technician) After getting two humanities degrees. That and a job.

>> No.6716135

Edison was a businessman, moderately productive inventor with a keen eye for other people's inventions and a hotline to the patent office, and a master of publicity. Also a sentient cloud of disembodied assholes.

Tesla was a true to form, balls-out mad scientist.

>> No.6716137

What videogame

>> No.6716181

I personally don't care for Edison because he was the first patent troll. He held over 1000 of them and was more than happy to enforce them. He is the reason Hollywood is the epicenter of movies and not on the east coast.

Overall I would throw my hat in with the nice weird guy who just wanted to invent stuff over the shrewd business man that was kind of a fame whore.

>> No.6716183


You don't quite understand what a patent troll is, do you?

>> No.6716210

Just another "Tesla's wireless energy transfer" video but this is something worth watching:
Especially take a look at the audience question starting at point 34 min 30 sec.

>> No.6716215

pushing back scientific progress of competitor inventors for money ain't cool

>> No.6716267

Sound like bullshit. It was based on charged particle beams, and we all know that charged particles won't get far in the atmosphere.

>> No.6716278

>and we all know that charged particles won't get far in the atmosphere.

that depends on the size of the particles and their speed doesn't it?

>> No.6716531

i have seen a tesla gun blowing shit from 12 meters.

i couldn't believe my eyes. it looked really awesome.

but as far as weapons go that is not distance that is a joke.

>> No.6716578

Edison was an horrible human being.
Tesla was a lovable mad faggot who'd probably feel at home in 4chan.

>> No.6716581


how long was your program for industrial electronics /hydraulics?
im looking at changing careers and electronics is of interest

>> No.6716617

How did Tesla's cold fire shit work? I've heard it's actually fairly damaging over time, but all I can find on it is crazy new-age websites.

>> No.6717312

Just 2 years for a technical diploma but some companies pick up students before then. Good pay, good benefits, great market. Go for it man!

>> No.6717340


sounds good. yeah i totally want to do this. i got to play around with some instrumentation and electronics stuff here and there at different jobs and really enjoyed it.
i have a good paying job right now but starting to hate it because of various reasons.
im looking for info on what training programs are available. hopefully find what schools might offer online programs.
i want to get into instrumentation, process controls, automation and data acquisition, or something like that,.. would be cool to have a job like that and i can /diy/ experiment with automation and robotics as a hobby

>> No.6717372
File: 47 KB, 640x334, 1388529263163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: If you say Edison was a terrible asshole and then you turn around and praise Isaac Newton for the wonderful things he's done for society, you've been mind controlled by the Oatmeal.

>> No.6717394

>son who mainstream society remembers more

did not see any car named edison rolling around

>> No.6717399

>Tesla was a superior scientist, but was a virgin until he died for a reason, at a certain point, additional intelligence is not necessarily beneficial across the board.

implying you can even comprehend any of his thoughts

>> No.6717402

newton was also an asshole, but still one of the greatest minds in history. edison was just an asshole.

>> No.6717410

I hate the Oatmeal for propagating this stupid Tesla meme