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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 606x600, Function_machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6710371 No.6710371 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, could understanding functions be this fucking easy?

I'm talking to my friend about hardcore math (Fibonacci sequence, Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, etc.). I'm not even a college grad. However, I'm trying to comprehend Mandelbrot Set [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set] when I got stuck on "infinity when a particular mathematical operation is iterated on it"

More precisely, the link to "iterated".

This led me to the wikipedia "iterated function" page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterated_function

Then I realized, shit, I don't even know what "function" means in math.

My buddy sends me the wiki link to "Function (in mathematics): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_%28mathematics%29

See attached pic.

My question to you all is this.... so it could be anyfuckingthing in the middle as the process??
If function means: input > process > output
then wouldn't function be like 3 > (3+2) > 5

Because im starting to think
if its just
input > process > output
thats fucking easy as shit
that would mean
input > fibonacci equation > output
input > whatever equation > output
so we just need confirmation of this. From /sci/

...because then I'll join mensa, shit. How is that even hard?
(sorry for the strange text arrangement above. Literally posted that from our gchat.)

>> No.6710386
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yes but for implying that mensa has anything to do with mathematics heres an obligatory GET THE FUCK OUT

>> No.6710387

4/10 wrote out bewildered response before deleting it

>> No.6710393

but seriously, is the term FUNCTION in math summed up as "input > process > output" every time? Show your intellect.

>> No.6710399
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Remember, simplicity is one of the three virtues of math.

A function takes an element from a set A and maps it to another element in another set B. If A and B are the collections of blue and yellow points respectively, then f is basically the collection of all arrows between them. The only strict requirement is that each point in A is attached to one arrow.

>> No.6710404


>> No.6710407

>hardcore math
This kills the /sci/

>> No.6710408

OP here, so basically what you're consequently saying is that all math acts this way because all numbers are fixed points of values across the number line. Thus, each "function" always will have a corresponding precise output. Yes/no?

>> No.6710411

How do they come up with this terminology?

>> No.6710413

No, not all math can be described through functions. And a function doesn't even have to necessarily manipulate numbers.

>> No.6710417

And no, the domain of the function does not have to include all numbers. Some inputs will have no defined output.

>> No.6710422

No, a function is just a special type of relation (the one element of the domain maps to only one element of the image).

And Functions don't need to operate on numbers, they can operate on anything, including other functions, so you will have functions that map functions to functions for example.

>> No.6710429

Ok, if not all math can be described through functions, give at least 1 example to back this statement up then please.

>> No.6710430

What terminology?

>> No.6710435

>the domain of the function does not have to include all numbers. Some inputs will have no defined output.

What do you mean by "domain"?

What is one example where an input has no defined output?

>> No.6710439


What? Please give us an example of where a function maps to functions to functions.

>> No.6710441

Simple, any relationship in which an element of the domain goes to multiple elements in the range is not a function.

>> No.6710443

Graph theory

>> No.6710445

The domain is the group of inputs. The range is the group of outputs. The function is the collection of relationships that go from one input to one output.

>> No.6710448

Galois groups

>> No.6710459

>What is one example where an input has no defined output?
x=0 is not in the domain of the function f(x) = 1/x

>> No.6710461

and by "Range" I'm assuming you mean group B here?? >>6710399

>> No.6710471

I gotta pee but you fuckers better keep talking about this by the time I get back.

>> No.6710474

Almost. The range is the set of points in group B that have an arrow going to it. The domain only includes inputs that have a defined output. The range only includes values that have a defined input or inputs.

Example: f(x)=2 is not in the range of sin(x)

>> No.6710486

Graph theory can be described as mapping subsets of a set of elements to either "not connected" or "connected", or something else for directed/labeled graphs, etc.

Checkmate atheists

>> No.6710492

Looks like it's gonna be a long ride until OP gets to double integrals.

>> No.6710493

Note however that f(x)=2 is in the codomain of sin(x). Range is a subset of the codomain.

>> No.6710496

inject = throw in
surject = throw over
biject = throw both

>> No.6710500

Depends, some people use range as codomain, I was using it as image.

>> No.6710515
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>> No.6710517
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There is a one-line definition of all possible graphs:
Firstly, take the system consisting of two objects E and V and two arrows d, c from E to V.
Now map this system onto two sets FE, FB (the sets can have any cardinality) and two functions Ff, Fg.
If you view FE as the names of graph edges and FV as the names of graph vertices, then you can read the functions Fd and Fc as specifying the domain and co-domain of each edge. This covers all graphs in existence.

It is the third example here:

>> No.6710520

(the one line definition being "it's the presheaf category from the cat with only two parallel arrows")

>> No.6710526

yeah man, you were supposed to learn that in algebra 1. thats the whole point of that class.

idk why youre having trouble with the mandlebrot set either. its basically just the same thing as when you call a funciton like

mandlebrot(int c){
mandlebrot(c^2 + c);

but you are allowed to see the results inside the call

>> No.6710531

since when is algebra about functions?

>> No.6710554


crtl+f function

you cannot have algebra, you cannot have relational math, you cannot have tables, without functions.

i'm posting this in case you're seious, but i choose to believe this is a joke.

>> No.6710557

beyond the operations, ive not seen algebra to involve functions. how is group theory about functions?

>> No.6710562


Hey anon, which math have you taken up to this point?

You really sound like you know what you are talking about.

>> No.6710573

>double integrals
OP here, back from taking a piss and walking to grab a hot dog from 7-11. Ok WHAT are double integrals???

>> No.6710579


fundamental theorem of algebra:

all odd-powered polynomials have a least 1 real root.

all even funcitons may not have any real roots, but if it has one real root, then it is either repeated or a second will be found.

this is shown by the fact that odd funcitons have the opposite ends' behavior (going +/-) and even functions have same end behavior (going +/-)

if that isn't a proof that algebra is about funcitons then i don't know what is.

>> No.6710585

First integral: find the area under the cross section

Second integral: find the volume under the surface

Third Integral: find the Hyperspace under the volume

it goes on like that in this pattern

Integral n:
find the n+1 Dimensional space under the n Dimensional space

>> No.6710595

yeah, the fundamental theorem of algebra is not a theorem in algebra. its called so for historic reasons.

>> No.6710605

I definitely learned that theorem in my Aglebra two class years ago.

What was it then?

>> No.6710606

>the cross section
What cross section?

>find the volume under the surface
Why under and not over or around?


>> No.6710607


>> No.6710613


Given a set G and a function f such that
f:GxG -> G

Then (G, f) is a group if the following hold for all g in G:

f(g1,g2) is in G
f(f(g1,g2),g3) = f(g1,f(g2,g3)
f(e,g1) = f(g1,e) = g1
f(g1,g-1) = e

Or if you don't want a facetious answer, you study particular functions in group theory, ones that take one group into another such that it preserves group structure.

>> No.6710619

ok so what you're saying is that I learned the theorem and what it says many years before i could read the proof for it?

i find that pretty plausible and realistic. regardless, i refuse to accept that algebra is not about functions when so much of what you do in that class is literally functions and identifying their characteristics.

read a textbook before posting seriously

>> No.6710620

integrals go from lower dimension to higher dimensions, and what he wrote is both the intuition behind the first integrals and the visualization usually used to introduce them. when you integrate a one-dimensional real function, you get the size of the area between the line described by the function and the coordinate line. when you integrate over both dimensions of a two-dimensional real function (i mean a function that takes two inputs), you get the space between the area over which you integrated and the coordinate plane. when you integrate over all dimensions of a three-dimensional real function, you get the hyperspace (meaning 4-dimensional space) enclosed by the space over which you integrated and the coordinate space. and so on for higher dimensions.

>Or if you don't want a facetious answer
i already mentioned the operators, so thats obvious. also, everyone know that homomorphisms are important in group theory. but you dont study the functions, you study the groups via the functions. in analysis, you use sequences and series to figure out functions.

>> No.6710621

please draw this for us in MS paint. Can't really visualize this

>> No.6710624

>i already mentioned the operators

You expected me to read your post?

>> No.6710626
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By cross section, he mines the line from a to b. An integral is the area bounded by the function, the x-axis, and the lines x=a and x=b.

Double, triple, quadruple, etc. integrals generalize this to higher dimensions.

>> No.6710627

what text book? Why can't you explain? The way you explained it makes it sound like someone worked on the cross section of a banana and then for it the dentist the shit is bananas.

>> No.6710628

considering its 16 words, seemed like the reasonable thing to expect.

>regardless, i refuse to accept that algebra is not about functions when so much of what you do in that class is literally functions and identifying their characteristics
what class is that? high school sophomore year?

>> No.6710630

>what class is that? high school sophomore year?

In defense of this dude, he posted a link to the Elementary Algebra, which is high school algebra

>> No.6710633


Woulda never understood this if that prior poster was the teacher.

>> No.6710636
File: 7 KB, 275x326, image002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a double integral picture for comparison. You'll have to use your imagination for anything beyond that.

Just as the single integral represents a two dimensional area, the double integral represents a three dimensional volume.

>> No.6710637

yes. that was the year i took algebra 2. that is what we did. we also went over imaginary numbers, series, matricies, and discontinuities. after that i took trig into precalc and then calc.

headed into calc 2 because i good ap scores. i thought we were talking about the high school class. if we were talking about the college class algebra 2, which is something else entirely, then i admit i havent come that far yet.

>> No.6710643

seeing how im not american, i really have no idea what algebra 1, 2, calculus 1 2 3 and whatever numbered thing those classes are called in the US cover. but the field algebra is not about solving equations, if thats what you mean. it enables you to, but thats not what its about.

>> No.6710644

Are you some sort of retard? Domain and range are calc 1 day 1. You're not OP right?

>> No.6710647

>Remember, simplicity is one of the three virtues of math.
what are the other two, abstraction and brevity?

>> No.6710649

yes, I was wondering same. Please tell

>> No.6710650

oh ok. yeah my calc teacher last year was russian, he always talked about the way we number our math classes being weird. cool teacher, he always taught through generalized proofs.

he said that he would have taught all the classes in a different order and would have added/taken out parts of each curriculum.

i think it was earlier than that...

>> No.6710655

Clarity and generality

>> No.6710657

Avoid terms like "fucking easy" and "hardcore" when trying to learn something in order to avoid looking like a fool.

>> No.6710658

werent those popularized as virtues of programming? obviously they apply to math as well.

>> No.6710662

OP here. But I am a fool when it comes to math. However, getting laid I got a PHD in that. Come over to my dimension and see how you do.

>> No.6710671

I may or may not be able to go into you dimension depending on the function between us. But I get the feeling it's something like the identity matrix.

>> No.6710673

>posting on a math/science forum
>to brag about getting laid
>thinking that impresses anyone
>believing scientists don't get laid

you're a hot streat buddy, I gotta say.

>> No.6710677


sick burn bro
(i got it and actually laughed)

>> No.6710681

no idea what that was supposed to mean. "go into your dimension"?

>> No.6710688
File: 1.74 MB, 480x640, opsdimension.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP's dimension.

>> No.6710691

Think vector space.

>> No.6710694

...no, really? hes talking about matrices and im supposed to think of a vector space? still dont get it.

>> No.6710698

>alternate mathematical description where its easy to get laid frequently

sounds pretty theoretical

>> No.6710707

I am that guy. Here's some hints:
>vector spaces have dimensions
>linear functions have matrix representations
>functions can take in single values, vectors and, like your mother, a large sum of dicks

>> No.6710709

Yep, confirmed neckbeard.

>> No.6710713

You'll take that class your first year at uni, kid.

>> No.6710716

I retract all my prior negative statements. Much respect to those who are comprehending these complex math concepts.

>> No.6710724 [DELETED] 
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, poppycock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but a joke isnt just throwing semi-relevant words together, they gotta make sense as well.

>> No.6710729
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, poppycock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but a joke isnt just throwing semi-relevant words together, they gotta make sense as well

>> No.6710753

But it does make sense. I'll explain it to you.

First of all, the intent of the joke was to be related to what he just said, as well as the purpose of the thread, while simultaneously establishing myself as one who is well-versed in the language of snu-snu. Moving on.

His dimension is one where he gets a lot of poontang. In linear algebra, a dimension is related to vector spaces. Depending on the function/matrix transforming vectors from one vector space to another, we can input a 10-dimensional vector and output a 5-dimensional vector. The first statement I make in the >>6710671 post was a play on words, namely "dimension", and it is from there that the humor arises.

By saying that it was "something like the identity" between us, I implied that I am already in his dimension, but perhaps a different location. The words in my post are not "semi-relevant"; they form a coherent joke that I expected to elicit at least a chuckle from someone (which it did). If you mean that my post and his are "semi-relevant", well, that is the nature of the joke.

>> No.6710774

yeah thats entirely unfunny.

>> No.6710778

Well I certainly hope you didn't find a long-winded explanation for a joke you didn't get "funny".

>> No.6710791

>what is a functor???
>what is a linear map between operator algebras???
>what is a differential operator

>> No.6710794

Algebra is all about morphisms. Specifically, group theory is the study of group homomorphisms.

>> No.6710796

Matrices are nothing but linear operators on finite-dimensional vector spaces.

>> No.6710800

in my experience, all you do is assume you have a morphism and then study what you can tell about the groups. the functions are of very limited interest and are only a means to an end, as opposed to analysis where you study the functions themselves.

my post was a rather long "duh".

>> No.6710812
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post my legitimate freshman algebra question on /sci/

>thread deleted

Raving mensa madman posts high school math question on /sci/

>endless answers and people helping him

where did ii go wrong? is it his enthusiasm?

>> No.6710813

>in my experience, all you do is assume you have a morphism and then study what you can tell about the groups
>in my experience
Your experience is very limited then. After babby's first college abstract algebra class, algebra becomes very heavily categorical. Normally I'd give a few examples but you really should try to expand your view of algebra on your own.

>> No.6710814

I'm sorry man. Post it here, and we'll see if we can help you. If it means anything, I've been mocking the OP this whole time.

>> No.6710819

Input. Output. Transition is called a function. Close thread.

>> No.6710822

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << "Input. Output.Transition is called a function.";
return 0;

How's it feel to be a simple program?

>> No.6710824

Feels better than writing a simple program.

>> No.6710984

Except you can use double integrals for finding areas of 2D regions and triple integrals for finding volumes of 3D shapes.

>> No.6711048

over nonconstant functions?

>> No.6711061


>> No.6711080

got a link or something? have not come across something like that yet

>> No.6711089

Let <span class="math">C: x^2 + y^2 \leq r^2[/spoiler] be a circle.
Say you want the area of this circle, solving the equation for y yields: <span class="math"> y = \pm \sqrt{r^2 - x^2}[/spoiler]
Then you end up with the region: <span class="math">R = \{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 : -r \leq x \leq r,\; -\sqrt{r^2 - x^2} \leq y \leq \sqrt{r^2 - x^2}\}[/spoiler]
Which simply means your radius varies form -r to r, and y varies between those functions.
<span class="math">A = \int\int_R dydx = \pi r^2[/spoiler]

or in polar coordinates:
<span class="math">R = \{ 0 \leq R \leq r, 0 \leq \theta \leq 2 \pi\} \rightarrow A = \int_0^{2\pi}\int_{0}^{r} rdrd\theta = \pi r^2[/spoiler]

>> No.6711110

Do you not remember in Calc 1 (possibly 2, I took them at my highschool and it was never distinguished when we transitioned) when you found the arc length of curves with a single integral?

<div class="math">
A = \int^a_b\! \sqrt{1 + \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x}\,\mathrm{d}x
I believe was the Arclength formula.

>> No.6711112 [DELETED] 

<div class="math">
\displaystyle A = \int^a_b\! \sqrt{1 + \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x}\,\mathrm{d}x

>> No.6711116

<div class="math">
\displaystyle A = \int^a_b\! \sqrt{1 + \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x}}\,\mathrm{d}x

>> No.6711180

Or for a sphere:
<span class="math">S: x^2 + y^2 + z^2 \leq r^2[/spoiler]
Variation on z: <span class="math">\{z \in \mathbb{R}: -\sqrt{r^2 - y^2 - x^2} \leq z \leq \sqrt{r^2 - y^2 - x^2} \}[/spoiler]
on y: <span class="math">\{y \in \mathbb{R}: -\sqrt{r^2 - x^2} \leq y \leq \sqrt{r^2 - x^2}\}[/spoiler]
and on x: <span class="math">\{x \in \mathbb{R}: -r \leq x \leq r\}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">V = \int\int\int_R dzdydx = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/spoiler]

And on spherical coordinates:
<span class="math">R = \{0 \leq \rho \leq r,\; 0 \leq \phi \leq \pi,\; 0 \leq \theta \leq 2 \pi\},\; |\,J| = \rho^2 \sin(\phi) \rightarrow V = \int\int\int_R \rho^2 \sin(\phi) dr d\phi d\theta = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/spoiler]

Or for a 4D sphere:
<span class="math">S: x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + t^2 \leq r^2[/spoiler] with <span class="math">(x,y,z,t) \in \mathbb{R}^4[/spoiler]
It's the same thing as for the sphere above, except you add the variation for t:
<span class="math">-\sqrt{r^2 - z^2 - y^2 - x^2} \leq t \leq \sqrt{r^2 - z^2 - y^2 - x^2}[/spoiler]

And <span class="math">V = \int\int\int\int_R dtdzdydx = \frac{\pi^2 r^4}{2} [/spoiler]

Or in spherical coordinates:
<span class="math">R = \left\{0 \leq \rho \leq r,\; 0 \leq \phi \leq \pi,\; 0 \leq \varphi \leq \pi,\; 0 \leq \theta \leq 2 \pi \right\},\; |\,J| = \rho^3 \sin^2(\varphi) \sin(\phi) \rightarrow V = \int\int\int\int_R \rho^3 \sin^2(\varphi) \sin(\phi) dr d\varphi d\phi d\theta = \frac{\pi^2 r^4}{2}[/spoiler]

>> No.6711186

how do i latex here, lemme try $f(x) > 0 \rightarrow \varphi \circ \theta$

>> No.6711188

Have you read your SICP today?




>> No.6711192
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>> No.6711200


Only with one stipulation:

Given a relation f, f can be a function if and only if for all x over which f is defined, if f(x)=a and f(x)=b then a=b.

Essentially, each input leads to exactly one output.

>> No.6711202


>> No.6711205

personally, i dont like the understanding that functions "process" something. that suggests that something happens, some sort of computation, but thats not what functions do. they actually dont do anything, theyre just there, static and unmoving

>> No.6711217

I'd recommend grabbing one of the latex preview scripts for /sci/ on userscripts.org.

It's priceless to make sure you're not fucking up.

>> No.6711223

>I'm talking to my friend about hardcore math
>Then I realized, shit, I don't even know what "function" means in math

And this is why CS majors DO NOT BELONG HERE

>so we just need confirmation of this. From /sci/

No, a function is a collection of (input, output) with the understanding that each input only appears once.

>> No.6711228

shut the fuck up already

>> No.6711239


Speak for yourself. I'm math and CS double major, fuck off

>> No.6711253

Given two sets X and Y, the Cartesian product <span class="math">X \times Y[/spoiler] is the set of all ordered pairs (x, y) with <span class="math">x \in X[/spoiler] (i.e., x is an element of X) and <span class="math">y \in Y[/spoiler].

A function f from X to Y, denoted <span class="math">f: X \to Y[/spoiler], is a subset <span class="math">f \subseteq X \times Y[/spoiler] such that, for each <span class="math">x \in X[/spoiler], there is exactly one <span class="math">y \in Y[/spoiler] such that <span class="math">(x, y) \in f[/spoiler]. We write <span class="math">f(x)[/spoiler] for the unique element of Y such that <span class="math">(x, y) \in f[/spoiler]. The set X is called the "domain", and Y is called the "codomain".

That's what a function is. You can think of it as being like a "process" if you want, but that's just intuition; formally, it's just a set of ordered pairs with the above property. A function doesn't have to be defined by an equation or an algorithm; in fact, some functions (such as "busy beaver" functions, which arise in computer science) *cannot* be computed by any algorithm.

Given a function <span class="math">f: X \to X[/spoiler] whose domain and codomain are the same, we can "iterate" f by applying it repeatedly: for example, <span class="math">f^2: X \to X[/spoiler] is the function defined by <span class="math">f^2(x) = f(f(x))[/spoiler] for all <span class="math">x \in X[/spoiler]. Likewise, for any positive integer n, <span class="math">f^{n+1}: X \to X[/spoiler] is defined by <span class="math">f^{n+1}(x) = f^n(f(x))[/spoiler] for all <span class="math">x \in X[/spoiler]. Repeatedly applying a function to an element <span class="math">x \in X[/spoiler] gives a sequence of points <span class="math">x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), ...[/spoiler], called the "orbit" of x.

For example, let <span class="math">\mathbf{C}[/spoiler] be the set of complex numbers, and for <span class="math">c \in \mathbf{C}[/spoiler], let <span class="math">f_c: \mathbf{C} \to \mathbf{C}[/spoiler] be given by <span class="math">f_c(z) = z^2 + c[/spoiler] for all z. We can look at the orbit of 0, which is the sequence <span class="math">0, f_c(0) = c, f_c(c) = c^2 + c, f_c(f_c(c)), ...[/spoiler]. The Mandelbrot set is the set of all <span class="math">c \in \mathbf{C}[/spoiler] for which this orbit is bounded in the complex plane.

>> No.6711258
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>hardcore math (Fibonacci sequence, Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, etc
please fucking go.

>> No.6711290

Historically, group theory came about from studying permutation groups and they obviously play a huge role in anything group theoretic that you happen to do.

>> No.6711293

> Haskell Curry

>> No.6711415

I feel like a bunch of definitions would really be cleared up if we started with maps first and then total functions as a special case. Same types of diagrams and everything.

I mean look at how many people don't know the difference between the range/image and the co-domain. Worse the number of people who don't know the difference between the pre-image and the domain.

>> No.6711425

Actually, your definition is for a total function. There are two types of functions, total and partial. A total function is defined for every element in the Domain, a partial function is not (the pre-image is a proper subset of the domain). Both are functions.

A map, <span class="math">M[/spoiler], from <span class="math">X[/spoiler] to <span class="math">Y[/spoiler] is just a set <span class="math">M[/spoiler] such that M is a subset of <span class="math">X \times Y[/spoiler]. Then a function F is a special type of map with the added requirement that if <span class="math">(x_1, y) \in F[/spoiler] and <span class="math">(x_2, y) \in F[/spoiler] then <span class="math">x_1 = x_2[/spoiler].

The definition of injective is analogous to the definition of function
and the definition of surjective is analogous to the definition of total map.
Similarly total function is analogous to bijective.

I'm really phoning in this explanation but I hope it's understandable.

>> No.6711426

If you're still there and interested, I might do it in the break. Just because I was surprised how it works out the first time I learned it.
If you don't know other functor categories, then it will not be so interesting and I'd rather spare my time.


PS: I knew this thread was gonna be full of "a function is just a prescription from input to output", and my intuitive response was to talk about intentionally different functions. The "pairs of data" definition of a function isn't even so old.


>> No.6711433

Except none of that is part of standard definitions. A map is generally a function or morphism, depending on context. Partial functions aren't functions and something is a total function iff it is a function.

>> No.6711440

It's standard at least at my university. One just notes that some authors use the convention that everything is a total function because that's the only type of structure they actually deal with.

>> No.6711448

>It's standard at least at my university
Except that in no way implies that it's standard.

>> No.6711451

No, but what is your justification for a standard?

>> No.6711458 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6711459

>"hardcore math"
do you even category theory?
functions that accept functions with only one argument (i.e. curried) are way more interesting than single parameter functions.

>> No.6711460
File: 254 KB, 700x700, topoiiiix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mapping from the bottom to the middle picture specifies a graph.
(I've used a set with numbers, but the sets are just names of the vertices or edges, they don't matter - only the sizes of the sets counts.)

>> No.6711479


This is basically one of the formal definitions of a directed graph (there are some other equivalent definitions as well as some not equivalent ones for dealing with special cases), it just took me a while to understand what you were saying since it's so very strange.

A graph G can be defined as a 4-tuple
G=(V, E, o, t)
V is a set of vertices
E is a set of edges
o is a function o:E-->V that maps each edge to it's "origin" vertex
t is a function t:E--V that maps each edge to it's "target" vertex

This is equivalent to the more common definition
G=(V, E, p)
where p:E-->VxV

It is also common for others to include two extra sets and functions for the edge and vertex labels. Both definitions above are suitable for multigraphs, loops, and digraphs. Unfortunately I don't think it's actually suitable for undirected graphs.

>> No.6711496

>using namespace std;
like a god damn pleb

>> No.6711504

Not newlining before the initial curly brace.
Is this how shitty STEM has become?

>> No.6711541

god you're awful.

I don't like the understanding of "companies" as "process" something.
That suggests that something happens, some sort of work, but that's not what companies do. They actually don't do anything, they're just there, static and unmoving.

See how ridiculous you sound ? Yes functions are abstract, but some of them can be seen as processes.

>> No.6711624

>See how ridiculous you sound ?
uh, no. your rephrasing doesnt compare to what i said in any way because in companies, stuff happens over time. in functions, it doesnt.

>> No.6711628

oh yeah ? how about a function that depends on a parameter.

>> No.6711631

thats just a function with two inputs

>> No.6711636

Why would you do that?

>> No.6711640

i like your enthusiasm op.
I think you're confusing a function with the algorithm to compute it. Of course in order to "know" the value of a function for a particular input object you need to carry out the algorithm for computing it. which is, a step by step thing...

(church turing thesis)

>> No.6711645

>This is equivalent to the more common definition
I think a much more common definition is G=(V,E) where E contains two element subsets or ordered pairs, for undirected and directed graphs respectively, of V.

>> No.6711662

Where you writing this explanatory text back to me?

The definition is strange because it provides more data that the direct definition. For one, there will be arrows connecting the graphs (natural transformations). And the fact that we know its a topos implies lots of things: E.g. we know a priori that there is a notion of product of graphs. (In fact, all limits taken over finite index categories exist.)

In the end, it's a matter of applications, but this defintion is "the bad one", I'd say. It might not matter sometimes that your edges don't have names, but (I think it was pointed out) this definition also doesn't generalize to graphs with several edges connecting the vertices.

>> No.6711665

>this definition also doesn't generalize to graphs with several edges connecting the vertices.
if you replace E by a multiset it does

>> No.6711667

You're right in that this is a common definition but it is only sufficient for defining simple graphs (not multigraphs). It's actually a special case of the above definition, here the edge set is given implicitly.

Consider this example:
You have two vertices, <span class="math">v_1[/spoiler] and <span class="math">v_2[/spoiler].
You have a directed edge <span class="math">e_1[/spoiler] connecting <span class="math">v_1[/spoiler] to <span class="math">v_2[/spoiler].
You have another directed edge <span class="math">e_2[/spoiler] connecting <span class="math">v_1[/spoiler] to <span class="math">v_2[/spoiler].

Using your definition <span class="math">G=(V,E)[/spoiler] this would be:
<span class="math">G={{v_1, v_2}, {(v_1, v_2)}[/spoiler]
Note that your edge set <span class="math">E[/spoiler] can only contain a single instance of the edge <span class="math">(v_1, v_2)[/spoiler] because it is a <span class="math">set[/spoiler]. Some intro courses and text books will at times instead rely on the notion of a <span class="math">multiset[/spoiler] and say that the edge set <span class="math">E[/spoiler] is a <span class="math">multiset[/spoiler], but it's not the best solution in my opinion.

Using the above definition <span class="math">G={V,E,p}[/spoiler] it would be:
<span class="math">G={{v_1, v_2}, {e_1, e_2}, {(e_1, (v_1, v_2)), (e_2, (v_1, v_2))}}[/spoiler]

No, I was explaining that the way you did it is identical to the definition I provided. However, it is not sufficient for dealing with undirected graphs.

>> No.6711670

Crap, I forgot my backslashes.

<span class="math">G = \{\{v_1, v_2\}, \{(v_1, v_2)\}\}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">G = \{\{v_1, v_2\}, \{e_1, e_2\}, \{(e_1, (v_1, v_2)), (e_2, (v_1, v_2))\}\}[/spoiler]

>> No.6711711

Yes, I lately realized what simplicity means. This guy for example does really good in explaining some math concept. When you can relate abstract things to real world it is a lot more fun and interesting. Just spiting out some abstract forms without knowing what does it mean I start to feel like damn autist.


>> No.6711824

that thing about e is pretty interesting to read. its not anything new if you already understand it, but it gives pretty good intuition of what its about, at least for real numbers

>> No.6711838

his stuff on infinity on his old princeton website is a bit bad though. talking about infinity in finite terms only doesnt seem right to me

>> No.6713036

Nigga (it seems to me that) you have this shit all sideways.

Are you translating from a different language? Because (in my limited experience) it is highly nonstandard to use 'map' for (what I have seen to be called) 'relation', 'function' for 'injective _', and 'total _' for 'surjective _'.

Seriously, it's wigging me out.

>> No.6713047

It's a subtle difference but the definition for a map is different from that of a relation. A map can be from any set to any set, but a relation is a map from a set to itself.
M:A-->B is a map
M:A-->A is a map and a relation
Every relation is a map, just as every function is a map. Also, total isn't the same as surjective, we're talking about the domain and the pre-image whereas surjective talks about the codomain and the image. I'm really surprised more people aren't familiar with this, the textbooks we use at my university and all the professors seem to be onboard.

>> No.6713068

Oh, right, my mistake. I feel a little silly.

I understand your analogies now.

I recognize your usage of 'total', but the rest is a bit weird to me.

In case it's relevant, I'm a grad student of mathematics in North America, and I've only ever studied in Canada and Washington.

>> No.6713521 [DELETED] 

>It's a subtle difference but the definition for a map is different from that of a relation. A map can be from any set to any set, but a relation is a map from a set to itself.
anywhere i look i see relations defined as subsets of cartesian products of arbitrary sets. this is the first time ive ever seen someone define a relation as a subsets of $A^2$ for some $A$. also, its the first time if seen someone define a relation as a function, since $A \rightarrow A$ suggests that the thing is tubular, i.e. for every x in A, there is at most one y in A such that (x,y) is in the thing.

>> No.6713522

>It's a subtle difference but the definition for a map is different from that of a relation. A map can be from any set to any set, but a relation is a map from a set to itself.
anywhere i look i see relations defined as subsets of cartesian products of arbitrary sets. this is the first time ive ever seen someone define a relation as a subsets of <span class="math">A^2[/spoiler] for some <span class="math">A[/spoiler]. also, its the first time if seen someone define a relation as a function, since <span class="math">A \rightarrow A[/spoiler] suggests that the thing is tubular, i.e. for every x in A, there is at most one y in A such that (x,y) is in the thing.

>> No.6713538

I've been doing some digging around. I'd never run into the notion of a relation between distinct sets (we always just say function or map). It seems like the definition we use for map is identical to the definition of a binary relation on the wiki page. We use all of the other definitions defined under "special types of binary relations" as well.


The notion that a relation must be between the same set was something we learned in one of our intro courses early on, so it's possible that it could've just been a convention we used then. In the past I had found our definitions on a wiki page, I think under "map" or something, but I can't find them anymore. In fact everywhere I look seems to have a map defined as a synonym for function.

At any rate, I'm satisfied with replacing my definition of a map with the more standard definition of a binary function (between distinct sets).

>> No.6713555

The following is standard in set theory and most of mathematics:
'map' and 'function' are synonyms
a binary relation <span class="math"> R [/spoiler] is a subset <span class="math"> R \subset A \times B [/spoiler] for some sets <span class="math"> A,B [/spoiler], i.e. it is a set of pairs of elements
a function is a binary relation <span class="math"> f \subset A \times B [/spoiler] such that for each <span class="math"> x \in A [/spoiler] such that there is some <span class="math"> y \in B [/spoiler] with <span class="math"> (x,y) \in f [/spoiler], this <span class="math"> y [/spoiler] is unique.
Notice that usually we demand that <span class="math"> A [/spoiler] is the domain of <span class="math"> f [/spoiler]

>> No.6713556

where do you study? ive never come across those terms as being defined the way youre used to. this >>6713555 is what everyone i know of uses

>> No.6713571

h(f, g) = f . g

>> No.6713575

>stack overflow
>never returns

>> No.6713600
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>Fibonacci sequence
>Mandelbrot set
>Julia sets
>iterated functions
>...hardcore math

>> No.6713602

I don't want to spread a bad perception of my university so I'll just say it's a university in Canada.

The only big difference between our "map" definition and the binary relation definition is that in the context of maps we also talk about the domain, co-domain, pre-image, and image.

>> No.6713606

thats not a difference, those terms apply to relations.

>> No.6713626

Oh, good then. The wiki article hadn't mentioned them and it was making me think otherwise.

>> No.6713629

Differentiation is the most familiar example; it's a function from the set of differentiable functions <span class="math">\mathbf{R} \to \mathbf{R}[/spoiler] to the set of all functions <span class="math">\mathbf{R} \to \mathbf{R}[/spoiler], defined by sending each differentiable function to its derivative.

Another example: given sets X, Y, and Z, function composition is a function that takes two functions <span class="math">f: X \to Y[/spoiler] and <span class="math">g: Y \to Z[/spoiler] as input, and outputs their composition <span class="math">g \circ f: X \to Z[/spoiler].

>> No.6713630

wut? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_%28mathematics%29 explicitly says "Image and inverse image may also be defined for general binary relations, not just functions."

>> No.6713632

Mensa is but a glorified circle jerk.

>> No.6713638

Thanks, I was just looking at the binary relation page.

>> No.6713647
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Functions are most certainly babby tier mathematics, I don't know where this "hardcore" impression comes from.

>> No.6713656

>Stroke's Theorem

>> No.6713667

>triple integrals not at the very bottom

>> No.6714086

that picture is all messed up. how do you do arbitrary powers without logarithms, how do you do logarithms without limits, how do you do limits without convergence? half that thing is upside down

>> No.6715853
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>one-time pad decryption

>> No.6715874
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>one time pad
>can be broken
bunch of morons made that pic

>> No.6717433
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>is it his enthusiasm?
omfg I can't stop laughing. Just go to yahoo answers. That's where I go for help.

>> No.6718834

>how do you do logarithms without limits

Introduce them as the opposite of e^x, which can be vaguely understood as an abstraction of multiplication. You're looking at the concepts too formally, the chart is about where they're introduced.

>> No.6718966
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>too formally
pic related.

>> No.6718976

I picked up a book on the universal mandelbrot set about 2/3 the way through my semester and nearly went insane. I didn't get enough sleep to wrap my head around it.