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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6703046 No.6703046 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite unsolved scientific mystery?

>> No.6703049


>> No.6703054


>> No.6703056

what happens when a sun made of ice collides with a sun made of lava

>> No.6703080

How can we unify Gravity with Quantum Mechanics?

>> No.6703095

Origin of dubs

>> No.6703103

0.999... = 1?
We may never know.

>> No.6703104


>> No.6703105

existence of structure

>> No.6703106

why water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit but only at 100 Celsius

>> No.6703107

what is the sum of all positive integers

>> No.6703108

Why we only use 7% of our brain.

>> No.6703110

Is math created or discovered?

>> No.6703121

math is learned.

>> No.6703122

How do planes fly?

>> No.6703124

Ambulance with a turbo engine

>> No.6703125

How math is learned

>> No.6703126

When you discover math, you are discovering the thing in itself.

>> No.6703128

It's starting to look like entanglement is in the center of that step.

>> No.6703129
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as far as Im concerned, math is created and learned, to see the patterns and truths of the universe.

>> No.6703131

Why no girl wants me

>> No.6703144

Is Schrodinger's cat alive or dead?

>> No.6703148

That's cuz entanglement has to do with the origin of time. I still think Barbour has the best bet: remove time from the equations, and you're halfway there.

Only right answer

>> No.6703237
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The password for my long lost hotmail account.

>> No.6703262

If only <=5% of the population is homosexual, why is OP always a faggot?

>> No.6703264

Correlation but not causation

>> No.6703269
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What happens if I grow a human brain in a test tube, but I genetically engineer it so that it grows to the size of, say, a blue whale or a small building, and then I hook it up to some sensors that can communicate with a humanoid robot so that it can 'move' around in the real world and interact with other human beings?

pic probably unrelated

>> No.6703271

What is time.

Hope I'll truly understand it one day. What the fucking fuck is time.

>> No.6703277
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Female thought-patterns.

>> No.6703286

Galois Theory.

>> No.6703303

How can we lose our virginities /sci/?
How do we make /b/ less shitty?

>> No.6703308
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Quantum entanglement. Literally no one has any fucking idea how it works.

>> No.6703316


>> No.6703324

I know.

But i wont tell :^}

>> No.6703332


You're just picking one particular identity of the Universe/reality that is merely a byproduct and not the big picture itself.

>> No.6703334


I chortled like a lil fuckin' faggot.

>> No.6703336

>Only 7%
>Specifically 7%

U tickle me m8

>> No.6703337

>come up with crazy theory
>no explanation as to how it works
gee I wonder why

>> No.6703340


Would probably be an emotional psychotic mess before you could see any constructive yields of all that raw processing power.

>> No.6703344 [DELETED] 

2 bad u will nvr n0

>> No.6703354


Except is was experimentally proven to be true by John Bell. Look it up faggot.

>> No.6703356 [DELETED] 



>> No.6703360 [DELETED] 


*fips tedora*

>> No.6703361


>unsolved mystery

u wot

>> No.6703384

Is mathematics describing some fundamental underlying system or is it a very useful system that we invented?

And if it is a fundamental undelying system, why is that the case?

For me, those are the most important questions in existence, much more than "Is there a God" or "Is there any meaning to life".

>> No.6703413

How do magnets work? You can't answer that OP, and you know it.

Needs more FAQ.


>> No.6703415

Is there any empirical way to tell the difference between an idiot and a troll?

>> No.6703417

how do they work? we do sort of know this

what makes them work? well, um...

>> No.6703418

Why do kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

>> No.6703442
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>considering god

>> No.6703468

It's a miracle!

>> No.6703501
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>> No.6703542

>a sun made of ice
every time

>> No.6703546

the rest is storage?

>> No.6703550

time travel

>> No.6703632

Holy shit did you ever see the thread about the Sun not actually being hot and is actually super cold?

I wish I saved that that shit it was quite an interesting thesis.

>> No.6703650

Fucking photons, how do they work.

>> No.6703660

Will they ever discover how gravity works within our lifetime?

>> No.6703696

why does everyone think science answers "why"-questions when it is only about "how"?