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6697686 No.6697686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Medicine is part of science.

Mine is Fatal Familial Insomnia. My experience with amphetamine abuse has shown me how bad it can be to experience psychosis brought on by stimulants and insomnia. I cannot imagine a year of that.


>> No.6697692

The first thing that popped into my head was FFI, I'm an insomniac and it's hell I would sooner step in front of a bus than suffer through that.

>> No.6697759

Prion induced disease, rabies, N. fowleri brain amoeba, anything where there is no hope and zero of living.

>> No.6698549

Kidney stones and cluster headaches are both supposed to be extremely painful. I hope I never have either of them.

>> No.6698712

Incurable, degenerative diseases, obviously. Either of the mind or of the body - witnessing yourself waste away or lose your very identity with no hope of changing the outcome is the worst.

>> No.6699356
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>> No.6699364

The first cluster headache I got they gave me vicodin to help control the pain. Dried me the fuck up and I ended up with a kidney stone. Fucking awful.

>> No.6699372

> insomnia
Fucking Ebola rots you from the inside out and you're worried about insomnia?

Seriously, I can't imagine a worse death than rotting alive until I'm a decayed corpse.

>> No.6699377

It doesn't rot you inside out, it's just organ failure due to hypovolemic shock. Untreated Ebola can have up to a 90% mortality rate, but even with the shoddy treatment in Guinea and Liberia it's averaging down around 60%. With modern treatment in equipped hospitals it's likely to be less. It'll suck, but it'll be over in weeks. Compared to a 6-12mo death sentence falling into utter madness that is FFI

>> No.6699390


Go on a 4-day meth binge with no sleep at all, then try to interact with people.

Imagine that dragging out for a year.

>> No.6699412

Rabies. Though it's treatable now with a vaccine there's a short treatment window of about 10 days or less. If it's not treated within the first week the fatality rate is 100% and you turn into a 28 Days Later zombie.

>> No.6699430 [DELETED] 
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>Medicine is part of science.


>> No.6699446

Trigeminal neuralgia. When it has a nickname like "suicide disease", it's got to be painful.

>> No.6699452

I don't understand how people could go months without sleeping. The longest I've not slept is something like 48 hours, and I was utterly unfunctional at the end of it, couldn't do anything but grunt and stare. I feel like even a few more days of that would just kill me.

>> No.6699459


Patients with FFI do 'sleep', however they can only enter light sleep (non-REM), meaning their bodies do not start to repair themselves and also means that the patients do not dream in their 'sleep'.

Having FFI is like having someone wake you up 5-10 minutes as soon as you start sleeping, for the rest of your life.

>> No.6699474

im sure ebola sucks but it's basically like dying from a really bad flu as far as sensations go.

>> No.6699476

NDT loving fedora-physicist detected

>> No.6699672

Hows premed treating ya?
If you work really hard you might even make it to second year

>> No.6699682

N. Fowleri isn't 100% fatal. There's a few rare cases of people who have survived it.

Rabies too, there's a weird experimental anti-viral treatment they do in a medically-induced coma when people reach the terminal stage of the illness. So that's not 100% fatal either.

Prion diseases are a different story though. Just be glad you eat meats that are inspected...

>> No.6699855

>rest of your life
Not like there's much life left when you get FFI. I don't understand how it works though.

It's supposedly an infection ( or so I guessed prion disease are ) ? Why does it show up after thirty years when your kids can get it ? Also how does it transfer to kids / mutate your DNA without any nucleic acid ?

>> No.6699882

Okay, so, proteins are HUGE chemical chains. Proteins are both literally and metaphorically folded to certain shapes. Normally, cells have failsafes if a protein is not folded correctly. It's either unfolded then refolded, or just scrapped altogether.

A prion is a misfolded protein that bumps into another protein, and causes it to unfold or get twisted up. When a protein isn't folded correctly, it doesn't produce the same chemical results. This can be mild, and the protein just does nothing, or very bad, and the protein produces something it should not (IE, makes hydrogen cyanide or whatever).

An analogy for laymen would be to think of a "zombie infestation". Yes, it's lame. Just listen though: Zombie A bites Human B. Zombie A does not reproduce. It merely alters Human B into a form similar to itself, turning Human B into Zombie B.

Protein XYZ gets bumped into by prion XYA. This then alters protein XYZ into a second protein XYA.

They aren't involved with DNA at all. There might be genes that have some relation to them, but your DNA is perfectly fine and dandy.

Prions can be transferred through bodily fluids (Urine, blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluid, etc etc etc), consumption of the body (particularly nervous tissue), and consumption of feces. So, dad has FFI and kisses his daughter on the lips. Daughter gets a protein in her, and she's "infected".

>> No.6699892

I see, thanks. I thought FFI was transferred in a hereditary way, though.

How do prions remain, though ? Do the proteins they damage start to damage other protein, or do they somehow multiply to damage enough ? How would someone get enough prion to be infested through a kiss otherwise.

Listenning to >>6699682 you get prions from bad food, so I guess it's just like poison, and will be mild unless there's enough of it ?

>> No.6699896

You may not take me seriously for saying this but: kidney stones. They say a large enough kidney stone going through your dick is worse then giving birth and one of the worst pains out there.

Now while I was hospitalized I had to wear catheter, its a tube that goes in your dick. And let me just tell you that I experienced some pain before, having a few surgeries and so on but holy fuck this catheter pain was the worst thing on Earth imaginable, after that my life has turned into priority list of things I should do to avoid catheter in the future. Suicide is/was on there.

I had to stay awake for 2 days straight before and not just stay awake but also do some mental work and yeah it was a bother and yeah I couldnt do shit and yeah I was pissed off, tired and spent and in generally unpleasant situation but the dick pain I had was far worse.
Now I know that pain is a personal experience and different for every person but still, if I had to chose I dont know, I would really have to think between dick pain of kidney stones/catheter or the no-sleep thing.

>> No.6699922


>I had to stay awake for 2 days straight before and not just stay awake but also do some mental work

You were getting tested for epilepsy?

>> No.6699931

No, I needed some money and the people I worked with did too. So my eyes were burning, my head hurt, I had this huge need to lay down to bed, I felt aching on half of my body that didnt stop no matter what I did, I felt heavy and it was terrible but it is not as bad way to die as a dick pain, trust me. That shit hurts.

And I think it was 2 days and a half I think of staying awake and finishing up some work but I think that if I had to stay awake for a week just sitting in a comfy chair, fighting the head pain and occasional illusions and panic attacks here and there, yeah I could do that. But after a month or two I would surely off myself before I go full dumb and mute and go to induced coma. So there's that.

If I had a stone traveling and ripping apart my piss pipes the pain would be short but so intense that I would want to off myself right away.

>> No.6699937

>>6697686 (OP) Definitely schizophrenia, going completely mad and seeing crazy shit every day would be awful. What's scary is that I think I might already have it.

>> No.6699939

I dont know, schizo seems like fun to me, like Alice in wonderland. Have you seen auto-portraits of those patients? They all think they look like robots and shit, sounds like fun. And there could also be the odds that it is completely painless. I'd be chasing after chicks all day erryday and have some pleasant experiences while I in reality I might just be sitting in my whack-shack chair.

>> No.6699949


I think schizophrenia's more painful for your family as you might harbour irrational beliefs and paranoia, but you don't even realise it's schizophrenia. You think it's all normal. You'd feel scared from beliefs and voice and have weird feelings. I was reading some youtube comment ages ago about some chick who had it. She was sitting on a chair and her mind made her think a part of the arm rest was apart of her arm so she felt weird and freaked out when she go up and a part of her 'arm' was still attached to the chair

> I'd be chasing after chicks all day erryday while I in reality I might just be sitting in my whack-shack chair

Nope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vvU-Ajwbok

>> No.6699952

Second bit of >>6699949 was meant for >>6699939

>> No.6699958


Probably Quadraplegia or locked in syndrome from a stroke.Watch the Diving Bell and the Butterfly bros. It's a french film about locked in syndrome

>> No.6699971

This thing is soooo like Fight Club 0_o

>> No.6699987

The book is much better.

Especially considering he wrote it.

>> No.6700887

>cluster headaches
After finding out about this disease I spent weeks afraid of getting it, even though I have no symptoms at all (I rarely get any headaches)

Took me some time to realize that most people aren't afraid of it, so I shouldn't either

>> No.6701837


>> No.6701846

Kawasaki disease. I had it.

I had a catheter stuck through my leg at the age of five.

4 Aneurisms,and arthritis on all of my joints.
I feel like I'm on fire when I squat.

No body knows what causes it.

>> No.6701858

Flesh eating bacteria

>> No.6701941

Interesting video. However, it actually had a relaxing effect on me...

>> No.6702096

"It's the worst way I've ever seen anybody go. I've seen young people die of cancer. But this is total body rot. It's merciless."
New York physician about AIDs, 1980s.

>> No.6703930


>> No.6703962


>> No.6704022

>What is sensationalism?

>> No.6705314
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I had my sister try to tell me she suffered from Cluster Headaches when I knew they were just migraines. After I explained to her that it medical doctors who suffered from the condition described it as "the worst pain the human body is capable of feeling" and that people have committed suicide in order to escape the pain while getting one of them, she still insisted that she suffered from them.

Stupid bitch.

>> No.6705613
File: 9 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

It's like an actual black magic curse that makes your flesh get replaced with bone.

>> No.6705785
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That's awful

>> No.6705794
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My friend has some bone disorder and freaked out when she Googled it.
Something like glass bones or something? She's not allowed to be over 100 or 120 lbs, she has an odd gait, and a handicapped parking spot

>> No.6705877
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>glass bones