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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6693797 No.6693797[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Math the most God Tier major? I mean, it's my major. But can't anyone do it?

>> No.6693804

Certainly not. Even many of the ones who pass aren't even that adept and will unfortunately go on to teach our fragile young.

>> No.6693806

Mathematics is god-tier because most of the time you deal with imaginary things and because many people feel better than everybody else because of it, even though no one gives a shit and it is not practical.

>> No.6693823
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> math has no applications
posting b4 the shitstorm

>> No.6693832
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Get a degree? Almost everyone on the right side of the IQ distribution I guess, if they put the right effort.
To excel in maths? I think very few people have the prepared mind for luck, to get greatness.

>> No.6693836

Tell me a practical application of imaginary numbers.

>> No.6693838

clearly you havent studied differential equations

>> No.6693842


Control Theory, Transforms of information signals, electrical impedance. Do you even electrical engineer?

>> No.6693845

No, and I never had to use one, ever.

>> No.6693851

have you had to use electricity? or go over a bridge? or be in a building?

enjoy living in the 1500s if you're not a fan of differential equations

>> No.6693852

Something in my life. WHy do I need to know what topology and differential equations are?

>> No.6693853

Differential equations are super important in almost all fields of engineering and physics.

Topology is more abstract on the other hand but I'm sure there's some physics that use it.

>> No.6693856

you don't.
But I do so that I can make your life more comfortable.

>> No.6693860

lmao you act like you're actively applying your knowledge OP

show me some of YOUR applications to math. What's that? You're a little bitch who thinks he's hot shit because he knows integration by parts? lmao #lmao

>> No.6694163

Very funny.
Now tell me a real application of imaginary numbers.

I can say that debt is a negative number.
I can show rationals by showing ratios.
I can show you irrationals and transcendentals on squares and circles.

What can an imaginary number do that I can't already do with a cartesian plane?

Where are my word problems involving imaginary apples?

>> No.6694169
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because you have 300k starting

>> No.6694197

You're pretty dumb m8... not gonna lie.

>> No.6694198

>no answer
>better call him dumb

>> No.6694202

>4 answers
>none of them got through
Yep, looks pretty dumb to me.

>> No.6694207

>bunch of mathematical wankery
So no real applications huh?

>> No.6694210

It would be easier to ask who doesn't use complex numbers. Since complex numbers are often called "imaginary numbers," they often become suspect, seen as mathematicians' playthings. This is far, far from the truth, although apart from my saying this, it is not easy to prove.

Complex numbers enter into studies of physical phenonomena in ways that most people can't imagine. There is, for example, a differential equation, with coefficients like the a, b, and c in the quadratic formula, that models how electrical circuits or forced spring/damper systems behave. The movement of the shock absorber of a car as it goes over a bump is an example of the latter. The behavior of the differential equations depends upon whether the roots of a certain quadratic are complex or real. If they are complex, then certain behaviors can be expected. These are often just the solutions that one wants.

In modeling the flow of a fluid around various obstacles, like around a pipe, complex analysis is very valuable for transforming the problem into a much simpler problem.

When everything from large structures of riveted beams to economic systems are analyzed for resilience, some very large matrices are used in the modeling. The matrices have what are called eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The character of the eigenvalues, whether real or complex, is important in the analysis of such systems.

In everyday use, industrial and university computers spend some fraction of their time solving polynomial equations. The roots of such equations are of interest, whether they are real or complex.

And complex numbers are useful in studying number theory, which is the study of the positive integers. The techniques in complex analysis are just one more tool that researchers have.

>> No.6694215

YOU don't need to.

This is the problem with math education today - it's sold as something EVERYONE needs, but not everyone needs it. Only a few who want to study science, technology, engineering, and so on really need it. The others don't.

>> No.6694216

>mathematical wankery
You poor soul.

Your entire argument can be reduced to
>I'm a monkey what do I need to know what bananas are made of
>I just eat them
>the only relevant information is how to get banans
This board is not for you monkey, now shoo.

>> No.6694224

>And complex numbers are useful in studying number theory, which is the study of the positive integers
How does that even work?

>> No.6694226


Have you ever played video games?
Have you ever used any simulation programs?
Those all use quaternions.

>> No.6694237

Zeta functions and L-functions.

They're analytic functions (complex part) with connections to the distribution of primes (number theory part).

>> No.6694238

Because complex analysis is extremely useful for the study of real integers. For example, the distribution of primes below a certain size can be derived from the regularization of the Riemann zeta function.

>> No.6694287

>pencil science

Sorry, but chemistry and physics are superior.

>> No.6694963


Most of modern theoretical physics uses topology, along with many applications in information theory and optimization problems.

>> No.6694988


They aren't comparable. It's like trying to take the difference of a real and imaginary number and expecting it to not be complex.

The natural sciences are mostly inductive, with deduction playing a secondary role on the theoretical end of things.

The formal sciences (which mathematics comprises approximately 90% of) are primarily deductive, with induction playing a background role when posing heuristics and such.

They are two sides of the same coin, and you can't really say that one is better than the other. However, there is absolutely no arguing the fact that mathematics has a richer history, wider reach, and broader scope than the sum of the "hard" sciences, because they all rely on mathematics of some kind, and by the converse of the pigeon hole principle there must be more results in mathematics.

>> No.6695225

Many many Diophantine equations are also related to rings sitting in between Q (or Z) and C. The structure of primes in these rings greatly simplifies and makes more explicit where solutions exist or why they don't, by showing what an answer would have to look like if it were to exist.

Also, the textbook example of applications is that these are used in many cryptographic situations like bank transactions.

If you want an example, Fermat's theorem of two squares can be proven using properties of the Gaussian integers, and its relation to equations over this ring and its quotients is fairly straightforwards.

>> No.6695283


Ever played video games?
Ever used simulation programs?
Those use quaternions.
Let's not forget electrical engineering.

>> No.6695286
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Some people already fell for it.

>No one can actually be this bad, right?

>> No.6695295

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.6695342
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>> No.6695850

Unless you've solved an unsolved mathematical problem, or know a field to apply your knowledge to, you're nothing but a living reference.

>> No.6696130
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oh no, he didn't.

>> No.6696158

Yeah op any job you want

>> No.6696391

Certain areas of theoretical physics that I've studied are big on topology, i.e. Causal Dynamical Triangulation, Loop Quantum Gravity, etc.

>> No.6697239

So what if you're not smart enough to solve unsolved problems, what is there for mathematicians?

>> No.6697253


>> No.6697255
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>> No.6697413

Is that some American thing? In Brtifag money that's like 130k, and to my knowledge surgeons don't even make that much, heck even a British Supreme Court Judge would like that wage.

>> No.6697613

lurk moar

>> No.6697618

Physics is GOAT

>> No.6697638

math major here, pretty shitty job prospects and no real applications.

it's pretty fucking easy too. just learn from videos/book.

Berkeley here, btw

>> No.6697680

its a meme, nobody actually makes 300k starting, and its more like 180k. but yes, people in the US make a lot more money, every moderately successful senior engineer, programmer, businessman, scientist, or manager makes at least 100k and plenty of lawyers, doctors, bankers, and managers with experience in technical fields make 300k+, in fact most doctors do.