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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 257x196, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6690251 No.6690251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to microsoft.com
>try to find microsoft visual studio 2010 for C
>only find ones for C++, VB, C#
>what do.

do they not have it anymore for C or can i use microsoft visual C++ Studio express to program in C too?

>> No.6690253


Become enlightened. >>>/g/

>> No.6690262


Why the fuck are you coding in outdated C instead of C++?

>> No.6690268

for edumacational purposes.

>> No.6690270

>Visual studios
>For c not c++
You know you can do c on vs

Also c++ is far superior, stopping being a nostalgic 'muh lower level language' shitter

>> No.6690275

I also know assembly and eventually want to get deeper into it. y so agitated bro?

>> No.6690276


Learn C++11

>> No.6690279

also, I had an interview with LSI for an internship. guess what language they wanted my to be familiar with?

thats right. C.

>> No.6690282

Yes, If you download and install the VS for C++ it can also program in C. You just have to save the file as .c instead of .cpp

>> No.6690284


>> No.6690293
File: 193 KB, 1366x768, unti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6690282 , look the image

>> No.6690301


fucking kill yourself retard

>> No.6690304


>> No.6690321
File: 37 KB, 320x353, CalmDown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, take it easy fella! It's just an old program I took only for example. Also C and C++ isn't like my most important programming languages.

>> No.6690330

needs moar goto

>> No.6690354

so hardcore

>> No.6690367

Are you going to suggest java next?

>> No.6690381
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I write my code in C

>> No.6690385

This isn't science or math.

Fuck off to /g/.

>> No.6690394

>y so agitated bro?
welcome to /sci/

>> No.6690451

Yes, you can write straight C code in a C++ compiler because the '++' extensions are just that: extensions to C, not really an entire programming language in and of itself.

>> No.6690454

What's so bad about straight C?

>> No.6690463

Anything you can do in C++ you can do in standard C.

>> No.6690518

It's outdated


>> No.6690536

So? Anything you can do in C you can do in assembly

>> No.6690558

Anything you can do in any language you can do in brainfuck.

The most straightforward way to do anything useful in C is to write a Lisp compiler in it then write everything else in Lisp.