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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6683743 No.6683743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hope to terraform other planets, to make them 'Earth-like', if we're just destroying Earth?

>> No.6683747

Because if we are destroying earth, we would need another earth like planet to inhabit.

>> No.6683756


So we can survive. Earth won't last forever, and we are still animals. Time to get off this rock.

>> No.6683776

I don't know, it makes no sense. Why not just terraform Earth instead? If people expect to have the capabilities to make non-earth-like planets habitable why not simply restore earth. No need to fly equipment around, no mass-exodus required, and it's already somewhat earth-like even if destroyed.

>> No.6683787

It's seems typical of consumerists' through-away and obsolescence mentality. If it doesn't work, why bother to repair? Just buy a new one. It's shinier anyway. This mind-set seems economically rational and common in our society, and thus people translate this to everything else even it's not feasible in those cases.

>> No.6683814

I know what you mean, it's partially their fault because of their genetically induced temperaments, and some people are generally purposely stupid because of things like back luck, or orders from a higher power. Social conditioning plays a part too, but it's also where a lot of manipulation takes place; people attempt to control the conditioning of others. However, it's not really their fault because of how they were educated. This is just the complexity of nature we live in mixed with an educated mind.

>> No.6683827

I'm having fun now, supporting nature, so no-one can say nature isn't fun. I'm a hero mang.

>> No.6684554

Wouldn't we also survive, and for longer as a species, if we were helpful to the Earth more so than a hindrance?.

>> No.6684591

Terraforming works better.

>> No.6684597

No it doesn't because it probably won't even happen. Theoretically, you would need the resources for a whole Earth to change a planet to be Earth-like/ What you gonna do? Take what resources are left and quick fix mars. You're retarded.

>> No.6684601


>> No.6684653

Science fiction lies and makes terraforming seem easy is why. Social and environmental problems are so ugly and messy whereas terraforming is so CLEAN and SCIENTIFIC and will be mostly done by robots anyway I'm sure.

>> No.6684664

We terraform our own planet, then.

>> No.6684671

So we can destroy other planets too, dummy.

>> No.6684679

You're equal to the world what homosexuals are to reproduction. Thus, you should be considered homosexual. The word is one of the greatest women you will ever meet. You're missing out.

>> No.6684687

>op leads /sci/ by the nose to the topic of environmental concern, and how it supersedes everything that humans have done

>> No.6684692


>> No.6684699

Population growth.

If we can perfect Earth to the point where people can continue to live without worrying about the air being toxic and the sunshine killing us, we will need somewhere to send excess population, eventually. Obviously we wouldn't just ship people off, but Lunar colonization would allow for greater food production, fresh water, and more living space for a Human Population of say greater than 11 billion.

>> No.6684751

>Population Growth
Stopped reading there.
>Muh individual value.

>> No.6684767

Why do we not euthanatise excess population instead? It would be much cheaper and we would have less people consuming resources.

>> No.6685973

Why not?

>> No.6686371

That is what I am asking?

>> No.6687238
File: 17 KB, 213x344, population-bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overpopulation overgrowth
• consuming resources faster than replenishment
• resource depletion
• population growing faster than technological advancement

>> No.6687256

Resource depletion isn't the main problem facing us now. We're fucking up our atmosphere a bit faster than we should be.

>> No.6687266

We have to expand eventually. We might as well do it when our population growth calls for it instead of forming some sort of culling regime and pushing it back until fuck-knows-when.

There's also some neat science to do in open space.

>> No.6687269

So where is the mass starvation Paul Ehrlich predicted would occur in the 70s and 80s?

Malthusianism: Not Even Once

>> No.6687283

>we're just destroying Earth?
Shut up you stupid greenpeace faggot. Go suck a whale's penis.

>> No.6687296

What if the population just does not have children by choice? You see this in most of Europe, and in many other developed countries. Fertility is highest in the developing countries of Africa.

>> No.6687542


>> No.6687851

What's wrong with that idea?

>> No.6687908

That assumes that the rest of the entire world ups it's standard of living to that of the middle class developed world. Which is fine to hope for, but doubtful. Population growth does slow down in developed nations, but that doesn't alleviate the food and water issues we have. Like right now, we could conceivably produce enough food so that no one in the world starves. Enough to feed something like 9 billion people. The issue is developed nations just consume more. And I don't necessarily mean the amount of food they eat. 50+% of the US's available farm land is used to produce feed for animals. I think it's something like 40% of arable land worldwide produces feed for animals, which go to feed developed nations.

Basically, if the rest of the world catches up developmentally, and thus population growth stalls as has happened elsewhere, starvation becomes more of an issue for the people left behind. The entire diet profile of developed nations would need to change to include very little meat to be able to feed everyone effectively.

>> No.6690073

Only fags believe in terraforming other planets, they have no respect for the living.