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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6659212 No.6659212 [Reply] [Original]

>glass is a high viscosity liquid

>> No.6659217

Why'd you have to remind me I believed that at one point??

>> No.6659220

...my chemistry teacher taught me that

>> No.6659227

>Chemistry teacher
Are you setting up a joke here?

>> No.6659229


The best part of 7th grade was when he set his hair on fire.

>> No.6659230

No. Never doubt or underestimate public schools ability to misinform.

>> No.6659250

It is an amorphal solid (which is a liquid with infinite viscosity, not high)

>> No.6659255


>> No.6659260

Doesn't glass get thicker from the bottom and thinner at the top(slow melting) with age?

>> No.6659265

no, this is a myth; this trend was observed when examining the glass of 18th century churches but the reason that behind it was because 18th century glass panel makers weren't very good at making flat panels, not because it "melts"

>> No.6659267

That's why there was that theory, because of centuries old church windows.

In reality, that was just the process of making glass, where they spun out a disk that was fatter at the edges, and placed them thick side down.

>> No.6659276
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k lol

>> No.6659308
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I thought it was a liquid though

>> No.6659313
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It can be if you follow your dreams!

>> No.6659549

all materials have a finite viscosity

there is no true hookean solid

all materials are viscoelastic to some degree
I think glass (iirc) has a viscosity on the order of 10^25 Pa*s

>> No.6659559
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Can ANY other frozen liquid to this?

>> No.6659587


>> No.6659599

> all materials have a finite viscosity
what no.
Intermolecular forces dominate most materials and will not allow the material to flow.

>> No.6659613

I was under the impression that this was a common misconception as well.

However, I discussed this with an MIT professor who does research in the subject, and he told me that it is in fact a slow moving fluid and that this is a demonstrable fact, as it obeys the basic laws of fluid mechanics.

>> No.6659618

>all materials have a finite viscosity

how could a crystalline structure flow without fracturing?

>> No.6659619

> muh pitch experiment
link to demonstration.

>> No.6660009 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 600x700, 1358494775904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chemists here?

Why can alkyllithium compounds react with carboxylic acids to form ketones, when Grignard reagents will just give an acid-base reaction? And why isn't the product a tertiary alcohol, like when reacting with esters?

>> No.6660045

Exactly why he's wrong. Also right to assume glass is not crystalline.

>> No.6660056

is this a troll thread? i can't tell

>> No.6660089

Every solid is a liquid in its frozen state.

>> No.6660112

Well I mean

It's hard to get the temperature and pressure to a point where liquid hydrogen freezes into a solid.

>> No.6660220

Liquid crystals.

>> No.6660247

When experiencing a shear force, a solid will eventually stop deforming. A fluid won't.

>> No.6660251

it's a thread where we see who the people who can't recognize an obvious troll are

>> No.6660270

i was using this to troll 20 years ago

nice to see some things never change

>> No.6660272

octet expansion is the biggest lie

>> No.6660308

>colleagues saying glass is a liquid
>i tell them that's a common misconception, but its actually an amorphous solid.
>they tell me it must be a liquid because 'an engineer told them'
>mfw an engineer saying something is good enough for some people
>mfw im also an engineer (and they know it)

>> No.6660311

/sci/ in a nutshell. May apply to other boards or 4chan as a whole.

>> No.6660331

OP clearly not a troll. OP's pic related.

/sci/ trolled nontheless.

>> No.6661043

>how could a crystalline structure flow without fracturing?
this demonstrates your misconception of what viscosity is

I am not wrong. I recommend Rheology by Macosko for learning more about the subject. All materials have a finite viscosity, including solids. They just may be immeasurably high.

>> No.6661128

I've been lied to? Next you're gonna tell me that electrons don't revolve around the nucleus in circular orbits.

>> No.6661145

Someone want to give me context on that?
>tfw uneducated

>> No.6661151

Sorry, anon.

Orbits are actually elliptical.

>> No.6661154

It's funny because I was taught this by a physics series "The Mechanical Universe".

I actually liked the show, really good.

>> No.6661183
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Well fuck.

>> No.6661185

I thought it was "in the electron cloud" like everything else these days.

>> No.6661274

It is an amorphous solid, which some argue should neither be considered a solid or a liquid.

>> No.6662579
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>blood is actually blue, but it turns red in the presence of oxygen

>> No.6662585
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>yfw 18 electron rule
>yf if they use the same lack of any MO theory to explain it

>> No.6662587

Bohr pls go

>> No.6662639

>I thought it was "in the electron butt" like everything else these days.

>> No.6662642

My art teacher told me that. She explained that since light passes though it, it has to be a liquid.

>> No.6662658

>ice is a liquid
>plastics are liquids

>> No.6662662

Plastic is also an amorphous solid. Ice is clearly a liquid in it's solid state.

>> No.6662663

So...a solid?

>> No.6662680

My.....college teacher said that when I was in undergrad which is like 8 years ago.

>> No.6662705

>a liquid in its solid state
clearly ice is just a gas in its condensed frozen state

>> No.6662715

clearly ice is just a gas in its deposited form

>> No.6662721
File: 27 KB, 635x477, economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economics is a science

>> No.6662731

It's sci-fi art, just like rhetoric.

>> No.6662785

Did they eventually believe you?

>> No.6662802

Do you ever wish you could give a lecture to an elementary school class and tell them how things really work?

>> No.6662824

They would probably be into it so long as you could somehow relate the information. Kids are inquisitive as shit, and have brains capable of making good intuitive leaps. It's more the shitty teachers and institutions that turn many people into drooling idiots than it is a lack of interest in the formative years.

Otherwise it is just a story that ends with "...and that's why I am not allowed withing 100 feet of a primary school anymore."

>> No.6662834
File: 16 KB, 203x197, 13516524654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are nothing but an organized pile of atoms

>> No.6662942

Huh? I have never heard this. Wtf.

>> No.6663578

Of course it's not a liquid anymore because of the second order phase transition it went through but people describe it as a frozen undercooled liquid with high viscosity to emphasise the process of making glass and the resulting srructure

>> No.6663592

>an "organised pile of atoms" is explanatory theory I use to explain my experience

>> No.6663813
File: 73 KB, 360x480, 1399743155735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pluto is a planet.

>> No.6663821

>/sci/ is the smartest board on 4chan

>> No.6663837

Did they confuse it with pitch or something?

>> No.6663844

Indeed, some authors have claimed that amorphous solids, such as glass and many polymers, are actually liquids with a very high viscosity (e.g.~greater than 1012 Pa·s). [8] However, other authors dispute this hypothesis, claiming instead that there is some threshold for the stress, below which most solids will not flow at all,[9] and that alleged instances of glass flow in window panes of old buildings are due to the crude manufacturing process of older eras rather than to the viscosity of glass.[10]

>> No.6663936

Right. The point is, all materials have a finite viscosity, including solids.

>> No.6663945

this one fooled me too.

>> No.6664061

I think it's actually /diy/

>> No.6664079

>I bet /sci/ cares about every scientific research and talks rationally about the sciences.

I forgot what forum this board was on.

>> No.6664095

So, obsidian is still lava?

>> No.6665742

> glass transition
> 2nd order phase transition
Ehrenfest would like to have a word with you

>> No.6665995
File: 4 KB, 263x192, last ned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mars can't be terraformed because it has no magnetosphere
>that technology won't be available in our lifetime
>humans will never live for thousands of years

>> No.6666249

We might get to brain-in-jar levels of tech within our lifetimes. Just stay healthy until then.

>> No.6666305

dear christ, I tried to tell my art history professor this. She observed the "bottom thickness" first hand and insisted glass was liquid, I told her it was the manufacturing.

We disagreed a lot.

>> No.6666348

false. the phenomena only happens on the side of the church exposed to sunlight. windows on the north side of those churches demonstrate the same ripples of manufacturing practiced of the day, but they do not thin at the top as do those exposed to sunlight.
It is believed that solar radiation causes the glass to slowly melt, not that the glass melts on it's own.

>> No.6666355


>> No.6666379

>>humans will never live for thousands of years

i'm starting to think that some humans really were born yesterday. either that, or maybe they recently evolved from apes or something.

the preparation of earth to sustain human life was long ago scientifically proven, and only the challenged have a hard time accepting that.

In due time events will occur that feed Mars' reactor core, and enable her shields. Then, and only then will her atmosphere develop allowing her to sustain life. those who will live on mars will perish during her transformation, but soon after, she will willingly accept humanity, just as earth welcomed mankind from venus.

>> No.6666384


>> No.6666486

>mars can't be terraformed because it has no magnetosphere
thats true, it cant

>> No.6667265

>they're 100% natural

>> No.6667278

I laughed at this way too hard

>> No.6669725

>smartest board
>not /s4s/

>> No.6670005

what is this you fucking ass hole

>> No.6670007

Prince Rupert's drop
try reverse google searching.

>> No.6670252

The title goes to /g/ and anyone who tells you otherwise is a fucking dipshit. Oh, and please stop asking for our help with your tech problems.

>> No.6670333
File: 14 KB, 272x245, dogola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ironic shitposting is not shitposting.. trust me guys!!!

>> No.6670495

"Glass is a liquid" was in our secondary school chemistry textbooks. It even had a diagram of a church window with a thicker bottom as 'evidence'.

Chem teacher also taught the whole class deoxygenated blood is blue, and did the whole "oh, dp ylu wanna teach the class" thing when I tried to explain it's dull red.

>> No.6670497

*"do you", not "dp ylu". Fucking temperamental autocorrect.

>> No.6670503


>> No.6670697

>"electrons orbit the nucleus similar to how the planets orbit the sun"
I can't be the only one who was taught this at a young age

>> No.6671920


are metals also liquids with infinite viscosity then?

>> No.6671922


w8 what?


is possible?