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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6655959 No.6655959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sexual dimorphism includes the belief that being born with a penis or a vagina predetermines a lot about you. It is also a social fact of most cultures around the world, the belief that things called men and women, instead of humans, exist is pervasive even in progressive western society.

"Many attempts have been made to locate a basis in material
reality for our belief in sexual identity. For instance, it is
claimed quite scientifically that people think and behave as
they do, in a male way or in a female way, because of certain
molecules called hormones, which with rather circular logic
are designated male or female. It is said, quite scientifically,
that the prenatal presence or absence of these hormones
produces male brains or female brains—brains predisposed to
think gender-typed thoughts and to act out gender-typed
behaviors. In fetuses becoming male, it is said, allegedly male
hormones called androgens “masculinize” the brain cells by,
among other things, chemically connecting the brain-wave
pathways for sex and aggression, so that eroticism and
terrorism will ever after be mental neighbors.

>> No.6655960

It is also said
that in fetuses becoming female those androgens are absent, so
those two circuits do not fuse. The scientists who study and
document such phenomena (most of whom, of course, believe
their brains to be quite male) claim to have determined that
some female fetuses receive an abnormal overdose of
androgens in the womb, an accident that explains, they say,
why tomboy girls climb trees and why uppity women want
careers. The gist of such theories—and there are many others
that are similar—is that behavior follows sexual identity, rather
than the other way around."
From John Stoltenberg's Refusing to be a Man book

>> No.6655975

kill yourself

>> No.6655991

If you expected a response to your selfish, uncaring post you are stupid. Also, you are a scumbag and coward.

>> No.6655999

Sexual dimorphism refers to physical differences between male and females as well as phycological differences. The physical differences are well established. Read

>> No.6656025

The jews and sjw's are strong on this board... be careful

>> No.6656039

Nice bait going on here, but it's not rooted in science at all. It's all just an opinion, not even a hypothesis.

Sage because not contributing.

>> No.6656072

Epic Troll OP.

>> No.6656075

If you want to spew leftist pseudoscience please go to /lit/.

>> No.6656079
File: 65 KB, 342x342, 1398313036851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testosterone and estrogen have zero effect on human behavior


>> No.6656169
File: 438 KB, 851x468, 1400326652267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sad part is that a lot of people believe this type of liberal "science"
first day of anthropology 101 I remember the professor saying that there was so scientific basis for the belief in race amongst humans
and that biologically, genetically and anatomically there was no way to classify humans into sub categories
I didn't even bother trying to correct her

>> No.6656175

>Sexual dimorphism includes the belief that being born with a penis or a vagina predetermines a lot about you.

Being born with a penis or a vagina /does/ predetermine a lot about you. For example, being born with a vagina is strongly correlated to having ovaries and a uterus. The data so far shows that this is true in over 99% of cases. The data also shows that a vagina is strongly correlated with boobs, but scientists are currently investigating conflicting reports coming from scientists in Japan, China, and other eastern Asian countries.

Either way, not a belief. It's an observed fact.

>> No.6656180

it's also a known fact that when presented with facts and scientific evidence, SJWs suddenly lose their sense of hearing
quite an ingenious survival mechanism as it's the reason they still exist

>> No.6656186

I don't even get what this person is trying to argue. He/she is clearly trying to argue for the whole gender identity isn't necessarily dependent on sex, which is something I can work with. But at the same time he/she is attacking the idea of sexual dimorphism, which at its most basic level is purely about anatomical structures. All I can be left to guess is that this person has absolutely no clue what sexual dimorphism is, or I'm being trolled by another fake-SJW shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.6656189

>testosterone and estrogen have zero effect on human behavior

NOT SO GR8 B8 M8. I R8 YOUR POST 8/1488

>> No.6656191

it's best not to engage this people on the internet
what is truly unfortunate is that they are becoming more and more prevalent in the real world
especially for those of us unfortunate enough to be in college

>> No.6656198
File: 60 KB, 310x394, sageandhide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testosterone and estrogen have zero effect on human behavior

>testosterone and estrogen have zero effect on human behavior

>testosterone and estrogen have zero effect on human behavior

>testosterone and estrogen have zero effect on human behavior

>testosterone and estrogen have zero effect on human behavior

>> No.6656202

>still not knowing about the stria terminalis
Time to read up on your neuroscience, Anon.

>> No.6656213

MTF trans people are actually good evidence that gender identity is biological and innate. MTF trans people believe they are biologically female due to irregularities in fetal development. They develop a female brain in a male body. There is no environmental/socio-psychological reason that can be found for an innate belief that you are a different sex. Brain scans show that MTF brains are closer to female brains than male, which would indicate an underlying biological difference in brain structure.

Furthermore, when they take female hormones, they develop even more feminine psychological traits, showing that sex hormones DO have an effect on behavior..

>> No.6656218

fuck off with your pseudoscience, tranny

>> No.6656220

I bet all the peer-reviewed journals use 'female brain' as a common anatomical term, right?

Jeez I didn't think I'd actually see any other bad science in this thread besides OP

>> No.6656226

I'm not a tranny, I'm actually a "gender essentialist" that believes gender roles are innately found in the brain, which is the opposite of the "gender is a social construct" bullshit that most faggots believe.